Noble Emblem

Chapter 78: 078 It's like meeting for the first time


The middle-aged fat man Gavin is one of the local snakes in Winterwind City. Although he is definitely not as good as the city lord Uther in controlling the city, he is still a pioneer sent by the Mu Jinhua family, and he values information very much. Even though the information spreading work is not as good as that of the City Lord's Mansion of the Killer Guild, it is not surprising to have some special information on small details occasionally.

Seeing that Liang Lidong became interested, he said: "However, that place is a bit sensitive. It is an important place in our clan. You can't go there alone. I have to take you there... Of course, if you use some informal means , I am helpless."

Under normal circumstances, Liang Lidong might really use his ability to secretly check, after all, some sensitive places are generally not open to outsiders. But when the middle-aged fat man said this, Liang Lidong could only say: "Then please take me there, after all, the necromancer already knows that we are looking for him, so there is no guarantee that he will not do something exaggerated. It's not too late."

The middle-aged fat man smiled slightly: "Then there is no problem. I will go back and take my relatives over. Although my clan guards are not bad, there is no way I can get them under the watchful eyes of the assassins." Protect them in every possible way. But I have one thing I hope your Excellency will agree to."

"Please say."

"That place is a relatively important place for our family." The middle-aged fat man had a friendly smile on his round white face: "So if you see any weird things later, please don't pay attention to them. Don't spread the word. Okay?"

"Of course." Liang Lidong nodded.

The middle-aged fat man Gavin breathed a sigh of relief: "Then thank you."

On the surface, it was the middle-aged fat man who was 'begging' Liang Lidong, but in fact the latter knew very well that he owed the fat man a favor. People who are good at socializing can convey their meaning invisibly and without trace, without annoying people. The fat man said that it was a very important place in his family, but Liang Lidong still wanted to go there, and the other party agreed, so this is a favor.

Some people send favors very "directly", and although the recipients accept the favors, they are somewhat resistant psychologically. But this fat man is different, his favor is very "tactful", and the person who receives him will be very comfortable no matter whether he is willing to accept the favor or not. Many capable people don't think highly of 'social networking', but in essence, the essence of social networking is the art of speaking. If the social network is well managed, many detours can be avoided when doing many things.

It is not without reason and consideration that the Mu Jinhua family sent this fat man as a pioneer member.

After negotiating the matter, Fatty took several of his clan guards and led Liang Lidong out of the castle together in a carriage. Although the atmosphere on Liang Lidong's side is very tense at the moment, not only is there the enemy of the Temple of Life, but there is also a Necromancer dormant. But for ordinary people, there is no difference between life and the past. The open and secret struggle between the Temple of Life and the City Lord's Mansion is just their private gossip. As for the necromancer, it is impossible for them to know. I understand that once this matter spreads, it will cause a great shock to the security and stability of Dongfeng City.

People on the street are still coming and going, they are shouting business and bargaining. Fatty Gavin opened the car window, poked his head out, looked at the lively street scene outside, and said in a calm voice: "Sometimes I envy these ordinary people, at least they don't have to think too much about things, as long as they don't To challenge the authority, as long as you think about how to fill your stomach, you can live a peaceful life without much pressure. Unlike us, let alone the open and secret fights between the nobles, sometimes you have to consider the overall situation, every day Is it really hard to live under such pressure?"

Liang Lidong looked at the other party: "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"

The fat man put down the curtains of the car, sat up straight and said, "Your Excellency Beta must not like the seemingly decadent but stressful life of nobles, so he became an ascetic believer."

"I'm not an aristocrat..." Liang Lidong thought about it for a while, and then said: "At least I'm not an aristocrat like you."

The fat man smiled: "I know that I am different from us decadent nobles. You should have your own pursuit. In fact, I also want to be like you, leaving everything behind in the family and becoming a free mercenary. Believers are also fine. But it’s impossible. I was born in the Mujinhua family, and the family treats us very well. Since we enjoy the care, we are obliged to pay for the family. I plan to wait until I have made some achievements before thinking about this matter. "

This nobleman is not that nobleman. Fatty Gavin misunderstood something very subtlely, but Liang Lidong did not intend to explain. He said: "If I remember correctly, the Mujinhua family should have a patriarchal system. It's not like For other aristocratic families, the patriarch completely decides all family affairs."

"Yes." The fat man nodded. The characteristics of the Mujinhua family are completely different from other nobles. Anyone who knows a little about them will have heard of this old system: "Although it is a shortcoming of the old system to deal with things slowly, But it is undeniable that he has more advantages. The patriarchal system is the foundation for our Mu Jinhua family to gain a foothold in the noble family."

Liang Lidong sighed for a long time. He remembered the concept of patriarchal system. He told the Dana brothers and sisters. In the game, they did establish a patriarchal system, and it was the same in reality. It seems that games and reality must have a deep connection.

Seeing that Liang Lidong was thinking, Gavin smiled and didn't bother him. After a while, the carriage stopped in front of a large manor. Several guards rushed over at the gate of the manor and opened the door for the carriage. Gavin and Liang Lidong jumped out of the carriage and walked in on the white and blue stone path. This manor is very large. The south garden is a lawn with green grass and many apple trees. In addition, there are many small animals such as cats and dogs constantly playing between the lawn and the trees. .

At the end of the winding stone path is a large two-story wooden house. The outer room is painted pale gold, and the wooden door is lavender.

Pushing open the wooden door and walking in, I saw a boy and a girl sitting opposite each other in the main hall. The boy was dancing and talking, and the girl covered her mouth and smiled, looking very happy.

Hearing movement nearby, the two turned their heads at the same time. When the boy saw the fat man, he stood up and said, "Nice to meet you, Your Excellency Gavin, I have been waiting for you here for a while."

But the girl ran over and took the fat man's hand, called her father sweetly, and then cast her curious eyes on Liang Lidong.

Gavin looked at the young boy, smiled and said, "Your Excellency, Darwin, I am very glad that you can come to my place as a guest, but I know your thoughts are not on me, so I will skip the polite words, I still have some things to deal with, you Let Tina be in charge of entertaining, don't blame me for not knowing the way of hospitality."

Hearing this, the boys and girls blushed together.

Liang Lidong's eyes lingered on the girl's face for a long time, even a little dazed. This girl is indeed good-looking, but this is not the reason why Liang Lidong looks at her more, but because this girl named Tina looks very similar to Dinah... but the two are of the same ancestor, the same blood, It's not surprising that they are similar.

Gavin turned his head to Liang Lidong and said: "Your Excellency Beta, please wait here for a while, I will go up and get some things and come down."

Liang Lidong nodded, and after Gavin went upstairs, he sat down beside him.

Originally, the atmosphere in the living room was filled with a sweet smell, but now with the addition of the light bulb Liang Lidong, the atmosphere immediately became awkward. However, these two are the children of nobles and are very good at socializing. They quickly corrected their mentality. The young man named Darwin even took the initiative to take two steps forward, sat very close to Liang Lidong and asked: "I just heard Your Excellency Gavin said, your name is Beta?"

Liang Lidong nodded.

"Red Priest Beta?"

Liang Lidong continued to nod, the young man took a breath of air, and Tina also looked surprised at this time. However, the astonishment of the two is different, the boy is almost in a state of 'frightened', while the girl Tina is in a state of 'curiosity'.

Thanks to the free publicity of the 'mercenary union', Liang Lidong's reputation in Dongfeng City is not much lower than that of the city lord Uther. Darwin's fair face was full of admiration: "Your Excellency Beta doesn't look much older than us, but he is already such a powerful spellcaster. It's really enviable!"

The girl Tina nodded again and again, the strong will be respected no matter where they are.

Liang Lidong looked at the two of them, and he smiled at Darwin: "Any strength can only be obtained by your own efforts, let alone you for the time being..." He turned his gaze to Tina, and then said in a strange tone: " You have the talent to become a powerful paladin, why don't you try to work hard?"

Then Tina stared blankly, and then she pointed a finger at her face, her face full of surprise!