Noble Emblem

Chapter 37: 037 No wind makes waves


The next day, Liang Lidong woke up very early. He cruelly shook Jeanne out of the final decision, and after making himself a simple breakfast, he went outside the village. ¤ At this time, the sky was still dark, and the children held up torches, illuminating the nearby snow.

They were excitedly arguing, but when they saw Liang Lidong appear, they all fell silent. Although Liang Lidong did not teach them to respect their teachers, in fact this concept has been engraved in the blood of most people. They understand that if no one teaches them a skill, they will always be mud legs. And the person who can change their destiny is naturally the person they admire the most.

"Teacher, are you here? We are all ready!" Kyle came up and said, he was only wearing a single suit, and the other children were dressed in a thick old cotton coat, and the sweater was very different.

"Aren't you cold?" Liang Lidong pointed at him.

Kyle shook his head: "I haven't been afraid of the cold since I was a child, maybe it's because of exercising every day."

Liang Lidong didn't think it was the reason. If ordinary people can resist the cold by exercising every day, what is the attribute of cold resistance? Wouldn't it be a joke for the professional to work so hard to improve his own strength? He knows that there are many mysteries in Kyle, but he already has some clues. Of course, it is only his guess so far, and he cannot be completely sure.

Liang Lidong looked around, all his students came, and some children who were not his students were also there, totaling more than 50 people. They all watched Liang Lidong helplessly, waiting for him to give orders.

"Have you had breakfast?" Liang Lidong asked.

Kyle patted his waist, there was a small bag there, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, teacher, we have already prepared, we will eat while walking on the road, we have always been like this before, otherwise there is not enough time .”

"If that's the case, then let's go." Liang Lidong smiled: "I'm only in the role of supervision and protection. You can do what you usually do. Don't pay too much attention to me."

"That's fine!" Kyle turned around and shouted to the back: "Everyone is setting off, the men are all going to press the snow road, and the women are responsible for taking care of the donkeys and the goods on the cart. This is the property of the two villages, and nothing can lost."

Immediately the children moved into action, and the boys grabbed a shovel and walked to the road, shoveling two parallel lanes in the middle of the snowy road. Although the snow on the road was not too deep, the donkey cart was heavy and if the wheels were sunk in the snow, it would be difficult for the cart to move, so almost every boy had a shovel.

"Teacher, can you help us use that fog magic?" Carl walked beside Liang Lidong and said, "In the past, adults were responsible for these things, but this time we are all children, although half of us work and half rest , it won’t be so hard to take turns, but our physical strength cannot compare with adults after all, if we have the help of the mist magic from the teacher, things will be much easier.”

Liang Lidong flicked his fingers, and the mist opened up. The children calmed down after a little panic, and then continued to do what they were supposed to do. It seemed that Kyle should have told them about this beforehand and had a vaccination, so he could calm down so quickly.

It can be seen from this that Kyle is indeed a talent, not to mention his character, this invisible leadership and execution ability are much better than ordinary people. With the ability of the old village chief, he can't teach such a child. In this way, this is Kyle's talent... The successor of the special blood? Liang Lidong felt more and more that he had picked up a treasure.

With the help of fog driving magic, the efficiency of the children has been greatly improved. Kyle wanted to ask Liang Lidong to sit in the donkey cart, but the latter refused. A group of children were walking, and he was resting leisurely in a donkey cart by himself, which was inappropriate.

Originally, they planned to arrive at Winterwind City within three hours before the sun fully rose into the sky, but due to the effect of fog driving magic, they arrived at the destination an hour earlier, all the children were very excited, one reason was because Another reason to finally be in town is that they each have a little windfall.

In the middle of the journey, Liang Lidong's "Lucky Fortune" skill was activated, and he dug up a lot of silver coins on the side of the road. When converted, it was about as much as hardware. Based on the principle that everyone has a share, Liang Lidong gave everyone Each child was given five silver coins. Five months ago, Liang Lidong dug gold coins on the mountain and distributed some to Kyle and Belin. Many villagers have heard of it, but they are skeptical. This time there is such a child who witnessed it, and they He was also given gold coins. Liang Lidong believed that once the temple was completed, there would definitely be many shallow believers of Goddess Wojin in the village, which would be of great help to him in accumulating piety and contributions to the temple.

The goods have not been sold yet, and all the children already have five silver coins in their pockets, how can this make them unhappy.

It has always been the time when spring comes, and when nearby villagers and mountain people enter the city to sell goods, the soldiers guarding the city have a chance to make a fortune. There were more than fifty people, according to the original rules, each person had to pay at least ten copper coins to enter the city, but because Liang Lidong was standing among the children, it was too conspicuous, and the veterans guarding the city did not dare to embarrass these children , After receiving a copper coin symbolically, each person was released.

The villagers from other villages who entered the city later shouted that it was unfair when they saw it, but they were beaten up by a few soldiers, and the entry fee was doubled.

After entering the city, Kyle led the children to sell wild goods in Xicheng District with ease. Xicheng District is already crowded with people, all of whom are nearby villagers, and there are all kinds of carts. Kyle took a seat with great difficulty, moved the things from the donkey cart, and put them on the side of the street. Those villagers who came late saw that a group of children had taken a good position, and they wanted to drive them away, but when they saw that there was still a spell caster standing among them, no one dared to make any thoughts.

Because of the good location, the mountain goods were sold out quickly. Kyle handed over the collected money to Liang Lidong, and said, "Teacher, I feel uneasy about so much money, can you help me collect it?"

Because during the transaction, Liang Lidong had been watching from the side. He knew that these carts of mountain goods were only sold for more than 30 gold coins. In the eyes of professionals, the money was extremely small, but for the villagers of these two villages To me, this is all they have gained from a year of hard work.

Seeing that the mountain goods were sold out, Liang Lidong said, "Let's go, let's find a place to have lunch, this time the teacher treats you."

The children cheered. For them, it was a great thing to have a meal in the city, and it was worthwhile to go to the city.

Liang Lidong chose a clean-looking hotel on the side of the road, and took fifty or so children in. Generally speaking, such 'high-end' hotels do not entertain villagers, but the hostess in charge of the reception is very winky. She saw a spellcaster leading a group of children over, and immediately treated these children as distinguished guests. It seems that these children are not wearing shabby clothes, but gorgeous noble clothes.

Liang Lidong was very satisfied with the service of the female shopkeeper. After paying more than ten silver coins for the meal, he also gave the female shopkeeper five silver coins as a tip.

All the children's bellies were full. After resting for a while, Liang Lidong said: "There is still half a day left, and it is rare for everyone to come to the city. You can move around freely later. But before that, I will Let me talk about the rules first. First, you cannot act alone. You must go out in groups of five or more. Second, you must return here to gather before the sun goes down. Third, you are not allowed to provoke others. If someone bullies you You guys, don't fight back, come back and tell me, understand?"

Understood! The children shouted excitedly.

Liang Lidong waved his hand: "Okay, let's disband."

The children soon began calling friends and forming small circles of their own.

Kyle walked up to Liang Lidong and said, "Teacher, that... I want to act alone!"

"I know you want to go to Barbara, get out of here." Liang Lidong said angrily, "But you have to come back before the sun goes down, otherwise you can stay at Barbara's place for the night, anyway, you have Marriage, even if you sleep together, it doesn't matter."

"Barbara and I are pure!" Kyle retorted angrily, and then ran away blushing.

Belin watched him leave, her face became a little disappointed, but she was soon pulled away by her friends. After a while, all the children in the hotel went out, and Liang Lidong also stood up. He left the hotel and came to the mercenary union.

Originally, the person in charge of selling magic and alchemy items in the trade union was Karl, but now it was a different person. She was a fair-looking girl. She was wearing a black robe, and her mental strength was much stronger than ordinary people, but she seemed a little uncomfortable Stablize. After seeing Liang Lidong walking up, her expression became very panicked.

Liang Lidong stood in front of her and looked at her. The latter's face gradually turned pale under his gaze, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Are you afraid of me? Why?"

The girl was startled by his voice, then lowered her head and replied, "Because... because you are... the red priest!"

Liang Lidong always felt that her mental fluctuations were a bit familiar, and soon a flash of inspiration flashed in his head: "Oh, you are Karl's disciple!"

The girl nodded with difficulty.

"Then do you hate me?"

The girl shook her head vigorously.

"That's fine. There is no big hatred between me and Karl. Don't get involved. You don't have to worry about me killing you."

The girl seemed to feel relieved, but she still looked scared. Liang Lidong took out two-thirds of the scrolls he made, and the counter was almost full in one fell swoop. He said: "I will put these magic scrolls on consignment with you. According to the old rules, 82% will be split. You will send me money once a month until the scrolls are sold out. Do you understand?"

Only then did the girl breathe a sigh of relief. She understood that since the other party asked her to do something, she would not kill her for the time being. But the next moment her expression became very strange, because there were too many magic scrolls, probably more than a hundred... It was difficult to digest so many scrolls in Winterwind City, after all, there were too few spellcasters, so she raised her head bravely Said: "Red Priest...Your Excellency, this quantity is too much, and Winterwind City can't sell it all. I can transport it to other cities for you, but it will take longer, okay?"

Liang Lidong nodded: "Yes! You are a pretty good person, so let me tell you something, you should be memorizing Qiding and other leisure spells now, don't continue, because Carl has incomplete memorization." You will become extremely unstable mentally, and you also have this sign now, if you really want to learn this magic, you can ask Barbara to see if she will teach you."

"I don't know..." The girl was taken aback: "Teacher's strength has not improved in recent years, so this is the reason. Thank you for telling me, I am very grateful."

Liang Lidong picked out a lot of magic items from the girl, paid the money and poured them into the space backpack. Before he knew it, more than two hours passed. When he went to the mercenary union and was about to go back to the hotel, several girls rushed to him, crying.

"It's not good, teacher, teacher, Belin has been taken away!"

Liang Lidong frowned: "Speak slowly, what's going on!"

Several girls chattered and cried, and because they were too nervous, their word order was a little confused. After listening for a while, Liang Lidong finally understood what was going on. When a few girls were wandering in the street, they suddenly met an old man in front of them. The old man said that Belin was a talent, so he took him away without saying a word.

The old man was also a spellcaster, wearing a turquoise robe of a believer, with a big tree symbol on his chest.

Liang Lidong immediately understood that this old man was a believer of the Goddess of Life, and only believers of the Goddess of Life would wear the turquoise robe with the big tree logo.

But why did he take Belin away! Liang Lidong didn't understand. He asked some girls to go back to the hotel to wait for him, while he asked passers-by about the location of the Temple of Life, and then rushed over. He secretly hoped that nothing would happen to Belin.