Noble Emblem

Chapter 5: 005 A small frontier village


For the Shepherdess Belin, the priest in front of her is the most beautiful person she has ever seen. Although the word "beautiful" is not very good for a man, Belin can't find other words to describe it. After all, she is illiterate and has little knowledge. She has never been to the city. The place is the wild grass and fruit forest behind the village. Every autumn, there will be three kinds of sweet and sour fruits for her to taste. Among them, the only season where you can eat 'snacks'.

Put your hand in your mouth, blow the whistle, and the seven sheep gathered. Belin is a little proud. She is the only person in the village who can whistle to herd sheep. No one else can master this skill, not even her father who has herded sheep all his life.

But soon, she blushed and became depressed again. Blowing the whistle was a very rude act. It would be fine if you did it in front of other people in the village. It was really rude in front of such a handsome big man. The seven goats flocked to the girl's side. Belin looked at Liang Lidong out of the corner of her eye. Seeing that he still had a gentle smile and no expression of disgust, the embarrassment in her heart gradually weakened.

"My lord, please follow me." Belin walked ahead with her head bowed, and the seven gray goats followed behind her.

Liang Lidong walked a few steps faster, caught up with Belin, and walked side by side with her: "Girl, what's your name?"

"Belin." The girl's face was a little hot, and her hands were subconsciously folded in front of her lower abdomen, looking very elegant.

"Then your name is a bit similar to mine!" Liang Lidong's eyes fluctuated: "My name is Beta, don't call me Priest, I'm just a believer now. Not everyone can accept the title of Priest Yes, if I am heard by serious people, then I will be in bad luck. You can call me believer Beta, Brother Beta, or just call me Beta!"

In Liang Lidong's eyes, there was a system prompt on the girl's head from the beginning, and the system prompt was turned on with thoughts, and the data that could be seen was very little.

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Name:? ?

age:? ?

Profession:? ?

Except for race and gender, the other information is full of question marks, but after the girl said her name, the information in the line of name was updated immediately. That's why Liang Lidong's mood fluctuated a bit, which is slightly different from the game. In the game, all NC information is full of question marks. Even if you know his name, the line with the name is still a question mark. Only after learning the specialty of 'Humanoid Biology Knowledge' will the NC information appear, and' Humanoid Biology Knowledge' is a relatively rare growth-type feat. It has a level statement. The higher the level, the more information you can see. When you reach the top level, you can even check the attributes and equipment of NCs.

In addition, in addition to the specialty of 'knowledge of humanoid biology', there are other specialties of 'knowledge of dragon biology', 'knowledge of canine biology', 'knowledge of amphibian biology', etc., but the most practical one is 'humanoid biology knowledge'. The specialty of biological knowledge', after all, human biology covers an extremely wide range. Humans, goblins, dwarves, elves, giants... even angels are humanoids. The probability of this skill appearing is extremely low, and there is no way to learn it from NC. Liang Lidong knows many people in the game, and only one alliance player who is not familiar with it has this magical skill.

"I... dare not!" Hearing Liang Lidong's self-introduction, Belin looked up at him, and then quickly lowered her head: "I'm just... a humble shepherd, and I'm not qualified to call you by your name!"

At this time, the information about Belin's occupation was immediately updated to: Shepherd!

Real-time data update! Liang Lidong's eyebrows twitched. This function is really useful. After all, there will be more people in contact with in the future, and many small things may be forgotten, but if there is this system function to assist, it will be much more convenient in terms of interpersonal relationships. As a player who has been in the game for eight years and has made a breakthrough and owns his own territory, he knows very well how important it is to deal well with NC.

"The goddess warned us that all men are created equal!" Liang Lidong intends to borrow the name of the goddess Wojin, after all, he is now wearing the attire of a believer of the goddess: "No one is more noble than others. The difference between a person's superiority and inferiority lies only in his character and virtue. If he has a kind heart, even if he is just a beggar, he is much nobler than the idle nobles."

Belin didn't understand very well, but she knew better, this handsome priest didn't seem to care much about her identity, nor did she despise her. This little realization cheered her up. The girl tried her best to raise her head, looked at Liang Lidong, summoned up her courage, and asked in a trembling tone: "Are you from our Holevin?"

"No!" Liang Lidong shook his head, "I'm just a believer who traveled here by accident and is responsible for spreading the glory of the goddess."

Seeing that Liang Lidong really answered her own question, Belin calmed down a lot again, and she continued to ask: "Master Beta, which country are you from? From the country of Souther? Or from Udaburi?"

In the game, Sosir and Udaburi both border Hollevin, and Udaburi and Hollevin are still hostile countries. Is this really not the game world? Liang Lidong became more and more puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face, but continued to flicker: "After throwing ourselves into the embrace of God, we no longer have the distinction of nationality in our eyes. People all over the world, when we see There are only two types, believers who have already converted, and believers who are about to convert."

Beilin is just a country girl, and she can't understand what Liang Lidong is saying, but she vaguely knows that these are very noble words, and only noble people can say them. Seeing Liang Lidong's heroic appearance, her face became hotter and hotter: "Are believers more noble than non-believers? What kind of goddess is Goddess Wojin?"

"All beings are equal. Believers are not more noble than non-believers. Believers are just people who understand the concept of gods. What we believers have to do is to make the concept of God known to more people in the world. Of course, whether you believe in it or not does not hinder God loves the world." Liang Lidong knew what a true believer should look like: "Goddess Wojin is the goddess in charge of wealth, and she is responsible for distributing the general flow of money in the world."

Belin blinked her eyes: "Could it be that our village is so poor because we don't believe in Goddess Woking?"

It has to be said that Belin is a little clever, and can immediately think of the relationship between the poverty of the village and the goddess Wojin. Liang Lidong shook his head: "No, Goddess Wojin is only responsible for controlling the general flow of money. In her eyes, everyone is equal. Whether you have wealth or not has little to do with the goddess. It depends on yourself, hard work, and intelligence. , if you have some business wisdom, it is not difficult to own wealth."

"Oh!" Belin replied, half understanding. Bellin likes chatting with Liang Lidong very much. She thinks that the priest is very kind and will not discriminate against her just because she is stupid. Instead, she explains to her very carefully. In comparison, Aunt Jessica next door is not very good , obviously just know more than her, just like pretending to be knowledgeable in front of others, asking her something, hanging around, not daring to tell others for a long time.

Belin originally wanted to ask more about the outside world, but at this time the village was close in front of him, and there were a few idle adults squatting at the entrance of the village. They first saw Beilene, and then saw Liang Lidong. Because of the talent of 'aristocratic temperament', these adults immediately stood up, and then moved out of the way of the village entrance with a somewhat fearful expression. After all, they were adults. The first time they saw Liang Lidong, they 'know' that the person in front of them was a nobleman. Although they were afraid, they didn't kneel down and salute like Belin.

One of these adults was Belin's father. She pleaded guilty to Liang Lidong and took a few sheep to the elders to help herd them for a short period of time.

And Liang Lidong took this opportunity to look at the village... Like most villages in the game, the place is small, the loess path connects to the entrance of the village, and a simple fence made of wood surrounds and protects the village. The men at the entrance of the village are all dressed. The patched gray linen clothes, the hands and legs are full of yellow mud, now Liang Lidong has Yunlong blue pupils, with his eyesight, he can see that the hair of these men is dirty, greasy and knotted like strands of hemp rope, Gray-brown fleas ran through their hair, and white eggs hung from the roots.

He has seen too many such situations in the game, so he didn't feel any discomfort. From this point, it can also be seen how exaggerated the details of the game "Flander Continent".

After talking to her father, Belin trotted back to Liang Lidong: "Master Beta, I'll go to the village chief's house right now. In our village, only the village chief's house is the cleanest. If you want If you rest here for a while, you can only go there, other places are too dirty and not suitable for your identity."

Liang Lidong nodded: "Then I will trouble you."

Belin waved her hands again and again to express that she dared not accept the other party's thanks. Liang Lidong chose to go to the village chief's house not because he disliked the dirty homes of ordinary villagers, but because he could see that this village was very poor, maybe so poor that they didn't even have much to eat. The adult men at the entrance of the village looked dull and their faces were sallow, which was obviously caused by long-term malnutrition. Generally speaking, adult men are the pillars of the family. If they can't even eat enough, it means that these families are really close to the point where they can't open the pot. If Liang Lidong went to these ordinary people's homes, they would definitely He had to tighten his trousers to entertain guests, otherwise Liang Lidong would treat ordinary people's food for a few days as two or three meals.

Generally speaking, the village head is the wealthiest family in the village, and it doesn't hurt to go to such a family for a few meals.