No Turning Back

Chapter 73: Portrait of a pseudonym


Xiao Huan'er threw the autopsy report to Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng looked at it a few times and said: "It's miserable, 13 dollars, only the last one is fatal. 1Z

Xiao Quaner spread his hands and said: "This world is really scary, and women can do it too!"

"Hey, everyone is dead? What are you talking about?" Lao You walked in, put the forensic examination report on the table, and said, "Everyone is dead, please respect it, and you can't talk about it during your lifetime. "

The big guy looked at Old You in a daze, Guan Zheng smiled and asked, "Why do you have so much emotion today?"

Lao You sat down and said, "I read the WeChat of the Chinese police this morning, and another policeman died. But because of insufficient evidence, there is no way to judge the martyrs. If you can't judge, it's fine. There are even netizens on the Internet who are insulting. This policeman, tell me, what kind of society is this?"

Guan Zheng suddenly became quiet, isn't Xu Ji the same? Xu Ji died in the detention center unjustly, until the day of his death, he also carried the reputation of being a black policeman!

Xu Jiuyan pushed Guan Zheng and said: "Stay again!"

Guan Zheng stood up and walked to the window. His eyes flashed back and forth, all with Xu Ji's face. Xu Ji's special police uniform, staring eyes, and countless medals and meritorious services. Everything was ruined in my own hands, yes, it was all ruined in my own hands.

Guan Zheng slowly closed his eyes, emptied everything, and slowly fell forward. "Hey!" Xu Jiuyan ran forward and stopped Guan Zheng who was about to fall out of the window.

Guan Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "Do you really think I will fall?"

Xu Jiuyan slowly blushed in Guanzheng's arms and said: "Cut! It's best to fall to death!" Xu Jiuyan ran out, walked to the table, and continued to look at the pictures of Long Lianai's life in the computer.

With a small waist and red lips, what a fairy! Guan Zheng turned around and looked at Xu Jiuyan at Long Lian'ai's figure with resentment, and said, "How about it? Sexy, right?"

Xu Jiuyan said disapprovingly: "Cut, who is rare!"

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "Although Long Lian'ai has been striving to win since she was a child, she is not bad and has many friends, but there are not many sincerely. Uncle Long also cared about Long Lian'ai and prevented her from suffering a little bit. Hurt. It's a shame to die so young."

Xu Jiuyan heard Guan Zheng talk about Long Lian Ai and said, "Chee, why don't you marry her?"


Xu Jiuyan rolled her eyes and kept looking at the photo without saying anything. She was indeed a fairy, very beautiful. But what's wrong with this photo

Seki Zheng stood up and said, "Don't look at it, she has no ornaments on her body."


"Long Lian'ai has liked to dress up since she was a child, and she has a lot of precious decorations at home. She will definitely bring it when she goes out, but there are no decorations on the corpse."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "The murderer took it away."

"No, the murderer did not allow himself to be stained with the blood of the deceased, which shows that he absolutely hates the deceased. He will not touch these ornaments at all. You can see that these ornaments are famous brands at a glance.

Many murderers will still take these things after killing people, as compensation to their hearts after killing people. However, this is an absolute vendetta. He hates everything about the dead, and he doesn't care about the money at all. "

Xu Jiuyan squinted her chin and said, "Where did this thing go? It's brain-burning!"

"This is brain-burning? Of course it was thrown away."

"Throw it? Why did you throw it?"

"Hate it. Either you don't care about the money, or you hate the money."

"Are there any people who hate money in this world?"

"Of course there is. For the murderer, Long Lian'ai is the most annoying. The murderer is just like this, using this as a motive to kill Long Lian'ai."

Xu Jiuyan pointed to the cross-like picture and said, “Why don’t you say that he is a Christian? His murder method is very unique. He nailed the dead to the cross in the hope that the dead can be purified. Does it fit the identity of a Christian?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. Can you say that the person wearing a police uniform must be a policeman?"

Xu Jiuyan asked: "What the hell is going on? Is there a money dispute between the deceased and the murderer?"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "That's right."

"Then this range is also very large!"

Guan Zheng waved his hand and said, "That’s not the case. If you are her business partner, you will never kill her. Because you know that business transactions cannot be successful every time. Compared to killing her, you Will choose to stand up in the business arena."

Xu Jiuyan said: "That is to say, the murderer is not her business partner."

"En." Guan Zheng nodded.

Xu Jiuyan frowned and asked, "But is there anything else?"

"The so-called civil disputes refer to social disputes arising between equal subjects, with civil rights and obligations as the content, and are the sum of legal norms dealing with the personal and property relations between equal subjects.

Therefore, all violations of this concept will cause civil disputes. Civil disputes are divided into two main contents: one is civil disputes concerning property relations, and the other is civil disputes concerning personal relations.

There are two major types of economic disputes. One is economic contract disputes. Such as sales contract disputes, loan contract disputes, contract disputes, construction project contract disputes, technical contract disputes, etc.; the first is economic tort disputes.

Such as intellectual property infringement disputes, ownership infringement disputes, management right infringement disputes, etc. In a market economy, a contract is a legal and universal form of establishing transaction relations between equal market entities, jointly implementing transaction behaviors, and pursuing and achieving economic goals. Therefore, contract disputes are the main part of economic disputes.

In other words, the amount involved in economic disputes is huge, but the amount involved in civil disputes is not too large, but it often causes more serious social impacts than economic disputes. "

Xu Jiuyan almost fell asleep when she heard it, and said, "I am a high-achieving student in the law department. Can I not understand this common sense? Can I say something crucial?"

Guan Zheng sat down and said: "In a word, the murderer must not be a businessman, but the middle and lower-class people who are not well-off."

"It's a net show, wouldn't it be enough to say that earlier?"

Guan Zheng pushed the paper and pen over and said, "Draw a portrait."

Xu Jiuyan pulled the paper and pen and asked: "Men's and women's?"

"Can a woman who is 165 cm tall live live on a wood, do you think it is a man or a woman?"

"Okay, man. How about the height?"

Guan Zheng slightly squinted his eyes, staring at the ceiling, and said, "Height is between 17o and 18o cm. He is between 25 and 35 years old, his eyes are not very big, and his eyebrows are very flat. The bridge of his nose is not too high, and his mouth is not too high. It’s too big, but it’s often shown with a smile."

Xu Jiuyan said with a look of disgust: "Is this a man? Why is it such a mother?" (End of this chapter)