Noble Emblem

Chapter 49: 049 RMB warrior


Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! Because adults have accepted the unspoken rule that 'common people and untouchables are not allowed to enter the temple', most adults dare not enter the temple to pray and make wishes. ⊥But children are different, they have not accepted so many rules of the "adult world" for the time being, they have a self-motivation that adults can't match. What's more, they are all students of Liang Lidong. Although they are not very capable, at least they have learned a little bit from Liang Lidong's invisible arrogance of modern people.

So this group of children can sit in the temple without psychological pressure and listen to Liang Lidong's teachings. And in the eyes of most of the children, since the teacher is a believer of the goddess Woking, they should also become believers of the goddess Woking.

Liang Lidong looked at the group of children in front of him, he was happy to see such a situation. After all, children's innocence is like a piece of white paper, which can be painted on by him. Compared with adults who have formed a worldview and have their own opinions and desires, children are better guided and more suitable to become believers, and their beliefs will be purer than adults.

"Goddess Wojin is a beautiful girl. She is an absolutely neutral god. She is neither kind nor evil. She is in charge of business and wealth. The flow of wealth in this world depends largely on her will." Liang Lidong said indifferently: "People who believe in her may not necessarily become rich and powerful, but generally they will not be so poor. Of course, if you believe in her with the intention of becoming a rich man, you will not get any rewards." Good result. After all, for God, she has too many things to deal with, and it is impossible to take care of everyone's wishes. Of course, if you are devout enough to understand her ideas, she will definitely hear your heart, and then she Will watch over you and protect you."

"Teacher, what level is the fighting power of Goddess Wojin among the gods?" The person who asked this question was Kyle.

Liang Lidong replied: "Goddess Wojin is not a fighting god, so her fighting power is not strong among the gods."

Hearing this, all the children were slightly disappointed. Liang Lidong looked at the crowd and said: "Although Goddess Wojin is not a powerful god, she can help you grow. Maybe you don't know that there is a very special blessing in Wojin Temple. Only the Goddess of Gold has it. As long as you pay enough gold coins, the Goddess of Woking can improve your combat ability. If you have the wealth of the country and the city, and if you are willing, you can directly promote to become a legend. It is only the amount of gold coins required to be promoted to a legend It's too exaggerated, the kings of small countries can't get it together, and although the kings of big countries can barely get it, most of the kings are reluctant to part with the money."

Hearing this, all the children became excited. There were several adults sitting behind, and one of them was the village chief Reed. If the kings can collect this money, I think they will not be stingy, but I have never heard of a rich man directly becoming a legendary professional, so the amount of money must be exaggerated, Mr. Beta As a follower of Goddess Woking, you should know how much you need."

"A conservative estimate is more than 1.5 million gold coins."

The village chief jumped up in fright: "It's impossible to do it. Even if our national taxes in Huo Lewen are added up, it's only 50,000 gold coins a year."

In the game, three hundred years ago, the believers of the Goddess Wojin were widely distributed, almost from all walks of life. Especially the nobles, especially like to believe in the goddess of Woking. After they become professionals, they don't like to work hard to train their strength, so they use gold coins to buy blessings in the Temple of Woking, which can greatly improve their strength in a short period of time. . Liang Lidong also bought Wojin's blessing service. He remembers it very clearly. At level 0-5, a gold coin can be exchanged for '1' experience value in Wojin Temple, and at level 6-10, '1' The character experience of 1 needs two gold coins, and so on, when it reaches level 16-20, the character experience of '1' needs 8 gold coins.

The players have calculated that according to the exchange rate between real money and in-game gold coins... Even if the two Internet gods of wealth, Malaysia and Xiaoma, spend all their wealth, there is no way to raise their level to 16 or above. A cost-effective way is to only use money to buy the experience of the first three levels. If you are really rich, you can buy the experience of the first ten levels. After the tenth level, it is not recommended to exchange gold coins for experience.

Liang Lidong smiled and said: "So, there is no shortcut in this world. Even if a noble is willing to spend a lot of money to improve his strength, it is actually a disguised effort. After all, he worked hard to make money, or his parents worked hard to help him make money Yes. Almost no one in this world can directly advance to the legendary level in one step, but we can use money to slightly improve the strength of the early stage. When the world is still relatively weak, it doesn’t take much money to improve the strength. We can make more money. Then pray for the blessing of the goddess, in order to have a better starting point, this is the first gift of the goddess Wojin to the world."

Kyle's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Teacher, if I need to improve my strength once, how much will it cost?"

"One hundred gold coins!" Liang Lidong replied.

Kyle is now lv1, and one hundred character experience points are needed to upgrade to lv2, which happens to be one hundred gold coins according to the formula of Goddess Woking's blessing.

Village Chief Reed stood up: "Your Excellency Beta, can you give Kyle a blessing now to improve his strength? One hundred gold coins, I will send someone over later."

"Grandpa!" Kyle looked back at the village chief Reid, very surprised and surprised. He never thought that his family was so rich that he could afford a hundred gold coins.

Liang Lidong shook his head: "No, Goddess Wojin is a god's residence, and she is also in charge of money. It has always been the only thing that others ask her to give money. There is no saying that she waits for others to make a deal before taking the money."

A hundred gold coins is not a small amount, Village Chief Reed thought for a while, and said: "Your Excellency Beta, I believe you, please wait for a while, I will go back and have the gold coins delivered, it won't take much time. "

Liang Lidong nodded: "Okay, no problem." With a wave of his hand, he opened the gate of the temple.

Village Chief Reed hurried out of the temple.

The children all looked at Kyle with envious eyes, but the latter was very excited now. It had always been his dream to become a professional and improve his strength, and now he and Barbara were in a hot relationship. Although Barbara doesn't mind his low strength, a man is always weaker than his own woman. After a long time, he will always feel a little depressed. Now that he has the opportunity to get close to the gap with Barbara, he is naturally very happy.

Not long after, Village Chief Reed came in, followed by a strong man holding a small box in his heart. Although one hundred gold coins doesn't sound like much, it still weighs ten kilograms. This weight is nothing to ordinary people, but it is a bit heavy for an old man. Village Chief Reed asked the strong man to put the box on the ground, and then said, "One hundred gold coins are here, Mr. Beta, do you want me to ask someone to count them for you?"

"No need, more and less." Liang Lidong waved his hand, then opened the interface of the temple management system, called up the option of Goddess Wojin's blessing, and then carried out the 'application ceremony held'. The moment he confirmed it, the goddess relief behind him was emitting a faint red light, and then two magic circles appeared on the ground in front of Liang Lidong, one was golden and the other was red. The radius of each magic circle is 0.5 meters, and the magic circle is slowly turning, looking extremely mysterious.

Recalling the scene when he received the blessing of Goddess Woking before, he said, "Kyle, stand in the red magic circle, Village Chief Reed, please ask someone to pour the gold coins into the golden magic circle."

Kyle walked into the red magic circle with trepidation, and after Village Chief Reed nodded, the brawny man opened the box and poured golden gold coins into the golden magic circle. As soon as the gold coin touched the magic circle, it turned into a little bit of golden light and disappeared. When the last gold coin also disappeared, the red magic circle suddenly burst into light, and more light turned into red silk threads, covering Kyle's bag. It turned into a chrysalis.

Village Chief Reed was a little nervous. He swallowed and looked at the red cocoon in front of him, and asked, "Your Excellency Beta, Kyle will be fine."

Liang Lidong waved his hand: "Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon of blessing."

About thirty seconds later, under the amazed and worried eyes, the red cocoons appeared cracks, and then exploded, turning into little magic dust and disappearing into the air. Kyle's figure was revealed, still standing in place. He looked at his hands in disbelief, opening and closing several times, and then he said: "Teacher, I feel that my strength seems to have improved a little bit, and my body seems to be much lighter..."

"Not only that, but you're even more handsome." Liang Lidong turned on something, and then said: "If you have two hundred gold coins, you can also improve your strength. How about it? Are you interested?"

Kyle immediately turned to look at his grandfather.

The old village chief Reed waved his hand and said, "Kyle, it's not that grandpa doesn't want to help you, but our family's savings are almost used up."