Noble Emblem

Chapter 70: 070 Take the blame


In the game, most people with dark vision are players. △↗ And more than half of them are warlocks or other special occupations, about 100,000. This number seems a lot at first glance, but there are five billion human npcs in the game, on average... it is about one in 50,000, that is to say, there is only one person with special vision in about 50,000 people. This is still in the case of players participating, and there are very few npcs with special bloodlines. About one in two hundred thousand people has special bloodlines.

But now in the small Dongfeng City, three people have been found to have special bloodlines, Liang Lidong himself, Kyle, and the current wife of the city lord.

Special bloodlines can provide holders with a better starting point, like Liang Lidong's bloodline magic is quite powerful, although he doesn't know which race the castellan's wife inherited, but he thinks she is better than his husband, the reason is also It should be here.

The mayor's wife looked at Liang Lidong's eyes that were as bright as sapphires in the sun, and was absent-minded for a moment. Then the basement door was gently pushed open, and she immediately narrowed her eyes, because the reflection in her eyes The purple luster is very obvious in the dark, if it's just a thin crack, it's inconspicuous in the dark.

Liang Lidong didn't know that his eyes would reflect light, so he still opened his eyes wide. However, he leaned against the wall and squatted on the right side of the door. This was a blind spot. Once the enemy came in, he would never be seen for two or three seconds.

The door was slowly opened, but no one came in. Liang Lidong held his breath, and the city lord's wife was unbelievably quiet. After a while, two translucent, human-shaped things silently and slowly touched into the room. Their figures were so faint that they could hardly be seen. This is 'into the shadows', different from the magician's 'fading technique', this invisibility technique is more like a supernatural ability, as long as there is shade and dark places, it can be used.

However, Liang Lidong has Yunlong blue pupils, which can see through all illusions. In his eyes, these are two middle-aged men. They looked around as soon as they came in. At this moment, Liang Lidong moved, like a bird. The preying cheetah turned into a red shadow in the darkness, and the blue reflections of its eyes left two light blue chlorine lights in the darkness.

As soon as the middle-aged man closest to him reacted, his side was pierced by a long sword. Before he could scream, Liang Lidong bumped into another companion.

Liang Lidong's attack was too sudden, and the timing was too well controlled. This is his fear instinct from thousands of battles. Another invisible assassin was knocked back two steps, he was shocked, ordinary assassins have the 'blind fight' specialty, when he pulled out his weapon and was about to fight back, he felt a sharp air rushing from behind, He hurriedly dodged, but his back was only scratched, and the injury was not too serious.

After being attacked, the assassin knew that the matter had been revealed, so he ignored his companion and ran out. The wife of the city lord stood still and did not chase after him. The man fell to the ground after a few steps, struggling feebly with.

Poison, very poisonous! Liang Lidong threw off the enemy on his sword, and his heart and lungs were punctured. This person will not live long. He moved his eyes to the poisoned assassin and found that his face turned red , her lips turned purple, as delicate as a woman. The assassin twitched on the ground, unable to even speak out in pain, and within two minutes, he lost his voice.

Liang Lidong has seen this kind of poison before, it's called phantom, people who are poisoned by this kind of poison will look like the assassin's strange appearance when they die, hence the name. The main ingredients of this poison are creatures from the demon world, the blood of the succubus, and the eyes of the succubus are also purple. Once these characteristics are connected, Liang Lidong can easily guess the origin of the castellan's wife... No wonder the castellan's wife is not beautiful, But so charming, and so provocatively spoken!

Liang Lidong returned to the table and relit the candles on the table. Because of the light, the strange light in the pupils of the two people gradually dissipated. There was a bloody smell in the basement, and there was also a slightly sweet fragrance, a bit like the smell of green apples. The more poisonous something is, the better it smells.

The lady of the city lord put the light blue dagger back into her skirt, then she looked at Liang Lidong and asked, "How do you know that there is..."

"Instead of wasting time with me here, I think you might as well go out and see how the captives are doing." Liang Lidong pointed outside: "If these two assassins can get in, it means there may be more assassins outside. Wandering, then Robin seems to be a big shot, if he dies here... Hehe, I don't need to say more about what will happen to the relationship in Winterwind City and the royal family, you should understand."

The wife of the mayor's face changed drastically, and she immediately ran out of the pit. Liang Lidong packed up the blueprints on the desktop, and then went out of the basement. Seeing the middle-aged housekeeper outside in surprise, he said, "There are two corpses of the enemy in the basement. You clean them up. The other thing is to let those hard workers stay outside." Don't go out of the mine, honestly stay in the pit and wait for our news."

"Are there any enemies?" The middle-aged butler was shocked.

"Is this still useful?"

Liang Lidong threw down such a sentence, and quickly ran out of the mine. When he came out of the mine, he saw the stiff body of the mayor's wife, and also saw a scene that surprised him.

Under the moonlight, all the soldiers outside the mine were lying on the ground, making whirring noises. Liang Lidong walked up to the nearest soldier and slapped him hard, causing nosebleeds to come out, but this guy was still asleep , and slept soundly.

"Sleep magic in a large area!" Liang Lidong took a deep breath: "But the range is too large. And the effect is very strong. In Dongfeng City, who has such strength?"

The mayor's wife turned pale: "I don't know either."

Liang Lidong thought for a while, and directly used the spiritual channel to call Joan of Arc, but Joan of Arc did not respond, and there was only her dreaming voice in the spiritual channel... Joan was flying at an altitude of hundreds of meters, even it was asleep, I don't know Where did it fall... This matter is unlikely. Hypnotic magic within a range of hundreds of meters must be at least a magician who specializes in 'psychic energy', and the level must be at least level 15, that is, a legendary level spellcaster can do it, because legendary magicians can comprehend 'magic' Guidance Specialization' this legal talent greatly strengthens the power and scope of magic.

However, if the enemy is level 15, there is no need to use hypnotism to deal with them. Just use the floating magic to fly, treat yourself as a bomber, and just bomb all the way. No one in Winterwind City can stop him.

At this time, the breeze blew over, Liang Lidong's nose moved, he smelled a fresh smell of blood, and his expression changed drastically: "Go and have a look in the grove, something is wrong."

The two hurried over, and then Liang Lidong saw that the blond young man named 'Robin Clement' was already asleep, and his throat was cut, not only him, but all the royal infantry had their throats cut, Blood flowed all over the ground, and a strong fishy smell permeated the woods.

The face of the mayor's wife turned pale, and she shouted, "Who did it!"

Liang Lidong also felt the chill on the back of his body. He flicked his finger, and the fog driving magic was activated. After a few seconds, the dense fog covered the nearby space of hundreds of meters. She took a defensive action, and when Liang Lidong classified her as a friend in the system, she seemed relieved: "This is your blood magic, it is really amazing."

Liang Lidong looked around for a while, then canceled the fog driving magic: "There are no enemies nearby."

"It seems that we will be blamed for this." The lady of the castellan looked at Robin who died in his sleep with a peaceful face, and she said bitterly: "Although our Longman family is not afraid of the Clement family, for no reason It is always unpleasant to set up an enemy for no reason. This matter is absolutely inseparable from the Temple of Life, but I don't understand why those of us in the mine are not affected by magic."

Liang Lidong explained: "Gold is a good magic repellent. We are in the mine, and most of the magic elements are isolated from the outside. Of course, we will not be affected by it inside."

The lady of the city lord's face was very gloomy. She looked up at the crescent moon in the sky: "I'm curious, why such a powerful magician didn't take advantage of the victory to kill us, but retreated instead. Look... our soldiers are all hypnotized by him As long as he brought dozens of people up, he would definitely kill us, but he didn't do that, why?"

Indeed, why? Liang Lidong also had this question in his mind. But now he is more concerned about the safety of Joan of Arc, because the spiritual channel can sense the positions of both sides, he moved more than 400 meters to the right, and finally found Joan of Arc who was sleeping soundly on a big tree, and he took the little The guy hugged it down and brought it back to the mine.

At this time, many soldiers began to wake up. Liang Lidong went over and asked them if they found anything strange. As a result, all the soldiers who woke up said in unison that they did not find anything unusual, and they themselves did not Know why you fell asleep all of a sudden.