Noble Emblem

Chapter 10: 010 Lucky fortune


Liang Lidong has been in the game for eight years, and he is also a master of the first echelon of the whole server. Although he doesn't think he is very good, in fact, his name often appears in the novice teaching strategy posts on the forum. There are many examples of positive teaching , There are also negative ones, such as the time he was tricked by a divination player. As a lord in the game, he can use his power to collect a lot of resources for himself. Among them, more than 80% of the magic modeling diagrams have been collected. He has seen most of the magic diagrams in the game, but the five in front of him This is the first time he has seen a structural diagram.

It's normal if he hasn't seen one or two of the five magic modeling diagrams, but it's a bit interesting that he hasn't seen five at the same time. Liang Lidong reckoned that this was a special set of magical modeling diagrams, which were unknown to the world.

Liang Lidong's finger slid over one of the structural diagrams, and quickly found the first node of the structural diagram, and then analyzed along the route, and then got stuck on the second magic modeling node. It is a modeling node that he has never seen before, and it does not seem to be useful for the time being. From the overall modeling structure, it should be fire magic, but the principle of magic activation is very weird, and he can't understand it.

Liang Lidong tried to analyze other magic modeling diagrams, but they were all in the same situation. When they encountered the second node, they could no longer analyze it. Obviously, this is a special bloodline type magic construction diagram. Mode, only specific bloodlines can learn.

It has something to do with fire... Liang Lidong glanced at Kyle subconsciously. Legend has it that the brave Kate-Reed used a series of fire-attribute bloodline magic. Is this little guy really related to Kate? Of course, this is just a guess. In "Flander Continent", there are quite a few legendary figures who use fire bloodline magic. After all, fire magic is recognized as the number one lethal magic.

Withdrawing his fingers from the slate, Liang Lidong turned his head and asked, "Does anyone else know this secret base besides the two of you?"

"It's just the two of us, so it's a secret base." Kyle shrugged: "Now there is another priest."

"That's good, don't tell others that there are weird patterns here, understand?" Liang Lidong looked very serious.

Kyle was a little puzzled.

Belin asked curiously, "Why?"

"These are magic modeling diagrams, and they are of a very special type." Liang Lidong waved his hand and extinguished the small ball of light floating in the air, and the hole suddenly became dark: "In the five diagrams, the lowest level There should also be three levels of magic, and the highest-level structure diagram, I guess, has six levels. The internal price of the Light Magic Guild is worth 320 gold coins. You should also know how much 320 gold coins is, plus Four magic structure diagrams, this old-fashioned piece is worth more than 500 gold coins, if it is used as a reward, it is enough to ask mercenaries to kill everyone in your village ten times."

Beilin was too scared to speak, and she didn't know whether she was frightened by the figure of 500 gold coins, or by Liang Lidong's talk about massacring the village.

Kyle also had cold sweat on his forehead: "Your Excellency, pastor, you are scary."

"I joke occasionally, but I've always been serious about important things like this." Liang Lidong sneered, "Hehe, so you are lucky to meet me. Players like us ... Oh, believers of God, generally don't kill people for hundreds of gold coins, if they meet other people... then I can't vouch for it."

What Liang Lidong said was the truth. After all, players are human beings in the peaceful era, and those who can afford virtual online games generally have no worries about food and clothing, and generally have their own bottom line in doing things. For example, even if a player takes a fancy to the magic on this stone slab, at most they just grab the slate and run away. Generally, they will not deliberately kill the NC. After all, the NC cannot be resurrected after death, and they will feel guilty if they kill it.

But other NCs are different. When they snatch the wealth of their own kind, they often kill them. In Liang Lidong's eight-year gaming career, he encountered no less than a hundred times that NCs killed their own kind for some wealth or some magical equipment, just for the sake of Don't let things get out, and this is not a mission plot, but the result of ordinary real-time calculations of world events.

That's why "Flanderland" is called the most realistic virtual online game.

The boys and girls shuddered at the same time. They shook their heads together and said almost at the same time: "Your Excellency Pastor, we will never tell anything about this place."

"You don't have to promise me...Anyway, if something happens, I won't be the one to be unlucky." Liang Lidong showed an indifferent attitude. He looked at the pair with mournful expressions like childhood sweethearts, and couldn't bear it, so he said, "You two, go outside. Get some mud in and paste this stone slab, the thicker the paste, the better, even if someone inadvertently breaks in in the future, it will not be so easy to find the abnormality here."

"Let's go now." Kyle was really frightened, and he rushed out of the hole after speaking, followed closely by Belin.

Liang Lidong shook his head, and sat down on a small chair in the cave. Although the workmanship of these chairs didn't look very good, they were quite comfortable to sit on. However, he is also quite envious of these two little guys, they actually set up a secret base, and there are basic living facilities inside, and a few wooden boards covered with dust are placed in a corner of the cave, which seems to be intended to be a bed Looks like it, but it doesn't look like it's done.

He has never done this kind of childish thing, not to mention that in the 22nd century China is full of skyscrapers and concrete floors, it is difficult to find an empty place, and there is heavy school work since elementary school. This kind of cram school usually has little rest time, let alone a secret base.

Liang Lidong thought about his "miserable" childhood, but suddenly he frowned. He found something wrong. The wooden boards piled up in the hole were covered with dust, which was obviously the result of no one taking care of them for a long time. Just now Kyle also said that he hasn't been here for several years, but now the chair Liang Lidong is sitting on is quite clean, and his hand scratched on the table... There is no dust, and it is also quite clean.

The boy and the girl came back from the outside, they were sweating profusely, they ran very fast, holding a big ball of mud in their hands. Liang Lidong sat at the side, tapping the table with his fingers lightly, watching the two hurriedly paste mud onto the stone slab until the stone slab was no longer visible.

Kyle was about to breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the stone slab had been disguised as a cave wall by him and Belin, when Liang Lidong's voice came from behind: "Kyle, just now you said that you haven't been here for several years. This is the place, right?"

Kyle nodded slightly: "Yes, since I started practicing swordsmanship at the age of eleven, I haven't come here because I don't have time."

"But it's very clean here!" Liang Lidong pointed to the tabletop: "It's a bit too clean. This means that people often come here."

Kyle was shocked. He was quite smart and immediately understood what it meant. He turned his head and asked anxiously, "Belin, do you often come here to clean?"

Belin shook her head vigorously!

"Who is that?" Kyle became impatient. He often goes to the city and has much more knowledge than Belin, so he knows very well what kind of sensation the magic modeling tablet worth 500 gold coins will cause if it disappears and spreads. and consequences. The pastor also said just now that if this matter is not handled properly, a whole village will die.

"Don't be too anxious." Liang Lidong comforted: "When we came in just now, the stone slab was already covered with moss, or that person may not know that there is a stone slab here, even if he knows that there is a stone slab, it may not I know what it is for. He can often come here to clean it, which means that there are people in the village. There are not many literate people in the village, and no one knows magic. Maybe in his opinion, this is just a strange stone slab That's all. You don't have to worry too much, what you have to do now is to forget about this place, don't come here again in the future, try to distance yourself from it, even if something happens in the future, it shouldn't involve you. "

The boys and girls breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this comfort.

Liang Lidong was calm on the surface, but he was still a little worried in his heart. He has seen too many fights for profit in the game, intrigues, not to mention the huge wealth of 500 gold coins, the profit of 5 gold coins can cause a large-scale fight between the NC of one village and the NC of another village, it's just like this Fighting with weapons looks ridiculous to the players.

Before the matter was really clear, he felt uneasy. But it's not difficult to find out, since the other party comes here from time to time, as long as you just sit back and wait, you can quickly figure out who the other person is.

The three of them left the cave. After such a incident, both Kyle and Belin were in a bad mood. Liang Lidong smiled and said: "By the way, let's go up the mountain to get some game and pick some wild vegetables. I'll make some delicious food for you to eat in the evening."

"Your Excellency, can you learn cooking?" Belin was very surprised.

Liang Lidong smiled: "This is so fresh. If I don't know how to cook, why should I take the initiative to go to the mountains to get game?"

Kyle said: "We don't have hunting bows, and we don't have traps. It's hard to catch prey. The most rabbits on the mountain here are very timid. They will run away as soon as they hear any other sound. They are very fast. Ordinary People can’t catch them, and some birds, although they taste good, can’t be shot down without a hunting bow.”

Under normal circumstances, what Kyle said makes sense, but Liang Lidong patted him on the shoulder and said with a smug smile, "Don't forget, I am a spellcaster. It's not difficult to catch some rabbits."

"Using magic to catch rabbits? It's too good to use it." Amidst Kyle's unwillingness to mutter, he led Liang Lidong and Belin up the mountain.

It was afternoon at this time, and the sun on the mountain was very poisonous. Both Kyle and Belin began to sweat, but Liang Lidong couldn't even see a little bit of water stains on his body. Halfway up the mountain, Kyle took a breath, pointed to the edge of the forest not far from the mountain and said: "Going further in, it is the place with the most rabbits, huh, Your Excellency Pastor, your physical strength is too good, not at all. Not tired, not even sweating."

"How can I say that I am also a believer of Goddess Wojin, and I don't have any special ability to spread the truth for her." Liang Lidong shrugged and continued to use his identity as a believer to cover himself, but at this time he suddenly turned his gaze to the north. in the air.

At this time, a system prompt suddenly appeared in his vision: "Lucky Fortune" is coming, please go to the designated place to pick up the money. Then a thin golden light appeared in the sky, pointing straight to a certain place not far away.

This is the legendary 'lucky fortune' talent? Liang Lidong was a little surprised. He had heard from other players of the same profession in the forum that 'lucky wealth' is a magical skill, especially useful in the early stage. If you are lucky, the god-born nobles don't need to make money at all, as long as they level up ;Even if you have a territory and a lot of income in the later stage of the game, this skill will not be so bad.

But he didn't expect that this skill would be activated so quickly.