No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 18: The stain on his life


Upon hearing this, Xiao Yichen raised his finger and pointed at his face. He began to praise the medical skills of the man in front of him. He really didn't know how he got the title of miracle doctor. Didn't he see the red rash on his face? If it wasn't poisoning, what else could it be

Understanding what Xiao Yichen meant, Bai Mo smiled and continued, "These spices alone are not very toxic... The embroidery on this purse is quite special..." Bai Mo said as he used his slender nails to pick up the embroidery thread. The next moment, a little powder appeared on the silver-white nails. Bai Mo put it in his mouth and licked it, and continued, "It's snake grass..."

Xiao Yichen frowned, "Snake grass, my face is poisoned by the snake grass?" Is it really as Ji Yuqing guessed, that Ji Lingxue is taking revenge on him

Bai Mo said: "The poison is hidden very secretly. If it weren't for my sharp eyes, I really wouldn't have discovered it. Snake grass is not poisonous. It's just that when mixed with the agarwood in the sachet, it will become toxic and cause allergies."

Xiao Yichen nodded, "Since you know what the poison is, please help me detoxify it." He was almost in pain and wanted to scratch his face all the time.

Bai Mo nodded, staggered into the bamboo house and started tinkering with it. Just when Xiao Yichen was about to reach his limit and curse, Bai Mo came out with a basin of medicine.

Looking at Xiao Yichen who had washed his face and regained his handsome appearance, Bai Mo smiled and said, "If I were a woman, I would also want to destroy your face. This appearance is too likely to attract bees and butterflies..." He was really curious, who was the woman who dared to destroy Xiao Yichen's appearance

Xiao Yichen took a deep breath. He had already made up his mind. The woman in the backyard was really restless. He had secretly been to the side yard. Ji Lingxue was an absolute fool. Then it was Mo Xiang's own idea to send the purse to frame Ji Yuqing. She was really a girl who was devoted to protecting her master. It was a pity that her master was a fool.

Xiao Yichen did not satisfy Bai Mo's curiosity. The poison had been resolved, so he got up and left.

Bai Mo grabbed Xiao Yichen's arm and asked, "You're going back now. You won't play chess with me before you leave. Did you forget about me as your friend after you married your beautiful wife?"

Xiao Yichen twitched his lips and waved his hand, saying, "Let's have tea another day. I have something important to do today."

It was already early morning of the next day when they came out of the bamboo forest. They quickly went into the city and returned to the mansion. Xiao Yichen was thinking about something and his mind was in a mess. When he stood at the gate of Prince Chen's mansion and saw the back of a woman in a gorgeous red dress with a messy hairstyle, he intuitively felt that the crazy woman Ji Lingxue was causing trouble again.

The guards at the gate were arguing with the woman in red, but when they saw Xiao Yichen looking very unhappy, they all straightened their backs and looked serious.

"Ji Lingxue, you crazy woman, where have you been playing instead of staying in your yard?" Xiao Yichen vented his anger and spoke very loudly, scaring the gate guard so much that his face turned pale. He opened his mouth to say something, but finally chose to shut up, lowered his head and pretended to be invisible, trying to reduce his presence.

When Xiao Yichen saw that the woman in red did not turn her head but shrunk her neck, as if she wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide, he felt inexplicably angry. This was the marriage arranged for him by his imperial grandmother. She said that she had asked someone from the Imperial Observatory to tell her fortune and found out that Ji Lingxue was a lucky woman for her husband and a perfect match for him in this life.

It's simply a joke. This woman is the biggest stain in his life. She is getting dumber and dumber as she grows older, but he can't find a reason to divorce her.

Xiao Yichen walked behind the woman in red. At this moment, she was holding her head with her hands, looking scared. Her wide sleeves covered her frightened face and she was muttering something. At this moment, Xiao Yichen was sure that this woman was the crazy Ji Lingxue, so he could not hear what she was saying.

(End of this chapter)