Noble Emblem

Chapter 104: 104 Liang Lidong's true intentions


No one in Mu Jinhua's family can understand the diary of Dinah's ancestors. However, in line with the principle that the more mysterious something is, the greater its value, it has not been destroyed, and each generation of Mujinhua family will always select some people to study the notes of the ancestors, but it is a pity that nothing has been researched. Many years later, the diary of Dinah's ancestors was shelved, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

But Gavin did not expect that in Winterwind City, he would meet someone who seemed to 'know' Ancestor Dinah, and the other person was very interested in Ancestor Dinah's diary, and made a request, willing to exchange a secret for Ancestor Dinah diary.

When this news was passed back to the family by him, the family discussed it for two days, during which there were many different opinions. For example, someone suggested that the red priest Beta should be arrested and the secret of Dinah’s ancestor’s diary should be tortured. Gavin received the support of many core figures in the family, but then put the information collected by Gavin on their desktops. The red priest in the information is very powerful, and his background is very mysterious. Judging from his temperament and appearance, ordinary civilians, even small Nobles are unable to cultivate such talents.

After another day of discussion, they all agreed that if the information was correct, Red Priest Beta should be a direct descendant of a hermit family who came out to work hard. Sent to Winterwind City, if Beta revealed the so-called 'big secret' as promised, then naturally it would be fine, if he refused to tell, or they already knew the secret. Just sell it as a favor and make friends with a young talent whose background is unknown.

Gavin heaved a sigh of relief after learning about the family's decision. He has been observing Beta for the past few days, and he has inexplicable respect for this young man who looks young but is quite stable and mature in his work. He really didn't want to be an enemy of such a person, because the threat value was quite high, and the other party would dare to face the city lord Uther head-on, if he faced the Mujinhua family. Presumably, he would not be afraid, and most likely would still think about how to bite back. Tear off a piece of meat from the Hibiscus family.

Originally, Gavin was not very interested in the 'secret' that the Red Priest said. After all, he felt that there should be nothing particularly important in the diary of Dinah's ancestors, otherwise the Red Priest would never ask openly and openly. Instead, it should be stolen quietly. After all, although the diary is more than three hundred years ago, the family has paid little attention to it. Even if it is stolen, it will take a long time to find out.

But since the Red Priest intends to fulfill his promise, Gavin is also interested in listening.

Two glasses of cider, and two honey breads. The two sat facing each other, Gavin had already pushed back the servants, and he raised his glass to Liang Lidong. Said: "Actually, I personally don't care about secrets, but if you are willing to say something, I can also report to my family. In addition... Thank you for Tina's matter. If it wasn't for your help, I can't imagine Tina being killed by the undead." How should my life go on after the mage controls and takes it away."

Liang Lidong picked up the wine glass, touched the other party, and said: "One matter is another matter. Promises are meaningful because they must be kept."

Gavin took a sip of fruit wine. Then he smiled and said: "Anyway, your Excellency will be my guest here from now on. You can come and go from my manor freely, by the way... After Tina woke up, she kept asking about you, and she hoped to ask you in person. Thank you, she remembers everything that happened after she was controlled, she said you are heroic and powerful."

"Remember everything?"

Liang Lidong's complexion was a little weird, if that's the case, then he sat on Tina's naked body and almost finished watching her, did the other party know? If this is the case, things will become a little troublesome.

Frowning slightly, Liang Lidong continued: "Leave these things aside for now, let's talk about the secret first. Dinah is a paladin, and she is a very powerful paladin, you should know about it."

Gavin nodded: "I know!"

"The rise of the Hibiscus family has a lot to do with Dinah." Liang Lidong said with nostalgia: "The profession of a paladin is more difficult to upgrade, at least much harder than a priest, but Tina later became a master paladin. , almost entered the legend. With such a powerful professional in charge, the Mu Jinhua family was able to rise rapidly. In this world, strength is often needed. Sometimes, only ability, but no sword and shield, Still being bullied."

Gavin deeply felt the same: "Our family now lacks a powerful professional to sit in our family."

Liang Lidong doesn't know much about the current situation of the Mujinhua family, but if that's the case, it's just what he wants: "As far as I know, Dinah's talent is not very good, and it stands to reason that she can't break through the Holy Grail. A master warrior, but she almost became a legend, and you know why?"

Hearing such a secret, Gavin's interest was immediately aroused. He leaned forward and asked, "Oh, why?"

"Guangming Well Water, I wonder if you've heard of it?" Liang Lidong said.

Gavin shook his head, but his face was eager to know the answer.

Liang Lidong put down his wine glass, and said in a low voice, "Dinah is the holy warrior of the Goddess of Light, and the water in the Bright Well is said to be made from tears shed by the Goddess of Light. According to myths and legends, the Goddess of Light shed tears three times, and the first time was hers. Seeing that human beings don't know how to make fire, don't know how to make clothes, and live like wild animals, she shed tears, and then taught humans to make fire and make clothes."

Gavin continued: "The second time was the invasion of demons, and the third time was about the sacrifice of life. I know all three legends, and now I just want to know the answer."

Liang Lidong chuckled: "Because of the sacrifice of her life for the third time, she was very disappointed with her believers. The tears she shed not only formed a large number of Bright Water Wells, but also destroyed the Zuze Kingdom. Later, the Bright Water Well It has almost disappeared, but there is still a bright water well left behind, hidden in the depths of a certain Zuze Kingdom ruins."

"Bright well water is a sacred object of the Goddess of Light. If it is a paladin of the Goddess of Light, or a priest drinks the water from the Bright Well, he can directly improve his character level... that is, his strength. And the speed of growth in the future will be Much faster than before."

Gavin heard something at this time: "You mean. Dinah's ancestors once drank the water from the Bright Well?"

"Indeed!" Liang Lidong patted the corner of the table lightly with his right hand, and the old god said on the ground: "But if it's just like this, it can only be regarded as a secret, not a secret... What I want to say is that I know that there is light in the well." Where!"

Gavin stood up with a bang: "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

As one of the elite members of Hibiscus, Gavin knew it well. If there is no ancestor Dinah, the rise of the Mujinhua family three hundred years ago is just empty talk. If the red priest didn't lie. Then this news is too important to the Mujinhua family.

"There's no need for that!"

Liang Lidong could understand Gavin's feelings. Back then, he helped Dinah to find the bright well water, and after going through untold hardships to get the real thing. Looking at the introduction in the system, he also had the idea of why he was not a paladin.

Bright Well Water: Transformed from the tears of the Goddess of Light, it directly increases the three character levels of the Paladin and Priest under the Goddess of Light (only before lv10), and the speed of character experience gain is increased by 100%. This is a permanent state that can only be canceled by the Goddess of Light and cannot be dispelled by any other means.

Dinah is a qualified paladin, but not a powerful paladin. She got the light well water. From professionals with third-rate qualifications, they suddenly became the group of people at the top of the pyramid.

Hearing Liang Lidong's affirmative answer, Gavin walked up and down the room excitedly. He kept slapping his palms from time to time, his face full of excitement, after a while, he suddenly walked to Liang Lidong's side, put his hands on the table heavily, and said, "Tell me. Guangming Where is the well water, and what price do you need to tell us. Just mention it."

Liang Lidong said: "I want Tina to become a paladin!"

Gavin was stunned: "What did you say?"

Liang Lidong stared into his eyes, and said word by word: "I want Tina to become a paladin!"

After a few seconds of silence, Gavin finally understood what Liang Lidong meant, and his agitated emotions calmed down immediately. Elders who love their relatives are like this. Whenever they encounter matters about their children, they will be very thoughtful and cautious: "Why?"

"Because Tina has that talent, and besides..." Liang Lidong decided to tell the truth: "She and Dina almost look exactly the same!"

Gavin laughed aloud: "It's as if you have seen the ancestor Dinah!"

Liang Lidong looked at the other party calmly: "I've seen it!"

Gavin opened his mouth wide, and after a while he shook his hands and pointed at Liang Lidong's boyish face: "Are you a longevity species? How old are you now?"

"I do not know either!"

This answer made Gavin silent. People who don't even know their own age must have lived for a long time. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him turned out to be an old antique. Gavin swallowed, and suddenly thought of a question: "Ancestor Dinah never married, could it be you?"

If it was an hour ago, Liang Lidong would definitely deny it. Who knows why Dinah didn't marry. But he had read Dinah's diary just now, and from those diaries, he could really feel Dinah's feelings for him. He fell silent, thinking that Dinah had been sad for most of her life because of her relationship, and his mood was not very good.

Silence means acquiescence. Gavin took a deep breath. He really didn't expect that he could know the love history of Dinah's ancestor. No wonder Beta was so interested in Dinah's diary, and no wonder the red priest was desperate He also wanted to rescue Tina from the clutches of the necromancer. At that time, his father almost gave up, but the red priest was not discouraged. He had been wondering why the red priest gave his life to save people without asking for anything in return. Now he finally understood.

Tina looks like the ancestor of Dinah, this alone can explain all the problems.

Gavin pressed his forehead: "You saw that Tina looks like Dinah, so you want to make another copy of Dinah's ancestor? You must have found the bright well water of Dinah's ancestor."

Liang Lidong nodded, Gavin is very smart, and many things can be understood with one click.

"That's what I think." Liang Lidong looked at the green fruit wine in his glass and said, "Take Tina to a nearby city with a Temple of Light, spend some money to bribe the bishop there, and let him build a spiritual bridge. Let Tina directly send her willingness to become a paladin to the Goddess of Light. After she became a paladin, we immediately went to find the water from the well of light. As long as she drank the water from the well of light, Tina would immediately become a paladin with some strength. , the most important thing is that her growth rate will be very fast!"

Gavin's eyes shone brightly, and he was considering the benefits of doing so. First of all, if Tina became a paladin, then in the eyes of his family, his status would definitely be much higher. If one day Tina became a saint If he is a warrior master, then his department can become more resources to control the family, and Tina's life will become better in the future.

"Okay, but before that, we have to tell Tina about the matter and ask for her opinion."

Gavin asked Liang Lidong to wait for a while, and went out of the room to find Tina. After about ten minutes, the door of the study room was opened, and a person came in, not the fat Gavin, but the beautiful Tina.

Today she was wearing the same white dress as that day, her face was red and simple, when she saw Liang Lidong, she lowered her head, pulled the corners of the skirt with both hands, and gave a ladylike salute.

Seeing Tina's outfit, Liang Lidong unconsciously thought of what he saw that day: the white tiger. Gavin said that Tina remembered everything, so naturally she should also remember this detail. Grinding his teeth slightly in embarrassment, Liang Lidong asked, "Why did you come here instead of your father?"

"Father told me about the matter." Tina raised her head and bravely looked at Liang Lidong. Her eyes were watery, as if she was slowly swaying rippling transparent spring water: "Your Excellency Beta, are you really happy?" Want me to become a paladin?"

Liang Lidong nodded. He entered Tina's spiritual world a few days ago. This is a gentle and kind girl with some timidity. A person with such a character is very suitable to become a priest.

With joy in Tina's eyes, she asked again: "If I become a paladin, will it help you in the future?"

Liang Lidong is not a fool, he has already seen that Tina seems to be interested in him. But after thinking about it, it's normal. He himself is not ugly, but rather handsome. The strength is not bad, the most important thing is that he saved her, the drawbridge effect, whether in the game or in reality, is a common small rule.

Liang Lidong looked at Tina's pure and sweet girlish eyes, and couldn't bear to deceive her, so he sighed and said, "After you become a paladin, I still hope you can become my knight!"

This is Liang Lidong's plan. A paladin who drank the water from the bright well is already very strong. If he gets his "canonized knight" ability bonus, Tina will definitely be able to change from an "elite" panel to a battle with the players. No match for the 'Golden Sons' panel! If you have such a powerful paladin who is good at group combat ability under your command, many things will become quite simple. ()