No Turning Back

Chapter 94: Go in the opposite direction


Guan Zheng asked: "How was the breakfast I made?"

"Normally, you can eat it. Why don't you eat it?" Guan Zheng pushed the plate to Xu Jiuyan and said, "If you want to be able to eat it, I'll give it to you."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Okay!"

Guan Zheng's cell phone rang again, Guan Zheng picked up the phone and said, "Hey!"

"Do you want to come to the game?"

"What's wrong?"

"There is your express!"

Guan Zheng became nervous and said, "Don't move anyone, I'll go over immediately."

Guan Zheng stood up and said, "Don't eat, go back to the bureau."

"Huh? I'm so busy all night, I can't even eat a full meal?"

"Hurry up, I'll treat you to a good meal when the case is over."

Xu Jiuyan emptied the dishes, threw them into the dishwasher, and turned around and went out with Guan Zheng.

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan trot all the way back to the bureau. A package was thrown on the table. Li Chongyang came over and said, "Your package!"

Guan Zheng walked over and said, "Is it dangerous goods?"

"I have already detected it. It should be a package."

Guan Zheng took the scissors and said, "Then take it apart."

Guan Zheng carefully unpacked the package, it was another picture frame!

Guan Zheng tore open the box, and the picture inside showed out, it's forget-me-not.

When everyone looked at this painting, blue flowers were all over the picture, very blue and very blue, and the dewdrops on the petals were crystal clear and lovely, very delicate.

Xu Jiuyan asked, "Why is this forget-me-not?"

Yeah, why is it forget-me-not? Manzhushahua's flower language is the sin of love, but forget-me-not's flower language is the opposite of Manzhushahua. Why? Is the previous profile wrong

Lao You looked at the painting and said, "Will you still check it?"

"No need to check, there must still be nothing."

Guan Zheng asked Li Chongyang: "Who delivered the express?"

"The courier, but he is not the same person as the one last time."

Guanzheng nodded and said: "The problem should not be with the courier. The murderer came to notify the portrait, usually to attract the attention of the police, and wanted the police to investigate the truth of something.

We didn't regard this painting as the key before, but focused on the investigation of the scene of the case, because we didn't know that there was death information in these paintings before.

And this painting is like a notice, he must have been made by the murderer himself, and only in this way can the murderer feel the psychological pleasure.

So we can roughly infer that the murderer has good drawing skills. Although he may not be a professional, he must have high drawing skills. Not only that, the murderer knows flowers very well, and he should have worked in a flower shop in this city. "

Li Chongyang took down these clues and said, "I'll do it right away."

Guan Zheng looked at his watch and asked, "When was this mailed back?"

"About half past six in the morning."

Guan Zheng said: "Two and a half hours have passed. The last painting was received the day before. The message received the next morning shows that he is deliberately leaving us time to find him.

Based on this calculation, the next victim will probably be discovered tonight or tomorrow morning. We still have more than ten hours to look for clues. "

Li Chongyang said: "But as far as I know, there are hundreds of large and small flower shops in Nanyi City, and they are scattered everywhere. It is impossible to check them a little bit."

Guan Zheng: "Let me think about it, let me think about it."

Everyone waited quietly for Guan Zheng to figure out a solution, "Yes!" Xu Jiuyan and Guan Zheng screamed at the same time.

Li Chongyang quickly asked: "What is the solution?"

Guan Zheng said interestingly: "Ladies first, you say first!"

"Why should I say first?"

"Then let's say it together!" After the two children had no nutrition arguing, they finally reached an agreement.

The two people said in unison: "Road map of action!"

Guan Zheng signaled Xu Jiuyan to express her thoughts. Xu Jiuyan said: "Everyone has their own scope of activities, such as me. My scope of activity is the police station, home, and city. If there are no special circumstances, I am Will not leave the scope of this activity.

The same is true for the murderer. We infer that the murderer is a migrant from the city, so his residence will be relatively changed, but the murderer will not go far away from his life circle when he chooses the victim.

Because this is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also arouses suspicion by the locals, making it easier to expose themselves. Therefore, as long as we focus on screening the junction of the botanical garden and Liu Yitian's living area, it is possible to find people who fit our profile. "

Guan Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, stood up, and said, "The rest depends on the time."

After speaking, everyone started to take action. Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan and began to investigate the flower shop near Liu Yitian's shared house.

After several hours, there is still no clue. Seeing time passing a little bit, Xu Jiuyan doubted her course of action theory: "Guanzheng, did I make a mistake?"

Guan Zheng continued to look at the busy streets and said, "No."

"Then what's going on, why didn't we find someone who fits our profile?"

"There is nothing wrong with your words, and the range you gave is very accurate. But you have to know that criminal psychology itself gives a vague range. This is an inherent drawback of criminal psychology. You don't have to doubt yourself."

"But, what if we haven't found it tomorrow?"

"What can I do? Go and see the victim!"

Xu Jiuyan heard Guan Zheng's tone as if she was not worried at all, and said, "Are you a policeman? Say something like this again."

"We worked hard, we tried to find it in the past, he is in the dark place, we are in the bright place, it is normal to not be able to find this.

This is not a TV series. The murderer must be found in every case. We policemen are also human beings, not gods. All we can do is do our best. "

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Then have you figured out what to do next?"

"Thinking about it."

Xu Jiuyan nodded like a wilted eggplant again, and said, "Then you hurry up."

"By the way, did you take that picture?"

Xu Jiuyan handed the phone to Guan Zheng and said, "Here it is."

"Where is Manjusawa's picture?"

"It's in it too."

Guan Zheng carefully looked at the painting by Manzhu Shahua, the red picture. After watching it for a long time, Guan Zheng was a little bit tranced. The red sea of flowers and the black night sky are really exactly the same as the scene of the case.

Guan Zheng pointed to the corner of the black night sky and said, "Is there something painted here?"

Xu Jiuyan leaned over, looked at the corner carefully, and said, "What is this, is it a building?"

"A building?" Guan Zheng looked at the corner, like but not like it.

Guan Zheng said: "Bring out the map of the botanical garden."

Xu Jiuyan brought up the map and Guan Zheng looked at the map and said, "This should not be a building, but a tower." (End of this chapter)