Noble Emblem

Chapter 79: 079 Weird places


Seeing Tina, Liang Lidong couldn't help but see Dina's appearance in his mind... A girl with a golden ponytail who always smiles slightly, her body is slender and well-proportioned due to years of exercise, and her blue eyes are gentle and gentle. She is also firm, she is a competent paladin, she is calm and unhurried at all times, but exudes an inexplicable maternal gentle temperament, Liang Lidong knows very well, if he hadn't already had a Persian cat and Xiaobai , he will definitely fall in love with Dinah, a clean and transparent gentle girl.

Compared with Dinah, Tina's temperament is far worse, but her face is too much like Dinah. When Liang Lidong saw her, it was as if he saw his good friend. The life in the middle of the day is floating in front of you bit by bit.

Surprised by Liang Lidong's speech, Tina regained her composure after a while. She pointed at her nose in disbelief: "Me? A paladin?"

Because nobles have more resources, many of them can become professionals. The only factor that can prevent them from becoming stronger is their lazy negative character. Of course, occasionally, for some reason, they don't know that they have the talent to become a professional. Tina looks very weak, but she can't hold back that she is beautiful and looks like Tina. Being beautiful is actually a kind of talent in itself, which is the embodiment of high charm. A person with high charisma does not necessarily look beautiful, but a person who looks beautiful must have good charm.

If the charm is high, you can become a paladin, summoner, bard, warlock and other professions. In addition to the charm attribute, the summoner also has high requirements for the intelligence attribute, while the warlock needs a special bloodline, and the bard needs musical instrument playing skills. Only paladins have very low requirements, as long as they have a high charisma value and believe in a good-aligned deity, everything else doesn't matter. Of course, it would be better if the other attributes of the paladins also grow very high. .

In fact, the vast majority of men and women who look pretty can become paladins, whether they are on Earth or in another world, it is a world that depends on their faces.

Liang Lidong looked at Tina, smiled and said: "You do have the talent to become a paladin, as long as you can endure hardships, I think you can become a powerful professional."

Liang Lidong's words are not false. Paladin is a UG profession. As the level increases, the characteristic of this profession is to transform charm into one's own combat power and improve one's overall ability. Moreover, this characteristic is also a passive supernatural talent. It cannot be dispelled by any magic, and due to the extremely high charisma value of paladins, they can learn group inspiration halo specialties. It can be said that paladins are the best in all professions, regardless of their single-player combat ability or group cooperative combat ability By.

Any profession has its own shortcomings, and the same is true for paladins. Because paladins are special good-alignment professions, they cannot increase their own strength by killing pokes (cannot upgrade by killing monsters), and because paladins are believers of the gods, so You must have enough piety and understand the teachings of God in order to borrow stronger power from God. In simple and straightforward words, if a paladin wants to level up, he must flatter the god's mansion, the better he is, the higher his level will be.

Moreover, the power of a paladin is borrowed from the divine mansion. If he does too many things that violate the teachings, his strength (level) will decline, and in severe cases, he will even return to an ordinary person again. And most importantly, because the strength of a paladin comes from the gift of the gods, a paladin can never break through level 20. If you become a god, you will definitely conflict with the god you believe in.

But a level 20 paladin has no opponents in the world.

Hearing Liang Lidong's words, Tina was a little happy, but anyone would be like this when they heard others affirm their potential. She glanced at Darwin, then turned around and asked, "Your Excellency Beta, what do I need to do to become a paladin?"

"First of all, you have to choose a god to believe in him devoutly." Liang Lidong said slowly: "After you become a devout believer, you keep praying to the god and tell the god you believe in that you are willing to become his god." If you are devout enough, God will hear your wishes and grant you divine grace, then you will become a true paladin.”

Darwin's eyes lit up: "It doesn't sound difficult, and I heard that paladins are very powerful. Your Excellency, can I become a paladin?"

Liang Lidong nodded. Darwin is very handsome, and his charm should not be bad. As long as he has a thorough understanding of God's teachings, it is not a big problem to become a paladin. In the game, most of the people who can become paladins are aristocrats, plus a small number of children of wealthy businessmen. These two types of people are more educated and understand the teachings better. Although there are civilian paladins, the number is small. And the average development prospect is indeed not as good as the former two.

When Darwin was about to continue asking, Fatty Gavin came down from upstairs, and Tina immediately ran over, holding the fatty's hand and showing off: "Father, Lord Beta just said that I have the qualifications to become a paladin, how about it?" , I am great!"

There was a flash of surprise in Gavin's eyes, and then he smiled lovingly: "Of course, my daughter is the best."

Received her father's praise, Tina was very happy. Gavin walked up to Liang Lidong and said, "Your Excellency Beta, let's go, now is the time to race against time."

The boys and girls bid farewell to the two adults at the door, but at this moment, neither of them had any sweet thoughts, and they were almost completely attracted by the word paladin.

The carriage drove the two people away from the Hibiscus family's manor. After nearly half an hour of silence in the carriage, Gavin suddenly asked: "Your Excellency, just now you said that Tina has the talent to become a paladin. You are perfunctory her."

"I rarely tell lies." Liang Lidong smiled.

There was joy in Gavin's eyes: "Then how can she become a paladin?"

Because of the asymmetry of information, most NCs in the game don't know what specific conditions are needed to become a professional. They just know how to cultivate common professionals based on experience, and there are successes and failures. Players are different, most of the intelligence, they can list accurate data. There are actually only three requirements for a paladin's employment:

1. Charisma base growth value is equal to or greater than '7'.

2. Believe in a good god, and the piety value is greater than '15'.

3. Trigger a "spiritual dialogue" during prayer, and convey the intention to take office.

After all three points are met, one can become a paladin. Of course, Liang Lidong can't give out very specific numerical information, but simply described these three requirements. After Gavin finished listening, he sat and pondered for a while, and said, "It's not difficult to listen to, but why are there not many paladins in this world? According to your Excellency, it is not difficult to find a job as a paladin."

"It's really not difficult to become a paladin." Liang Lidong waved his hand and said, "The difficulty lies in consistently implementing the ideals that you have reached with God. There are too many temptations in this world, such as beauty, power and wealth, etc., as long as you take a wrong step , in the future, maybe it will be a wrong step. Once the profession of paladin deviates from the teachings, it is easy to lose strength and even return to ordinary people. I have seen many people become paladins in just a few months. Was beaten back to its original form."

"That's it!" Gavin fell into deep thought. He knew very well that for nobles, there are indeed too many temptations in the world.

Not long after, the carriage stopped. Gavin woke up from his contemplation, he was the first to get out of the carriage, followed by Liang Lidong.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a large birch forest. Gavin asked the guards to guard nearby while he led Liang Lidong into the forest. He held a light blue magic nameplate in his hand. The moment he walked into the woods, the magic nameplate emitted a blue light, and the air around the birch forest suddenly twisted, and a stone road suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. , the stone road disappeared, and the birch forest returned to its original appearance.

Now in Liang Lidong's eyes, the surroundings are no longer birch forests, but a field of flowers, colorful flowers are in full bloom, bees buzzing and butterflies dancing. Next to the flower field, there is a tombstone, about thirty pieces. Fatty Gavin looked ahead, and he said slowly: "This is the shelter of our clansmen. We have separated into Dongfeng City for more than a hundred years, and all clansmen who died during this period will be buried here. There is also a place like this over there, where there are more tombstones, probably hundreds of them."

This place is indeed a bit sensitive, no wonder Gavin didn't let Liang Lidong spread the word.

"You said there was something abnormal, where exactly is it?" Liang Lidong asked.

"Come with me!" Gavin walked in front, and he brought Liang Lidong in front of a big tombstone: "Your Excellency, see for yourself, I believe you will have your own judgment."

The pedestal in front of the tombstone has been destroyed, revealing a dark hole, and there is a strange smell coming out of it.