Noble Emblem

Chapter 1: 001 Is this considered to delete numbers and retrain? (superior)


Liang Lidong's eyes were blurred. It is reasonable to say that he is dead, but he still has consciousness, but this kind of consciousness is very strange... He 'sees' everything in black and white. This is not an image produced by vision, but a kind of Perception has a long distance and can penetrate most obstacles, about two kilometers. That's all, the most exaggerated thing is that everything in the world around is moving at an extremely fast speed, as if someone is showing him a video that has been fast-forwarded by more than a hundred times. Flowers bloom and fall in a flash, and the sun rises and the moon sets, just a matter of blinking a few times... provided that he still has eyes.

Liang Lidong didn't know whether he should be counted as a ghost now, he was in the center of a huge building, imprisoned by a strange energy substance, there were many humanoid creatures around, but Liang Lidong couldn't see the faces of these people clearly , they were in a halo, unable to peep. Similarly, these humanoid creatures cannot find Liang Lidong. Whenever the sun rises, they will appear around Liang Lidong, paying homage to a tall light group... Liang Lidong can no longer recognize colors at this time, but he feels that , the huge light group in the middle of the hall should be golden, this is an inexplicable intuition.

In addition, Liang Lidong can still feel that the light group in the center of the hall is very powerful, more than ten thousand times stronger than him, but that light group does not seem to have any malice towards him. I don't know if it's his illusion, but whenever the sun or the moon rises, there will be a wave of energy transmitted to him from the two stars, nourishing his spirit body, and he will gradually become stronger and more perceptive. Far.

Under Liang Lidong's almost "fast-forward" perspective of consciousness observation, the speed of humanoid creatures is very fast. The time for them to grow from a baby to be able to walk is about one hour in Liang Lidong's previous knowledge. , he no longer has such a thing as 'emotion', and seems to have disappeared together with his body. No joy, no worries, no sorrow, he just silently observed these haloed humanoid creatures, watching them grow up in a short period of time, become strong, then hunched, and finally the halos on their bodies disappeared, becoming The black human-shaped substance was buried in the ground by other people, and finally assimilated completely by the earth.

This kind of change from generation to generation probably lasted for a long time. When Liang Lidong thought he would be in this state forever, things changed.

I don't know what happened, the sun and moon in the sky suddenly fell and disappeared, and a new sun and moon replaced them. At this time, Liang Lidong finally regained a feeling, distressed! If there is a body, he believes that he should cry, but in this state of being like a soul, he can only watch the new sun and the new moon hang in the sky. The energy supply has been cut off, and the new sun and moon have nothing to do with him, and he has no intimacy at all.

The ball of light in the temple also disappeared and disappeared. At the same time, fewer and fewer people came to worship in this hall, and finally disappeared completely. After tens of thousands of times of rising sun and moon, a sudden earthquake buried the entire ancient hall under the mountain and the earth . Without the energy supply from the sun and the moon, Liang Lidong gradually began to weaken, and his perception range became smaller and smaller, until finally he was only two or three meters away from his side.

From now on, Liang Lidong could no longer see the sun rising and the moon setting, nor the seasonal changes outside. Time is the most tormenting thing, and loneliness is the thing that can kill people. The heartache caused by the fall of the old sun and moon has become less and less. There is no one to accompany and communicate with. Now I can't even observe. In this almost completely silent environment, Liang Lidong's spirit became more and more numb. He knew very well that if this continued, his consciousness might disappear, but he couldn't find any way to stop it, nor did he stop this process. desire.

After a long time, Liang Lidong completely lost his perception ability... His consciousness was completely dark, only two lights were supporting his sea of consciousness tenaciously.

After another period of time, these two points of light merged together, and in the end they radiated a large amount of light, illuminating his entire sea of consciousness space. Liang Lidong woke up completely from his numb mental state. A familiar window interface appeared in his "horizon". He was very surprised. This interface was so familiar to him, it was the creation interface of the virtual online game "Flander Continent"!

'Please select a character race! '

Seeing this familiar prompt, Liang Lidong's 'line of sight' fell on the icon of the human race, and then created the characters with ease!

Character: Beta-Liang

Race: Human

Occupation: God-born nobleman

Physical Growth: 7

Harmonized growth: 7

Intelligence Growth: 7

Willpower Growth: 7

Charisma Growth: 7

The name of a nobleman bestowed by God: Ordinary nobles need the official recognition of a country, but the collapse of a country and the decline of a family may cause a nobleman to lose his noble status. But as a god-born nobleman, this title is given to you by the original will of the world. No matter when and where you are, no one can deny your noble status, not even the gods!

Aristocratic temperament: noble birth makes you extraordinary, you look more handsome and charming than you are (stacks with charisma value).

Noble Knowledge: As a real noble, you have learned and been exposed to all kinds of knowledge since childhood: After the character is successfully created, you will get an additional random non-combat specialty.

Aristocratic Prejudice: As an elegant nobleman, you are not born to be rude, whether you really want to be like this or not, but this is how the world sees you: you can only choose the one-handed sword and scepter that symbolize elegance as your own. A hand weapon that is considered a specialization weapon. But on the contrary, you will never be able to use weapons that symbolize rudeness normally, such as two-handed weapons, long-range weapons, and exotic weapons. When you have to use such weapons, you will be punished by a huge swing speed!

God-born noble: You are a combination of warrior and warlock, not a part-time job of warrior and warlock, but one of the most special professions. You can learn most of the specialties of warriors and most of the specialties of warlocks.

Noble swordsmanship: When you use a one-handed sword to fight, the melee slashing speed will be increased by the charm value!

God-born Warlock: You can use magic, although the number of awakened magic is not much, but your noble blood and status make these spells very powerful: your magic effect will get an additional bonus of Charm, and the same Under the magic power, your magic effect is increased by 25%, but what you gain is bound to lose. Except for the awakened magic, you will not be able to learn any other magic.

The rules of the virtual online game "Flander Continent" were born out of the DND system, but it also has its own unique innovations. Up to this point, Liang Lidong's personal panel was normal, but the talent of the next character was completely beyond his expectation!

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