No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 219: Confessions of Mo Xiang


My name is Mo Xiang. The lady said that when she picked me up, I was just a crying baby lying in a basket. There was a letter on the basket, which was also the last contact between my mother and me. The letter said that she had given birth to a daughter in desperation and the family could not bear the burden so she had to abandon me. She asked kind-hearted people to take me in and serve me as a slave and give me food.

So the lady took me with her and kept me as a companion, saying that I could be a companion for the young lady. Because the lady liked calligraphy and painting, I was named Moxiang.

Miss was born when I was three years old. I always remember the moment when I was lying on the cradle and stretched out my fingers to touch Miss's little hand. Miss smiled at me. It was at that moment that I found the purpose of my life.

When I was five years old, I took my young lady to play everywhere. The lady liked me very much and I liked my young lady too. However, my young lady liked cooking and laughed at the Four Books and Five Classics that the lady taught her.

I always thought that my wife, my lady and I could live happily and simply forever, but suddenly one day, everything changed...

When the young lady was three years old, the master took Feng as his concubine. In the same year, Feng gave birth to a daughter, the second young lady, Ji Yuqing. The second young lady was very sweet-spoken and won the master's favor. She would compete with the young lady for everything. The Four Books and Five Classics, which the young lady disliked the most, were already familiar to the second young lady when she was three years old.

Once, the young lady and I were fishing in the lotus pond. The second young lady brought some people over and laughed at the young lady, saying she was like a wild girl. The young lady was so angry that she started arguing with her. Unexpectedly, the second young lady pushed the young lady, and I pushed the second young lady in a hurry.

When the second young lady fell into the water, she went to complain to the master. The master got angry and whipped me. Fortunately, the mistress and the young lady took care of me, so I didn't suffer any physical pain. But the master and the mistress had a quarrel and they were completely at odds with each other...

At that time, the lady was pregnant with the young master, but the master ignored her. The lady had a stubborn temper, and from then on she no longer paid attention to the master and was depressed every day. After the lady gave birth to the young master, the master didn't even say a word of comfort.

The reason was that Feng was also pregnant. Feng had invited a fortune teller from somewhere, who predicted that Feng was pregnant with a boy, so Feng became even more favored. When the lady heard about this, she was so angry that she didn't eat for several days and her body became thinner and thinner.

Before Feng's due date, she had a miscarriage. Feng cried so hard in front of the master, and the master felt even more sorry for her. After that, no matter how hard Feng tried, she couldn't get pregnant. So she started to have bad ideas and kept poisoning the eldest daughter. When the lady learned about this, she sent the young master to the academy of his maternal grandfather, thus saving the young master's safety.

However, the Madam took the poison to confront Feng, but Feng denied it flatly and said that the Madam had wronged her. That day, the Madam, who was always gentle, fought with Feng, and the master even helped Feng to slap the Madam in the face. That slap chilled the Madam's heart. Since then, the Madam no longer saw the master and died of illness when the young lady was eight years old.

The master promoted Feng to be the mistress of Ji Mansion, and the young lady could not escape her clutches. She was locked up by the master every day and acted crazy. If the young lady had not been married to Prince Chen by the Queen Mother, the master would have sent her to a villa in the countryside.

From then on, the young lady was sealed away, and the second young lady, Ji Yuqing, seemed to be the legitimate daughter of the Ji family, attending various circles of noble ladies. She often mocked my young lady, and took away all the jewelry that the ladies had left for the young lady. What's even more infuriating is that when Prince Chen came to the Ji family's house to visit my young lady, Ji Yuqing shamelessly went to seduce the prince.

Later, my young lady married into Prince Chen's mansion after she reached the age of 15. I thought that she had finally escaped from the sea of suffering, but unexpectedly she fell into another abyss. It turned out that Prince Chen married her not because he loved her, but because of her identity, her mother's family background, and the Queen Mother.

The prince has not come to see the young lady since the wedding night, nor has he lifted her wedding veil. The young lady is fine, but I feel very sad for her. I mustered up the courage to go find the prince, but unexpectedly he avoided me.

Later, the second young lady also married into Prince Chen's mansion. That night, I couldn't find my young lady. I searched the entire mansion from day to night, but I didn't expect that the young lady suddenly went crazy and made a scene in the prince's bridal chamber. After this scene, the young lady became sober.

From then on, the young lady was always against the prince. Although I understood why the young lady disliked the prince, as she was naturally unwilling to be neglected for so many years, I was also worried that the young lady would really turn against the prince and make him unhappy, and that the tragedy of the lady and the master would be repeated. I had promised the lady to take good care of the young lady, and naturally I would do my best to make the young lady happy.

Fortunately, the prince did not notice the young lady's philandering. Instead, he liked her more and more. The young lady has changed a lot now. She is becoming more and more independent and self-reliant, and she is the one who makes money and takes care of the family. Seeing the loving relationship between the prince and the young lady, I am also very happy.

I thought my life would be peaceful and simple, but I didn't expect to meet the person I least wanted to see in my life...

That day I went out of the house to shop on the street, and a woman followed me all the way. At first I thought she was a spy, but I didn't expect that she was the biological mother who gave birth to me but did not fulfill her responsibilities.

My mother recalled a lot of past events to me and described what I looked like when I was just born. Later she said that she was now working in the palace for the Empress Dowager, and she asked me to help her.

Madam has been so kind to me, how could I betray my young lady just because of a few words from my mother? I refused and drew a clear line between us. We each serve our own masters and do our own things. Although she gave birth to me, she did not raise me, so I can't obey your order.

I had walked more than ten meters away, but I could still hear her scolding me behind my back for being an ungrateful person and for having given birth to a daughter in vain. I sneered in my heart. Wasn't she thinking the same thing when she abandoned me

Later, I calmly watched the battle between the prince and the king's uncle from the perspective of an observer. The prince won, and he forced the emperor to abdicate with thundering means, seized the throne, and killed the king's uncle and the queen.

When my daughter returned to the palace to start a new life, I met A Niang again in the palace. She was not asked to leave the palace, but worked as a nanny in the lowest laundry department. When I met A Niang again, she pulled me into a corner and criticized me severely. Then she told me her plan again and asked me to cooperate.

It doesn’t matter if I don’t cooperate, the plan will still go on, but when she is caught she will still drag me down, because her blood runs in my bones.

Dongqi is going to make peace with Dayan, and Princess Linglong is the bride of this marriage. I was sent by my young lady to escort the bride. Sometimes, I envy Princess Linglong very much. She is born noble and can marry the person she likes. When she gets married, she will have a dowry of ten miles given by the emperor.

Linglong said that she envied my young lady and the prince for knowing each other and loving each other, and envied the prince for clearing all difficulties for her, for risking his life for her, and for having no concubines in the harem because of her. If she met a man who loved her like this, she would die without regrets.

I am the one who has watched my young lady grow up. I have seen how much pain and grievances she has gone through to get to where she is today.

On the day Linglong and Ruge got married, I did her makeup myself. Looking at her in the mirror, wearing a phoenix crown and a bridal robe, I wondered when I would be able to wear a wedding dress and marry the man I love

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I have been a slave and a maid serving my young lady all my life, and I still hope to get married. What will happen to my young lady in the future

Watching Linglong and Ruge getting married and walking into the bridal chamber holding red silk, my eyes suddenly felt warm and a tear escaped from the corner of my eye.

Why was I crying? I thought about it and decided that I was probably envious.

The next day, I said goodbye to Ruge. My young lady's due date was getting closer and closer, and with my mother's plan, I was worried day and night. But Princess Linglong refused. She said she would not let me go until I learned cooking. Since I had come to Dayan, I had to stay for a few days before leaving.

Unable to refuse the kindness, I stayed for another two days. I asked to leave again, but Princess Linglong did not hold me back. Instead, she looked at me with a red face and said, "The gift from your queen is so thoughtful."

I suddenly remembered that when Princess Linglong got married, my young lady gave her a box of gifts and insisted that she could not open it until she arrived in Dayan.

The day of arriving in Dayan would be the time for the wedding night. I vaguely guessed something, but pretended not to know. Ruge asked me to bring some local specialties back to the young lady and sent two guards to escort her.

After traveling day and night, I finally returned to Dongqi and arrived at my young lady's side before she gave birth. My mother did not move, which made me feel relieved.

That night, the lady's stomach began to hurt and she was about to give birth. I won't say much about the difficult process of delivery. Seeing her in pain, I wished I could feel the pain for her. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it for her.

The plan that A Niang mentioned was to assassinate the Emperor when the young lady gave birth, but her plan still did not go as she wished. In the end, two assassins directly snatched away the newborn princess. That was the young lady's flesh and blood that she had given birth to with great difficulty. I will not allow anyone to hurt her.

I chased after him with only one thought in my mind, to bring the little princess back safely. I saw A Niang, she had poisoned the little princess. She laughed crazily, thinking that if she couldn't kill Xiao Yichen with the poison to avenge her master, then she would poison the little bastard to make Xiao Yichen suffer.

I stepped forward to stop her, but failed in the first step. I snatched the little princess and sucked out the poison from her body with my mouth. I could still vaguely hear my mother scolding me for being an idiot. I knew that even if I sucked it out with my mouth, I couldn't get rid of the remaining poison... This poison was created by my mother and there was no antidote. My death would make my mother sober up and stop doing stupid things, which would be worth it.

It’s just that… I can’t even say sorry to my daughter until I die, and this is my biggest regret…

It was almost dawn. I lay on the ground holding the little princess tightly, watching the sky above my head gradually turn whiter. The sunrise was so beautiful, but it was a pity that this was the last time I could see it.

The poison in my body began to take effect, and I felt pain in all my internal organs. At first it was like a needle prick, and slowly the pain became indescribable and came surging like a sea. I felt a fishy smell at the corners of my mouth, as if blood was flowing backwards.

In the dim light, I saw a man in a white robe walking towards me, the breeze lifted his clothes, and he walked towards me step by step with a graceful gait, and the breeze and white clouds came slowly.

As I got closer, I gradually saw his face clearly. It was not Ruge. Ruge was newlywed in Dayan and was full of happiness.

Bai Mo took away the little princess in my arms, and my mission finally came to an end. Bai Mo put her fingers on my wrist and shook her head. I knew that my life was over, and even a miracle doctor could not take me away from the King of Hell.

Your Majesty, Queen, I only wish you happiness and well-being. If there is an afterlife, we will meet again...

(End of this chapter)