Noble Emblem

Chapter 1169: 1171 The story that had to be told


Beta doesn't understand things like divinity and superficial rules, but this doesn't prevent him from understanding.

According to them, the so-called shallow rules are roughly equivalent to the physical laws of the original plane, which is the framework that supports the operation of this world.

The existence of creatures or objects is also a shallow rule in this world. If the cognition of a certain creature is erased from the shallow rules, then all creatures in this world will lose their respect for the erased creature. memory.

Even if he is still alive. People can't see him, can't touch him.

As for why Beta remembered, because he was not from this world.

"You are the son of gold, and the core origin is not a product of our plane." World Tree glanced at Beta's head, as if trying to see through his soul: "So you can remember who these two goddesses are, but we can't .”

Beta frowned and asked, "Can't all the gods?"

"Probably not."

Taking a breath, Beta felt that his head was quite big, and he couldn't help muttering: "Who the hell is so powerful, directly erasing the superficial rules of the two goddesses."

World Tree lifted her smooth beautiful feet, and said slowly: "I don't know, I also found that many memory fragments were lost three hundred years ago, which makes me very unhappy. If you can find out the reason, I will be very happy too. happy."

"Let's look it up together, and let's exchange information." Beta gently stroked the goddess statue and said, "In addition, I want to know something about divine power. I hope you can teach me."

"That's no problem." World Tree stood up, with long lavender hair fluttering, exuding a fragrance that Beta had never smelled before: "But you have to teach us the magic of this hero feast."

"No problem." Beta smiled.

The Hero Banquet is at best a legendary level skill, and the knowledge about divine power and divinity, in the whole world, perhaps only Coco Yala and World Tree can teach him. No matter how you look at it, Beta has earned it.

As for Woking... For the gods, divinity is breath and flesh and blood.

They don't need to understand how they breathe or how their flesh grows, because these are instincts.

Therefore, in terms of divinity, Woking has little to teach Beta.

Beta arranged guest rooms for the two demigods.

But instead of resting directly, they went shopping arm in arm.

Just like ordinary elf sisters.

For World Tree, the human world is actually quite new. After all, she has only stayed in the elf forest all the time, and she comes out occasionally, so of course she has to play for a while.

And Beta was dragged into the room by Angel and Emma to chat. During dinner, the mother and daughter made sandwiches for him to eat. The craftsmanship of the two is very good. The part made by Emma is fragrant and crispy, while the other half made by Angel is sweet but not greasy.

Beta ate happily.

When Kokoyara and World Tree returned to the guest room, World Tree subconsciously looked at the fourth floor.

Although her strength is much weaker now, her mental strength has not changed, and she can easily feel the movement nearby.

Then she smiled, without much reaction.

Staying in the guest room, the two elves used cleaning techniques to clean their bodies. After all, they would have dust on their bodies after shopping for hours. Then they stood on the balcony and watched the night scene in the distance.

Even though it was late at night, Woking City was still extremely lively, with lights everywhere and noisy voices everywhere.

"It's really a vibrant city." Keke Yala sighed: "In the past, we elves also had such a scene, but now... at night, all cities, even the royal city, are quiet like ghost lands .”

At this time World Tree answered: "To put it nicely, it is called tranquility and peace, but in fact it is lifeless at all."

Coco Yala smiled: "Mother likes lively places."

"Of course." World Tree leaned on the railing and sighed helplessly: "I like to be lively since I was conscious, but the forest is too quiet, so I created you and... They came out, and the original intention was to let you accompany them. I chat and play."

Coco Yala looked at the lost expression of World Tree, and she said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, we sons and daughters have shamed you."

"Don't say that, you have brought me a lot of happiness." World Tree smiled, then looked up subconsciously, and then said: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

In fact, for them, sleep is just a dispensable thing.

More just a habit.

The room is very luxurious. Although the style is not very popular with the elves, the quality of the furniture and bedding are all first-class in the human world.

Therefore, after the two of them slept in separate beds, they felt quite comfortable.

Keke Yala has been sleeping lightly with her eyes closed, but World Tree doesn't know why, after sleeping for half an hour, or an hour, she always opens her eyes, looks upstairs subconsciously, and frowns slightly.

One night, she opened her eyes at least a dozen times, and then in the morning, she got up gently, and came to the balcony to stand again.

A light mist shrouded the city like a white veil, and there was still a faint sound of hawking.

Although the sky was not completely bright yet, World Tree still found that the city was still alive. Although the group of people fell asleep in the middle of the night, another group of people doing business in the early morning woke up again.

World Tree breathed a sigh of relief, such a lively environment made her very comfortable.

After a while, Coco Yala also woke up.

In fact, it's not quite right to say wake up, she has been in a light sleep, and when the World Tree stood up, she realized it, but she didn't open her eyes.

At this time, she walked to the World Tree and asked, "Mother likes this place very much? You can come here often in the future. Anyway, you can transfer your consciousness. There is a clone of you in the small forest."

"Well, yes." World Tree seemed a little happy: "I have to come here often in the future, after all, I have found a man I like."

After being stunned for a while, Keke Yala's expression became even more horrified after she understood this sentence.

"When you were shopping yesterday, did you see a man on the street?"

Coco Yala couldn't help but yelled.

World Tree chuckled and said, "I didn't find it on the street, it was late last night."

"You didn't leave here last night, right?" Coco Yala was happy after the horror: "Mother finally found a man she likes. This is a good thing. What kind of man is it?"

"Didn't you always know my concept of mate selection?" World Tree asked back.

"You have to be handsome and strong, otherwise you won't even be able to break your virginity, you have to be wild, and you have to have a good personality." Keke Yala yawned lazily: "It is almost impossible for such a man appeared."

World Tree nodded: "But it appeared."

Coco Yala was taken aback: "Who is it?"


An unexpected answer, after hesitating for a while, Keke Yala said: "Beta is indeed a rare outstanding man, but don't you think he is not wild enough, too gentle?"

"Last night, he has been exercising with two women on the fifth floor." World Tree said lightly: "I have been exercising all night, and I just stopped. It seems that I still have more ideas. Do you think it is wild enough?"

"One night is not enough?" Coco Yala gasped.

World Tree showed a slight blush on his face: "I always thought that no man in this world could meet the previous request, but I didn't expect that I really bumped into one."

"Then hurry up." Keke Yala smiled and said, "It's rare for a man to fall into my mother's eyes."

World Tree said slowly: "Don't worry, his lifespan is very long, and mine is also very long. If you say it directly, it might scare him. Let's get along for a while, and then talk about it after getting familiar with it. It's the elders' meeting. It's hard."

"It's none of their business what kind of man mother likes." Coco Yala said categorically: "Without mother, there would be no us elves. They have no right to hinder mother from finding her own happiness."

"Wow, I like you so much, Coco Yala." World Tree hugged the elf opposite him, and rubbed her face vigorously: "The children of the first generation treat me well, the current descendants They always have great expectations of me and always want me to maintain a detached posture, I am also a woman, and I also have things I like and dislike, why don't they understand."

Keke Yala said helplessly: "The main reason is that you spoil them too much, mother. If you can be stricter, who would dare to control you."

World Tree smiled softly: "They are all my children, they should be pampered."

After taking a shower, Beta came down to eat breakfast, and it was still a hero feast.

After that, there was a seven-day teaching of the basic knowledge of divinity, and Beta also taught the magic of the hero feast to Cocoa La and World Tree.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Beta suddenly felt that the World Tree seemed to be much closer to him.

In the past, when she chatted or talked with herself, although she was smiling, there was always a sense of estrangement.

But now, Beta can feel that World Tree has goodwill.

Is it because he taught the Hero Banquet skill to others

Sure enough, food is one of the bridges to promote the relationship between people.

Seven days later, both Kokoyara and Yggdrasil left.

Although it is said that there is a "clone" here, World Tree still cannot leave his body for too long.

Before she left, she smiled and said, "Divinity is very complicated. What I'm talking about is just some basics. When you have time, you can invite me to come and give you a lecture."

"Thank you." Beta nodded gratefully.

He felt that World Tree was indeed a very responsible person.

After World Tree left, Beta sat in the study and opened the system interface.

It shows a gray status bar: Frost Godhead (206/10000)

It means that it takes 10,000 points of faith to activate the Frost Godhead

This state only appeared after World Tree explained the basic divine knowledge yesterday.

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