No Wedding Unless Enemies and Lovers

Chapter 99: track


Ji Yuqing twitched her lips. Was she seeing things? How could a hungry person not be angry

Wait... That idiot Ji Lingxue asked her to pay the bill. She had used all her monthly salary to buy jewelry, and this month's salary was particularly small. Where would she get the extra money to pay for the meal

"Wait a minute, sister!" Ji Yuqing hurriedly lifted her skirt and went downstairs to chase after her. She didn't know if Ji Lingxue was born in the year of the rabbit. After a while, she disappeared. Ji Yuqing looked at the shop assistants who surrounded her awkwardly.

Xiao Si rolled up his arms and looked like he was going to beat someone up. "Madam, the total is six hundred taels. I've already given you a discount..."

Ji Yuqing's calves trembled. "What... Why is it so expensive? It's only ten dishes, but it costs six hundred taels. Are you ripping me off?"

Xiao Si touched his nose and thought: If I don't kill you, the fat sheep, who else should I kill? Our store has just opened, so naturally we have to get an auspicious number.

Ji Yuqing winked at Zi Ye, indicating that she should go out quickly and call Ji Lingxue back. She was looking at the accounts and she must have money in her hands.

Zi Ye nodded, and he took a step forward. The next moment, the door was blocked by several shop assistants, who obviously refused to let him go without money.

Xiao Si said politely again: "Madam, you are not going to say that you didn't bring any money, are you?"

A drop of cold sweat slid down Ji Yuqing's forehead. She reached into her arms and reluctantly handed over the purse she was carrying.

Xiao Si snatched it away, opened the purse, poured it on the table beside and began to count the money, "Only eighty taels..." Xiao Si said and spread his hands towards Ji Yuqing.

Ji Yuqing pointed in the direction of the door and said, "My sister is outside. Send someone out and she will give you the money."

Xiao Si looked at the sweaty Ji Yuqing with amusement, waved his hand and asked the waiter beside him to go out and pretend. The next moment, the waiter ran back and said, "The female guest outside said that she didn't bring any money with her today. Let this female guest sign and go back to Prince Chen's Mansion to get it."

Ji Yuqing looked at the note that Xiao Si handed to her, and cursed Ji Lingxue in her heart for going out without money and embarrassing her. She still had to face the reality, picked up the brush and wrote her name, then ran to the carriage with her skirt lifted.

In front of Ji Lingxue in the carriage was a low table with some cakes and side dishes on it. Ji Yuqing naturally vented her anger on Ji Lingxue, "Didn't you say you didn't bring any money? How come you have such delicious food in the carriage?"

Ji Lingxue picked up a piece of crispy chicken and put it in her mouth and chewed it, "Oh, these are the snacks that Mo Xiang brought. I just remembered it. Haha, sister, you've already had breakfast, why are you still so angry?"

Ji Yuqing: It’s not you who is embarrassed, so of course I’m not angry.

Ji Yuqing made a note in her heart and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain of Yinyuan Temple. The coachman was left to watch the carriage. Ji Lingxue took Ji Yuqing and two maids to climb the mountain. It was a sunny day today and the scenery in the mountains was beautiful, but Ji Yuqing was in no mood to appreciate it as she was full of anger.

This road up the mountain was built by the temple to facilitate pedestrians, but there are still many thorny vines on the mountain road. As Ji Yuqing looked at them, a plan came to her mind.

Ji Yuqing suddenly cried out and squatted down, "Concubine, are you okay?" Zi Ye hurried to support Ji Yuqing.

Ji Lingxue, who was walking in front, stopped and turned to look behind her, "What's wrong with my sister?" They were only halfway through the mountain road, wouldn't something go wrong again

Ji Yuqing was supported by Zi Ye and sat on a stone by the roadside. She touched her ankle with her hand and looked a little painful. "Sister, my ankle is a little sprained. I need to rest for a while. You and Mo Xiang go up the mountain and wait for me to get better."

Zi Ye helped rub Ji Yuqing's ankle and said, "Concubine, I have learned some simple medical knowledge. I will help you massage it and it will stop hurting soon."

Seeing this, Ji Lingxue said, "Okay, sister, you take a rest for a while, I'll go up first." After that, she took Mo Xiang and walked up the mountain.

After walking for a distance, Mo Xiang turned his head and looked in the direction of Ji Yuqing. He felt a little uneasy. The concubine had always been plotting against his own princess. He wondered what she was planning this time.

Ji Lingxue turned around and saw Mo Xiang stopped and said, "Let's go. Don't worry, my sister will be fine. Although this place is in the wilderness, it is not so deserted that there are no pedestrians. Rogues and hooligans will not cause trouble in the holy land of Buddhism."

Mo Xiang looked at Ji Lingxue speechlessly, "My princess, I am not worried about the safety of the concubine, I am just worried about you..."

Ji Lingxue shrugged indifferently, "Ruge is protecting us in the dark, nothing will happen to us, let's go."

Mo Xiang looked up at the towering old tree, but didn't find where Ruge was hiding. He curled his lips and quickly followed Ji Lingxue.

On the other side, Ji Yuqing was fanning herself with her wide sleeves. It was a warm winter season, but it was still quite hot after some exercise.

Zi Ye's hands deftly massaged Ji Yuqing's ankle and asked her from time to time if she felt better. Ji Yuqing pretended to have sprained her ankle and responded casually. Suddenly, she said, "Zi Ye, take the handkerchief and remove some of the thorns on the vines."

Zi Ye nodded. She was just a servant. She would obey whatever her master told her to do and never ask any questions.

Ji Yuqing fanned herself with her sleeves while watching Zi Ye work. From time to time, two or three passers-by passed by on the road, looking at Ji Yuqing and the others with curious eyes.

Ji Lingxue was so proud that she turned around and urged Zi Ye, "Hurry up, it's almost dark now if you dawdle for even a little while."

Zi Ye pursed her lips and said nothing, speeding up her movements, and the back of her hand was accidentally pricked by the green thorns a few times.

After a moment, the master and servant continued to move forward.

Zi Ye wrapped the collected thorns in a handkerchief several times before putting them into his sleeves.

Before they walked up a few steps, several men came down the mountain, and they stepped aside to let the other go first. The men glanced at Ji Yuqing twice as they passed by, and one of them bumped into Ji Yuqing's arm as he passed by, and then left while talking and laughing.

Ji Yuqing frowned, and with the attitude of "less trouble is worse than more trouble" she didn't argue and turned around to continue walking on her way.

Ji Yuqing was already sweating profusely standing at the entrance of the Marriage Temple. There was a piece of paper on her palm with a line of words written on it: "Meet at Wuli Pavilion behind the temple."

Ji Yuqing was startled and looked around, but didn't see any suspicious figures, so she felt relieved.

Zi Ye handed over a handkerchief, "Master, are you okay?"

Ji Yuqing hid the note, shook her head and said, "It's okay, let's go and find my sister."

Ji Lingxue is currently in the Guanyin Temple, where is placed the Guanyin deity praying for children. On the shoulders and legs of Guanyin sits a fairy child, with a round, snow-white and cute face.

Ji Lingxue tilted her head to look at the compassionate Guanyin, and listened to the girl in front of her kneeling in front of the futon mumbling, and the corners of her mouth twitched. At this time, Mo Xiang came quickly and whispered in Ji Lingxue's ear: "Princess, the concubine went to the backyard of the temple..."

Ji Lingxue's eyes flashed, her intuition told her there was a chance!

Ji Lingxue made a gesture, and the two of them quickly walked out of the Guanyin Temple and headed towards the backyard path. They were the first temple they had come to and were familiar with the environment of the temple, so they were now very familiar with it.

After Ji Yuqing sent Zi Ye to look for Ji Lingxue, she came out of the temple's backyard with the freshly picked bag of green thorns and walked along the mountain road towards Wuliting.

The mountain breeze was blowing, making Ji Yuqing's clothes flutter.

The man in the black cloak was standing in Wuliting. When he saw Ji Yuqing coming, he stretched out his hand and said, "Where is what I want?" His voice was still cold, with an intimidating force that could not be refused.

Ji Yuqing said: "I came here in a hurry today. I have already got the things, but I didn't bring them with me. Transactions always have to be sincere. I got what you wanted, but what about your promise?"

The man in the black cloak glanced at the cautious Ji Yuqing and snorted coldly, "When I get the things, I will naturally fulfill my promise to you. If you don't give me the things, don't bargain with me."

Ji Lingxue and Mo Xiang followed Ji Yuqing all the way and hid behind a tree. They watched from afar as Ji Yuqing was chatting with the mysterious man in black cloak in the pavilion.

I thought it was a scene of adultery, but I found that I was overthinking. Ji Lingxue sighed. I thought Ji Yuqing really liked Xiao Yichen, but I didn't expect that she had a secret.

Mo Xiang made a gesture to Ji Lingxue. Ji Lingxue raised her eyebrows and asked in a low voice: "Why, can you hear what they are saying?" Oh my gosh, does he have super hearing

Mo Xiang shook her head. "I have learned lip reading, so I know what the concubine said just now, but the man in black... He was standing at a very tricky angle, and I couldn't see his lip shape at all."

Ji Lingxue nodded, "What did Ji Yuqing say?"

Mo Xiang repeated, "I came here in a hurry today. I have already got the things, but I didn't bring them with me. Transactions always have to be sincere. I got what you wanted, but what about your promise? What if I gave you what you wanted, but you didn't fulfill it? I'm not at a disadvantage. You know how much risk I took..."

Ji Lingxue frowned. What was in Ji Yuqing's hand? She became a little curious... She would go to Ji Yuqing's room some other day to see if there was anything good that she didn't have.

Ji Lingxue came back to her senses and realized that she had been distracted for too long. She looked up in the direction of the pavilion, but it was empty and the person had disappeared long ago. She turned to look at Mo Xiang, who was looking at her with great interest.

Ji Lingxue touched her cheek, and found nothing stuck to it. She coughed and asked, "When did they leave?"

Mo Xiang replied: "Just when the princess was lost in thought, don't worry, princess, they didn't find us."

Ji Lingxue nodded, stood up, patted the dust off her body and said, "Let's go, we should go back..." After a pause, she pointed to the wild flowers that were in full bloom on the tree in front and said, "Moxiang, those flowers look great, let's pick some and take them back."

Mo Xiang responded, walked forward, picked a few wild flowers and held them in his hands, then quickly caught up with Ji Lingxue who was walking in front.

As soon as I stepped into the temple gate, I ran into Ji Yuqing who looked anxious, as if she had been looking for a long time. "Sister, where have you been? It's so hard to find you!"

Mo Xiang said, "Our princess has been waiting for you, Concubine, in the temple for a long time. She got bored and went out to walk around the nearby hills. Look, these wild peanuts and flowers were just picked. Aren't they beautiful?"

Ji Yuqing's face turned pale. She recognized the wild flowers that Mo Xiang was holding in her hands. There were many of them near the pavilion she had just visited. Could it be...

(End of this chapter)