Noble Emblem

Chapter 19: 019 The painting style is getting wrong


Kyle has always thought that Liang Lidong is the kind of person who has no power to restrain a chicken. After all, in the usual cognition of normal people, although a spellcaster has powerful magical power, his body is relatively thin, and he is the kind of person who can run a few steps longer. He would start to get short of breath, but he really didn't expect that Liang Lidong would explode so fast, at least much faster than him, a child who grew up in a rural mountain forest.

It is very difficult to move quickly in the woodland. After all, the woodland is not like flat land. The terrain here is uneven. There are plants of various sizes that will become obstacles. Walking in the woods, even if you are careful, you may be tied to the grass. If you move at such a fast speed, it will be strange if you don't fall and chew the mud.

But Kyle followed behind Liang Lidong, watching his teacher running in the mountains and forests at an extremely exaggerated speed, moving around. Trees, big and small, can't stop him from moving forward. Whenever he encounters a tree blocking the way, he will always use a strange pace, almost rubbing against the tree trunk and swaying sideways, because the speed is too fast, and even give him People have an illusion of passing through the trunk.

Kyle chased desperately, but the distance was getting farther and farther, and he was almost thrown by the grass. Only then did he realize that the gap between the two was really big.

The three-feathered crested falcon flies very slowly. It is much smarter than ordinary beasts. At this time, it has discovered the abnormality. It intends to fly high, but it feels a strange tearing force in the thick fog, which makes it unable to fly high. It It has to fly faster to get rid of the entanglement of this dense fog, but the problem is that its current field of vision is pitifully small, afraid of hitting trees, so it dare not fly fast at all, so it has to plan to fly forward slowly to get out of this fog. Dense fog is fine.

Liang Lidong was already hanging under the three-feathered crested falcon at this time, and he kept chasing after him. The thick fog of the magic of 'driving the fog' was generated around him, so as long as Liang Lidong kept following the three-feathered crested falcon, the other party would never be able to get out of the dense fog. The extent of the fog.

After catching up with the three-feathered crested falcon, Liang Lidong slowed down. Only then did Kyle barely follow up. He gasped for breath, but found that his teacher was still calm. This discovery made him feel that his strength was very strong. is weak.

Liang Lidong just followed behind the three-feather crested falcon. Because the "fog driving" magic has its own "silent movement" specialty, and it limits the vision and hearing of the three crested falcons, so this big bird has never noticed that there are two humans hanging behind it, and it just keeps flying slowly. …soon it gets tired, the fog driving magic restricts its speed, it has to work harder to keep flying, or it will fall from the sky.

Seeing the three crested falcons landed on the branch, Liang Lidong's face showed joy. He looked at the surrounding environment, estimated the distance between several trees and the height of the big bird, and stepped back a few times. Stepping forward, he said to Kyle who was panting: "I will find a way to get this big bird down later, you wait at the back first, after all, this thing has already turned into a half-monster beast, it is a bit dangerous for you, wait When I call you over, you will act according to my instructions, understand?"

Kyle originally wanted to say that he wanted to help, but when he thought of the gap between himself and the teacher just now, he was speechless and could only nod.

Kyle stepped back a distance, hiding himself behind a big tree.

Liang Lidong looked at the big bird for a while, seeing that it was still resting, he climbed to another tree closest to it. His body was as light as a monkey's, and he climbed the tree quickly without making any sound. . Kyle's eyelids twitched. At this time, he finally believed that Liang Lidong had more than six years of mercenary career, and he also believed what Liang Lidong said, the knowledge and skills those mercenaries need to master.

Although it is said that there is a very rare and precious semi-monsterized natural creature in front of him. As long as he contracts with it, his combat power can be greatly improved, but Liang Lidong's mood is quite calm. After all, he has experienced countless battles. He has personally experienced more than a dozen large-scale wars at the same level, and he has already developed a big heart. The more critical the moment, the more he can hold his breath.

He reconfirmed the current position of the three-crested falcon through the gaps in the leaves, climbed a little higher, and then faced the position of the big bird, he jumped from top to bottom... one branch after another hit him There was burning pain on his face, but he didn't blink, he kept staring down, and when the position fell above the big bird, he kicked it out.

The three-feathered crested falcon, which was resting, never expected that a hunter would descend from the sky. It was kicked on the back and fell from the tree with a scream.

Liang Lidong's leg looked heavy, but he knew that at most it would only slightly injure the three-feathered crested falcon, and it would not be fatal. Sure enough, after the big bird fell to the ground, it immediately turned over and screamed at Liang Lidong who was still in the air. An invisible air blade spit out from its iron-hooked beak, forming a half-moon-shaped air blade, and slashed at him. .

Liang Lidong bent down, and abruptly turned his body, which fell straight from the sky, to one side. This is the benefit of high mobility, and it is also the effect of the specialty of 'Agile Movement'. In battle, the more flexible Teng Na moves People, the greater the advantage.

The air blade flew into the air and cut off several branches. The stubble of each branch was as smooth as a sharp blade. Instead of being surprised, Liang Lidong was overjoyed... What was said in the game forum was true, this kind of half-monsterized pet could indeed use special monster magic, which made him more determined to contract this big bird.

Sanyu Guanyu missed a single blow, and there was an angry expression in his eyes. This rather humane expression showed that it had enough intelligence.

It flapped its wings a few times, but found that it couldn't fly... Liang Lidong descended from the sky and kicked its back just to hurt its wings.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Lidong rushed over after landing. Sanyu Guanling used two air blades in a row, but Liang Lidong dodged them... Although it is a half-monster creature, it is indeed stronger than ordinary natural creatures , but not fully demonized is its weakness, and the advantage of birds is in the air, not on the ground.

Liang Lidong was very fast. After dodging two air blades, he had already run in front of the big bird, and then he gave a quick side kick... The god-born noble is all about swordsmanship and blood magic, and fighting is not its specialty. , so Liang Lidong's seemingly mighty attack was actually not very powerful. Big Bird's head was kicked, and his whole body turned sideways, and then he became even more angry.

The feathers all over its body stand up... Liang Lidong has rich combat experience, knowing that the opponent is going to show his hole card, he immediately backed away, and just a few steps back, all the feathers on the three crested falcons shot out, and there were no dead ends in all directions... Liang Lidong He rolled on the spot and avoided most of the feather attacks, but two feathers still hit him.

A feather pierced into his arm, penetrating very deep into the flesh, and the other feather was originally aimed at his face, but he blocked it with his left hand, so now it is stuck in the palm of his left hand.

Pluck two feathers... The bright red color flowed out from the wound, it looked like a serious injury, but Liang Lidong knew that such a small penetrating wound was not worth mentioning at all, no matter how soon it would scar on its own, it would be very serious. The wound will heal completely within a few days.

"Teacher, are you alright?" Kyle was shocked when he saw that Liang Lidong was injured, and jumped out.

"It's okay, you go and hold that big bird for me, it's fainted now." Liang Lidong pointed to the front.

Kyle walked over, and then couldn't help laughing out loud... After all the feathers on the body were shot, the mighty tricolor crested falcon immediately became a bald chicken that didn't exist, and became quite ugly. The tricolor crested falcon was kicked on the back, and then on the head. Although it was a half-monster creature, it collapsed after exerting all its strength.

Liang Lidong walked over, treated his two wounds a little, then called out the contract system, facing the comatose 'Vald Chicken', with the help of the system, he reluctantly pulled out his soul and stuck it into the head of Big Bird .

At this moment, the tricolor crested falcon woke up, struggling non-stop, and let out a scream. Kyle held the big bird's bald wings with one hand, and squeezed the big bird's feet with the other. It looked like a chicken killing scene. He asked nervously, "How about it, teacher, can it be successful?"

Liang Lidong rubbed his head for a while. Seeing this situation, he gritted his teeth and said, "This big bird has relatively strong soul power. I need to separate out more soul fragments. Continue..."

Another golden light was sent into Big Bird's head by Liang Lidong. After doing this, Liang Lidong finally couldn't bear it any longer. He squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and muttered vigorously: "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Pain... death, death, death... "

And the big bird on the ground also struggled harder. It raised its head and made a hoarse cry, as if it was crying or complaining. Kyle couldn't help but yelled at the situation of one person and one bird. Shiver: "This is using a life contract magic pet."

About ten minutes later, one person and one bird gradually quieted down, Liang Lidong stood up sweating profusely, and cursed steadily: "It's so uncomfortable to split two soul fragments in a row, if I had known it, I wouldn't have contracted this damn thing. "

"You think I want to be your magic pet." A sweet girl's voice sounded from the ground: "I used to live freely in this forest, but you forced your stuff in and made me into the present With this look, you have the nerve to complain?"

Kyle was taken aback: "Bird... the big bird has spoken."

"The magic pet can talk, you kid is making too much fuss." The girl continued: "And let go of your stinky hands, otherwise I will turn my face. I am a girl who is not married yet."

"Let go of it, the contract is successful." Liang Lidong tapped his head lightly to relieve the remaining pain.

Kyle jumped back immediately, and the 'bald chicken' on the ground stood up. It looked down at its own body and said in a crying voice: "Ah, my beautiful clothes are gone, what should I do if I am so ugly, I have to grow back , it will take at least a month."

Kyle pointed hard at the big bird on the ground: ", how could it suddenly be able to talk."

"I gave it two pieces of my soul. It has obtained most of my knowledge, and has evolved into a magic pet, so it can speak naturally." Liang Lidong shrugged and said, "Don't pay too much attention to it, magic pets have independence. I have a unique personality and consciousness, wisdom, and a variety of personalities, and I have also seen a magic pet who stole the master's gold coins and secretly went to find the happy girl at night."

"Don't compare me with those disgusting things!" The bald chicken jumped up, flapping its hairless wings: "I am a noble lady."

"Yes, lovely lady, let's go home together now." Liang Lidong walked over, picked up the bald chicken, and put it on his shoulders.

The hairless three-feathered crested falcon has shrunk considerably, and now it can stand on Liang Lidong's shoulders without any pressure.

Kyle looked at the bald chicken on Liang Lidong's shoulder, and said enviously: "I really want a magic pet, too. It can talk, how proud it is."