Noble Emblem

Chapter 23: 023 The City Lord's Invisible Clothes


There is no such thing as Joan of Arc in the game, and Liang Lidong doesn't understand why, but he guesses that it may have something to do with his soul turning golden. He remembered that when he contracted a magic pet in the game, the split soul fragments were blue, but when he contracted Joan the day before yesterday, the split soul fragments were golden. At that time, because he wanted to contract a magic pet, he didn't care. Thinking about it now, there seems to be a lot to it.

However, this involves the realm of the soul. Liang Lidong's main energy in the game is on managing internal affairs, territorial wars, mercenary missions, and collecting magic modeling diagrams. The knowledge of soul science is only superficial. Know, not proficient. The people in the gray magic tower are very good at soul magic, but Liang Lidong dare not go to them. If those eccentric research madmen know that his soul will change color... Becoming an experimental subject is Liang Lidong's greatest possibility in the future.

Therefore, the matter of why Joan's feathers change color can only be put aside for the time being. Liang Lidong picked up Joan of Arc, looked up, down, left, and right, and said, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

"That's not true!" Jeanne looked at her master with strange eyes: "But can you stop playing with me like this, although I'm just a bird, I have wisdom, and I'm still a girl, this will make me quite uncomfortable."

"Okay, I respect your worldview!" Liang Lidong put down Joan of Arc.

Joan rolled herself up with a blanket, and said lightly: "Thank you, I also feel very lucky to have a reasonable owner... If you count your cooking skills, I feel very lucky."

In this way, the first tacit understanding was formed between the human and the magic pet. Almost all spellcasters and their magic pets slowly build up a close relationship in such small interactions that accumulate over time. When their tacit understanding reaches a certain level, that is, the game system says that the friendship level reaches 80. If the above is done, a spiritual channel can be established, not only can the consciousness dialogue, the master can even share the vision of the magic pet. In addition, the specialties that can be obtained by the contract magic pet must wait until the spiritual channel is established before they can take effect.

Because of the heavy rain, Liang Lidong thought that no one would bring food over today, but he didn't expect that Belin was wearing a straw hat, a coir raincoat, and a basket in each hand, stepping deep and shallow in the heavy rain Just came over.

"Teacher, these are the ingredients that were prepared in the village yesterday." Belin stood wetly in front of the thatched house.

Liang Lidong pulled the girl closer to the thatched hut, and mobilized the fire element to surround Beilene, warming her body: "Since you're here, help me and have a meal with me later before leaving."

Belin's eyes lit up, and she remembered the stewed rabbit with bitter sunflower that she had eaten a few days ago, it was the most delicious food she had ever eaten.

It rained heavily until evening... Bellin listened to Liang Lidong's stories and knowledge about the day in the thatched house, and then ate two delicious meals, leaving satisfied. At midnight, the system gave today's character experience... 4 o'clock, if it wasn't for teaching Belin a day's knowledge today, he might not even get any experience points.

The next day, when the weather cleared up, Liang Lidong looked at a group of children by the river and said, "Although I didn't teach you how to read yesterday, I hope you can consciously review what you have learned. Knowing words is not very useful." , you have to be able to write. Whether the font is beautiful or not is related to other people's views on you. People with good handwriting are more likely to be appreciated by others. Of course, this is only a small factor for success. If ordinary people want to be recognized Ability is very important to a big man, what is ability? Your temperament, your character, your expertise, and even... your luck, the combination of them is your comprehensive ability! I can cultivate your temperament and teach you You have many specialties, but I can't change your character. This thing is innate. If there is no opportunity, it will be difficult to change. But I hope that no matter what your character is, in life, please put your best Show your character on the one hand, and hide the bad character in your heart as much as possible. The biggest difference between humans and beasts is self-control. Good qualities such as kindness, gentleness, sunshine, and perseverance can make your growth path easier. Being flat will also bring you closer to success."

When he said these words, there was a burst of applause beside him, Liang Lidong turned his head and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Karl, you are here."

Liang Lidong already knew that the other party was approaching. Karl's mental power was very unstable, and from time to time he released a circle of harmless mental force fields nearby. This kind of force field cannot be felt by ordinary people, but it can be easily perceived by spellcasters. Generally speaking, a normal magician's mental force field gives people the feeling of continuous flowing water, while Karl's is a layer after layer of waves.

"Your Excellency Beta is really good!" Carl clapped his palms in a black robe and praised: "If my teacher could tell me these truths, maybe I can go further."

Liang Lidong nodded slightly: "Thank you! But please wait a moment, I still need some time to teach them, it will be over soon."

"Please!" Carl gestured, and took a few steps back.

Liang Lidong earnestly taught the children three new characters, and taught them how to write. About half an hour later, he announced his disbandment. The children carefully kept away from Karl, and then flew away. Although the children are no longer afraid of Liang Lidong, it does not mean that they are not afraid of Karl. Moreover, in terms of appearance alone, Liang Lidong has fair skin, bright golden hair, a heroic appearance, and often smiles with sunshine. He is a very talkative person at first glance.

On the contrary, Karl has pale skin and a big black robe. Due to the problem of mental space, he is under great pressure and often has a straight face. Not to mention children, ordinary adults will also leave when they see this kind of indifferent caster. far away.

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Liang Lidong stepped forward and said with a smile, "Please come to my house and sit down."

Liang Lidong took Karl to the outside of the village.

Standing in front of the thatched hut, Carl was surprised: "Your Excellency, do you live in this kind of place?"

"As long as there is a god in the heart, there will be a paradise everywhere." Liang Lidong played a pious magic stick and led Karl into the house.

Carl smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency, this is the first time I have seen a believer like you."

Joan was sleeping on the bed, and woke up when she heard the voice, and said in a daze, "It's lunch time?"

Karl looked at Joan, although there was not much expression on his face, but his tone was quite tangled: "Familiar? Since you can contract a familiar and have such great strength, why are you willing to be an ascetic believer? I think You should also be able to fight for the position of bishop."

When Joan of Arc saw a guest coming, she suddenly lost her energy and continued to sleep with the blanket rolled up.

To have the same reaction as Barbara, it seems that the contract magic pet has really become a very advanced skill. Liang Lidong had such a thought in his mind, and then he asked Karl to sit down, and said with a smile: "The position of bishop does not mean that one can take it with strength, but mainly depends on whether one has enough piety to God. Regarding the concept of God, I don't understand it well enough, so now I can only serve as an ascetic, not a bishop."

"To be honest, I can't understand you believers." Carl's expression was very melancholy: "Sometimes he is kind, but sometimes he is violent, especially when he feels that the glory of God has been insulted."

Liang Lidong didn't answer. What Karl said was the truth. Many believers of gods are very sensible, but some believers of gods are so fanatical that they can't accept the thoughts of other gods. Jihads appear from time to time. In fact, this is purely a question of doctrine. According to Liang Lidong's experience in the game, many doctrines of the divine religion have been artificially tampered with and become specious.

"I seem to be talking too much?" Seeing that Liang Lidong didn't speak, Karl thought he was a little angry.

Liang Lidong shook his head: "That's not true, I just have nothing to say, because it's the truth." He paused, took out three scrolls from the space backpack and put them on the table, and continued: "Your Excellency Karl, why did you come?" Coincidentally, I already made the scroll last night, fortunately, I succeeded three times, I wonder if this number has reached the bottom line in your heart?"

Carl's expression was serious, and his hands trembled a little. He picked up the three scrolls, felt the fluctuation of magic power, and immediately smiled: "Enough, enough! I always thought that the best result is to have two scrolls. Scroll, I was even mentally prepared for a complete failure. After all, I know too well how difficult the process of making a third-level magic scroll is."

With three 'Space Anchoring' scrolls, Karl has a higher probability of fixing his own mental space, because there are more opportunities for error tolerance.

Liang Lidong greedily dropped two scrolls of 'Space Anchor', which is actually not greedy, because he deserved the extra two scrolls. According to the data in the game, the success rate of making a third-level magic scroll is only about 30% on average, which means that seven materials can only produce two scrolls, which is why Carl said that two scrolls are The best result, Liang Lidong gave him three cards, which already made him overjoyed.

What's more, Liang Lidong is the only person he has met in recent years who can make the magic scroll of 'Space Anchoring', even if he is only given one...he will be grateful.

Carl carefully put the three scrolls into his robe, and then he said sincerely: "Your Excellency, you will be my lifelong friend, and I will definitely reward you... By the way, this time I came to the village, I am actually receiving It was entrusted by someone to send you a letter."

An exquisite white magic letter was placed on the table. Liang Lidong picked it up and looked at it. It was an invitation to Barbara's seventeenth birthday. The inviter was Uther Langman, the lord of Winterwind City.

Karl is a war mage, and it's not too strange that he belongs to the management of Winterwind City, but he was curious: "Although I am also a spellcaster, even if the Lord of Uther sent a servant to send me a gift to show that he values me Just post it here, don't let a distinguished spellcaster Qu Zun come, it's against the rules, it makes me feel a little panicked."

"I'm just running errands!" Carl smiled bitterly.

Let a spellcaster come to run errands... without a sound, he showed his power without being offensive, a good way! And is this a disguised form of scaring Mawei? However, to be able to raise a daughter like Barbara, the Lord of Dongfeng City should be a person with a very deep palace, and it is not surprising to have such a trick.

Suddenly, Liang Lidong thought of many things, but he didn't show anything on his face. He shook the magic letter in his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely be on time for the banquet in five days!"