No Turning Back

Chapter 88: Manjusawa


Xu Jiuyan was embarrassed for an instant, and said: "You know I can't peel apples, just eat like this!"

Xu Jiuyan handed the apple that was bigger than Guan Zheng’s face, and Guan Zheng said, "Then can you cut it open?"

"There are so many problems. ZC" Xu Jiuyan cut the apples while complaining, then put them into the fresh-keeping box and handed them to Guanzheng.

Guan Zheng took two bites carefully: "The apple you sliced still tastes different, well, it's sweeter."

"As soon as I woke up, I talked smartly."

Guan Zheng smiled and asked, "Has Liu Xin's autopsy report come out?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "It's out, it's already in the mailbox, I haven't had time to read it yet."

Guan Zheng took advantage of the hand leader to hook the computer over, eagerly boarded the mailbox, opened the autopsy report, and looked through it word by word.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "How is it? Is there a result?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "Xiaoquan'er's report says that there is nothing suspicious, but pure suicide."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Let go of it first, and the process of closing the case is already satisfied."

In the morning, Li Chongyang was ordered to bring a bag of apples. Just walking downstairs in the inpatient department, a courier was asking about the location of Ward 1123 in the third ward. Isn't this Guanzheng's ward number

Li Chongyang walked over and asked, "What are you doing?"

The courier said: "Me? The courier, by the way, do you know where ward 1123 is in the third ward?"

Li Chongyang asked, "What's wrong, tell me something!"

The courier said: "It would be great if you knew, here, sign for me, I have another thing to deliver."

With a stroke of a big pen, Li Chongyang signed his name and went upstairs.

Guan Zheng looked at the express box in Li Chongyang's hand and asked, "What is it?"

Li Chongyang put the apple on the table and said, "I still want to ask you, did you buy something on Taobao?"

Guan Zheng pointed to the gauze on his body and said, "Do you think I have this leisurely mind?"

Li Chongyang smiled, picking up a fruit knife to cut it down.

Guan Zheng stopped him and said, "Do you know anything, you can demolish it?"

"Could it be a bomb? If it is a bomb, he will deliver it to you personally, and he won't be tossing around with the express truck."

Guan Zheng took a look at him and said, "I want you to tell me if it's a prank or something, for fear of scaring you!"

"Fuck you, what have I been afraid of?"

Li Chongyang immediately opened the box, Guan Zhengwei went over, and put a painting inside.

Li Chongyang measured the painting and said, "Don't underestimate this painting, it's pretty good!"

Guan Zheng stared at that painting, very strange, very strange! Xu Jiuyan came in from outside and saw Guan Zheng was holding a picture frame. Xu Jiuyan walked around and said, "What is this?"

Guan Zheng said interestingly: "From the eyes of your colleagues, see what this means?"

Xu Jiuyan glanced at Guan Zheng and said, "Isn't this just a painting?"

"What did you paint?"

"Isn't it Manjusawa?"


"Anything else? The red manjusawa?"

Guan Zheng doesn't know what's going on with this painting for the time being, but this painting is not without reason, right

Guan Zheng has caught his mobile phone, and there is no missed caller ID display. Fortunately, it is safe now.

Guan Zheng threw the painting to Li Chongyang and said, "Give it to Lao You."


"Do you think this painting is fortune? My address, my current situation, and my identity are all clear to him. It is definitely not accidental."

Li Chongyang also became serious and said, "Isn't this serious?"

"Let you check it out first. You can't let go of a single bit. All the paints are checked!"

Li Chongyang immediately gave the painting to Lao You, who looked at the weird painting and said, "Where did this painting come from?"

"you know?"

"I don't know it, it's just weird. Generally speaking, people don't talk to Manjusawa if they buy paintings."

"Why? What happened to this flower?"

While Jia Zhenkai was taking samples, Lao You introduced: "Manzhushahua is also a perennial herbaceous plant. There are spherical bulbs in the ground with dark brown membranous scales.

The leaves are narrower, dark green in color, and shoot from the base, at the beginning of summer and falling at the end of autumn.

Flowering period in late summer and early autumn, from July to September.

The flower stem is 3o-6o centimeters long, usually 4-6 flowers are arranged in an umbrella shape, and they grow on the top of the flower stem. The petals are oblanceolate, the perianth is red, curled backward, the edges are wrinkled, and the perianth is extremely short.

The stamens and styles are prominent, the flower type is small, and the circumference is more than 6 cm.

The leaves cannot be seen when the flowers are blooming, and the flowers cannot be seen when there are leaves. This kind of flower often grows in crevices in rocks and on graves in the wild, so some people say it is a flower on Huangquan Road. "

"This... isn't it painted in blood?"

Lao You smiled, Jia Zhenkai looked at Li Chongyang in surprise, and said, "What's this?"

"I remember seeing a movie before, it was a painter who killed women in red and painted with their blood."

Lao You said with a look of contempt: "Comrade, you are worrying too much."

"Huh? Isn't it?"

Jia Zhenkai smiled and said: "According to my experience, this painting is nothing special, because human blood contains ferrous ions, which will be oxidized to ferric ions when it comes in contact with oxygen.

The trivalent iron ion is usually brownish-yellow or reddish-brown. Because the glass of this painting is not stained with paint, it is said that this painting is completely dry.

Generally speaking, the drying degree of oil paint is very slow, usually takes several days, plus the time on the road, at least a week. If it were human blood, it would not be so bright. "

Li Chongyang secretly wiped his sweat and said, "Fortunately, it's just a painting."

Lao You patted Jia Zhenkai on the shoulder and said, "See you, I finally have a successor! Xiao Jia is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, which suits my appetite!"

Li Chongyang laughed and said, "This relationship is good. You have been in the forensic department for many years, and with so many newcomers coming and going, it is very rare to hear you say that person suits your appetite for the first time!"

"Haha, I am Ningquewulan!"

Jia Zhenkai put the picture frame into the iodine steam engine, and the hazy white mist flooded the picture, and many fingerprints slowly appeared on it.

Li Chongyang asked: "Why don't you use gold powder?"

Lao You said with a smile: "Gold powder is also copper powder. Metal is very expensive. Iodine vapor is convenient for this kind of large area."

Li Chongyang nodded, and suddenly yelled in secret. Oh, he forgot to wear gloves.

Jia Zhenkai frowned and said, "So many fingerprints? If you remember correctly, most of them belong to your political master, right?"

Li Chongyang scratched his head awkwardly, and said, "Well, I was curious at the time. I forgot to wear gloves."

Jia Zhenkai nodded and said, "It's okay, I just do it slowly."

"Thank you!" (End of this chapter)