No Turning Back

Chapter 7: I saw it


"The house we just bought is still a loan. Today we asked the carpenter to discuss designing a ceiling shed. After we decided on the pattern, the carpenter left. We turned around and the roof of the house started to flow down. Not paint, but blood, we called the police.

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Why do you need a ceiling for a good house?"

"My wife said that she always felt that the roof would collapse, so she planned to drop a roof. Unexpectedly, a woman's sixth sense is really accurate."

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "Yes, a woman's sixth sense doesn't believe me."

Xu Jiuyan looked at this confession and said, "There are no clues."

Guan Zheng said: "Don't worry, you will find the answer step by step."

Liu Huiyuan walked downstairs and said to Guan Zheng: "The same as before, it's still a shovel, one less finger."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Thank you, let me think about it, let me think about it."

Suddenly, Li Chongyang ran over and said, "Master Zheng, you are in trouble. Another person is missing."

Guan Zheng was shocked and said, "There are still two days left."

"Two days? Why?"

Guan Zheng said: "The murderer deliberately diluted the cement with dilute hydrochloric acid, so that we can find the body. Comparing the time of death and the time of disappearance, we can conclude that the murderer will imprison the victim first. The imprisonment period is about three days, and the family members are removed. I still have two days to be aware of. If I'm lucky, I can save the last victim."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I hope so."

"It's not like I hope, but it must be what I want."

"Do you have an idea?"

"No, but I saw it. Although the murderer is young, he has evolved in practice again and again. The method of killing is becoming more and more skillful and precise. He can enjoy and get pleasure in the process. This person is not so. simple."

Guan Zheng returned to the bureau, sat in a chair, and continued to look at the logic diagram.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng, somewhat in a daze.

After a while, Guan Zheng turned over all the tea leaves in the pantry, took a little out, and then poured water in order to make the tea.

Xu Jiuyan watched Guan Zheng making tea there. Li Chongyang walked over and said, "Normal, Zheng Ye would like to make tea whenever he encounters a case. One cup of tea after brewing is reserved for the murderer and one for the last witness. For other teas, a department will get a cup."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng in surprise, and said, "What is this strange rule?"

Li Chongyang smiled and said, "Don't you know, he has many problems!"

Before long, Guan Zheng handed a cup of tea to Li Chongyang and said, "Go and call the owner of Nanguo Yijing."

Li Chongyang said: "Good!"

It didn't take long for the owner to come. Guan Zheng pushed the tea to the owner: "Does your bricklayer still have an impression?"

"Yes, a young man."

"Any contact information?"

"there is none left."

Guan Zheng asked: "Is it called Qian Hai?"

"I really don't have any impression, and I don't even know what his name is. I always say Master Master, and I didn't pay attention to his name."

Guan Zheng asked: "What is this bricklayer like, how did you know it, and is there anything unusual?"

"Um, he was brought by me at the gate of the Labor Palace. He is about 20 years old. He is average, handsome, not tall, and he speaks very politely. He is a good child."

Guan Zhengdao: "Then I am sorry to tell you that this person is the maker of your family's corpse."

"Ah? What are you talking about? How is it possible?"

Xu Jiuyan was also surprised. Guan Zheng suddenly said that the bricklayer was the murderer, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

The owner said: "Maybe, the kid often said some inexplicable things, without beginning and ending. I asked him and he said nothing. Now that I think about it, there may be a problem."

Guan Zheng asked: "Do you know any other information, like home address or something?"

The owner shook his head and said, "No, he is just a worker I hired. He will leave after finishing his work. I don't know the details."

"Do you remember what it looks like!"


Guan Zheng said to Xu Jiuyan: "Go to the technical inspection department and get a portraitist."

Xu Jiuyan went to the technical inspection department for a circle, Lao You watched Xu Jiuyan look around at the door, took off the glazing, and asked, "The little girl is here again? Anything?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "I'm looking for a portraitist and want to ask him to help draw a portrait."

Old You said: "You are wrong about this. Guan Zheng may not know when he returned to the bureau. The portraitist in our bureau has just changed jobs and is temporarily vacant!"

Xu Jiuyan returned to the lounge and said, "The portraitist is gone, imagine it yourself!"

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan and said, "There are pens and sketch paper in the drawer, you draw!"

Xu Jiuyan asked incredulously: "Me? I can't paint!"

Guan Zheng said: "You can't paint? Didn't the flat drawings look good last time? Try it, it's okay to turn into a monster, it won't scare me to death."

Xu Jiuyan gave him a white look, grabbed the paper and pen, and said, "Just paint."

The owner began to recall the gentle-looking young bricklayer: "Round face, forehead, head is a bit long, well, eyes are small."

Xu Jiuyan is a little bit at a loss. The oral portrait is entirely based on the person's dictation, to imagine a stranger who has never met, let alone Xu Jiuyan is a non-professional person.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's bewildered look and said, "It's impossible to paint a portrait like this."

"How do you paint then?"

Guan Zheng said: "The portrait has to be painted. Even if you haven't met him, you still have to think that you have seen him. You have to imagine the approximate outline. But you can't guess out of thin air. What the person said is the truth. He doesn't have anything. You cannot add memory subjectively, you have to imagine it based on the person’s description."

"Don't you think what you said is contradictory?"

"Don't worry about these details, just paint as I said."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and drew a rough picture.

The owner looked at the portrait and said: "It looks and doesn't look like it. The first impression that kid gave me was that it was honest."

"Honest?" Xu Jiuyan didn't know how to change, and Guan Zheng said, "Broaden your eyes and enlarge your eyeballs."

According to Guan Zheng's statement, Xu Jiuyan began to change the portrait.

The owner took another look and said, "Forehead, my mouth doesn't look like it."

Seki Zhengdao: "Thin your lips and enlarge them a little bit."

Xu Jiuyan handed the portrait that had been changed several times to the owner. The owner looked at the painting in surprise and said, "Awesome, too amazing, it's him."

Xu Jiuyan breathed a sigh of relief, Guan Zheng patted Xu Jiuyan on the shoulder and said, "It's great!"

Xu Jiuyan asked: "How do you know how to change the portrait?"

"This satisfies psychology and has a scientific basis. Good-speaking people have thick lips, most sinister people have sword eyebrows, most entrepreneurs have high noses, most people at the bottom walk and shrug, and there are many more. You can learn it slowly. "

The owner was sent away, Guan Zheng searched for the person in the portrait in the household register.

With so many people across the country, it is very difficult to compare them one by one. Guan Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "A native of Nanyi, about 20 years old, with a high school education, his parents are divorced, and he lives by himself."

Everyone kept sifting according to the conditions of customs, and it didn't take long before they found Qian Hai's residence.

Guan Zheng went to the gun room. The administrator looked at Guan Zheng and asked with a smile, "Still Type 92?"

"Yes, Type 92! Thank you!"

Taking the pistol, Guan Zheng immediately took someone to the scene. Xu Jiuyan looked at the cars driving out from the window, feeling a little itchy in her heart.

Xu Jiuyan looked at the portrait hanging on the whiteboard, did the murderer really look like this? Can your own portrait really become the key to arresting people

Guan Zheng arrived at the tiled area in the west of the city, and the roads crisscrossed. Guan Zheng and his party walked all the way to the end, which was Qian Hai's home.

Guan Zheng clenched the gun, kicked open the broken wooden door and entered the house.

The neatly arranged things in the room show that the owner is a clean person.

Everyone searched around and found nothing.

Li Chongyang asked: "Are we late?"

"No, he hasn't left yet." (End of this chapter)