No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 95: Trapped in a formation


On the other side, Ji Lingxue was carried and flying. She looked back from time to time, calculating the time when the poison would take effect. She would have to study it again when she returned this time. The effect of this poison powder was too slow.

When her hands broke free from the hemp rope, she secretly rubbed some poison powder on the rope, waiting for some unlucky person to get poisoned. Unexpectedly, it was the perverted third prince who got poisoned. Unfortunately, the poison took a long time to take effect, and she couldn't see any effect.

Even if no one came to rescue her today, Ji Lingxue believed that it would be easy to escape after she knocked down the perverted third prince.

Coming back to her senses, Ji Lingxue looked up at the masked man who was holding her. From her angle, she could only see his pointed chin. Although she had an urge to remove his mask and see his face, considering her current situation, Ji Lingxue resisted the urge.

Ji Lingxue said: "Thank you, hero, for saving me." Not knowing how to address the other party, she used "hero" instead.

"It's okay, saving you was just a coincidence." The masked man said calmly.

What? Saving her was just a side job. Ji Lingxue twitched her lips. This place was so secluded. Could he still say that he was just passing by and didn't need to take it to heart

"But I still want to thank you. I am the Princess of Chen. You saved me and I will repay you." Ji Lingxue said seriously. As for repaying your life-saving grace with her body, that was enough. She was a married woman now.

"How are you going to repay me?" the masked man suddenly asked.

Ji Lingxue thought about it seriously and said, "I opened a restaurant. You can get a 50% discount when you dine there in the future. No one else has this offer." Food is the most important thing for a person. This is a sincere way for her to repay her benefactor.

The man with the ghost face chuckled twice, "It seems that I made a profit today."

Ji Lingxue followed suit and smiled, then stopped smiling and turned around to look back uneasily.

"Don't worry, they won't chase us." said the man with the ghost face, his tone firm.

"Why are you so sure?" Ji Lingxue asked.

The man with the ghost face said, "They couldn't find out that I secretly used leaves to unblock your acupuncture points. The poisonous bees and your poison powder can delay them for a while. Why can't they catch up with us so quickly?"

Ji Lingxue blinked her eyes. She didn't expect that the man in front of her had such amazing kung fu that he could untie the acupoints on her body with just a few leaves. How did he do that

Ji Lingxue: "Why don't they chase us right away? It has nothing to do with the poisonous bees. They raise these poisonous bees themselves."

Even a good dog won’t bite its owner. These bees are so inhumane!

The man with the ghost face said, "I put a curse on the poisonous bees. They only obey orders and don't recognize people."

Ji Lingxue: “…” She felt that the man in front of her was so scary, so she stayed as far away from him as possible.

After a moment of silence, Ji Lingxue asked again: "Why did you come up the mountain to save me? Do you know me?"

The man with the ghost face glanced at Ji Lingxue and said, "Of course I know you, you are Princess Chen."

The two were talking when they suddenly bumped into something and fell from mid-air. Before Ji Lingxue could even scream, her body spun around and she fell to the ground.

Ji Lingxue rubbed her dizzy head and asked, "What's going on?"

There was a thick fog ahead, and I couldn't see the shadows of the trees in the distance. I looked up and saw a gray haze above my head.

The man with the ghost face paused, stopped at the top of a tree, stared straight ahead for a long time, and then said, "Someone has set up a formation here." If I had known that the way down the mountain would be so easy.

Ji Lingxue finally withdrew her attention from the mask of the ghost-faced man, looked around and asked, "Then what should we do?" As expected, the way down the mountain would not be easy.

The man with the ghost face said, "Is it okay for you to stay here alone? I'll go explore the way."

Ji Lingxue looked at the man with the ghost face suspiciously and asked, "What if you never come back, what should I do?"

The corner of his mouth twitched under the ghost mask, "I came here to save you, how could I leave you alone in the middle of the road? Giving up halfway is not my style."

Ji Lingxue still had an expression of disbelief, "I don't even know who you are, how can I believe what you say?"

The man with the ghost face sighed, raised his hand to hold the mask and slowly opened it. Ji Lingxue saw a familiar face...

In the other side of the cave, the Third Prince was lying on a tiger-skin stone bed with his eyes closed. He was surrounded by people in three circles outside of him, anxiously waiting for him to wake up, looking leaderless and at a loss.

The poisonous bees suddenly counterattacked and left them helpless. Several of them accidentally fell unconscious. Their doctors were trying to detoxify them.

The doctor also came to see the third prince, but after taking his pulse he couldn't figure out what was wrong and just thought that the third prince was just too tired.

The third prince slept for two whole hours. The first thing he said when he opened his eyes was, "Where are those two people?" He, a dignified prince, had been ambushed by someone. He had to settle this account.

"They are still in the formation set up by Mr. Li." One of the guards replied.

The third prince was very proud and said, "Mr. Li is really very intelligent. With such a formation, it won't be a problem to trap them to death." The next moment, he frowned, "It's just... that foxy Prince Chen really won't take risks for a woman, and he hasn't shown up yet... What a coward!"

In the formation, Ji Lingxue kicked the stones on the ground out of boredom, looked up and saw a few stars hanging in the sky. The waiting time was always so long.

Ji Lingxue asked, "Why hasn't he come back yet? Could he have been caught by the perverted Third Prince's men?"

Just now, the masked man took off his mask and revealed his true face. Under the mask was a familiar face to her, Ruge, the bodyguard she picked up halfway and whose background she didn't know.

He had saved Ruge's life before, and now he risked his own life to save her. This favor was considered repaid. Ji Lingxue regretted letting Ruge patronize her Qingfeng Yashe with half a discount. She was really worried that the foodie would eat her into poverty.

Ji Lingxue rolled her eyes and picked up a larger stone on the ground. Ruge said that this formation was very powerful and one wrong move could result in death. She wanted to see how powerful this formation was.

Thinking of this, Ji Lingxue threw the stone out with force. The next moment, Ji Lingxue opened her mouth in surprise, and saw that the stone suddenly stopped in mid-air. After a whooshing sound, the stone instantly turned into ashes and was blown away by the wind.

Ji Lingxue patted her frightened chest. It was really thrilling! Fortunately, she was very obedient and did not walk around.

Here, the Third Prince had just finished scolding Xiao Yichen when a loud noise came from outside, "Oh no! The gun went off!"

The third prince stood up and walked to the entrance of the cave. He saw a fire halfway up the mountain. The fire spread quickly and instantly turned into a fire dragon.

The third prince clenched his fist and said angrily: "What are you doing? Why did the fire suddenly start?" After saying that, he strode out first.

Xiao Yichen, Chi Feng and others were standing at the foot of the mountain, looking at the sudden fire halfway up the mountain with a puzzled look on their faces. He hadn't even climbed the mountain yet, and already the mountain was in chaos

Chi Feng said: "My Lord, what should we do next?"

Xiao Yichen ordered: "Block all the exits for me. I want to capture the mastermind alive." If you dare to kidnap his woman, be prepared to lose your head.

Chi Feng responded with a loud "yes" and without Xiao Yichen giving any other instructions, he turned around to arrange for an ambush.

As the night deepened, most of the fire on the mountainside was extinguished. Ji Lingxue sat on a tree trunk, looking at the fire on the top of the mountain and then at the sky. She touched her stomach and sighed. She was so hungry that if she continued to be so hungry, she would not have the strength to escape.

Ruge came back as promised wearing a ghost mask, holding the blackened rabbit meat in her hand. "I saw the rabbit when I started the fire just now. I guessed you must be hungry, so I brought it back for you."

Ji Lingxue covered her nose and turned her head to the side. No matter how hungry she was, she couldn't eat the burnt rabbit meat, especially since the rabbit looked so miserable after dying. She had no appetite at all.

"Eat it yourself." Ji Lingxue waved her hands, looking extremely disgusted. She couldn't go down the mountain until the formation was broken. She was in a bad mood and had no appetite.

Ruge said, "The fire just now was just a cover. The formation here has been broken. We still have half of the way down the mountain. If you don't eat something to fill your stomach, it's my fault for not taking good care of you."

Looking at the ghost face in front of her, Ji Lingxue curled her lips. After knowing the other party's identity, she spoke to him bluntly, "Don't worry, it's not your fault. I just have a poor appetite."

Ji Lingxue stared at the ghost face mask for a long time, "I have a question..." This was the question that had been lingering in her mind since she saw the other person's face.

The man with the grimace turned to look at Ji Lingxue and gestured to her, but his hands kept peeling off the burnt rabbit fur in his hands.

Ji Lingxue asked: "Do you know the Third Prince of Dayan?"

The man with the ghost face paused, looked up at Ji Lingxue, then lowered his head to continue what he was doing. His secret could not be told.

Ji Lingxue curled her lips, it seemed that her guess was right. "Since you know him, why did you set fire to his mountain?"

The ghost-faced man paused again, looked at Ji Lingxue speechlessly and said, "If we don't set fire to the mountain, how can we get the people on the mountain to come down, how can we break the formation, and how can we let the people down the mountain know the situation on the mountain?"

Ji Lingxue blinked, suddenly stood up and looked down the mountain. The moon was dim and the stars were sparse, so she could only see clusters of tree shadows and a dark mass.

Ji Lingxue was disappointed. It seemed that Xiao Yichen had no intention of saving her. Fortunately, she had a good bodyguard.

Ji Lingxue glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the man with the ghost face tearing open the half-cooked roasted rabbit leg and starting to eat it. The scene was so bloody that Ji Lingxue couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Ji Lingxue: "How come you don't care about food at all?"

Ruge smiled bitterly and said, "If you were thrown into the mountains for three days and three nights, even if you had to eat raw insects and snakes, it would be better than starving. Only by being alive can there be hope."

Ji Lingxue looked at Ruge with sympathy. She didn't expect that she had such a terrible experience.

The man with the grimace smiled, lowered his head and continued to eat the meat, and the rabbit leg in his hand was snatched away.

Ji Lingxue said: "Since you saved me, I'll let you taste my cooking." Then he used local ingredients to start a fire and started grilling meat.

Seeing Ji Lingxue picking some unknown grass and smearing the juice on the meat, and finally taking book cover as seasoning, Ruge couldn't help but ask: "How did you learn all this? Tree bark is also a seasoning?"

Ji Lingxue explained as she peeled the bark with a knife: "This is a sour fruit tree. People cut the bark and eat it. It can be fried and eaten directly, or used as a seasoning in other dishes."

Sure enough, the rabbit meat gave off an alluring aroma in a short while, and the fat dripped onto the firewood with a sizzling sound. The man with the ghost face gave a thumbs up and said, "It smells really good."

Ji Lingxue said: "After eating this, can we go down the mountain? I kind of miss the bed that Mo Xiang made."

Ji Lingxue blinked and looked at Ruge with a gossipy look on her face, "You have a good relationship with Mo Xiang?" That girl was only nice to her, when did she actually make the bed for another man

Before Ruge could say anything, a cold voice floated from behind her, "Finally I caught you. You guys really have the leisure to eat barbecue. Haha, you set fire to half of my mountain. How do you think I'm going to settle this account?"

In an instant, Ji Lingxue and Ruge were surrounded, and the Third Prince said with a dark face and gritted teeth.

Ji Lingxue said: "Third Prince, your physique is very good. You woke up so quickly!"

Thinking of his inexplicable fainting before, the third prince looked at Ji Lingxue with a vigilant look. This woman is full of poison, so he has to be more careful.

Ruge was not afraid of the current situation. She continued to gnaw on the rabbit leg in her hand. No matter how big the matter was, it was not as important as filling her stomach. Only when she was full would she have the strength to fight.

Ji Lingxue was not nervous when she saw the man with the ghost face. Thinking that Xiao Yichen might be coming soon, she relaxed and confronted the third prince with a happy expression.

The third prince's eyes swept past Ji Lingxue and looked at Ruge who was wearing a ghost mask. "Who are you? How do you know how to restrain the poisonous bees?"

Ruge threw the bone on the ground, without giving the other person any extra looks, walked in front of Ji Lingxue, and whispered in her ear: "Take good care of yourself later."

Ji Lingxue blinked, her eyes full of excitement. Are they going to fight

Ji Lingxue said: "Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble." Although she didn't have any mysterious martial arts, she could still save her life.

Ruge nodded, grabbed Ji Lingxue's arm with her left hand, and used the sword in her right hand to break the encirclement with an unexpected move. Ji Lingxue followed closely behind the man with the ghost face to prevent herself from falling behind.

Faced with the sudden swing of a sword, Ji Lingxue would either dodge or shout for help. The man with the ghost face would block the sword for her at the first moment and continue moving forward with her.

While the fight was going on here, the third prince took the short crossbow handed over by his follower, pointed the crossbow at the vest of the man with the ghost face, pressed the switch, and the short arrow shot out with a whoosh.

When Ji Lingxue turned around, she found that the short arrow was right in front of her. In a hurry, she pushed the man with the ghost face forward. The short arrow whizzed past the man's arm and disappeared into the darkness.

Ji Lingxue turned around and sprinkled white powder in the direction of the third prince. This was done with the wind, and in an instant white smoke filled the entire space. It was impossible to see what was in front of him, and the third prince was so scared that he quickly covered his face.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man with the ghost face stabbed the person blocking his way in the chest with a sword, pulled up Ji Lingxue's arm and dived into the deep shadow of the tree.

When the white smoke dissipated, the Third Prince shook his wide sleeves in anger. A gust of wind swept past, scaring the guards around him so much that they held their breath.

The Third Prince said angrily, "Damn it! This powder is not poisonous. We were tricked by them and they escaped... Chase them now, I will find them alive or dead!"

The attendants around him responded in unison, leaving six of them to protect the third prince, while the others split into two groups and took a shortcut to chase Ji Lingxue and the others.

(End of this chapter)