Noble Emblem

Chapter 8: 008 The grandson of the village chief's family (below)


Kyle was not the only one whose face turned green, and the village head's face suddenly became quite ugly. Liang Lidong noticed this from the corner of his eyes, but he didn't plan to investigate it carefully. He didn't feel any malice from the other party. Since it was none of his business, he didn't bother to care about it. After all, everyone has their own privacy, which is too serious Not good, for things like socializing, if you are not an enemy or an opponent with relevant interests, you don't have to inquire about the other party's secrets.

Kyle had completely turned into a log at this time, and he murmured after a long time: "Does it take so much money to become a magician?"

"Mage is the profession that consumes the most resources." Seeing the young man's expression, Liang Lidong laughed: "But it's all worth it, although generally speaking, a mage is not a special melee fighter like a great swordsman or a demon breaker." Professional opponents, but they have an advantage that other professions cannot match... Mages are a group of people who pursue the truth in the world. Among them, those with outstanding talents can break through the boundaries of ordinary people and have the ability to use laws. Godhead, or become a real godhead, for example, like the goddess of magic! But the great swordsmen can't... If they want to use the law, they have to snatch other people's abilities and kill those who have the law or godhead, but the problem is, can they A magician who uses the law is even stronger than a giant dragon, not to mention a divine mansion with a godhead."

Law is a very special skill with powerful power or special effects, which is far beyond the comparison of character talent or professional expertise.

In the game, there are very few people with the 'law' skills. According to statistics, they are all mage-type professions, such as pure mages, magic swordsmen, or lorewalkers, which tend to be spellcasters. Later, the conditions for the official 'rules' to emerge are that the knowledge acquired in the game must be high, and the knowledge must be in line with one's own occupation, and the acquisition of knowledge is not as long as you have heard it, but you have to analyze and understand it. It only counts when it becomes one's own thing, and the high intelligence attribute has a great bonus to the speed of acquiring this knowledge.

When the rules were announced, the physics professions, which accounted for more than 70% of the game population, held a large-scale protest, saying that the official was biased and the game was unbalanced, and then the official cited a set of data, and all the protesters were speechless .

The proportion of the legal profession population is only about 25%, the physics department population accounts for about 72%, and the remaining 3% are special auxiliary occupations.

Physics department professions can easily grow and upgrade as long as they hack, hack, and shoot. A mage needs to learn magic to be able to attack. Learning magic costs a lot of money, and because the game is too real, it is very difficult to model magic structures. Learning magic is no less difficult than learning high-level modeling. Even if it is level zero magic, to fully analyze the modeling structure diagram, depending on the difference in the real intelligence of the individual, it will take a few days to a dozen days. The more advanced the magic, the longer it will take.

While the physics department was hacking people everywhere, the mage was analyzing the magic modeling structure.

While the physics department traveled around on missions, the mage was analyzing magical modeling constructs.

When the physics department fights in team battles, city battles, and country battles every day, the mage is still analyzing the magic modeling structure.

While the physics department is looking for NC girls, or hunting for rich and handsome NCs, the mage is practicing the application of new magic.

All magicians have died in the process of practicing new magic, the average number is 2.14 times.

When the average occupational level of the physics department is level 14, the average occupational level of spellcasters barely reaches level 10.

In reality, most of the magicians who have persisted to the tenth level or above are highly educated talents, and more than 90% of them are science students.

When the game was first launched, the legal system accounted for more than 60% of the population, but now the number has dropped to about 24%.

After reading this set of data, tears filled the eyes of legal professionals, and they felt the same, mages are really too difficult. And the protests from the physics department disappeared. Why couldn't they succeed if they worked so hard. Besides, it's not that the physics department has no way to acquire knowledge, but the speed is a bit slower, which is not an exaggeration compared to the difficulty of learning magic for magicians.

Kyle's expression was very disappointed, and he sighed: "Your Excellency, what you mean is that it is not a good idea for a person like me to learn magic or swordsmanship, right?"

Liang Lidong shook his head: "No, I am not telling you not to learn swordsmanship or magic. On the contrary, I agree with you to learn these two abilities. Your ancestors are right, swordsmanship strengthens the body, and magic enriches the spirit. I just want to say these words. Let me tell you, no matter swordsmanship or magic, it is not something that can be achieved with a passion for success. He needs your continuous efforts, continuous efforts, and the process will be very bumpy. When it is serious, it will even make you doubt your own path. Is it right, and am I wasting my good time doing something that is impossible to achieve, and then completely denying my life."

For a boy who was only fifteen years old, Liang Lidong's words were a little hard to accept, but the latter was a spellcaster, and in this world, a spellcaster was synonymous with truth. Kyle believed that what the other party said was the truth, It's from the bottom of my heart. He said numbly: "Is it really so difficult? My ancestors could do it."

"So he is the legendary brave man, but you are not yet." Liang Lidong smiled.

"Flander Continent" is an almost completely real game. The NCs in it all have origins and feelings. Their actions are natural, no different from normal people. Liang Lidong has been in the game for eight years, and has seen countless NCs' joys and sorrows. He still clearly remembers that when he took on the NC mission for the first time, a couple of NCs entrusted him to find their son. According to the clues, Liang Lidong Near an ogre stronghold, they found a target with only one head left. When Liang Lidong handed over the head to the couple, the couple had a mental breakdown. This was their only son, and they were already very old. and it is impossible to have any more children.

Most of the missions in Farland Continent are unique. After investigation, he found out that the son of the couple is a fan of adventure. The third-rate mercenary who learned two-handed swordsmanship went out to take risks... The ending is obvious. If this world is similar to the game world, then the danger is definitely the same. Didn't the players die more than a dozen times before they barely became high-level professionals? Even the players work so hard, let alone NC.

Players can be resurrected, but NCs cannot be resurrected, they have no chance to do it all over again.

Seeing Kyle, Liang Lidong remembered that he just thought about that boy with only a head. He didn't want the same thing to happen to this old man again, that's why he said so many things to the boy.

The village chief gave Liang Lidong a grateful look, and then stood up: "Kyle, please chat with Your Excellency, and I'll go prepare lunch."

Kyle didn't speak, and the whole person was devastated.

Liang Lidong looked at him, feeling a little unbearable: "Actually, you don't have to be so disappointed, you can practice swordsmanship hard, and then wait until your grandfather is a hundred years later, before you think about taking risks. At that time, you will be middle-aged at most. It's never too late to take another risk."

Kyle's eyes lit up, and then he nodded slightly. Liang Lidong's rhetoric may seem like a bad idea, but it is actually a brilliant idea. The old village head seems to be able to live for a while at least. At that time, Kyle may have already entered middle age, and he may have married a wife by then Having a child, maybe the dream of a teenager, has already been buried in the corner of my heart, and I am running around for my wife's life.

It seemed that Kyle had already figured it out, and he asked Chen Xiansong: "Can you tell me about spellcasters and some things about the mercenary world."

Naturally, Liang Lidong would not refuse, he shared some knowledge in the game, and in the process, he obtained a lot of information from Kyle's words without any trace. Near this village, there are two other villages, and the nearest big city is called Lingfeng City. The lord of the city is a good man with two sons and a daughter. The daughter is a mage, knows several kinds of magic, looks down on ordinary people and so on.

After the two chatted for a while, the old village head brought up bread with a little honey and a plate of bacon. Liang Lidong was indeed a little hungry. After the old village chief took his seat, he picked up a piece of bread and ate it first, and then the elders and the younger started to do it. Seeing this scene, Liang Lidong nodded slightly in his heart. The same is true for the Huo Lai Wen Kingdom in the game. Generally, when a family has guests, they will wait for the guests to eat first, and then the host will then do something to show respect to the guests. respect.

Is this a game? Liang Lidong became more and more confused, unable to connect to the system, unable to log out, the game friend bar disappeared, but the character system exists, the language, country, and even customs here are exactly the same as in the game, it is not a game, but it is like a game.

A system prompt also appeared on the bread in his hand, Liang Lidong clicked on it, and the following message appeared.

Food: Poor Honey Wheat Bread

Attribute: Increase physical strength by 20 points.

Tasty value: 2

After taking a few bites, Liang Lidong found that there was an additional system prompt in his information bar:

Eat food with deliciousness value lower than 5, get anorexia state: 2 layers

Liang Lidong frowned, drank a stomachful of stinky rabbit blood earlier... and now he ate bad-quality bread, which indeed accumulated two houses of DEUFF. He knew very well that honey bread is already a rare delicacy for ordinary people, But for a person from the Celestial Dynasty like him, it was so-so, not to mention the low-quality bread. Now he hated his talent as a "foodie aristocrat" more and more, it was too inconvenient.

Seemingly seeing Liang Lidong frowning, the village chief asked a little nervously, "Your Excellency, pastor, is it not to your liking?"

Liang Lidong endured the discomfort, finished the bread in a few mouthfuls, and then said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that God warned us not to eat other people's food without a reason, and we have to pay the corresponding price for everything. Old village chief, I plan to Stay here for a few days, and leave the cooking to me during this period, and treat it as paying for the accommodation."

"It's against the rules, Your Excellency the pastor, a big man like you goes everywhere..." The old village chief was taken aback.

"That's it, otherwise I will feel uneasy." Liang Lidong interrupted the old man and said firmly.

It is indeed 'uneasy', Liang Lidong does not want to eat such unpalatable food again, and if he eats this kind of food again, he will enter a state of deep anorexia, and all attributes will be reduced by 10%... Originally, the attributes of god-born nobles It's not considered high, and if you fall down, can you still upgrade and grow well