Noble Emblem

Chapter 16: 016 Level up (below)


The Colorless Magic Tower refers to a faction of spellcasters who specialize in space abilities. The Mage Association was originally a whole, but later it was split into several organizations due to factional disputes, usually using the main color of magic as the identification code. For example, the red magic tower is the power of the fire caster, the blue magic tower is the power of the water spell caster, and the colorless magic tower is the power of the caster who specializes in the space ability, and it is also the power of all the spell casters. Organization with the least number of people.

Generally speaking, only people in the colorless magic tower can use space equipment. Because to open and close the space, you must have a certain concept of space, know how to use space magic, and have enough mental power. Each player has a space backpack that can be opened at will. This is a benefit from the system and cannot be transferred. However, in this real world, using space equipment is still the privilege of space magicians. For this reason, those who sell alchemy magic items It is not too unexpected that the caster made a wrong judgment.

Space equipment is relatively rare and practical. But in this world, no one deliberately snatches the space equipment, because if the space equipment can be used, it is more appropriate to go directly to the colorless magic tower and spend some gold coins to buy a space equipment to use. Because of their talent, the number of people who can use space magic is less than the space equipment created. If someone comes to buy space equipment, the people from the colorless magic tower will definitely sell half the cost price and beg for someone to come. Joining the Colorless Magic Tower, there is no way, there are too few spellcasters in the Colorless Magic Tower!

If you join the Colorless Magic Tower, they will also give away a primary space backpack for free, and the benefits are so good that they are scary.

Liang Lidong understood that because he used the space backpack, the other party regarded himself as a space-type spellcaster. He said flatly: "I am just a follower of Goddess Wojin, and have nothing to do with the Colorless Magic Tower."

The caster in the black robe was stunned for a moment, and he asked back: "Goddess Wojin? What kind of divine residence is it?"

This time it was Liang Lidong's turn to be stunned. Although Goddess Wojin does not belong to the four main gods, but because her priesthood is "wealth", many people believe in her. If the villagers in Reed Village don't know Wojin The words of the goddess are understandable, after all, they have too few channels to obtain knowledge and experience, but if a serious spellcaster does not know the goddess Wojin, then if it is not the other party's problem, then it is Liang Lidong's own. There is a problem with knowledge.

"The god's residence in charge of wealth!" Liang Lidong replied.

The black-robed mage thought for a while, and a look of helplessness appeared on his already aged face: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry, maybe I'm old and have forgotten a lot of things, and I can't remember the great Goddess Woking. Die."

The black-robed mage is giving both parties a step down. After all, it is already impolite to say in front of a believer that he does not know the god's residence of the other party's belief. Liang Lidong didn't care, he wasn't a true believer, he just planned to make some contributions to Goddess Wojin in exchange for one or two magic spells to use.

"It's okay, the goddess doesn't care what the world thinks of her." Liang Lidong didn't want to embarrass a spellcaster, so he diverted the topic: "Your Excellency just asked me if I am a member of the Colorless Magic Tower. Need help with something?"

"My name is Carl-Humphrey. Your Excellency can call me Carl." The black-robed mage nodded slightly, "There is indeed something I would like to ask your Excellency to help. This matter is very difficult for me, but for me It’s easy for you! I don’t know if you have heard of space anchor magic.”

"I've heard of it." Liang Lidong nodded.

The black-robed mage's eyes lit up: "Does your excellency understand this spell?"

"Are you going to fix your mental space?" Liang Lidong asked back.

The black-robed mage smiled wryly: "No way, I was too aggressive when I was young, and many spells were directly recorded in the spell slots without fully understanding it. Now the evil results have manifested. My mental space has become very unstable, and it has become very difficult to cast magic. Difficulties, if this continues, magic power sacrifice is my only way out."

The magic burial is actually a 'self-explosion'. If the magic is not fully analyzed, it will have serious consequences if it is recorded in the spell slot. If it is a player, its magic power will decrease, and when casting magic, the failure rate will increase; if it is an NC caster, the consequences will be more serious , they will not only have the above two situations, but also their own mental space will gradually become unstable, not only unable to cast spells, but eventually the mental space will collapse, causing their own magic power to be disordered, and various magic elements are mixed together, resulting in an explosion. The huge power will not only blow you to pieces, but also greatly affect your surroundings.

Generally speaking, these spellcasters with unstable mental space will dissipate all their magic power and become an ordinary person before the magical burial arrives. No one wants to become an ordinary person again, so these mages will try their best to find a way to fix their spiritual space before the arrival of the magical burial.

And the space spell 'Space Anchor' is a good 'prescription'. The mental space is also a 'space', if this spell is used properly, it can establish a fixed point in the mental space, so that the gradually unstable mental space can be 'fixed', thus avoiding the consequences of the collapse of the mental space. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. After using the "space anchor" to forcibly fix the spiritual space, the spiritual space will always be like this, and it can no longer expand and grow.

That is to say, if the black-robed mage uses 'Space Anchor', he will always be a spellcaster of this level in the future, and he will no longer be able to improve his character level, nor can he learn new magic, but he can still use divine spells. After all, divine spells do not need to occupy spell slots.

"I have seen the magic of space anchoring. Although I can't use it, I know how to make magic scrolls. Presumably you should not worry about me entering your spiritual space to use this magic, so magic scrolls are the best choice." Liang Lidong I already understood what the other party meant: "In addition, your Excellency should understand that the production of magic scrolls takes time, and it is not successful every time."

"I know very well!" The black-robed sorcerer bent down and took out a black rectangular wooden box from under the counter, and pushed it in front of Liang Lidong: "This is the material I prepared earlier, and I'm waiting for someone like Your Excellency to come to the door. You Do you know how long I've been waiting? It's been almost ten years, and I had already given up hope, but I didn't expect to wait for Your Excellency, how lucky I am!"

The face of the black-robed mage looked very excited.

"Why don't you go to the colorless magic tower and ask someone for help?" Liang Lidong was a little puzzled: "The location of the various magic towers is a secret for ordinary people, but it is common sense for us. I believe they should Willing to help you."

"I am a war mage!"

Liang Lidong shrugged helplessly: "Then there is no other way."

The so-called war mage is a mage who joins a country to serve it, participates in various wars, and has the blood and tears of the enemy country on his hands. Generally speaking, once a war mage goes to a hostile country, he will definitely receive a very warm 'reception', but if he wants to go to the Colorless Magic Tower, he must pass through the country of Udaburi, which is a hostile country to Hollevin , the spiritual space of the black-robed mage has become unstable, and his strength has declined greatly. If he sets foot on the land of Udaburi, he will definitely go there and never return.

Liang Lidong put the black wooden box into the space backpack, and then said: "I am temporarily living in Reed Village, west of Dongwai City. You come to me in five days, no matter whether it is successful or not, there will be results at that time."

"I understand, thank you sir." The black-robed mage Karl thanked Liang Lidong.

The two didn't talk about remuneration. Mages rarely talked about remuneration because they didn't need it. There were hidden rules among mages. They wouldn't talk about these things in front of ordinary people because they were too cheap and didn't fit their identities. After the matter is completed, Karl will give Liang Lidong a big gift according to the hidden rules, and he will definitely not let him suffer.

Liang Lidong bought a lot of alchemy items, originally worth about 2 gold, but now the black-robed sorcerer waved his hand and saved the expense.

After chatting with the happy black-robed mage for a while, the three of them left the mercenary union and wandered around the city. Since the two little guys rarely come to the city once, it is natural to make them happy. Bellin looked at everything around her curiously. She was interested in everything she saw, but she just couldn't buy it. After all, she had no money. The 10 silver coins Liang Lidong gave her were handed over to her father, and Kyle bought them. Some gadgets like gauntlets.

Liang Lidong bought a very ordinary iron sword... Not only can the god-born nobles use it, but the swordsmanship is also quite good.

During this process, Liang Lidong found that there were two men following them, but they didn't seem to be malicious, and Liang Lidong ignored them. After about an hour, the two men disappeared by themselves. Liang Lidong guessed, This should be Kyle's 'trouble', but the other party doesn't seem to intend to conflict with him.

They wandered around the city for nearly three hours, and the sun was about to set in front of them. The three of them left the city gate and rushed back to the village with the addition of the 'Mist Driving' skill.

Before Beilin left, she thanked Liang Lidong repeatedly for taking her to the city to play, and said that today was a happy day for her.

For this young girl who has never seen the world, everything in the big city attracts her. In comparison, Kyle seemed much calmer, but Liang Lidong could tell that there was a gleam in Kyle's eyes, the eyes that only people with ideals and goals would have.

Liang Lidong randomly made a hand-made noodle for dinner, but even so, this simple noodle dish still has a delicious value of 6 points. After eating, Liang Lidong went back to his room, rested a little, and calmed down. All the purchased materials were taken out, placed on the table, and began to make magic scrolls.

Making magic scrolls is a compulsory course for all warlocks. Liang Lidong is very good at this, and now he also has the professional specialty of 'making magic scrolls'. He believes that the success rate of making scrolls will be absolutely high.

The first magic scroll, 'Spa', a first-level water magic. First establish six basic nodes on the special parchment, and then start to fill in the modeling structure, input the magic power, continue to input, change the node, change the running route of the magic power... the manufacturing is successful.

The second magic scroll, the second-level natural magic of 'dispelling disease'. Create fourteen basic nodes first... Success!

The third magic scroll, 'Big Fireball', is a second-level fire-type magic, with 23 basic nodes at the beginning... Failed, the magic power shock caused Liang Lidong's head to swell for a long time.

After resting for a while, he started to make the fourth magic scroll, 'Air Shield', a first-level air magic, eight basic nodes...success.

Seventy-five percent success rate, quite good. Liang Lidong originally wanted to make two more magic scrolls, but he overestimated his speed. After rebirth, his level returned to zero, and his attributes dropped a lot, making him slower than before in everything he did.

The game "Flander Continent" is different from ordinary games. Players can get character experience by doing most of the things. It is not instant, but has to wait until midnight. Based on what you do during the day, perform a complex algorithm, and finally Issued by the system. Therefore, the time for players to upgrade must be at midnight.

Now it was almost midnight, Liang Lidong moved a chair and sat on the balcony to enjoy the night breeze. The moon tonight is as bright as last night, he looked at Silver Moon, thought of Persian cat, and thought of Xiaobai, this is the nickname he gave them, at first they were reluctant, but after shouting for a while, they also accepted.

Persian cat and Xiaobai are twins, with exactly the same face, but different hair color. The two of them are quite beautiful, so beautiful that it is indescribable. Ever since meeting them, Liang Lidong has never had the slightest feeling for other women.

"It's a little too beautiful, and you still leave a letter to say that I can't be fooled, but I don't feel at all when I see other women, how can I be fooled."

Amid such helpless and complacent ravings, a bright system prompt popped up in the center of the field of vision:

Character level up!