Noble Emblem

Chapter 36: 036 Five months disappeared


There were so many things in the two carriages that the small thatched hut couldn't fit in at all. Liang Lidong thought about it, and put these things in the village chief's house. ↗Although the village chief has a lot of careful thoughts, but with such a large wealth, he dare not touch it with the "guts" of a village chief. But Kyle, seeing two boxes of gold coins, almost dazzled his eyes.

"Teacher, you won't be able to use up so much money in your lifetime."

Liang Lidong was not very interested in these gold coins: "It's only 2,000 gold coins. For ordinary people, it may be a wealth that cannot be earned in a lifetime, but for professionals, it is actually the same. You have to From now on, learn to treat wealth with a correct attitude. Although it is very important, it is no more important than your own life, your dignity, and your relatives and friends. Of course, this is just my point of view. There are many People think that money is very important, but such people are generally unable to go too far on the career path. If you want to use this money, take some and spend it.”

When the old village chief heard this, his expression changed. But soon Liang Lidong said again: "However, if you want to spend a lot of money, please give me a letter of intent for planning, so that I can judge whether the money is worth spending."

"This is the teacher's money. I will never move a single gold coin." Kyle waved his hands again and again: "The teacher can put the money with me because he trusts us. How could we do such a thing."

Hearing his grandson's words, the old village chief's face was a little troubled, as if he had been constipated for several days. At first, when Liang Lidong put the gold coins here with him, he didn't have any thoughts, but Liang Lidong said that Kyle could take some, and he immediately had some ideas, such as using these gold coins to connect Kyle, go Taking the relationship of high-level figures, although they are now related to the city lord's family, it would be a good thing if they could get to know more nobles. My grandson is a student of Beta, so it doesn't seem to matter to spend more money for the students. Anyway, Pastor Beta doesn't seem to be short of money, nor does he care about money.

But he didn't expect Liang Lidong to say that he would need to spend a lot of money to get a letter of intent. This sentence blocked his mind, and then his grandson actually said that a gold coin does not cost such stupid words, which really made him feel I was very depressed.

Liang Lidong actually saw the village chief's little thoughtfulness, so he said that. He likes to take advantage of this kind of npc, but there is no serious evil. There are many in the game, and he has seen a lot.

"Money needs to be spent, because living in this world requires money in many places. When you are used to spending money and know how to make money, you don't care much about money. After all, for professionals It is said that strength is the most important thing. With strength, it is easy to get rich."

Kyle seems to understand, but Liang Lidong doesn't ask him to understand now. He can use magic alchemy items every day, making scrolls can gain character experience, and these gold coins can be used as operating funds after the temple is completed, which is quite useful.

The days after that were very ordinary. Liang Lidong got up every morning and went to the river to teach the children how to learn characters, and then taught some little knowledge, and in the afternoon, he would teach Kyle and Belin a little cooking. Five months passed quickly, and the new year came, and the temple was almost completed. Because of Liang Lidong's warning, Uther did not come to disturb Liang Lidong, but did Barbara come to Reed Village? Looking for Kyle, boys and girls are tired all day now and then.

Whenever this time, Belin's expression will not be very good-looking.

In five months, under Liang Lidong's teaching, the children in the two villages have undergone amazing changes. Although they are still wearing old clothes with many patches on them, they are clean and clean. What kind of teacher there is, and what kind of student there is. The person these children admire most now is Liang Lidong, and they subconsciously imitate all of Liang Lidong's behaviors.

Liang Lidong straightened his back when he walked, and so did they. Liang Lidong loves to be clean, and so do they. Liang Lidong is used to laughing first when he sees people, and they have learned this habit... In short, there are now a large group of small 'betas' in the two villages. The villagers are very happy with the changes in the children. Although they don't understand the main principles, they still understand the most basic comparison. It is obvious that their own children are much better than the children of other villages. , that look is already very 'scholar' style.

The most outstanding of them is naturally Kyle, and the other is Belin. Liang Lidong specially gave them a special treatment, so it would be strange if they didn't stand out.

In five months, Liang Lidong has been promoted to level '3', and his 'friendship' with Joan finally raised to '80' a few days ago. The soul link officially took effect, and Liang Lidong got two very practical specialties.

Intuitive Dodge: You are born with powerful reflexes and dynamic vision, and your reaction speed is faster than ordinary people. The instant you're hit by an attack, if you dodge, you'll magically only take half the damage. This effect only works on physical and magical attacks that take immediate effect.

Aura of Wisdom: You are very smart and know how to use this smartness correctly. Your magic effect, knowledge acquisition efficiency is increased by 10%, and your character experience acquisition speed is increased by 20%.

When he saw the effect of these two specialties, Liang Lidong was so happy that he hugged Joan of Arc in his arms, and kissed her beak several times, causing the latter to bark and yell indecently. Intuitive dodge is a skill that can greatly improve survivability, and it is more useful than dragon specialties such as dragon scales. The 'wisdom aura' is even more practical. The magic effect includes not only damage magic, but also some auxiliary magic. Liang Lidong has tested it. After using the 'fog driving' magic, the range of dense fog is indeed the base of the current level , an increase of ten percent.

As for the efficiency of knowledge acquisition, and the improvement of character experience acquisition, although these two effects cannot be immediately effective, but after a long time, the effect will come out. Character level is still very important, and the aura of wisdom can increase the speed of his character level, it has to be said that it is indeed a very practical specialty.

In five months, Joan of Arc has grown quite beautiful bright golden feathers, the color is exactly the same as Liang Lidong's hair.

As a result, it became quite stinky, and every day it flew to the river to pity itself: there is such a beautiful girl as me in the world, how lucky it is.

In fact, it's no wonder that it has become like this. Joan of Arc with bright golden feathers is indeed quite beautiful. Many people should believe that it is the young body of the golden phoenix.

Today, because of the heavy snow, the teaching was temporarily suspended. Liang Lidong was lying on the bed, looking at the white clothes outside from the window, in a daze, he planned to take a day off today. Joan of Arc hid in the blanket, in fact, it is now a magical beast, and it is not afraid of the cold at all, but its biological instinct still makes it hate flying in this kind of heavy snow, so she did not go to the river to smear, but stayed Sleep at home.

I thought I could spend a leisurely day today, but in the afternoon, the old village head came to the door. He came with a basket of vegetables and a bottle of wine in the middle. Liang Lidong made a few small dishes on the spot, then drank wine and chatted with the old village head slowly. Although the old village head had good knowledge, he was comparable to Liang Lidong. After about an hour, the old village head had nothing to say, and could only listen quietly to Liang Lidong talking about the mountains.

Liang Lidong is not tired of the old village chief. Although he is full of thoughts, but no matter how you say it, Village Chief Reed is just an ordinary person. You can't ask him to be as noble as a saint. There are no pure saints in this world, only saints who look like saints. saint.

Soon the ale in the flagon bottomed out, Liang Lidong shook the flagon, and then said: "Old village chief, just tell me if you have anything to do, I know that your visit this time is definitely not to ask me for a drink. Simple."

Village Chief Reed said: "Tomorrow is the day of spring, according to the custom, we have to collectively transport last year's harvest to the city to sell before the new day of farming, and then divide the money according to the regulations of the village. "

"I heard about this from Kyle before." Liang Lidong continued, "He said that if the two villages enter the city together, the poll tax will be cheaper."

"That's true. There must be heavy snow before spring, and it will stop tomorrow. This is the habit of the goddess of winter." The old village chief nodded: "Originally, I should lead them into the city tomorrow. But I am old now and can’t move much. And Kyle is not yet old enough to be a pawn, so I would like to ask you to preside over the overall situation tomorrow and lead them into the city to sell the harvest of the two villages last year. "

Liang Lidong thought for a while and said, "Okay... But I also have a condition. Tomorrow, the adults don't have to follow, so let me take the students into the city. It's time for them to go into the city to see and see."

"Okay, no problem."

The old village head was very happy to get the letter of approval. In his opinion, it would be better if only the students followed him. Kyle could study with the teacher and take this opportunity to establish a preliminary prestige among the group of children. This may help his future leadership.

After chatting casually for a few words, the old village head left.

Joan of Arc was wrapped in a blanket, and said in a daze, "I'm going to the city tomorrow... Then I won't go with you. The snow is too heavy and it's cold, I don't like it."

"I really don't want you to go out with me, but you should also understand that the magic pet can't be too far away from the master, otherwise it will be forcibly teleported to the master."

Joan froze for a moment, and then said painfully: "Ah, I almost forgot about it... But I really don't want to go out, I hate snow, very much."

Liang Lidong smiled. He checked his spatial backpack, which was almost full of magic scrolls. He has used the magic alchemy items sent by Uther to a large extent. Now it is necessary to sell the scrolls and buy some magic alchemy items again.

Now he is only a little away from the fourth level of experience. If there are enough magic alchemy items to give him the experience of making scrolls, he can level up in about five days... At the fourth level, he can learn a new specialty, and it is only a short distance away from the fifth level. Not far away. As long as you reach the fifth level, the profession of 'divine nobleman' will get a special professional talent, and then truly start the growth path of 'divine nobleman'.

God-descendant nobles before the fifth level are similar to magic swordsmen. They are all compound occupations, and their combat power is much worse. But after the fifth level, the god-descendant nobles have their own professional characteristics.