Noble Emblem

Chapter 80: 080 What is 'Tor'


Liang Lidong was very familiar with this smell. After the dark elements gathered, it would form such a rancid smell.

"Have you checked the situation in this tomb?"

Gavin nodded, with an angry look on his face: "I've seen it, my grandfather's body is gone."

Liang Lidong looked at this pitch-black cave, which was about one meter wide, and even a fat man could crawl out of it, let alone a skeleton that had been dead for decades without any flesh. For necromancers, it is not difficult to control a corpse, but the strange thing is also here. Necromancers generally drive away a large number of corpses, and it is not cost-effective for them to control a corpse alone, unless the What special significance does the corpse have to it.

And there is another even more strange place, Liang Lidong frowned and said: "Your Mujinhua family built such a family cemetery with illusion and defensive composite magic circles. It stands to reason that without the magic nameplate in your hand, outsiders cannot enter. .But a necromancer not only came in, but also stole the remains of an elder in your family, which is weird and unreasonable no matter how you look at it.”

Gavin's round fat face twisted for a while: "At first I thought it was an inner ghost in the clan, but after interrogation, no one has touched my magic nameplate, even if they colluded with the necromancer, it is impossible Enter here under the information of destroying the magic circle.”

Liang Lidong waved his hand and said, "Show me your magic nameplate."

Gavin hesitated for a while. This magic nameplate is the only proof to enter here, and the other party is a spellcaster. If he sees through the above mystery, the Mujinhua family will suffer a lot. But after thinking about it for a while, he still handed the magic nameplate to Liang Lidong.

Liang Lidong took it over and looked at it for a while, then returned it and said with a smile, "Your family's magic nameplate has not been replaced for more than three hundred years."

Gavin was very surprised: "How do you know?"

Liang Lidong smiled, he is a master of magic theory and magic array. In the game, he helped the Mujinhua family design this magic circle to protect some confidential places of the Mujinhua family, and the design drawing was also given to Dinah. Unexpectedly, after three hundred years, the Mu Jinhua family did not make even the slightest change to the design of the magic circle. Even the core design of the magic nameplate was still the same.

Liang Lidong's smile was a bit resentful, but in Gavin's eyes, it seemed meaningful and unpredictable. Aristocrats like to figure out people's hearts, and Gavin is no exception. He had several guesses at Liang Lidong's sudden smile, but he rejected them one by one. Then he considered Liang Lidong's character, simply Asked: "Your Excellency Beta, have you thought of anything?"

"Now I'm sure that your magic nameplate has been cracked." Liang Lidong turned around and walked out: "It's best to pay attention to the people around you and see who has the opportunity to touch your magic nameplate from time to time."

Gavin's face suddenly became gloomy, and Liang Lidong's words touched the scar in his heart: "The only people who can come and go in and out of my room at will are my wife and daughter. My wife has been dead for several years, and my daughter is just an ordinary person. , it is impossible for her to understand magic, and it is impossible for her to come into contact with necromancers. Your Excellency Beta, did you make a mistake? The magic nameplate of our family has been used for more than 300 years, and no one has ever cracked it. It is the ancestor The special magic circle skills left behind, not to mention ordinary spellcasters, even the royal magic masters in the imperial city can't understand our family's magic circle diagram."

Liang Lidong said coldly: "The magic nameplate that hasn't been replaced for more than three hundred years, can you really guarantee that it will be safe? Even the goddess of magic dare not say such a thing. Your Mu Jinhua family is so sure, it's amazing Be confident."

Liang Lidong's words contained merciless sarcasm. If facing ordinary people, Liang Lidong would not speak like this, but they belong to the Mujinhua family, so Liang Lidong couldn't help becoming so 'mean'.

Gavin was so depressed that he said, "If Your Excellency Beta thinks that the necromancer is in our family, you can come and investigate. I will let everyone in the family stand in front of you and let you ask questions. How about it? "

Liang Lidong waved his hand: "No, since the Necromancer has already had some relationship with your Mu Jinhua family, it's not good for me to rely on your power, it's easy to scare the snake, I will use my own method to investigate, you don't have to worry. "

Then the two broke up unhappy. After leaving the cemetery of the Mujinhua family, Joan was still flying in the air to guard him. He said to his magic pet through the spiritual channel: "Now you are monitoring the operation of the Temple of Life all day long. If you find anything unusual, please tell me."

Joan replied: "Aren't you looking for a necromancer now? Why did you suddenly start monitoring the Temple of Life again?"

"I suspect that the Temple of Life has an indirect relationship with the necromancer." Liang Lidong said.

"It's unlikely. Life and death are two extremes. It would be fine if they didn't kill each other when they met. How could it have anything to do with it?"

Liang Lidong snorted coldly: "If it was the goddess of life in the past, it would be impossible, but the current goddess of life is the spider queen Rose... This female cousin can't do anything, and she and the believers are naturally not much better. And this death The spirit mage is obviously coming for me. The people who are at odds with me now are the City Lord's Mansion and the Temple of Life. Now that we are joining hands with the City Lord, it is unlikely that he will use this method to trouble me. In this way, The Temple of Life is very suspicious."

"Okay, I'll go there now, and I will never let go of any clues."

Jeanne let out a clear cry in the air, and then flew to the location of the Temple of Life. Liang Lidong returned to the castle. As soon as he stepped on the bridge of the castle, a soldier rushed over and said to him respectfully: "Your Excellency, the Lord of the city, please."

In the study room on the second floor, Liang Lidong opened the door and went in, and found the city lord Uther and the city lord's wife sitting inside, their expressions were a little dignified.

Seeing Liang Lidong, Uther stood up, with a face full of exhaustion: "Your Excellency Beta, Sophia has already told me about the necromancer, and now we have received bad news , in the cemetery in the northern outskirts of the city, there are many empty tombs. There is a cave in front of each empty tomb, and the surrounding soil is very fresh, which is what happened in the past two days. This situation makes me feel that things seem to be going badly. I don’t know how you can deal with necromancers now.”

"Necromancers are very powerful, but they are not without weaknesses." Liang Lidong sat down by himself, and then said: "The most powerful part of necromancers is the sea of skeletons. We can't fight the sea of skeletons, but we can prevent them in advance." If we can’t find the necromancer’s hiding place, then we will cut off his source of combat power. City lord, go buy pure salt and let people sprinkle the salt on all the graves, which can effectively suppress the dark The activity of the elements makes it very laborious for him to summon the skeleton."

"Pure salt! How much do you need?" the city lord asked.

Liang Lidong replied: "Each grave is at least fifty grams. How many tombstones are there in Dongfeng City?"

The lady of the city lord made some calculations, and then took a breath, her snow-capped mountains became taller and straighter because of this: "It takes about two tons, which is not a small amount."

In this world, due to the limited refining technology, people generally eat coarse salt that contains a lot of impurities, but the amount of pure white salt is not much, and the price is more than six times that of coarse salt, so it takes a while to collect About two tons of pure salt, even for the castellan's mansion, this is not an easy task.

"Coarse salt is also effective, but not as effective as pure salt." Liang Lidong said slowly.

Uther slapped the table heavily: "That's coarse salt. We don't want to completely cut off the source of the necromancer's combat power, but if we can suppress the number of his skeleton sea, we may not have a chance of winning."

After being puzzled for less than three seconds, Liang Lidong understood that the city lord's mansion was almost out of funds. Thinking about it, a lot of things have happened recently, and almost all of them are paid for by the city lord's mansion. Although the Langman family also has a lot of money, they can't afford to spend such a large amount of money.

The city lord is impatient, after making a decision, he immediately left the study, and Liang Lidong was about to leave, when the city lord's wife stopped him.

"Your Excellency Beta, this matter is too troublesome. Our Langman family may not be able to handle it. Do you have any good solutions?"

Liang Lidong was stunned for a moment: "You can ask the local nobles to help. Facing the threat of necromancers, they must not stay out of it."

"It's no wonder those fly-by-night guys are willing to work hard." The city owner's wife's charming face was full of sarcasm: "It's good for them to pounce on them like dogs, let them suffer a little bit, and everyone will try their best to move forward." Retreat."

"Actually, it's not difficult." Liang Lidong smiled and said, "Gather them together, tell them about the Necromancer, and then tell them that you have already established a large magic circle on the mountain, in case Winterwind City is captured, If the castle is destroyed, you can take the nobles who have paid to take refuge in the magic circle fortress on the mountain. Those who don't work hard will not be treated like this. You can arrange a few trustees to mix in there to help you stir up the atmosphere. For your own Little life, I don't believe that no one is willing to pay for it!"

The castellan's wife's eyes lit up immediately: "Good idea, but what does 'tuo' mean?"