Noble Emblem

Chapter 73: 073 Big Ivan Beta


After negotiating the matter, Liang Lidong returned to the castle, and returned the remaining gold coin box to the wife of the castellan, who sat on a chair, elegantly holding a glass of fruit wine, and looked at him while eating.

"This is five hundred gold coins, you don't want it?"

"It's just running errands, five hundred gold coins is too exaggerated."

Liang Lidong smiled. In the game, he had done a lot of errand tasks, so many that he almost lost count. However, the bounty of no errand mission can exceed one gold coin, and the highest one was 36 silver coins. At that time, he already felt that this mission was a great bonus. Just hand the letter over to an old man. Although this task took him two days to travel, he still felt that it was quite cost-effective and too easy.

And now an errand mission can actually get 500 gold coins? Hehe, Liang Lidong doesn't believe that there are such good things in this world, besides, this gold coin belongs to the real power aristocrats. In the spirit of something that is not right, he will never touch it. Liang Lidong does not intend to be greedy for these five hundred gold coins. Anyway, he is not short of money to spend now. When he is almost out of money, he can make a good living by selling some scrolls.

Seeing Liang Lidong rejecting the gold coins, the city lord's wife was noncommittal on the surface, but there was indeed a look of appreciation in her eyes: "In this case, I will call the shots and take back the gold coins. Although we hold a gold mine, in essence There are not many gold coins in our castle. Now that the Killer Guild has cooperated with us, is it necessary to continue to build magic circles at the gold mine?"

"Definitely need it!" Liang Lidong said: "From a long-term point of view, building a magic circle on the gold mine is very useful. Even if we settle the Temple of Life, you can't guarantee that no other forces or organizations will have the idea of building a gold mine... Where is the mayor?"

"He is a very busy person. When you went out just now, someone from the army came to report that a small group suspected of being an enemy was found somewhere outside the city." The city owner's wife shrugged her smooth jade shoulders: " Sometimes my husband is like a wild wolf, he has a strong sense of territory, and he doesn't want people from other countries to run wild in his territory... Would you like a glass of juice?"

Lonely men and widows are in the same room, drink a little wine, how to think and how to be ambiguous. Liang Lidong shook his head: "Forget it, I will continue to go to the gold mine to draw the magic circle map, please help me tell Barbara, let them come over tomorrow morning, and prepare to start construction. Of course, your materials must be supplied in time , if everything goes well, we can construct the magic circle within ten days."

"Okay, no problem."

After Liang Lidong left, the city lord's wife looked at his back, her eyes turned lavender in an instant, and then returned to the original.

Liang Lidong returned to the mining area, and this time he was treated with great courtesy. A patrol team could not help but personally escort him up the mountain. When he arrived at the mine, the guarding soldiers all looked at him with respect. People in the army highly respect the strong, and admire those who are decisive. When confronting the Royal Infantry Regiment before, the weakness of the middle-aged housekeeper and Liang Lidong's strength became a clear contrast.

Back in the basement of the mine, Liang Lidong continued to draw the magic circle, because most of the blueprints had been completed before, and now it only took less than three hours to draw the complete blueprint. Then he carefully checked the nodes of the array diagram and whether there was any problem with the magic pattern. After several confirmations, he called the middle-aged housekeeper, put a blueprint in front of him, and said, "You will divide a batch of drawings from the hard workers in a while. Come, help me draw the zenith of the gold mine according to the blueprint."

The middle-aged butler hesitated: "But this will reduce the mine production, and it will not reach the goal set by the city lord."

"In this situation, are you still sticking to the output?" Liang Lidong was a little helpless: "I don't know how to adapt to the situation. Now the establishment of the magic circle is the first priority. If you don't do it, I don't mind temporarily depriving you of your command right , I think the soldiers outside should support me more."

The middle-aged housekeeper looked a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to get angry. After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, I will follow your request, but if the city lord is held accountable, I will fully explain all the situation to him and tell him the truth. I'm not making this claim on my own."

"Just say that I threatened you." Liang Lidong waved his hand: "Go and give the order first, time is running out now, I don't have time to talk to you."

The middle-aged butler breathed a sigh of relief. For a commoner like him, as long as he doesn't need to take responsibility, it's fine to ask him to do anything.

Although the middle-aged housekeeper doesn't have much decisive power, his executive power is very strong. It didn't take long for him to organize a team of hard laborers to dig through the zenith, with Liang Lidong in charge of supervising the work. The project continued until night. The middle-aged housekeeper wanted these coolies to start working at night, but Liang Lidong stopped them. He said that the rest was for better work, and forcibly robbed the middle-aged housekeeper of the right to speak, and let the gang of laborers go to rest .

The next day, Barbara and Karl's female student, the black-robed girl, came to the mountain together. They also came with a heavy team. Because the alchemy items needed to make the magic circle are very expensive, the city lord Uther sent a heavy team over to escort.

Seeing Liang Lidong, Barbara looked a little excited, but the black-robed girl still looked terrified.

"You guys rest for a while, we will start to arrange the core of the magic circle in about ten minutes." Liang Lidong looked at the two magical girls, and he said: "I know that you have never been exposed to the knowledge of how to arrange a magic circle, so Later in the meeting, you have to follow what I say, you can ask, and I will answer, but when you see some phenomena that are not in line with your ideas, please don't care about it, and don't be afraid, this is normal when you arrange a magic circle Phenomenon."

The two nodded vigorously.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Liang Lidong knew that what he said just now seemed to be too serious, so he joked: "I will arrange work for you later, of course, if anyone's work is done well, I will try to do it in front of Kyle. Say nice things about her."

As soon as these words came out, the original harmonious atmosphere between the two magical girls immediately became weird. The seemingly calm lake surface was actually turbulent undercurrents. They smiled, glanced at each other and then turned away at the same time.

Liang Lidong likes this kind of atmosphere very much. Only with competition can there be motivation. He can foresee that the establishment of the magic circle will be faster than expected. As for Kyle, who was innocently lying on the gun, he didn't feel any guilt at all. Ha ha, when necessary, students are used to sell.

After the two magical girls had almost rested, Liang Lidong led them to the depths of the mine, and chose a safe place that would not easily collapse as the core construction site for the magic circle.

To build a magic circle, you must have an energy core, and the production of an energy core is very troublesome. First of all, enough alchemy materials are needed, and secondly, the creator must have exquisite magic control ability. In this regard, the god-born nobles have a natural advantage. The intelligence attribute affects the upper limit of the control amount of magic elements, and the coordination value determines the degree of hand-eye-brain-foot coordination, and also directly determines the basic magic control skills.

The coordination value growth of the god-born nobles is '7'. Liang Lidong estimated that a pure fire magician like Barbara would only have a coordination value growth of '4'. It surpassed Liang Lidong in value.

The two magical girls watched Liang Lidong flexibly mixed different alchemy items with his hands, and then used magic gestures to guide the surrounding magic elements. Alchemy items and magic elements were mixed together, and soon the rudiment of the energy core came out. It was a small ball of light with balanced distribution of three colors, entrusted in Liang Lidong's hands, gently emitting three colors of light to the surroundings.

"It's so beautiful!" Barbara exclaimed.

The black-robed girl nodded vigorously again.

"Once the magic core is completed, it will be very stable. Like this magic core, even if you drop it on the ground, there will be no problem." Liang Lidong threw the small light ball in his hand, and then said: " But it is very dangerous during the production process. Once a mistake is made, it is very easy to cause elemental resonance, forming an explosion that is no less than a big fireball. And the more powerful the energy core, the greater the power of the explosion. Like the core in my hand , if it is an unfinished product, it can collapse half of the mine."

Barbara's eyes widened: "So powerful?"

"So sometimes, the unfinished magic core can be used as a powerful compound magic."

For Barbara, this is the first time she has heard such a thing: "There is such a thing, aren't you afraid to involve yourself in the magic resonance?"

"As long as the method is appropriate, we can use technical methods to delay the resonance time of the magic power of the incomplete core." Liang Lidong grinned: "I have tried many times, and many people have been killed!"

The two magical girls turned pale with fright.

Liang Lidong did use this technique to kill a lot of players, especially in guild battles, countless players were killed by his method. Although Liang Lidong didn't have any npc nicknames worth mentioning, but among the players Among the group, the titles of 'Big Ivan Beta' and 'Self-Explosive Beta' are quite deterrent.