Noble Emblem

Chapter 110: 110 Battle Angel Kolodia


Seventeen people stood in front of the huge black palace, holding their breath. ¥f, Groms, the king of the fire element, is not a humanoid creature, so its palace shape is completely different from the palace in the human conception. The black unknown rock rises up from the ground like a spiral pattern, and slopes slowly towards the buckle. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a horn growing on the red earth. But the horn was huge, much bigger than Uther's castle.

In front of them is the huge entrance of the palace. The height should be about 200 meters, and the width should be about 80 meters. But for some reason, half of the entrance has been lifted off. Liang Lidong looked at the thickness of the gap. It is definitely above 50 meters. This black rock is very hard just by looking at it. To open such an exaggerated gap, a physics professional must learn the mind weapon skill, and a mage must learn spells Penetration expertise, or the character level is extremely high, and the panel attributes are extremely exaggerated, otherwise it is impossible to cause such an attack effect.

Everyone is a professional. When they saw the gap in the gate, they were stunned for a while. Liang Lidong found a lot of gravel that fell from the gap nearby. He held it in his hand and threw it away, and found that it was a small piece. But it is very heavy, indicating that the density of this rock is indeed very high.

Because there is no sun or moon in the Fire Prison, only the red clouds in the sky provide the faint light of fire, so the visibility of this world is not high. The huge gate of the palace is pitch black and nothing can be seen. Everyone walked over, but at the gate Qiqi stopped again. They didn't feel anything before, but when they got really close, they could feel two extremely powerful pressures coming from inside. Aimless, but seems to reject everything around.

Everyone didn't dare to go in, they focused their attention on Liang Lidong in unison, after all, it was he who proposed to come here to find suitable magic materials.

Others couldn't see what was going on in the darkness inside the door, but Liang Lidong could. With the talent of Yunlong Lantong, Liang Lidong can not only present in absolute darkness. And the field of view is very far away.

He looked a little surprised, after a while. Said to the person next to him: "Things have changed, let's go in."

He walked into the dark gate first, and Gavin wanted to walk side by side with him, but he just took two steps through the gate. His body froze, his face became a little ugly, and then he took the initiative to walk behind Liang Lidong, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, his expression became much more normal.

The others followed in the same situation as Gavin, they followed behind Gavin with weird faces, as if Liang Lidong could block some terrible things in front.

Liang Lidong walked a few steps, turned around and asked in puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

Everyone looked at him strangely, with different expressions. Barbara is outspoken. She pressed her beating heart and said, "Your Excellency Beta, you haven't felt the spiritual force field emanating from the powerful creatures inside."

"I can feel it." Liang Lidong nodded, "Why can't I feel such an obvious mental force field?"

"Then why don't you feel fear?" Barbara was very curious.

Others looked at Liang Lidong with strange expressions. They remembered that a few hours ago, when the black magic circle appeared, everyone was immobilized by the powerful spirit in the air, but the red priest Beta was obviously not affected, not only could he stand up straight of. And it can also launch continuous magic attacks on the phantom of the goddess in the magic circle.

This shows that he is immune to strong mental power suppression, people with this ability. Generally, it is either extremely powerful, or has a special bloodline. The Red Priest's strength is indeed good, but not much stronger than them, so it can only be the latter possibility. Coupled with the fog magic and rain magic he showed, everyone raised his background position to a higher level again.

Seventeen people just drove in a line like this. The palace of Fire Elemental Fire is huge, unbelievably large. Barbara released a few lighting spells to lead the way ahead. This is a skill that almost all spellcasters know. Liang Lidong doesn't need it at all because he has the talent of Yunlong Blue Eyes.

They walked inside for a long time, about half an hour, and finally six pieces of light appeared in front of them. Although the mental pressure they felt was getting stronger and stronger, because Liang Lidong walked in front, he helped them absorb most of the mental shock. He resisted, so the people behind him didn't feel too uncomfortable.

In this dark world, the presence of light means that there are other beings or things. Everyone's spirits suddenly became high, and their pace also accelerated a lot.

After walking for another ten minutes or so, the mental pressure in front of them suddenly disappeared, and then these people all saw an amazing scene. Barbara even covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Xiang Fang's scene with horrified eyes. Seeing the scene in front of him, he might be so frightened that he would lose his mind.

The six pieces of light they saw before were actually six light wings several meters long. Their owner was a beautiful woman over three meters tall. This woman was nailed to the black rock wall by a huge black rock pillar. There is a distance of about ten meters from the ground. She lowered her head with a peaceful face, as if she had fallen asleep if it wasn't for the huge stone thorn in her abdomen.

And on the ground in front of the six-winged woman, lay a human-shaped black rock colossus lying on its back, and its height should be more than fifty meters by visual estimation. The most striking thing is that it has a long sword completely composed of light pierced on its forehead. Three-quarters of the length of this long sword has been sunk into the skull of the stone statue, and the rest of it radiates to the surroundings. A little bit of fluorescent light.

"What's going on here?" Gavin's voice stuttered, he turned to look at Liang Lidong: "Why did such a terrible thing happen? Who is that woman?"

Liang Lidong said strangely: "That woman is an angel, a seraph. This stone giant lying on the ground should be the king of the fire element after death. It is obvious that they died together."

"Don't talk about these things that anyone can see." Gavin jumped and growled: "I'm asking you. You must know the name of the seraphim, right?"

Everyone looked at Gavin who lost his composure and didn't understand why he was like this. In the end, it was the old swordsman who said the reason: "Your Excellency Gavin should be a believer of the Light God Sect. Calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We must work together to leave this place."

Gavin froze for a moment, then he pressed his forehead, desperately trying to calm himself down. Katerina walked to his side and gently stroked his back.

After a while, he said, "Sorry. I was too excited just now."

Unexpectedly, Gavin was actually a follower of the Goddess of Light, and he hid it quite deeply. Liang Lidong murmured in his heart: No wonder when he proposed to make Tina a paladin. Gavin didn't have much resistance, but it's not a strange thing to believe in the Goddess of Light. Why did he hide his belief, and now he is so excited.

The thoughts in his head turned a few times, Liang Lidong looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and said: "This seraph should be the third battle angel under the Goddess of Light. But Luo Diya, I have seen it in the book Her portrait."

Liang Lidong actually saw the video of her descending into the main world in the game. At that time, a group of player adventurers completed a strange epic mission, but Lodia descended from the sky as a reward for the mission. Hua Jingshi has become the dream goddess of many male players.

But he really didn't expect that he could see the dead Battle Angel in this place.

Hearing this name, Gavin howled, rushed over and fell in front of Klodia. Confessing and weeping non-stop, with an extremely miserable voice, Liang Lidong doubted. Even when his wife died, he should never have been so sad.

Although Gavin's current behavior is quite embarrassing, completely lacking the etiquette that nobles should have, but no one laughed at him. In fact, they all focused on the Battle Angel and the Fire Elemental King. After all, these two creatures are myths and legends. Now they appeared in front of everyone, except Liang Lidong. Everyone felt as if they were dreaming, and they couldn't accept this matter for the time being.

Liang Lidong walked to the bottom of Korodia, and the six long wings of light were slowly dropping a little bit of light debris, and these light debris fell on the ground, forming two piles of beautiful stardust. Liang Lidong opened the system interface and found the introduction of these light shavings:

Angel Dust: Weak fragments of divinity, you can get a huge amount of experience after absorbing, the safe absorption level is lv15, not enough level, it is not recommended to approach or touch.

Sure enough, Liang Lidong took a few steps back. He remembered that when Lodia came down in the game, many people touched the stardust falling from her six wings. Except for a small number of people who gained a lot of experience, everyone else exploded and die

Afterwards statistics, the few people who gained experience were all powerful people who had reached level 15.

Liang Lidong was thinking about the things in the game, when there was a noise behind him. He turned around and saw a professional dressed as a Winterwind City officer jumping on the corpse of the King of Elements at a very fast speed. Then all the way up, jumping on the head of the king of elements, he stood in front of the rather huge lightsaber that could be used as a two-handed sword.

Uther cursed with an ugly face: "Bush, what do you want?"

The professional officer looked down at Uther, laughed loudly and said, "City Master, do you know what this is? This is the real blade of light used by the legendary battle angels. You can become the most powerful fighter in the world, and no one can be my opponent, and you have to look up to me."

Hearing this, Uther's face became quite ugly. The others also had a regretful expression after seeing a ghost, as if they were annoyed why they didn't think of this and rushed faster.

However, there were also three people with normal expressions. Katerina and the old swordsman looked at the officer with a sarcasm smile, while Liang Lidong slowly said in a very serious tone: "My friend above, forgive me for not knowing you I am not familiar with you, but for the sake of being comrades-in-arms, let me remind you. Only legendary creatures can touch the blade of light of the battle angel. It is forged from fragments, and the young creatures who have not received the blessing of light, if they touch these blades of light, they will only be wiped out, and their souls will be scattered."

But the officer looked at Liang Lidong with a disdainful face: "You think I will believe you, you nobles, what else can you do other than deceive people? When I get the artifact, I will kill you first."

Liang Lidong frowned, he didn't understand why this officer had such strong complaints against him.

The officer yelled in Liang Lidong's direction, and then held the hilt of the Bright Blade with both hands with an ecstatic expression. The moment his right middle finger touched the hilt, the entire lightsaber vibrated with a buzzing sound. The officer was directly shaken into a little bit of light foam by the invisible powerful force, not only that, even the people below were also greatly affected, and everyone flew upside down after a clear buzzing sound After going out, according to the different strengths of each person, the distance of the inverted flight is also different.

Liang Lidong flew upside down at least six meters, he rolled on the ground, let go of the impact, and then stood up, nothing happened.

Although the old swordsman also flew about six meters upside down, he flipped in the air and landed firmly on the ground. Although his face was a little flushed, this hand proved that his strength was stronger than Liang Lidong's. Be stronger.

As for the others, they all flew more than seven meters, and Katerina also had the ability to unload force on the ground, so there was nothing wrong except that their hair was a little messy. The one who fell the hardest was Fatty Gavin. He was the heaviest, but he was also sent flying the farthest. When he fell from the air, his whole body was like a piece of pre-soft cake, and he bleed out with a bang.

With a scream, Katerina ran over to help him up, and found that the fat man only fell on his nose, and the rest was fine, so she immediately felt relieved.

After being thrown a big fall, Fatty Gavin stopped crying before Battle Angel. He walked up to Liang Lidong and said, "Your Excellency Beta, you are the most knowledgeable person among all of us. Can you tell me, Why did the Goddess Kolodia die here, and why won't her body return to the heavens?"

"I only know that there must have been a large-scale battle between the heaven and the devil more than three hundred years ago." Liang Lidong frowned: "As for why the body of the war angel will not return to the heaven, I only have a small guess."

Generally speaking, after the death of a battle angel, its body will decompose into pure light power, and the returning goddess of life will go to the kingdom of God to reorganize and be reborn.

"The plane channel between the heaven and the demon world may have been broken, there is no more"