No Turning Back

Chapter 89: A sea of red flowers


Guan Zheng is not a low-headed clan, but she carries her mobile phone with her at any time. Xu Jiuyan looks at Guan Zheng's worried look and asks: "What are you doing

Guan Zheng didn't speak, and even the apple Xu Jiuyan handed over refused.

Guan Zheng saw that Xu Jiuyan had changed into casual clothes and asked, "Is your injury healed?"

"It's getting better early, my injury is not the most important thing, it's the skin injury. It's you, take a good rest, your lungs almost split in half!"

Guan Zheng smiled and nodded, and said, "It's okay, it's much better."

Guan Zheng couldn't help but took a breath, I went, this position was hurt, and it hurts even to speak!

The mobile phone in Guan Zheng's pocket also vibrated slowly. Xu Jiuyan saw Guan Zheng looking at the phone in a daze and said, "Whose phone call, why don't you answer it?"

Guan Zheng hesitated for a moment, pressed the answer button, and said tentatively: "Hello, I am Guan Zheng."

Li Chongyang said: "I'm Yangzi, I checked your painting, and there is nothing suspicious. There are no traces on the frame other than ours, Xiaojiu's fingerprints and DNA.

I have also checked the pigments. It is Picasso pigments. It is a professional brand, but they are all normal. There are many people who buy them. It may be more difficult to check carefully. "

Guan Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he was overly nervous.

Guan Zheng said, "That's good, hang up." Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's slightly relaxed expression and said, "Did you ask to check that painting?"

Guan Zheng responded softly: "Yes."

Xu Jiuyan poured water into the cup and said, "I'm nervous, it's just a painting. Why did you check it up?"

"You don't understand this, you often walk by the river, how can you not wet your shoes?"

With that said, Guan Zheng bit open a large apple and it tasted delicious. Before one bite, Guan Zheng's phone rang again, Guan Zheng answered, "Hello."

Li Chongyang said: "I'm very bad, something happened."

The customs became nervous and asked, "Where?"

"Is it related to that painting?"

"Yes, in the Nanyi Garden and Botanical Garden."

Guan Zheng dropped the phone and said, "Xiaojiu, where's my clothes?"

Xu Jiuyan came out of the bathroom and said, "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I have a case, go to the Garden and Plant Park."

Xu Jiuyan took out a shirt from the cabinet, and the corner of Guan Zheng's mouth raised and said, "Did you move my clothes?"

"how do you know?"

"This shirt is not mine either, although my shirt is always black or dark blue, and the brand is Pierre Cardin and Mark Wafie. The one you bought is the latest model. I haven't had time to buy clothes for a long time. , So this is what you bought.

And the smell of the clothes has changed. My laundry detergent has always been lemon olive, but this shirt has a faint jasmine fragrance, which is the smell of your usual laundry detergent. "

Xu Jiuyan blushed slightly and said, "You have discovered this?"

Guan Zheng raised the corner of his mouth, pointed to the English abbreviation on his chest pocket, and said: "It's okay, the scent of jasmine, and this specially customized Mark Wafer shirt, I like it very much!"

Guan Zheng took the trousers next to him, and sat down to change his trousers. Xu Jiuyan quickly turned around, pretending to pack her things.

How does this man take off his pants? Really, not ashamed!

Guan Zheng said, "Right, where's the belt?"

"Yes, in the drawer."

"Hand it over for me, I'll drop my pants."

"Ah? Oh, good." Xu Jiuyan took out the belt from the drawer, threw it back, Guan Zheng stretched out her hand to pick it up, and flew out of the ward with a "cock".

Guan Zheng was ashamed and said, "Are you going to kill me?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled awkwardly and said, "I'll pick it up."

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's burning face and said, "What's wrong with you? Is it hot?"

"No, no."

Guan Zheng quickly packed up, put on a coat, and quickly pulled Xu Jiuyan out of the hospital.

"Hey, how about your discharge procedure?"

"What are the procedures, I'll talk about it later."

Guan Zheng looked at the closing notice at the entrance of the Garden and Plant Park, and sighed again in his heart.

Guan Zheng took out his cell phone and looked at Li Chongyang's address: Dongmu District of Monocot Leaves Tianmen.

Sure enough, it was Manjusawa. Xu Jiuyan asked, "How do you know? Just because Manzhushahua is a monocotyledon aspartame?"

"This is just one of the reasons. Manzhushahua's words are dark, indicating that it represents sin. If you don't guess wrong, it should be a vendetta similar to love killing."

"What do you mean by vendetta like love killing?"

"Manju Shahua's words are related to love. Choosing this flower means that love is a sin in the eyes of the murderer.

And Manju Shahua has three colors of red, pink and white. Judging from the paintings he sent, the red flowers he chose represent blood, so this is a vendetta similar to love. "


"Otherwise? Just wait and see?"

Xu Jiuyan pouted her lips: "I believe you!"

The two got into the yellow and white cordon, and then walked into the sea of red Manzhusha flowers.

Xiao Quan'er and Jia Zhenkai were already squatting there to investigate the scene. Li Chongyang looked at Jia Zhenkai sternly, Guan Zheng patted Li Chongyang on the shoulder and said, "What do you think?"

Li Chongyang came back to his senses and said: "This is how the scene is, because the garden and plant park is the sign of discounts on Manjusawa this season, so the damage on the scene is very serious."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Although the soil is very suitable for footprint collection, there are too many people who have been here, and footprints can't be used as evidence."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "What's the situation of the victim?"

"Rape first and then kill, the situation is very bad. The corpse was seriously injured, and the police officers were all scarred."

Guan Zheng looked at the corpse. The woman was dyed brown, her face was a bit hideous, and her mouth was still taped. There was a large patch of blood flowing out under his body, and his legs opened wide.

Guan Zheng pointed to the pool of blood and said, "If it is all skin trauma, how can there be so much blood?"

Xiao Huan'er stood up and said, "This is the case. The murderer should have started from behind, and directly inserted a knife into the lumbar spine, restricting the deceased's movement ability and range."

Guanzheng nodded and said: "Also used tape to prevent the victim from making a sound. Opening his legs is undoubtedly the biggest insult to a woman. It seems that this murderer is extremely disgusting to women!"

Guan Zheng turned around and asked Li Chongyang: "Is the identity of the victim confirmed?"

"Not yet, still checking."

Seki said: "The deceased was 20 to 25 years old, 16o cm tall, 45 to 5o kg weight, single female, unmarried or divorced, and might also get involved in other people's marriages. There was no stable job, or the kind of betrayal of the body. Work.

The deceased was supposed to be a woman with a wide social circle, but the circle of friends was limited. She should have rented a house in this city, either alone or shared with other friends. "(End of this chapter)