Noble Emblem

Chapter 106: 106 Why did it become like this


Gavin humiliated Mark yesterday, and Uther was also involved in it. When he thought of the other party's magical law of karma, Uther felt his scalp go numb. A pure warrior never lacks courage, but he doesn't want to be burned, thrown, or drowned in his sleep for no apparent reason. Originally, Beta, the red priest, was his number one enemy, but now that Beta became his master, Mark immediately took the top spot, which became his biggest worry.

Moreover, for the divine law of karma to work, there must be a difference in willpower between the enemy and us. Now Uther's strength has increased greatly, and even his willpower has been corrected. In a short period of time, Mark's divine law of karma has little effect on him. But this does not mean that Mark has no way to deal with Uther in the future. After all, the upgrade speed of the priest is higher than that of the physics department.

So now Uther is very concerned about Mark, and sent many people to inquire about the other party's news. After all, Winterwind City is Uther's territory. He has a natural home court advantage here, and he quickly found clues for him. , and then followed the investigation, and it didn't take long to dig out Mark's hiding place.

"According to my intelligence officer's report, there are only six priests around Mark, and two of them may be combat priests." Uther said with a murderous look on his face: "Although Mark knows the law of karma, I think this kind of The frontal combat power of Shenju should not be strong. The few of us, together with the elite of the Killer Guild, the clan guards of the Mu Jinhua family, and the elite heavy infantry under my banner, surrounded this place, entered in one go, and directly killed I don't think it's a big problem for Mark to be chopped into meat."

Fatty Gavin turned his head to Tina who was fidgeting and said, "Daughter, you go upstairs first, and I will look for you later."

Tina was not used to such an occasion. The murderous aura emitted by Uther had no effect on other people, but it was quite oppressive to a weak young girl like her. She glanced at Liang Lidong secretly. Then he nodded like Meng Dahe, and walked quickly towards the stairs in small steps.

Watching his daughter's figure disappear around the corner of the stairs, Gavin asked Uther: "But we should all know a rule. Before there is no definite evidence of treason, the nobles of our Holevin cannot use a large amount of private money. If soldiers attack another nobleman, assassination is fine. Although Mark is the priest of the Temple of Life, he is also a member of our Hollevin nobles. If a large number of soldiers are mobilized to kill him, we may face a real battle In fact, the nobles will use this as an excuse to chew us to the bone."

Gavin's worry is very reasonable. Liang Lidong has also been a lord, and he knows very well that if he uses a large number of soldiers or private soldiers to attack other nobles for no reason, he will be hostile by more nobles. Taking this opportunity, they will divide the interests of the active attackers, and then use their family members as slaves or military prostitutes... In the game, Liang Lidong's territory was attacked by several surrounding nobles at the same time, not because he violated this rule, and because he The agricultural tax and commercial tax collected are too low, which damages the interests of other nobles around.

The law does not blame the public, this unspoken rule seems to be valid in any world and any plane. Nobles from several territories united to attack one nobleman, even if Liang Lidong did nothing wrong. So according to the situation at that time, he should be the one who was wrong, and it could only be him... At that time, many nobles who were watching were waiting for Liang Lidong to be wiped out, watching his jokes, but the situation turned around, and Liang Lidong not only withstood the attack of the noble coalition forces . On the contrary, he killed a wave and went back. If it weren't for the prophecy incident at that time, Liang Lidong would have overturned the noble alliance long ago!

The Langman family has been operating in Winterwind City for hundreds of years, so it is impossible not to know this rule. Uther smiled and said, "I am very aware of this unwritten rule among nobles. I have no intention of sending the Jews to deal with him. Within ten people, the other nobles have nothing to say, they can't find a reason."

Uther patted the table and said: "Each side of us will send two or three of the strongest subordinates, and the total number of them will never exceed 20. In addition to Lord Beta's magical fog magic, I believe that we must deal with Mark and his subordinates." It's definitely not difficult for the six priests."

Everyone's eyes fell on Liang Lidong, Sophia glanced at him, then looked away as if nothing had happened.

Liang Lidong said slowly: "Fog magic is indeed easy to use, but it requires that our opponents are not too outrageous. The plan that the Lord Uther said just now is really good under normal circumstances, but the six priests around Mark don't know what to do. But I think it might be very difficult to deal with.”

Uther frowned and asked, "Why?"

Others also stared at Liang Lidong with curious eyes, Sophia finally looked at him squarely this time, and there seemed to be gentle water waves in her eyes.

"This involves some secrets from hundreds of years ago." Liang Lidong said, "I don't know if you have heard of the God of Shadows, or the mansion of the Spider Queen?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Liang Lidong twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a strange smile: "More than three hundred years ago, there was a goddess who was in charge of darkness and conspiracy, and she was also known as the Spider Queen, and the name of this god was Rose! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a deep breath. There is only one name Rose in the world, and it is impossible for her to have the same name. Gavin patted his face hard, and he asked with an unbelievable expression: "You are not mistaken, Rose is the goddess of life, a good god, how could she be the god of shadows? This sounds like an evil god." The demon god of the mansion?"

Everyone else has the same question.

Liang Lidong smiled strangely: "I don't know what the heavens and demons discovered more than three hundred years ago, but according to my family's records, the goddess of life three hundred years ago was Elijah, and Rose was the goddess of shadows." , but for a period of time, the records in the family disappeared. When there were more records, Rose had become the goddess of life, and the goddess Elijah disappeared without a trace, and no one in the world sang about her God's name."

In order to make his words more believable, Liang Lidong fabricated a family that did not exist.

At this time, everyone's expression was very strange, but the atmosphere in the field was very quiet, and no one wanted to talk. For ordinary mortals, it is not a good thing to know such news. If they are involved in religious wars, it will be troublesome.

Uther dared to face the temple head-on, it was because the two sides were fighting because of the gold mine, that is, because of the interests of the mortal world. God's residence cannot help its own believers. The idea that God's residence does not interfere with worldly interest disputes has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But if the news about the disappearance of the original goddess of life and Rose's replacement is spread, then it is not an issue of interests, but an issue of belief.

Not only the believers of the Goddess of Life will make trouble for them like crazy. And maybe the current Goddess of Life, Rose, will definitely have a hand in dealing with them.

Now these words, they must not spread outside.

After a while, Uther still spoke: "Your Excellency, Beta, you are harming us."

"I'm not hurting you, I have something to say next." Liang Lidong looked around, and seeing the tangled expressions on everyone's faces, he shrugged in embarrassment, and then continued: "Many of Rose's followers are There is a special ability, when you are seriously injured or dying, you will turn into a human-faced spider, and your combat power will be greatly improved, and you are born with magic or specialties such as spider web, cocoon, spider venom, and fast movement. Strong long-range containment ability and extremely strong close-range combat ability."

Uther remembered at this time: "Listen to your Excellency. I remember that when I was cleaning the gold mine cave a few months ago, I did see a few spider corpses with human faces. I thought it was a natural growth in the cave. The monster turned out to be the priest of the Temple of Life."

Liang Lidong said: "You can pretend that you don't know about the goddess of life, but you must pay attention to the fact that Mark and his pastor may become human-faced spiders. Human-faced spiders are afraid of fire, so if Miss Barbara can Participate in our battle. It will definitely play a huge role."

Uther and Sophia glanced at each other, then nodded slightly.

"It's okay for Barbara to participate in the battle." Uther sighed slightly: "But I hope that you can send out two or three of your strongest people, as long as our number does not exceed twenty. I will let Those intelligence agents continue to monitor Mark until late tomorrow night, and we'll..."

"Wait!" Liang Lidong interrupted Uther. He said: "To fight Rose's followers, it's best not to choose the night, she has a shadow godhead, and in the dark night, she will have special abilities to become stronger, and her followers are the same, in the middle of the night, they will obviously be stronger than during the day Quite a few. I personally recommend attacking Mark and the others at noon, when their abilities will be weakened to a certain extent."

Katerina said: "But it is not convenient for us to assassinate and raid during the day."

"Under Lord Beta's fog magic, there is no such thing as day and darkness, and it is difficult for others to see us." Uther recalled what happened a few days ago, with a toothache expression on his face: "Since this is the case, we plan to Attack Mark's hiding place, before that, I hope everyone will find some helpers, the stronger the strength, the better."

Katerina and Gavin nodded.

Liang Lidong said: "I'm alone and I can't find a suitable helper."

"Your Excellency Beta doesn't need it!" Sophia, who had been silent all this time, said, "As long as you use the fog-casting magic, you will have a dozen or so powerful professions to help you, because you only need to support us in the rear."

Liang Lidong looked at the mayor's wife, who actively lowered her head to avoid his sight.

"Okay, that's it."

Liang Lidong gave a 'tsk' in his heart, it seems that he ravaged her towering snow-capped mountains a few days ago, aftereffects appeared, and he was regarded as a sex devil. However, Liang Lidong didn't regret his actions at that time. If he didn't do this, how could he force Uther to become his knight.

But thinking about it carefully, Liang Lidong had to admit that Sophia's touch was really good, only slightly worse than Persian cat and Xiaobai.

Then the temporary meeting ended, and everyone returned to their floors to rest.

The city lord and his wife returned to the bedroom together. The latter sat on the bed and breathed a long sigh of relief, as if releasing all the pressure he had just received.

"Is something wrong with you in the past few days?" Uther sat next to his wife and said with some concern: "Especially when you see Beta, you seem to be very afraid of seeing him!"

Sophia's body froze for a while, then she relaxed, and said helplessly: "This is a normal thing, okay, he is the second man who really touched my body, and this is the first time I have met him in so many years." Seeing such a thing, it is normal to be a little afraid of him, besides, we are all his knights now, what if he becomes interested in me? We simply have no ability to refuse him."

Seeing his wife's weak appearance, Uther was heartbroken for a while. Since he met Sophia, this strange woman has always been confident and proud. She is very confident in her own charm, and she can play with men in the world except her husband in the palm of her hand, but now she is starting to be afraid Another man, he could feel how much this had hit her spirit.

Uther sighed and said, "Actually, it's all my fault. If I hadn't been greedy for Beta's 15% interest, overestimated my own strength, and underestimated his strength, this would have caused the current situation and made you suffer." Scared, suffered a loss. Although we may not have a chance to get back in the future, I will protect you and never let him touch you again."

Sophia smiled happily, then snuggled into her husband's shoulder.

At this time, her heart was filled with a deep sense of guilt. She was indeed afraid of the red priest, but not because she was afraid that the red priest would do something wrong to her, but because her body and heart were expecting the red priest to do something wrong to her.

Because of this, she was afraid of herself who had such thoughts, felt very dirty, and felt sorry for her husband. Now when she goes to sleep every night, she can dream about the scene of that day. The red priest played with her "snow mountain" with a cold and cruel expression. Although it was in a dream, the dream was very real. Her snow mountain could not only Feel the strength of the claws of the Red Priest An Lushan, and even feel his fingerprints and palm prints!

In the dream, Sophia's body longed for the other party to go further, and there were emptiness black holes in her body, which needed to be filled by the other party. Then, the red priest became a powerful conqueror, conquering her white snowy mountains, pink mountains, and everything in between!

The longing and joy in the dream turned to emptiness and guilt upon waking. If it's just like this, that's all. A dream is just a dream, and it can't be true. But in the past two days, she found that as soon as she saw Beta, the snow mountain she was caught would get hot, and the whole person would become strange, so she tried not to look at him to suppress her rather bad physiology reaction.

She is very puzzled now, why she has become like this! (… )