Noble Emblem

Chapter 6: 006 The grandson of the village chief's family (Part 1)


Walking into the village, Belin led the way bouncingly in front, Liang Lidong followed, and at the rear, there was a group of people hanging, most of them were dirty children with runny noses, and a few An adult followed. In a small border town like this, it is rare for one or two outsiders to come to the village a year, so whenever there are foreign visitors, the people in the village will always put down the unimportant things at hand and come to watch. It is difficult for the villagers to entertain themselves all year round.

If it was an ordinary visitor, the villagers and children dared to point and talk, and if it was a small nobleman, they would dare to whisper, but Liang Lidong was wearing a blood-red religious robe and a bright red cloak with several magic patterns flowing on it. With a blue luster, the villagers only dared to follow behind and watch, not talking casually.

For ordinary people, nobles are already unattainable crowd, but the status of spellcasters is even higher than that of nobles. Whether it is a mage, a warlock, or a priest, these people who can use supernatural power are mysterious and terrifying. Even if you are several kilometers away, if you speak ill of him, he will know it, and then at night, will come to you and give you the most terrible punishment, for example, turning people into frogs...

Ordinary people are in awe of the spellcasters, thinking that they are the spokespersons of the gods in the world. In fact, it is true. Most mages are believers of the goddess of magic, and priests are believers of gods. They use the power of gods to spread miracles. There are only warlocks who are born to cast spells, and they have little to do with the gods. But even so, most warlocks will still choose to believe in a god residence with a philosophy similar to their own.

Belin was also afraid of Liang Lidong at the beginning, but the latter successfully used the social skills he had practiced in the game for eight years to perfectly resolve the girl's fear of him. 'Aristocratic Temperament' is a very good specialty. When you meet someone you hate, you can use the pride brought by 'Noble Temperament' to build an invisible barrier between the two parties so that the other party does not come in contact with you. For those you like, the 'aristocratic temperament' can be transformed into a special attraction, making others feel that Liang Lidong is noble and gentle. Even in negotiations and confrontations, the 'aristocratic temperament' can also be transformed into a special oppressive aura, frustrating The opponent's aura gave Liang Lidong the upper hand in the negotiation.

Now Belin has been completely influenced by the specialty of aristocratic temperament, and every time she passes by a house, she will be very happy to introduce the details of this family to Liang Lidong.

"This is the home of Aunt Jessica. Her husband died more than ten years ago. She has a 21-year-old son, Brother Thor, and an eight-year-old daughter, Sister Lafite, but others say that Lafite The younger sister is the daughter of Grandpa Hawking, why, Grandpa Hawking is a man, how can he have a child... "

"This is Uncle Nicholas's house. He is a blacksmith. Apart from the village chief's family, his family is the richest in the village..."

"Here we are, this is the village chief's house!" Belin stopped in front of a big white house.

Most of the houses in the village are yellow adobe brick houses with straw roofs. But this big house is obviously different. It is a three-story building, not counting the yard. The building itself occupies an area of about 200 square meters. The triangular roof is covered with bluestone tiles, and the outer walls are made of white Li Gang As a result, this stone is a good building material. In the game, after Liang Lidong became the lord, he once opened a mine and did a stone business. Ligang is a commodity with small profits but high sales.

Of course, the concept of small profits but quick turnover is for players. For NC civilians in the game, Liconite is a very expensive building stone. A small house made entirely of Liconite can be bought at a price of Twenty-year food rations for an ordinary family of five.

Judging from this building, the village head is indeed a very wealthy family in the village. However, Liang Lidong also saw mottled moss and sparse vines hanging on the outer wall of this building. The outer wall should have been pure white, but yellowish stains had penetrated into the surface of the inner stone, which meant that This house has a certain history, it should be more than a hundred years old.

It seems that the village chief's family in this village is also of the type of a small family.

Belin followed to the fence in the yard and shook the big brass bell that was already covered with copper green. Belin's nice girlish voice rang out along with Dangdang's voice: "Village-chief-father-father, there are-guest-people-here-come!"

"Come here, come here!" The somewhat hoarse, but full of spirit old man's voice came from the second-level window. After a while, the thick wooden door on the first floor, which was mottled with the traces of time like the outer wall, was opened, and a The gray hair is mixed, the smile is very kind, and the old man who looks very ordinary appears at the door. He stares at Belin lovingly and smiles: "Aren't you supposed to be herding sheep at this time? Why did you come back? Be careful when your father beats you!" you!"

"He won't hit me!" Bellin pointed to Liang Lidong who was behind her: "I brought you a very important guest."

The village chief seemed to be a little short-sighted. He squinted his eyes and walked to the fence in doubt. Then he could barely see Liang Lidong's appearance and attire. Then he was surprised, and his kind smile became serious. His right hand Pressing on his chest, he bowed slightly and saluted: "Your Excellency, this pastor, I am the village chief, Caspar Reed! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Liang Lidong is wearing the robes of believers, and believers can generally be called priests. The village chief doesn't regard Liang Lidong as a priest like Belin, and he can even see his identity. This shows that he has seen the world. The village head's etiquette was very steady, and he didn't panic when he saw a big man at all, which showed that the village head often met with high-class people, so he was very calm.

"Beta, a follower of Goddess Wojin!" Liang Lidong continued to fool around: "I passed by here to spread the glory of Goddess, but unfortunately lost my way and wanted to rest here for a while. I can do what I can to pay for the accommodation I don’t know if the village chief is willing to take in me, a lost traveler?”

"Ascetic believer?" The village head was a little surprised!

Liang Lidong nodded. The so-called ascetic believers are special priests who are responsible for spreading the concept of the god's mansion. They roam around looking for places where new temples can be built. Generally speaking, ascetic believers are very popular, because they are not pure combat spellcasters, but disseminators of the truth. Of course, they also have unique skills, because there are various dangers on the journey, if they cannot deal with it, how to spread it The glory of God.

With Liang Lidong's affirmation, the village chief's face immediately became brighter, and he said hastily: "It is the most honored thing for our Reed family to have been here for more than a hundred years, please come in..." Then he Turning to the girl next to her, she said, "Beilen, go get Kyle back. He's practicing swords in the open space behind the village!"

The girl bounced away.


Liang Lidong followed the footsteps of the village head into the small building, and the first thing he saw was a portrait hanging on the wall. In the painting is a handsome man holding a flaming long sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand with the emblem of the flame engraved on it. He wears half body chain armor and steps on an ugly demon.

The village head noticed Liang Lidong's gaze, and he said proudly: "This is my ancestor, the legendary brave Kate-Reed, five hundred years ago, he single-handedly defeated the demon who was resurrected from hell at that time, Modi- Depolo then rejected the king's invitation and the edict to become the head of the Royal Cavalry Regiment, and returned to his hometown alone, living in seclusion. The ancestors are so great, but our descendants are so weak, we are really ashamed of the glory of our ancestors."

The legendary brave Kate-Reid, there is indeed this person in the game, but more often he appears in the mouth of bards in taverns. Liang Lidong's occupation is a nobleman, and his main game history is to develop territories and fight against other forces . Discover the history of the game, that's what the profession of 'Lorewalker' will do. However, he had also heard about this legendary brave man.

"I've heard about your ancestors. When Modi-Dai Polo was resurrected, the first thing he did was to destroy a small country. I can't remember the name, and then he led countless undead to Hollevin." Liang Liang Lidong actually doesn't really believe that the village chief is the descendant of the legendary brave man, but of course he won't reveal his thoughts, but instead brags along the pole: "King Haydn V of Hollevin ordered a counterattack, but the army was vulnerable. Seeing that Modi's army is about to approach the king's city, a young man stood up at this time, he rushed into the army of undead alone, and cut Modi under the sword, he is really unbelievably powerful!"

Ha ha ha ha! The village head was very happy to see that Liang Lidong also knew about the glorious deeds of his ancestors, and he found him more pleasing to the eye. In the past, I told the villagers in the village about the deeds of their ancestors, and they all listened to them as stories, but when they talked about their ancestors with other nobles, the nobles simply dismissed them. Zhang, who has long been regarded as a muddy foot by the upper class of Hollevin, said that his ancestor is the legendary brave Kate Reed, who would believe it.

The village chief asked Liang Lidong to sit down, and then asked, "Where is your Excellency Beta going to give alms?"

"The place God needs me to go to!" Liang Lidong bluffed: "I think God will give me a hint when I find it."

The village chief's expression changed: "Why don't Priest Beta stay in this village... Although this village is not rich, but if we want to support a small temple, it's better not..."

Plop... Before the village chief finished speaking, a young man broke in and shouted, "Grandpa, I heard from Belin that a distinguished guest has come to the house. Is he a priest who can cast spells?"

This is a fair-skinned young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with short golden hair, but not as conspicuous as Liang Lidong's bright golden hair, the other's hair is dark golden, but also very shiny. In addition, this young man is very handsome, and he is more conspicuous than Liang Lidong in terms of appearance alone, but because his face is still childish, he is not as calm and gentle as Liang Lidong, and Liang Lidong has an 'aristocratic temperament' This professional talent bonus, so it seems that Liang Lidong is much more handsome than the young man.

For things like charm, appearance is a part, temperament is a part, and character is also a part.

"Kyle, what a shame to yell!" The village chief stood up and said rather dissatisfied: "Come here and meet Priest Beta!"

"Aren't I in a hurry!" The young man rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly. He walked up to Liang Lidong and looked at him with yearning eyes: "Hello, honorable priest, my name is Kyle, and I am from this village. The best swordsman in the village. I heard that you can cast spells, can you teach me magic, I have saved a lot of money, and I can give it to you!"