No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 221: Five years later


Five years later, Beiling Kingdom.

"Sister, what are you doing?" The chubby little boy, with his butt sticking out, crawled through the grass and asked the girl in a flowery jacket hiding behind a rock.

"Shh! Stop making noise! You've driven all the sparrows flying away!" The little girl rolled her eyes at the little boy. There were two dimples on her porcelain-white face. The flowery jacket didn't look tacky at all on her. Instead, she looked like a doll from a New Year picture.

Sparrow? The little boy scratched his head and looked at the little girl holding the rope. "Sparrows can fly. You can't catch them like this!"

The little girl stretched out her chubby little hand and patted the little boy on the mouth, "Shut up!"

The little boy blinked his big eyes, covered his mouth with his hands and stopped talking.

A few more sparrows flew down from the sky and landed on the winnowing basket, but they did not climb down to steal the white rice. The little girl became anxious and couldn't help but hold the rope tightly.

The little boy held his chin up to the sky and said, "I am hoeing the field at noon, and my sweat drips down to the ground. Who knows that every grain of rice on the plate is the result of hard work? Sister, do you not want to eat rice, so you throw it to these sparrows?"

The little girl gave a "you talk too much" look, pouted and turned her head to the side. At this moment, a few sparrows flew to the ground. The little boy reached out and pulled the rope in the girl's hand. With a bang, the dustpan fell to the ground, and he successfully caught two sparrows.

The little boy danced with joy: "Sister, did you see that? I am so awesome. I caught two sparrows."

The little girl rolled her eyes, "That was my trap, don't take the credit!"

The little boy ran into the house: "Mom, Mom, Momo caught two big sparrows!"

The little girl chased after him: "Mommy, mommy, it's not like what my brother said, it was Xiangxiang who caught it!"

In the room, Ji Lingxue was holding a piece of paper and looking at it. The five-year medicinal materials festival was held in the imperial city. Although Beiling has the longest winter among the four seasons, it is indeed a famous country of medicinal materials. It has rich forest and grassland plants, as well as meadows, swamps and aquatic plants. Among them, there are more than 500 famous Chinese herbal medicines such as Cistanche, Bupleurum, Astragalus, Ginseng, Gastrodia elata, etc.

Among them, Atractylodes lancea, Longxucao and Xiong Neidan are the medicines for treating Xiaoxiang's poison.

Ji Lingxue and Xiao Yichen traveled all over the country with their two treasures and met many famous doctors. Most of them shook their heads after examining Xiao Xiang for the poison she was poisoned with. Ji Lingxue was used to it. Every time she saw Xiao Xiang being poisoned at such a young age, she would be so anxious that she would cry, but she was powerless to do anything.

Later, she met a poison doctor, who came up with a bold idea: to fight poison with poison, he implanted another poison into Xiao Xiang's body to suppress it. Ji Lingxue couldn't find a way to detoxify the poison, so she gritted her teeth and nodded to do it.

After the treatment plan of fighting poison with poison was implemented, Xiao Xiang grew up safely, which made Ji Lingxue very relieved.

However, these two poisons cannot stay in the body for a long time. As a mother, Ji Lingxue hopes that her child can be healthy. As long as the poison in Xiao Xiang's body can be removed, Ji Lingxue is willing to pay any price.

Ji Lingxue said: "The Beiling Herb Festival is here, it's being held in the Imperial Capital, I want to go and see it."

Xiao Yichen raised his head from the account book and said, "Okay, that's what I was thinking. We've been here for too long, and it would be nice to change our living environment. We'll leave in ten days, and I'll sell the store here first."

After he stopped being an emperor, Xiao Yichen turned to business and started a business wherever he went. As a result, he opened more and more stores. However, after they moved to a new place, they sold the stores. This is called capital monopoly.

"Mother, mother!" Xiao Xiang and Xiao Mo threw themselves into her arms at the same time. Ji Lingxue's eyes were full of kindness. She touched her son's head, then her daughter's head. "Xiang Xiang, Mo Mo, what are you doing back here?"

Xiao Xiang gestured, "Mother, mother, Xiang Xiang caught a sparrow. Can you cook sparrows for Xiang Xiang?"

Xiao Mo raised his hand and said, "Mom, it was Mo Mo who caught it!"

Ji Lingxue shook her head. The two children were both very greedy. Ever since she fried sparrows out of boredom one time, Xiao Xiang could not forget it and always asked Ji Lingxue to make it again. Ji Lingxue was completely protective of the sparrows, but she felt that there was no need to spoil the children in everything, so she found some reasons to refuse. She didn't expect that the two children would catch sparrows themselves and come to her for cooking. Now she would find some reasons to refuse.

Xiao Yichen waved at the two children, "Momo, Xiangxiang, come here!"

The two children hugged Xiao Yichen's arms and pulled one side each. Xiao Xiang said, "Daddy, are you looking at the account book? Are you tired? Xiang Xiang will give you a shoulder massage."

Xiao Mo: "Daddy, when Momo grows up, he will help you look at the account books and help daddy in the future."

Xiao Yichen smiled and curved his eyes. The two little darlings born by Ji Lingxue were so sweet and heartwarming. "I heard that you caught the sparrow. Daddy's two treasures are really powerful. Come on, take Daddy to see where the sparrow is."

Xiao Xiang nodded rapidly and pulled Xiao Yichen's arm attentively, while Xiao Mo ran out happily behind them.

"Daddy, that's it!" Xiao Xiang pointed at the winnowing basket on the ground.

Xiao Yichen nodded to show that he understood. He walked over and lifted the dustpan. Two sparrows spread their wings and flew up, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yichen clapped his hands and said, "Well, these two sparrows are quite agile..."

"Wow... Daddy, you let go of the sparrow that we caught with great difficulty, wow..." the two children said in unison, and then burst into tears, making Xiao Yichen very confused.

“Daddy, you have to compensate me… I finally caught a sparrow…” Xiao Xiang grabbed Xiao Yichen’s sleeve and wiped her tears on it.

Xiao Yichen twitched his lips, and he couldn't bear to wipe away the tears from Xiao Xiang's eyes and said, "Okay, don't cry. Daddy will catch sparrows for you now."

As soon as these words were spoken, the two children stopped crying instantly.

Xiao Xiang pulled Xiao Yichen's sleeve and shook it, saying coquettishly: "Daddy, take us out to play, we won't catch sparrows anymore."

Xiao Yichen nodded and walked out with one of them in each hand, saying, "Okay, Daddy will buy you some candied haws!"

"Great, great!" Xiao Xiang clapped her hands.

"Daddy, I want to eat candy man!" Xiao Mo said.

After the three of them left, Ji Lingxue stretched, lay comfortably on the bed and went to chat with Zhou Gong.

On the street, Xiao Mo pulled Xiao Yichen's sleeve and said, "Dad, Mom's birthday is coming soon. Have you prepared a gift for Mom?"

Facing the questioning looks from the two children, Xiao Yichen twitched his lips and asked, "So what gift did you prepare for mother?"

Xiao Xiang said: "I want to give my mother my favorite snack."

Xiao Mo said: "I asked for a peace charm for my mother. This is a Taoist priest from Mount Mao who chanted sutras 180 times in front of Goddess Guanyin. It is very effective."

The two children turned to look at Xiao Yichen and asked in unison, "Dad, what are you giving me? If you haven't thought about it, we will prepare it for you. Dad, you just need to pay the money."

Xiao Yichen: It seems like these two siblings are setting a trap for him here!

In the clothing store, the proprietress smiled and held out a gorgeous apricot silk skirt and said, "This is the best material in my store. It was made according to the young lady's and young master's requirements."

Xiao Yichen nodded, and without asking the price, he took out a gold ingot and put it on the table, "Wrap it up!"

Xiao Mo and Xiao Xiang opened their mouths wide and pointed their fingers, saying, "Daddy, this dress only costs one hundred taels of silver. How much do you want for this ingot of gold?"

Xiao Yichen said indifferently: "No need to look for it. The skirt I buy for your mother should be the best."

Xiao Mo and Xiao Xiang looked at each other, then made a decision. They turned around at the same time to pick out a set of clothes for themselves. After all, their father had given them so much money, it was time to change their clothes.

After leaving the clothing store, Xiao Xiang hugged Xiao Yichen's arm and said, "Dad, let's book a restaurant and treat Mom to a delicious meal tomorrow."

Xiao Yichen nodded, "Okay, where do you want to eat?" Although he said that, he knew in his heart that the two children were greedy.

Sure enough, the two kids went into the most expensive local restaurant on the pretext of food tasting and ordered the most expensive dishes. After all, their father was very rich, so they thought their meal would not go bankrupt.

Half an hour later, Xiao Xiang and Xiao Mo leaned back in their chairs, touching their round bellies with their hands, and they were obviously full.

Xiao Yichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he took out two pills from his sleeve and handed one to each of them. "Your mother asked me to bring these with me when I go out. She knew that you would eat more when you see something delicious. These are digestion pills to prevent you from feeling uncomfortable if you eat too much."

Xiao Xiang and Xiao Mo each grabbed one and ate it, then let out a long sigh, "I feel much better now."

There was a sudden commotion downstairs. The two siblings, who loved to join in the fun, leaned out of the window to see that they had encountered a pickpocket. An elegant man in white clothes subdued the man and won applause.

Xiao Xiang said: "That young man in white is really handsome, but unfortunately he is a bit old."

Xiao Mo said: "This man is good at martial arts, it would be great if I could become his disciple!"

Xiao Yichen raised his eyebrows and leaned over to look, his eyes instantly lit up, he raised his hand, picked up a chopstick and threw it down.

"Wow, Daddy, why did you stab me in the back?" The two siblings, who had a strong sense of justice, turned around and asked.

The corner of Xiao Yichen's mouth twitched, "It's not a sneak attack, I'm just saying hello." What these two kids said made him look like a sinister villain.

Downstairs, the man in white stretched out two fingers to hold the chopsticks accurately, then raised his head and looked up. The next moment, he displayed his Qinggong skills and landed gracefully beside Xiao Yichen. "What a tacit understanding. I just came here and you are treating me to a meal?"

Xiao Yichen rolled his eyes at him, "Bai Mo, why are you here?"

Bai Mo picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, saying, "Come out for a walk. There's a saying that goes, reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles..." He paused, looking at the two little kids sitting opposite him, his smile widening, "Time really doesn't spare anyone. Xiao Xiang and Xiao Mo have grown so big!"

"Brother, so you know our daddy?" Xiao Mo and Xiao Xiang said in unison. The word "brother" made Bai Mo's eyes curl up. Haha, they are two really sensible children.

Bai Mo's eyes swept over Xiao Xiang's face, then he turned to ask Xiao Yichen, "Is the poison cured?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head. "No, I just suppressed the poison in my body by using poison to fight poison. Over the years, Ji Lingxue and I have been to many places and looked for famous doctors. In the end, we could only come up with this method. Later, we came to Beiling. A Taoist monk traveled here. After seeing Mo Xiang, he said that he had three medicinal ingredients. If we can gather them together, we can cure the poison in her body."

Bai Mo became more and more excited as he listened, and asked anxiously, "Which three medicine guides?"

Xiao Yichen said: "Atractylodes, Dragon's Beard Grass, Bear's Inner Pill."

Bai Mo was petrified when he heard that. After a long while, he said, "Did I hear it right? I've heard of this herb, Atractylodes lancea. It's in Beiling, but it blooms and bears fruit once every four years. If you're lucky, you can find it at the Herb Festival. But Longxucao... why haven't I heard of it? And Xiong Neidan, isn't it the gallbladder of a bear?"

Xiao Yichen nodded, indicating that Bai Mo had not heard wrong.

(End of this chapter)