No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 215: A maid of honor with lofty ambitions


Ji Lingxue came back to her senses and looked at Aunt Rong and asked, "Anything happened, Aunt?"

Madam Rong shook her head and pointed outside, "Madam, the sun is about to set, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Ji Lingxue nodded and said, "Let's take a walk." She was pregnant with twins, and Bai Mo had told her to exercise more in the last three months of pregnancy, otherwise it would be detrimental to a normal delivery.

Madam Rong carefully supported Ji Lingxue as they strolled in the Imperial Garden, where there were newly planted Epiphyllums.

The nanny asked, "Your Highness, are you tired from walking? Why don't you go to the pavilion in front to rest?"

Fifty steps ahead was a pavilion. Ji Lingxue walked towards the pavilion with the support of Madam Rong. The branches and leaves of the flower trees not far away were swaying. There was no wind at the moment, so Ji Lingxue made a gesture to Madam Rong to keep quiet.

The whispering sound drifted into Ji Lingxue's ears. The Imperial Garden was already quiet, so even if the voices were very low, they could still be heard.

Madam Rong frowned. The Queen didn't like too many people following her when she went to visit the Imperial Garden, so she cleared the area beforehand. How could someone come to cause trouble

"Have you found out clearly?" The voice sounded very childish, no more than fifteen or sixteen years old.

"I have found out that the emperor always comes out of the imperial study to stroll around the imperial garden to relax at this time. It is safest for us to wait for the emperor here, and it will not seem too deliberate. Please wait here patiently for a while."

"I'm so nervous. I heard that the emperor is very handsome. Do you think he will like me when he sees me? Will he make me a beauty or something?"

"Then it depends on your ability. You are so beautiful, the emperor might be attracted to you. Besides, the queen is pregnant with the prince and can't serve the emperor. I have inquired and there are no other concubines in the palace except the queen."

The more Madam Rong listened, the angrier her face became. These little girls didn't work hard and instead had the unrealistic idea of flying up to the tree and becoming a phoenix. They didn't even look at their own identities. How could a palace maid like her, who was born in a humble family, be worthy of them

Besides, the emperor, who is high above everyone else, is not a man who is tempted by beauty. He and the queen are husband and wife, and it is inappropriate for them to be so affectionate, otherwise he would not have favored the queen for so long.

Madam Rong rolled up her sleeves, ready to fight. Ji Lingxue's eyes twitched, and she quickly pulled Madam Rong to hide behind a tree on the side. Even though she had a big belly, she was still very agile when she needed to be.

Rong Mama's face turned blue with anger, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, what are you doing? Those two daring little palace maids should be taught a lesson." What's wrong with Your Majesty? She is so soft-hearted to such lowly people.

Ji Lingxue gave Madam Rong a calming look and said, "Madam, please calm down. I really admire the courage of that little palace maid." How should I describe her... Well, a toad wants to eat swan flesh. It's idealistic.

Madam Rong was so upset that she didn't know what Ji Lingxue was thinking. It was really like her master was so anxious that she would die.

Time passed by, and footsteps were heard not far away. Chi Feng's voice came from afar, "The rain has made plum blossoms plump, and the pavilions are in early summer. The night-blooming cereus is blooming towards the eve. Your Majesty, these night-blooming cereus were transported from Beiling. Unfortunately, the night-blooming cereus only blooms at night, and I cannot see them even if I want to."

Xiao Yichen said: "You want to see the night-blooming cereus bloom, it's not a difficult thing, I will have someone send two pots to your house later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chi Feng immediately bowed and saluted.

At this moment, a woman screamed from behind the flowers. Xiao Yichen glanced at Chi Feng, who understood and walked behind the flowers. He saw a palace maid sitting on the ground with a painful expression. Another palace maid supported her, "Hong Xian, are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

Chi Feng squatted down enthusiastically and asked, "Do you need help?"

The palace maid named Hong Xian turned her head and saw a man in white under the rose flowers. He was gentle and elegant, and her heart beat happily.

Hong Xian blushed and said, "I am Hong Xian, a servant, just passing by here. I didn't expect a small snake to suddenly appear... I ran away and accidentally sprained my ankle."

Chi Feng looked around and asked, "Where is the little snake?" This little snake must not come out to cause trouble, otherwise it would be bad if it scares the emperor.

Seeing Chi Feng stand up and look for the little snake she mentioned, Hong Xian's head was full of black lines. To be honest, this was not the point of her words. She sprained her ankle now, okay

Ji Lingxue, who was hiding not far away, showed her eyes and looked at Xiao Yichen. Coincidentally, Xiao Yichen was also looking in her direction at this moment.

Xiao Yichen raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, in a good mood. He walked to Ji Lingxue and held her waist. Rong Mama tactfully disappeared.

Xiao Yichen asked: "Why is the Queen behind the tree?" Is she here to watch the show

Ji Lingxue looked up at the leaves above her head and said, "I'm just taking a rest under the tree. What a coincidence that Your Majesty is also taking a walk here."

Xiao Yichen nodded, "Well, the evening is cool, and I also like to take a walk at this time. I didn't expect that the queen and I have such a tacit understanding."

Ji Lingxue curled her lips, "I just heard Chi Feng's voice, where is he?"

Xiao Yichen said, "There's a problem over there, and he went to help me solve it. Let's go, I'll accompany the Queen to take a walk in front." As he said that, he pulled Ji Lingxue's arm and walked forward, not at all curious about what happened behind the flowers.

Ji Lingxue took two steps and turned her head to look at Xiao Yichen's face. The light of the setting sun shone on his face, giving it a light and soft look.

Xiao Yichen tilted his head and smiled: "What's wrong with the Queen today? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ji Lingxue said, "Do you really not know what just happened?" The little palace maid admired the noble emperor and tried hard to create opportunities for the emperor to look at her. Such scenes were often seen in picture books.

Xiao Yichen said, "Are you talking about the screams behind the flowers just now? Don't worry, I have strengthened the guards of the palace, so there won't be any assassins. I guess some palace maids must have tripped over a branch and screamed."

Ji Lingxue rolled her eyes. Since Xiao Yichen didn't say it clearly, she asked frankly, "I just passed by there and heard the conversation between the palace maids..."

Xiao Yichen raised his eyebrows and waited for Ji Lingxue to continue.

Ji Lingxue said: "That palace maid was waiting there on purpose, wanting to see the emperor's face."

Xiao Yichen touched his face and looked at Ji Lingxue again, "The Queen asked this question, but do you want to know if I know about this?"

Ji Lingxue nodded, "You really don't know?"

Xiao Yichen clenched his fist and put it to his lips, coughed, and said with a smile: "This... I heard from the secret guard that I am taking Chi Feng to tour the courtyard today." Only someone as thick-skinned as him can use Chi Feng to block his peach blossoms.

Xiao Yichen took Ji Lingxue's hand and walked forward, changing the subject: "Queen, look, this rose is so beautiful. I specially ordered someone to plant it."

Ever since that day when a palace maid came to the imperial garden to ask to see the emperor, such things have never happened again. The reason is that Xiao Yichen has given an order that no palace maids should be allowed to appear wherever he appears.

As soon as this order came out, a group of palace maids who were eager to turn from sparrows into phoenixes screamed in pain, while the eunuchs were given preferential treatment, especially the eunuchs serving Xiao Yichen, who received various small gifts every day in the hope that they would mention them in front of the emperor. Unfortunately, after the gifts were sent out, they could not wait for any good news.

Every ten days or so, she would receive letters from Ruge and Ruyi. Ruyi's worries about the future gradually faded, and she talked more about the relationship between herself, Tu Zi and Mo Xiang.

Ruge did not mention her wedding preparations in the letter, but rather expressed his indifference to everything. After the old emperor of Dayan passed away, he inherited the throne, and Ruyi, whom he married, naturally became the queen of Dayan. After their marriage, they treated each other with respect. Ruyi took Moxiang to study cooking, while Ruge took care of state affairs.

After Ji Lingxue received the letter, Rong Mama would ask, "Madam, when will Mo Xiang come back?"

Ji Lingxue shook her head. "It's not mentioned in the letter, but it will probably be soon."

Upon hearing this, Rong Mama looked worried, as if she suspected that Ruyi had directly imprisoned Mo Xiang in Dayan and would not return her.

Ji Lingxue said: "Don't worry, Ma'am, Mo Xiang will come back." It's just that she will be a little late.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye. Ji Lingxue's stomach was overloaded and her feet were swollen every day. Xiao Yichen had hired two midwives to live in the side hall in case of emergency. Ji Lingxue also counted the days until she would be free by counting her fingers every day. After ten months of pregnancy, the days still passed so slowly.

When Ji Lingxue felt that the days were passing by like years, something happy happened. Mo Xiang came back and brought with her specialties of Dayan and gifts from the new emperor of Dayan, wishing her a son soon.

Mo Xiang arrived in front of Ji Lingxue in a dusty state. After three months away from home, Mo Xiang's fair face had been tanned a lot. The originally immature girl's eyebrows showed maturity. She took Ji Lingxue's hand and said with red eyes, "Master, I am back."

Ji Lingxue moved her waist, changed to a comfortable sitting position, and gave Mo Xiang a half hug, "The baby in my belly and I welcome you back."

Mo Xiang chuckled and carefully touched Ji Lingxue's belly to feel the movement inside. Mo Xiang smiled and said, "Master, the little prince is kicking me, and he is very happy too."

Ji Lingxue smiled and said, "Now that you're back, I can rest assured and prepare for the birth of my baby. Did you encounter any good things along the way?"

Mo Xiang blushed, but shook her head, "My master is teasing me again!" She turned her head away embarrassedly.

Just after dinner that night, Ji Lingxue felt stomachache. At first, she thought she was bloated because she ate too much. As her stomachache became more and more severe, the entire Chenhua Palace fell into tension.

Xiao Yichen, who was reviewing memorials in the imperial study, heard the news and flew directly to Chenhua Palace. However, he was blocked by Rong Mama at the door and was not allowed to enter. The reason was that the delivery room was a dirty place and the noble emperor should not be touched by it, otherwise he would have bad luck.

Xiao Yichen glared at Madam Rong and paced back and forth anxiously outside.

In the delivery room, Mo Xiang brought hot water and wiped the sweat off Ji Lingxue's forehead again and again, "Master, how do you feel?"

Ji Lingxue was numb from the pain, her whole body soaked with sweat. She shook her head and uttered a word with difficulty, "Pain..."

The two midwives kept cheering Ji Lingxue up: "My queen, please push a little harder, the birth canal hasn't opened yet..."

"My queen, please use more force. I can see the little prince's head. Use more force, it will come out soon!"

(End of this chapter)