Noble Emblem

Chapter 44: Project 044 is drawing to a close


God-born aristocrat is a mediocre profession. He has seemingly low but very comprehensive attribute growth. △In a specific field, he will never be an opponent of a specialist, but his advantage is omnipotence. How to exert this omnipotence is the standard for considering whether a person's combat awareness is top-notch. For ordinary people, it would be difficult to suddenly bring out a seemingly omnipotent but lacking specialty, but players are different, they have enough time and enough opportunities to be quite proficient in a profession... Liang Lidong has fought several times in the game Thousands of times, hundreds of deaths, he has already known the advantages and disadvantages of all professions, and he is more aware of what the god-born noble profession can do.

Everything in the dense fog was dispersed by the water vapor, Liang Lidong rushed towards the nearest mercenary like a leopard, he had already turned into a red afterimage, almost in the blink of an eye, he emerged from the dense fog A dozen meters away, he appeared directly in front of the mercenary, and then stabbed out with a long sword in his hand.

At this time, his physical value was already 8.4 on the panel, his strength was not low, and he also had the talent of 'noble swordsmanship' and the bonus of 'swordsmanship specialization'. Big. After all, with the same mass, the faster the object, the stronger the impact.

The mercenary also reacted quickly, blocking the wide blade of the broad sword in front of his heart, but he underestimated Liang Lidong's strength. The counterfeit Emperor Meteor Sword touched the body of the broad sword like a silver lightning light. It stands to reason that the broad sword is thick and not easy to damage, but the thing is so bizarre, the mercenary's broad sword was touched by Liang Lidong, and it immediately looked like glass. Generally broken.

The mercenary was terrified, and backed away vigorously, and under his puzzled and terrified eyes, Liang Lidong retracted and stabbed the unscathed Emperor Meteor Sword in his hand, and tapped the mercenary's throat like lightning, and then Liang Lidong He took a few steps back like lightning.

The mercenary punched the air forcefully, and then he saw a 'red fountain' appeared in his field of vision. He desperately clutched his throat, but the blood stopped, his strength was gradually disappearing, and his vision gradually became blurred...

Liang Lidong looked at the mercenary who fell to the ground in pain, twitched a few times, and then remained silent, he was a little surprised: from the system point of view, this mercenary is at level 4, just like himself, although he has a sophisticated temperament, But in fact, the reaction speed and combat power are not strong, and there is obviously no 'weapon specialization' specialization. For example, Liang Lidong has 'swordsmanship specialization' and 'noble swordsmanship', one specialization and one talent, and the talent of 'noble prejudice' Treating the long sword as a "handy weapon", the combination of the three characteristics makes him dare to carry the long sword and play close combat with people.

He doesn't even have a kind of 'weapon specialization', what kind of melee professional is he! This is the 'truth' recognized by players.

This mercenary was killed by Liang Lidong because he didn't have "weapon specialization".

At this time, there was an explosion and roaring sound from the side, and a blazing hot wind blew from the side, accompanied by a scream. Liang Lidong turned his head and found that Joan of Arc had successfully killed a mercenary by using the airborne fireball method. Now there are only two mercenaries left. Although they can't see what happened to their companions, and they can't hear any voices, but as professionals, their instincts tell them that the situation is not good.

The two split up and ran. Although their vision was insufficient, they managed to run in the right direction based on their memory when they came. But the problem was that the fog driving magic not only weakened their vision, hearing ability, and even their speed. Impact. The most important thing is that the fog driving magic is centered on Liang Lidong, so when Liang Lidong moves, the dense fog will also move with it.

He followed the mercenary silently. When he was in the dense fog, no matter how much noise he made while walking, it would be regarded as 'silent movement', as if the sound was absorbed by the dense fog.

The mercenary ran away in a panic. He looked around in a panic, and looked back from time to time, as if there was a terrible demon behind him. As long as he didn't pay attention, he would run out from behind and swallow him up.

In fact, Liang Lidong was indeed following the mercenary about fifteen meters behind him, but because the thick fog blocked his sight and sound, he didn't even know that there was a person hanging behind him. The mercenary ran desperately. Walking in the mountains and forests was already a kind of hard work. Besides, it was still at night and the sight was blocked by thick fog. The mercenary almost fell over by the grass on the ground. Tired, and his speed was getting slower and slower, but the scope of the thick fog seemed endless, and he couldn't run out no matter what.

Liang Lidong looked at the back of the mercenary, waiting for the right time to strike. He remembered that this mercenary had the specialty of 'blind fighting'. Have to wait until the mercenary is tired, too tired to 'use' the blind fight feat.

At this time, Joan's voice came from the spiritual channel: "I killed this mercenary, I won, master, you have to fulfill your promise and help me cook a big meal."

"Are you injured?" Liang Lidong seemed a little strange when he heard its voice, a little weak.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, but you have to come over and carry me away later, I can't fly right now, I hurt my wings."

"Then find a safe place to hide yourself first."

"It's okay. Ordinary beasts can't hurt me. After all, I'm a monster. They don't even dare to approach me."

Turning off the spiritual channel, Liang Lidong continued to follow the mercenary, while the mercenary was still running, but because of excessive panic, because there was no way to escape the fog, under the extreme panic, the mercenary's direction perception began to Something went wrong, and before he knew it, he started running away from the mountain road, and actually started to circle back up the mountain.

Running with all his strength, coupled with extreme emotions, the mercenary's physical strength dropped rapidly. Within five minutes, he began to be out of breath, and finally couldn't help resting against a big tree with his back to adjust his breath. During the rest period, he still did not relax his vigilance. Professionals are different from ordinary people. Even mages recover faster than ordinary people, let alone melee professionals who focus on physical fitness.

About five minutes later, the mercenary felt that his physical strength had almost recovered. Although the fog still hadn't dissipated, he felt a lot more at ease. As long as he had the physical strength, he believed that he would be able to get out of this damn fog.

He wiped the sweat from his head, and when he was about to leave the big tree, he heard a thud behind him, and then his whole body was shaken, with an expression of disbelief, he looked down and saw that his heart was bursting out. A severed sword tip.

The more at ease human beings are, the weaker their vigilance is, and the more vulnerable they are to attacks.

The mercenary turned his head, most of his sight was blocked by the tree, and the long sword in his body was pulled back. He knelt down on the ground, clutching his heart, and before falling down, he yelled with all his strength. : "You devil...I curse..."

It's a pity that he didn't finish shouting and there was no movement.

Liang Lidong grabbed his arm, shook off the blood on the sword, and put the sword back into its sheath. Then he went back, and because of the spiritual channel, he found Joan easily. The latter was squatting among a pile of crown grass, hiding his figure. Liang Lidong pulled it out, held it in his hands, and found that there was a big wound on its left wing, which almost cut off half of the wing, and a large amount of blood mashed the feathers of half of its body into lumps. .

The magic pet's vitality is very strong. Although the bleeding has stopped, Joan's spirit is obviously very weak. Liang Lidong quickly took out the hydrotherapy scroll from the space backpack, tore it up and put it on Jeanne's body. The light blue magic light enveloped Joan of Arc's whole body. After a while, Joan of Arc's complexion became much better. It raised its head and said, "Okay, master, leave me alone and continue to carry out your plan."

"I don't worry about you staying here alone. I can put you in my space backpack, but that place is not very comfortable. I don't know if you want to!"

"Okay!" Joan nodded.

Carefully put Joan of Arc into the space backpack, and then he walked to the entrance of the mine. Except for the big pit and other traces that Joan of Arc exploded with the fire, and five pairs of footprints, there were no other traces. Then he waited at the entrance of the cave for about half an hour, but no one came out, so he went in by himself.

Cautiously walked into the mine, before approaching the deepest gold mine cavity, he smelled a strong fishy smell coming from the mine. Although there was also the smell of human blood, this strange smell was very strange. It smelled bad, almost to the point of stench.

With eight points of vigilance, Liang Lidong first threw a scroll of illumination into the hollow, and waited until the inside was brightly lit, then he turned his head to look in.

There was no one standing inside. Three mercenaries were lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. Their bodies were mutilated in large parts, and one of them even lost his head.

And around them, there were a few corpses of big white spiders... When Liang Lidong left, there were no spiders here, and there was only one way to the outside. In other words, these spiders should have been summoned, And a little farther away, there is a spider with two broken legs, which is quite inconvenient, hissing and screaming. It has found Liang Lidong and is threatening the latter with its teeth bared. Its abdomen Because of the violent movements, he raised his head up a little, and Liang Lidong saw a strange pattern resembling a human face on it.

Human-faced spider? Ms. Rose's pet? Liang Lidong has heard of this magical technique, which can summon several of Ms. Rose's human-faced spiders to fight against the enemy. There are strong and weak human-faced spiders. Strong priests can naturally summon powerful human-faced spiders. It seems that this should be Ackerman's handwriting, but what about others

Liang Lidong looked around, and after a while, he finally found Ackerman lying on the ground like a dead body in the innermost corner.

perish together? Liang Lidong smiled noncommittally, then he walked to the archer's body and found a small hand crossbow from the latter's body. Generally speaking, long-distance occupations are equipped with such a hand crossbow in case of emergency.

He loaded the arrow on the hand crossbow, then walked a few steps forward, and at the same time pulled the trigger, an arrow hit the mouth of the human-faced spider. The insect screamed and twitched a few times, and then died. He was already injured and unable to move, even if Liang Lidong shot with his eyes closed, he could still hit such a big target.

Then Liang Lidong took a few steps forward, and pointed the crossbow at Ackerman who was lying on the ground.

"Don't!" Ackerman suddenly raised his head: "Please let go..."

Only halfway through his words, a crossbow arrow shot on his forehead, and then his eyes widened, and his head dropped heavily to the ground.

"If I let you go, who will let the children of Reed Village go?" Liang Lidong said to himself, and then he put the crossbow back into the hands of the dead mercenary: "Both sides will die together... Well, look It looks like you don't need to set up the scene specially, just erase my traces, heh, it looks like you can proceed to the next step."