No Turning Back

Chapter 99: abnormal psychology


When Wang Fengqiao saw that the police had begun a carpet search, he knew he had to leave here as soon as possible. Open the window in the middle, the third floor, it's okay.

Wang Fengqiao climbed down the pipe a little bit. Xu Jiuyan, who was still in the car, glanced over and recognized that it was Wang Fengqiao.

Xu Jiuyan quickly took out the intercom: "Master Zheng, I saw Wang Fengqiao."

Guan Zheng asked nervously: "Where?" The deployment has already been carried out here: "Yoko led a group of people to wait here, and the others will chase after me."

"He should have jumped downstairs, wearing a set of work clothes, a fake and a beard, and he is heading towards Ning'an Road."

Guan Zheng said: "Don't act rashly, pay attention to safety."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I know, he changed his clothes and wore a black sweater and a pair of jeans."

"You protect yourself, I'll go right away."

"I will try to hold him."

"I care about you, you are not allowed to get hurt anyway."

Xu Jiuyan smiled slightly, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Xu Jiuyan followed cautiously, Wang Fengqiao seemed to be getting more and more hurried, turning around and walking into a small alley.

Xu Jiuyan felt that she might have been exposed, so instead of waiting for him to attack herself, it would be better to make a detour.

Xu Jiuyan walked out of the winding path, then trot forward and said, "Sir, sir, wait a minute."

The man paused at his feet, then slowly turned around, staring at Xu Jiuyan through the deep brim of his hat.

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "Hello sir, can you help me with a case file investigation?"

"I don't have time." After speaking, the man was about to leave.

Xu Jiuyan walked over and said, "Sir, it won't take long, can you help?"

The man pushed Xu Jiuyan away: "Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Wang Fengqiao was disgusted, Xu Jiuyan couldn't force her, and she couldn't continue to follow, so she had no choice but to put her hope in Guan Zheng.

Guan Zheng drove the car, and after a while, he saw Xu Jiuyan standing on the side of the road with an anxious expression on his face.

Guan Zheng got out of the car and asked, "Where are the people?"

"Go, go in that direction. I was spotted and it's hard to follow along. I'm afraid he will commit crimes in the street."

Guan Zheng nodded, and immediately followed Xu Jiuyan along the street.

Li Chongyang's voice came from the earphones: "In Zhong'an Street."

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan hurried over and saw a person running from a distance, "It's him!"

Guan Zheng ran to stop the man, the man took out the knife flying, and flew towards Guan Zheng, Guan Zheng turned sideways, swiftly raised his leg, and kicked the knife out.

Guan Zheng caught the man easily, and Li Chongyang ran over panting and said, "Oh my god, I'm exhausted..."

Guan Zheng took out his handcuffs, handcuffed the man, and said, "Waiting for you, the day lily will be cold."

Guan Zheng took the person to Xu Jiuyan and said, "Is this this person?"

"It's him."

"you sure?"

"I'm not blind!" Xu Jiuyan said with a pouting mouth.

Guan Zheng handed the man to Li Chongyang and said, "Take it back for trial."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's still wrinkled face and said, "What's the matter? People have been arrested, are you still upset?"

"This man is not a murderer."

"What did you say?"

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng in surprise and said, "Then why are you arresting him?"

"We chased him, and he ran away, indicating that the thief had a guilty conscience. There must be something on his body. He ran so flustered and his psychological quality was too bad. He was not a perverted serial killer at all.

The reason why he was arrested was because he wanted to confuse the murderer and let him put his guard down. "

"But, I stared at him coming out of the building!"

"Didn't you say that you followed him into a small alley? Black sweaters are all over the street. According to the direction at the time, you should not see his face. How can you be sure that it is him?"

"But how come there are two people so alike?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "I can't be sure, it's just an experience."

Xu Jiuyan screamed: "Ah, take off your clothes quickly!"

Guan Zheng's eyes widened: "What are you doing? Picking up my clothes again?"

"Go away, show me your injury quickly, did it break again just now?"

Guan Zheng waved his hand and said: "It's on the main road, go home at night, you can watch it!"

Xu Jiuyan caresss her forehead: A man is really an animal that uses his lower body to think about problems.

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan swayed back to the game, and Li Chongyang ran over in despair: "Catch it wrong. He is a thief. He can scare people with a knife. You can't even kill a chicken."


"Quickly, after Xiaohuan'er's simulated murder weapon detection and Lao You's dna detection, I am ready to release people."

Guanzheng nodded and said: "Even if you find it out, don't let anyone go. Take a while and wait for the fish to take the bait."

Xu Jiuyan was a little confused, reacted for a while, and said, "You mean he won't commit crimes anymore?"

"The goal of the serial killer has been achieved, and the revenge is over. There is no reason to commit the crime."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Guan Zheng's conversation turned around and said: "But, I'm not at ease. Do you remember what the flower shop owner said? Wang Fengqiao kept his head down and his personality was extremely introverted. Such a person's abnormal psychology is extremely extreme.

Usually we say that the perverted killer commits a crime because he has a desire and hope in his heart. They want more people to pay attention to it and take a certain amount of vanity.

They often pause for a while after achieving their goals to reminisce about their achievements. As for a person like Wang Fengqiao, his heart is extremely depressed, and once he starts, it is difficult to control his behavior with reason.

He is often not satisfied with several successes, and even if he achieves his goals, he will not stop there. They will become murderous demons, constantly using their blood to get inner satisfaction. "

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng with disgust and said: "I think you are more perverted than perverted killer."

"You are still too tender." Guan Zheng said with a smile and waved his hand.

"If it's like what you said, wouldn't it mean that women in the entire city have become his target?"

"So, hurry up and clean yourself. It is safer to look like a good woman."

Xu Jiuyan threw the file over angrily: "I am not like a good woman!"

Guan Zheng reached out to accept the folder that was about to fall on his face, and smiled triumphantly and turned to ask Li Chongyang: "How is Sun Na?"

"Dead, not long after the ambulance left, it informed me that the person was dead."

Xu Jiuyan said regretfully: "I thought I would find witnesses, so I painted something like this."

Li Chongyang echoed: "Yes, he doesn't even have an ID card, and his name is wrong. He doesn't know what he looks like. When will he be caught?"

Guan Zheng said disapprovingly: "You can find the tips of the flower shop proprietress to draw!" (End of this chapter)