Noble Emblem

Chapter 114: 114 Reserve a spot for me


In any case, although players are extremely destructive, if they are divided, their effect will be greatly reduced. Therefore, in the later stage of the game, players join different forces due to interests, preferences, etc., and fight each other. Containment, everyone in the npc knows that the sons of gold are powerful, but they don't regard them as a particularly powerful force. ∽↗∽↗,

Liang Lidong really didn't expect that the things in the game would have such a big impact on the real world, but he guessed that this is mostly related to the "origin of the world" mentioned in the Persian cat letter.

"Are there any strange things after that?" Liang Lidong paused, pretending not to care, and said, "For example, things related to the God's Mansion!"

"You're talking about the change of the godhead in the Shendi, right?" Greenton said with a serious face, "The change in the godhead in the Shendi happened in an instant. Except for a small number of people, no one thought it was strange. I also remembered It was something in a dream, and it was only then that I realized that the change of the divine mansion was too sudden. Afterwards, I tried to investigate and found a lot of strange battle relics, which are definitely not scenes that mortals can cause. Several cities even disappeared without a trace trace."

Liang Lidong gestured: "Continue talking."

"So I infer that there must have been a terrible war among the gods, and it even spread to our human world. Relying on the war, the high-ranking gods used their divine power and laws to forcibly change the memories of all living beings in the world, making people recognize themselves The gods in the book are them, not some of them from three hundred years ago."

Liang Lidong pondered for a while, then said: "Then do you know how many gods have changed?"

"As far as I know, the Goddess of Life has become Rose, the Goddess of Storms, God of Thunder, etc. For example, the Goddess of Light and the Lady of the Night have no names and portraits, so I don't know if they also changed. "People"." Greenton laughed ironically, "However, how these divine mansions have become has nothing to do with us. In my dreams, I have been hanging out with your golden sons for a long time. Become an atheist. Of course. On the surface, I still need to believe in a god, so as not to be burned to death by fanatics."

There was a cynical resentment in Greenton's tone, Liang Lidong didn't understand why, and he didn't want to ask more. most of the time. Everyone has their own secrets. Although the other party is his subordinate in the game, the situation is just the opposite in the real world. If we look at the class in reality, Liang Lidong's status is not as noble as the other party's.

After all, Greenton was a lord. And he is a person who is about to step into the 'Legend'.

Of course, Liang Lidong didn't care about the other party's identity either.

Now Liang Lidong is thinking about the information brought by Greenton, and many things he originally guessed have been matched. Both Persian cat and Xiaobai should be members of the gods. If they were not gods, they would not have followed the origin of the world to the earth. This should be one of their responsibilities as gods.

Judging from the myths and legends he collected in the game, the Persian cat and Xiaobai are twins, and the only ones who meet this condition are the goddess of light and the lady of the night. But the Persian cat left a letter saying that the enemy was very strong, so they hid first. In other words, the current Goddess of Light and Lady of the Night are definitely not Persian cats and Xiaobai.

Thinking of his woman being bullied by others, Liang Lidong's expression turned a little dark, and he clenched his fist subconsciously.

On the back of the fist of his right hand, the light golden shield-shaped Gemini Goddess crest exudes a faint magical luster.

Greenton's gaze moved over subconsciously, and then he frowned slightly, and asked, "Beta, how many knights have you conferred now?"

"Two. One knight of the round table and one lesser knight!"

hear this. The half-elf's eyes lit up: "Give me a spot as a Knight of the Round Table!"

"No way. You are already a person who is about to step into the legend, and you still covet my knighthood?" Liang Lidong put on a frightened expression: "Besides, you are still the owner of Zell now. A powerful figure in the Er family, who is also an idol. If the juniors of your family know that you have become a knight of a young man, they will probably be scared to death of half of them, and then pissed off the other half."

Greenton said angrily: "It's a good idea. In the dream, I became your knight. It's a helpless thing. Don't think about it in reality. I will also be your subordinate... This quota is for my daughter. I want it. She is a half-elf like me, I have many human sons, but only one half-elf daughter, so naturally I want to love her more."

Liang Lidong squinted at the other party: "If you love her, do you want to give her to someone else to be a knight?"

"If you give it to ordinary nobles as knights, it will be a disadvantage." Old God Greenton said, "But you are different, I know how much benefit you will get after becoming your canonized knight. Believe it, the most important thing is that you are a homosexual and are not interested in women at all, so I will feel at ease when my daughter stays with you."

"Get lost." No matter how good-natured Liang Lidong was, he was pissed off by Greenton.

Greenton stood up and laughed loudly. As he walked out the door, he said, "My daughter will come to see you in a few days. Of course, I won't take up your knighthood in vain. If you have any difficult things to solve in the future , come to me as much as you want, after all, I am the lord now, but you are not."

Seeing the half-elf leave, Liang Lidong smiled slightly. He was really happy to see his friends from the previous games. But when he thought about the Persian cat and Xiaobai, he felt a little unhappy, and he felt a sense of urgency. Greenton asked for a knight of the round table for his daughter, and Liang Lidong was happy to see it come true, because apart from Tina, Kyle, and Uther, the knights of the round table were short of two people, and now they will make up for it. A suitable candidate is naturally the best.

Liang Lidong opened the 'Internal Affairs' management interface, and after becoming the acting village chief, the internal affairs talent can already be used.

Name: Beta Leung

Position: Acting Village Chief

Territory: Reed Village

Population: 172

Security: 90

Popularity: 60

Traffic: very poor

Environment: 32

Seeing these data, Liang Lidong immediately knew what he should do now. The first task is to deal with the traffic problem. If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is true in another world as well.

Liang Lidong clicked on the top-down map that came with Internal Affairs, and Reed Village was in the center of the map, just a small dot the size of a finger. Next to Reed Village, available resource extraction points are displayed.

"The stone materials from the two peaks can be used to build two quarries. There are hundreds of acres of dense forests around, and several lumber mills can be built... Oh, there is actually an iron mine! Tsk. This is a good thing, although it is said Iron ore is not as valuable as gold mine, but if it is mined, it can make a lot of money."

Reed Village is actually not poor. These three things are enough for them to mine for about a hundred years. Natural resources are always used up, but with money, industries can be upgraded, and places with money will be prosperous and attract outsiders, as long as the transportation facilities are built. It is completely regarded as a traffic transfer station, and the collection of tolls is not a small source of tax revenue. In addition, after the natural resources are mined, a large number of good fields can be reclaimed in those open areas, fruits can be planted, and then fruit wine or rice wine can be brewed.

In the game, fruit wine and rice wine are both quite lucrative industries. Liang Lidong also participated in these two businesses at the time and earned a lot of gold coins.

After having a general idea in mind, Liang Lidong went to the center of the village and rang the old copper bell.

The sound of bang bang echoed in the village. Soon the people gathered together, and Liang Lidong found that the old village head and Kyle were also in the crowd. After looking around, he said loudly: "I am the acting village head now, and I plan to develop Reed Village Well, it’s not that Reed Village has no resources, but our transportation is not very convenient, and no one wants to come to us. So I plan to build the road first, and build a stone road leading directly to Winterwind City. The one where three horse-drawn carriages can run in parallel Plant the road."

As soon as these words came out, all the villagers were very surprised, because road construction is very expensive, especially stone roads. It also needs a lot of gold coins.

"The stones will be replaced by stones from the mountain east of the village. That mountain is unowned, and no one will come to trouble us. Now I need a lot of labor." Liang Lidong looked at the villagers below: " The wages are the same as a month ago, two copper coins a day, including three meals a day, and you will never be hungry. Men over the age of fifteen or fifty can come to Suha to sign up."

The villagers groaned, this is an excellent job, although it is a bit hard, but three meals a day, and two copper coins a day, it is quite good, much more conscientious than those nobles in the city …

"Suha, I will now appoint you as the supervisor of this job. Responsible for recruiting laborers, monitoring work progress, and paying daily wages, can it be done?"

Su Ha stood up. The sixteen-year-old knelt down in front of Liang Lidong, bowed his head, and replied with a fanatical and determined look, "I can do it, teacher."

All the villagers looked at Su Ha, envious and jealous, discussing quietly. Su Ha's parents straightened their spines in the crowd, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"Atulun!" Liang Lidong looked at the other boy again: "You are in charge of purchasing food every day, and I will give you a certain amount of silver coins every day according to the number of laborers. You must ensure that you use these silver coins to buy back enough food to supply The laborers are full, can they do it?"

Artulun knelt down on one knee, his expression was exactly the same as Suha: "Teacher, I will definitely do it."

"Kyle, bring a few nimble little guys to patrol around the construction site, disperse wild beasts, and prevent outsiders from disturbing the progress of the project. I will ask Joan to assist you. When encountering difficult things, it will directly notice me."

"Beilen, you select a dozen hard-working girls or women from the village to be responsible for cooking three meals for the workers. At the same time, you have to boil salt water, and have people go to the construction site to drink for them every three hours to prevent They get dehydrated from heat stroke in the hot sun, and if you see someone hurt, you need to use water to heal the injury in time."

Liang Lidong looked at the four boys and girls kneeling in front of him on one knee, these four were the best of all his students. In this era of backward productivity, road construction is a big project. If the villagers are allowed to act independently, the efficiency will definitely not be high. Although these four people are still young, their abilities are much stronger than ordinary villagers. This is the result of his teaching after half a year. With a little practice, they will soon be able to be independent.

"The construction will start tomorrow. Now the four of you go to get ready, Arturon. After dinner, come to me to get the silver coins."

After giving the last order, Liang Lidong left.

After he left, the villagers surrounded the four people who were still kneeling with a clatter.

The old village head stood on the periphery. He watched his grandson laugh foolishly in the crowd, and then he laughed too. At this time, he became more and more aware that his choice was correct. Your Excellency Beta can become a good village head, and even a good mayor in the future.

He walked back home slowly with a cane, and sat on the rocking chair. With the slight rocking, he stared straight at the brown ceiling, his eyes were motionless, and he didn't know where his mind had gone.

Kyle came back soon, he ate something casually, and went out. The old village head knew that Sun Tzu was choosing his road guards.

After the grandson walked out of the house, the house suddenly became quiet, and the sky gradually became dark. Because there were no candles, the room was pitch black. He didn't care, but just sat on the rocking chair and stared at the ceiling.

I don't know how long it has passed, the night is a little late, and Kyle hasn't come back yet. The old village head stood up from the rocking chair, touched a windproof oil lamp, and walked out of the village with a walking stick.

The old man walked slowly and unsteadily. In a trance, he came to a cave and pushed aside the grass branches used for camouflage at the entrance of the cave. He walked in with an oil lamp and looked at the old, He walked over to the table and chairs he made himself, and couldn't help touching them.

His vision began to blur, and through the water blocking his eyes, everything around him seemed to be covered with a white halo. He wiped the tears from his eyes, only to realize that he had begun to hallucinate.

A little Reed, who was only about six years old, rushed in here holding a wooden sword, and proudly declared that this was his territory. The little guy would come here every few days, dressed as a brave man, sprinting back and forth in the cave, swinging the wooden sword, and slashing and killing enemies that didn't exist.

Old Reed stretched out his hand and gently touched Little Reed. The moment his fingertips touched Little Reed's face, the translucent figure turned into countless light spots and disappeared.

Old Reed sighed and sat on a chair. When he was young, he also had a dream, which was to become a brave man like his ancestors and save the world, but unfortunately, he inherited the blood talent of his ancestors. From the beginning to the end, he was different from ordinary people. What a difference.

"But Kyle is very talented, and I hope to revive our Reed family." Old Reed said to himself sadly: "Unfortunately, I can't see it."

"I thought I came here with ulterior motives, but I didn't expect it to be you, the old village chief." Liang Lidong took off the disguise at the entrance of the cave and walked in directly. (.)