No Turning Back

Chapter 92: chocolate beans


"What do you think? Just a friend, just to save rent.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and asked, "Does she have any emotional disputes?"

"Who knows, her man can't finish several trains, so how can there be no disputes?"

"Are there any more serious troubles?"

"That's not the case, it's all a little noisy."

Xu Jiuyan didn't ask a few words before she was coaxed out by Orange.

Guan Zheng got into the car and said, "Go, follow her."

Guanzheng's car closely followed Chengzi's taxi, and Xu Jiuyan asked, "Are you not afraid of her showing up?"

"She has already appeared!"

"How do you know this?"

"People like her came out to beg for a living when they were very young. What's more, the places where they go in and out are easy to catch fire. They have their own ideas. And since she got in the car, she deliberately looked in the rearview mirror to show her Guess we will follow her."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "That's right."

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Go, follow her in later."

"Working hours, go to spend time and drink?"

"This is called work need."

"All right! Girl I reluctantly accepted."

Guan Zheng took out a toolbox from the back, dig out a card and a pair of earphones. Guan Zheng put the card on Xu Jiuyan's head and stretched out his hand to stroke Xu Jiuyan's messy head.

Xu Jiuyan said dissatisfied: "Don't touch my head?"

"How fun is it?"

"It's fun to make a woolen yarn, it's getting shorter as you touch it, it doesn't have much height at first!"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Do you expect you to grow up at this age? Most of the foods people eat now contain hormones, so it is common for you to give birth earlier. However, even if you are a woman who has the same childbearing and no childbearing, no matter what Try hard, it won't grow longer!"

Xu Jiuyan is ashamed, why is this person such a poisonous tongue

Guan Zheng handed the earphones to Xu Jiuyan and said, “It’s too noisy inside, but it’s more convenient to have earphones.”

"Why do you even have a couple of headphones?"

"What kind of couple? Isn't this just the usual headset?"

Xu Jiuyan took out the small note at the bottom of the box: Only for couples.

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Smelly boy!"

Xu Jiuyan put on the earphones and said, "Yoko is really free!"

Guan Zheng dropped Xu Jiuyan's head and just covered the earphones. Xu Jiuyan pouted her mouth and said, "Didn't you say it, don't touch my head!"

"It feels good, it's fun!" Xu Jiuyan helped her forehead.

Guan Zheng naturally took Xu Jiuyan's hand and said irrationally: "Work needs."

Xu Jiuyan gave him a white look, who would care about him

Xu Jiuyan and Guan Zheng walked into a noisy bar, and the figure of Orange had been scattered by the crowd. Guan Zheng didn't mind at all, and pulled Xu Jiuyan to the bar to sit down.

Guan Zheng looked around, and then said to the waiter: "A margarita, and a cup of lemon tea."

Xu Jiuyan watched Guan Zheng drinking with relish, and said, "How can you work if you drink too much?"

"Will it? Don't worry. Don't look at me, look at the people around you, look carefully."

Xu Jiuyan was dizzy by the smell of tobacco and alcohol in the room. Xu Jiuyan stood up and said, "I'll go out and take a breath."

Guan Zheng put the money on the bar and said: "Don't go by yourself, I will be with you."

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan walked out of the bar, Xu Jiuyan smiled and asked, "You still have to follow me at this distance?"

"It's a mixed bag. It's not safe. It just happened to be over."

Xu Jiuyan said in surprise: "Are you done?"

"Yes, the murderer is not the one inside."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "How did you know?"

Guan Zheng couldn't help coughing twice and said: "According to our portrait, the murderer is a conditional choice. In such a noisy environment, the flow of people is huge, and it is impossible to find someone who fits his own mind.

Therefore, the murderer must have been carefully selected before committing the crime, but have you ever thought about why the murderer chose Liu Yitian instead of oranges? Orange and Liu Yitian are both of the same kind. Why was Liu Yitian selected? "

Xu Jiuyan frowned and said, "Then you mean, this person has his own unique standards?"

Guan Zheng nodded, and Xu Jiuyan asked, "But what is this standard?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "There are too few clues, and we can't find it yet." Guan Zheng coughed twice by the wind, and Xu Jiuyan asked, "Is it all right? The wound hurts?"

Guan Zheng did not speak, but waved his hand. Xu Jiuyan looked around. Before Guan Zheng could stop Xu Jiuyan, Xu Jiuyan had turned around and got into a grocery store.

After a while, Xu Jiuyan stuffed a box of chocolate beans into Guan Zheng's hand and said: "It is said that chocolate can relieve pain, I don't know if it is true, or try it?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, “Of course it’s useless. There are several main mechanisms of analgesics on the market. Antipyretic analgesics such as aspirin mainly work by inhibiting prostaglandins and other effects of pain Or chemical stimulation of the synthesis of sensitive substances, which weaken the stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors by the active substances produced during inflammation belong to peripheral analgesics.

The analgesic effect of ephine analgesics is mainly through the thalamus and ventricular-periaqueduct gray matter receptors, and also through the receptors in the glial area of the spinal cord, which can selectively inhibit the sensory center of the cerebral cortex. Very strong analgesic effect. If chocolate can really relieve the pain, it won't circulate in large quantities. "

Xu Jiuyan frowned and said, "Don't eat it, just throw it away."

Guan Zheng looked at the box and said, "It's pretty good, at least the packaging is exquisite."

With that said, Guan Zheng threw two pills into his mouth, nothing strange, neither delicious nor unpalatable.

Guan Zheng stuffed chocolate into his pocket and said, "I like it very much."

With that said, Guan Zheng had already moved the car slowly, Xu Jiuyan was taken aback, sweet in her heart, stretched out her hand to open the door, and sat in.

Guan Zheng asked: "Where is your home?"


Guan Zheng said: "Of course I took you home, or else you still go to the bureau?"

Xu Jiuyan asked back: "Then what about you? Are you going home?"

Guan Zheng said: "I didn't think about it."

Xu Jiuyan gave a soft "Oh" and said, "In Unit 2, Building 1, Shuifang District."

Guan Zheng kicked the accelerator and went straight to Xu Jiuyan's home.

Xu Jiuyan looked at the scenery that was still flying backwards by the roadside, and there was hail. Hail hit the roof of the car with a crackling sound. Xu Jiuyan seemed to say to herself: "You won't break the sunroof, right?"

Guan Zheng heard this and said: "My car is a military jeep made by the warrior and is bulletproof. Don't worry, the hail won't hit your head."

Xu Jiuyan was so embarrassed for an instant, she turned her head and stopped talking. (End of this chapter)