No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 216: Production


As time passed, the sound of the midwife's pumping gradually faded in Ji Lingxue's mind, floating in and out of her dizzy consciousness. In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed and Ji Lingxue was exhausted. She knew she couldn't sleep, otherwise both the child and she would be in danger.

She was numb from the pain of childbirth, but still felt it was bearable at the moment. However, her strength was rapidly draining away. The midwife kept asking her to push harder. Mo Xiang was holding her hand and wiping her sweat with a wet towel.

She tried hard, but still couldn't feel the fruit ripen. Occasionally she opened her eyes and saw beads of sweat running down the foreheads of the two midwives, even dripping onto her belly. She vaguely knew in her heart that she seemed to be having a difficult delivery.

It is not easy to be pregnant with twins. Although Bai Mo and the old imperial physician in the palace have been checking her pulse, they cannot ensure the position of the fetuses during delivery.

Good luck will eventually come to an end, and the most difficult hurdle in life will arrive.

Now, she no longer cared whether the child was a boy or a girl, or whether he was big or small. She only hoped that the child could be born safely, and grow up healthily. It didn’t even matter whether he was smart or not, but he must not… must not be deprived of his life without ever seeing his relatives.

I could vaguely hear the anxious voice of the midwife, “I’m afraid it’s not good… The fetal position was correct at first, but then it slowly became a little bit wrong… Now we can only rely on luck… Fortunately, you have a good physique, if it were someone else, it would have been…” What did it mean, it would have been too late

She knew how much Xiao Yichen valued the two little lives in her belly, so she closed her eyes.

She struggled in pain again, trying to push down. Since the baby was not big, how could it not come out? She didn't believe it!

The door was pushed open and footsteps approached. It was Rong Mama. She walked to Ji Lingxue and whispered, "Queen, open your mouth and put a piece of ginseng in it to replenish your energy.

Ji Lingxue opened her sweaty eyelashes and met Rong Mama's worried eyes. She opened her mouth and put the ginseng in it. The lost strength seemed to return some.

Ji Lingxue didn't know how much time had passed. She only felt that the midwife's voice seemed to be far away, as if it was stirred by the current and could not be heard clearly, "No, I have to ask the emperor... Only one of the adult and the child can stay!!"

The two midwives probably had never seen such a scene before, and their faces turned pale with fear. Mo Xiang had red eyes and didn't know what to do. She was just an unmarried girl and had never seen such a big scene.

The door was opened, and Ji Lingxue vaguely heard Xiao Yichen's firm voice, "Save the master!"

For Xiao Yichen, this was not a difficult choice. He would have children in the future, but he could not experience the pain of losing Ji Lingxue again.

"Is the Queen having a difficult delivery?" Bai Mo's voice suddenly sounded.

Ji Lingxue grabbed Mo Xiang's hand and said in a hoarse voice: "Go... go and invite Bai Mo in."

Mo Xiang seemed a little hesitant, "But... But Bai Mo is a man..."

Ji Lingxue smiled bitterly, "He is also a miracle doctor..." Isn't it funny that he still cares about the difference between men and women at this time

Mo Xiang no longer hesitated, stood up, ran out of the door, knelt down in front of Bai Mo, and said urgently: "Please ask the doctor to save my queen!"

Bai Mo was startled by Mo Xiang's actions. He looked at Xiao Yichen and asked him to make the decision.

Xiao Yichen patted Bai Mo's shoulder and said, "Go ahead. If you have to make a choice, help me hold Ji Lingxue."

Bai Mo nodded, turned around and ordered someone to get his medicine box. He followed Mo Xiang into the house first. The two midwives were asked to leave, leaving only Rong Mama and Mo Xiang as his helpers in the room.

Bai Mo walked up to Ji Lingxue and said, "Does the Queen have anything to say to me?"

Ji Lingxue said: "I heard what Xiao Yichen said to you at the door just now. You are a miracle doctor. I beg you to help me... Help me hold the two babies in my belly?"

Bai Mo pondered for a moment and said, "There is a way, but I haven't tried it. I have traveled to other countries and heard a rumor in Beiling that the Queen of Beiling also had a difficult childbirth and the imperial concubine at that time performed a caesarean section to take the baby away, and both mother and child were safe."

Ji Lingxue was delighted, her eyes sparkling with joy, and her lost strength returned a little. She excitedly held Bai Mo's hand: "My life... and the life of my child... are all in your hands!"

Bai Mo nodded carefully, handed a pill to Ji Lingxue and said, "Have a good sleep, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Ji Lingxue shook her head. No, she didn't want to take tranquilizer pills. She didn't want to fall asleep at such a critical moment. Everything was uncertain before the dust settled. Although Bai Mo promised her that he would help her, she still wanted to see the birth of the child with her own eyes.

Bai Mo nodded. He had just taken Ji Lingxue's pulse. The situation was critical. He didn't have much time left. If he was any later, the fetus would suffer from lack of oxygen in her womb.

Aunt Rong came in carrying a medicine box. Without waiting for Bai Mo's instructions, she quickly opened the box, took out a thin knife and handed it to Bai Mo. Bai Mo took it, took out some Ma Fei Powder and smeared it on Ji Lingxue's belly, and then quickly operated on Ji Lingxue's abdomen.

Ji Lingxue still couldn't help but let out a scream. It hurt, it hurt so much. The Ma Fei San had no anesthetic effect at all. She could clearly feel the sharp blade cutting through her skin layer by layer.

Mo Xiang was so anxious that she cried and wished she could feel the pain for Ji Lingxue. Although Ji Lingxue screamed in pain, her body did not move at all. Bai Mo successfully peeled off the muscles and took the baby out of the uterus.

With a clear cry, the whole delivery room was filled with vitality.

"It's a girl!" Bai Mo said, and then handed the girl to Rong Mama beside him.

Aunt Rong held the baby girl in her arms with some excitement, and tears suddenly streamed down her cheeks, "Little princess... That's great, she's finally born. It wasn't easy."

Bai Mo ignored Rong Mama who was excitedly holding the little princess to deal with the problem, and then took the second child. Mo Xiang excitedly held Ji Lingxue's hand and said, "Queen, did you hear that? The first child is a little princess."

Ji Lingxue's consciousness was already blurry. She glanced at the child held high by Rong Mama, let out a long breath, and was finally relieved.

Bai Mo took out the second child and said, "It's a boy... but he's a little small..."

The boy with a small face lay in his arms. His eyes were still closed, his body curled up, his mouth moved a little, but he didn't cry.

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows. It was her first time as a midwife, and she was delivering twins. This made his blood boil and he felt the wonder of life.

Bai Mo asked: "Why isn't this boy crying?"

Rong Mama, who was taking care of the little princess, turned around and said, "Please ask the doctor to spank the little prince!" Babies are born to cry, and it is unlucky if they don't cry.

Bai Mo did as he was told, and his kitten-like cries echoed in the room.

Ji Lingxue struggled to sit up with the help of Mo Xiang's hand, staring at the small-faced son in Bai Mo's arms, "He's really little... Mo Xiang, help me hold him here, let me take a look..."

Mo Xiang nodded, took the boy from Bai Mo's arms and brought him to Ji Lingxue. Ji Lingxue slowly stretched out a finger and rubbed her son's face, "Boy, there is a huge difference in size between you and your sister. Can you take your sister's territory?"

Mo Xiang said: "Although the little prince is a little small, as long as he is healthy, he will grow up if he eats more. Your Majesty does not need to worry about it."

Ji Lingxue nodded and said to Mo Xiang: "Mo Xiang, I'm so tired and need to rest. Here... I'll leave it to you and Nanny."

Mo Xiang nodded and said, "Your Majesty, go to sleep. I have the maidservants and the nanny here to watch over you. Nothing will happen."

Ji Lingxue nodded and closed her eyes tiredly. All her worries were settled, and Ji Lingxue fell asleep peacefully.

In Chenhua Palace, Ji Lingxue had fallen asleep, Bai Mo continued with the follow-up suturing work, Mo Xiang and Rong Mama were happily taking care of the newborn prince and princess, so no one went to the door to inform Xiao Yichen what had happened.

At the door of Chenhua, Xiao Yichen felt relieved after hearing a loud cry like that of a kitten. Bai Mo had promised him to protect the eldest one before entering the house. Now that the two younger ones were out, Ji Lingxue should be safe.

Xiao Yichen waited for a while, but did not see Rong Mama come out to announce the good news. His heart, which had been at ease, was lifted again. He stood in front of the door that separated him and Ji Lingxue. He stretched out his hand and was about to push the door open. At this moment, a guard hurried over and knelt down behind Xiao Yichen and said, "Your Majesty, it's bad. An assassin has entered the imperial study."


Xiao Yichen turned his head and glanced at the guard kneeling on the ground, gradually narrowing his eyes. He walked towards the guard and asked casually: "If an assassin breaks into the imperial study, you imperial guards can just arrest him. Why didn't you come to report it, Eunuch Gao?" Eunuch Gao was the eunuch who always accompanied him.

The guard said, "Eunuch Gao asked me to come here."

Xiao Yichen stretched out his hand and slapped the guard. Although the guard was kneeling on the ground, he was watching his nose and his heart. He wiped his hand on his boots, and held a sharp dagger in his palm, and stabbed the tip of the dagger into Xiao Yichen's palm.

The change happened in an instant, and Xiao Yichen reacted quickly. He changed his palm into a fist, which brushed past the tip of the dagger and landed on the guard's abdomen, and knocked him ten meters away with one punch.

The guard turned in mid-air and landed lightly on the bluestone ground. He looked up at Xiao Yichen with an admiring smile on his face, "I was discovered!"

Xiao Yichen was worried that the noise outside would disturb Ji Lingxue who was giving birth in the room, so he flew over and kicked the fake guard. He was too lazy to argue with him and wanted to capture him first.

The fight was going on outside and the atmosphere in the house was tense. Rong Mama, who was wrapping the little princess in a swaddle and was about to go out to announce the good news, suddenly felt her face change and she quickly closed the door.

Mo Xiang said, "Mammy, what happened outside? Why is it so noisy? The queen just fell asleep."

Aunt Rong said, "There are assassins, fighting with the emperor, and there are no guards outside."

Mo Xiang hugged the little prince tightly in her arms, "How could this happen?"

Bai Mo picked up the scissors and cut the thread in his hand. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and said, "Finally it's sealed. This is the natural silk thread I just made. I just don't know how it will recover in the future." Natural silk thread is rare. It is not easy to get infected when used to suture the skin, and there is no need to remove the stitches, as the thread will merge into the wound.

(End of this chapter)