Noble Emblem

Chapter 81: 081 Formation formed


Liang Lidong explained the concept of 'Trust', and the wife of the city lord immediately understood the benefits of doing so, her eyes were shining brightly, then she walked up to Liang Lidong, grabbed his hands, almost in a kind of He said in an adoring tone: "Your Excellency Beta, you are definitely a genius from a very powerful family. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why you know so many things. It is really amazing that you can even think of such a method."

Any male likes a woman's compliments, and Liang Lidong likes it too, but he can feel a little affectation in the words of the city lord's wife. Maybe the wife of the castellan really admires him, but it's definitely not as exaggerated as she is... In life, acting skills are too important. As a person on earth in the information age, what kind of "performance" have you not seen? Needless to say, film and television works, in reality, various hot news staged a "big plot reversal", and the degree of gossip was even more exaggerated. Perhaps the lady of the city lord's acting skills are quite good in this world, but compared with those professional actors and push hands on the earth, it is far behind.

The city owner's wife's slender hands were warm and smooth, Liang Lidong broke free lightly, and said: "With your Langman family and the Assassin's Guild looking for traces of necromancers at the same time, it is already quite a lineup, then I will go to the gold mine Over there, let's complete the magic circle together with Barbara and the others. One more stronghold, we will have one more hole card, and if things really don't go well, we won't be too passive."

"Okay, I'll trouble you about the magic circle." The city lord's wife smiled, as if she didn't care about Liang Lidong's rude resistance.

Liang Lidong thought for a while, and said: "In addition, there is someone in the Mujinhua family who seems to be related to the necromancer. You'd better pay attention. In addition, the Killer Guild will take over several iron workshops left by Rex. Just give it to them generously."

"The ironware workshop is a very important thing, I'm not willing to part with it." The wife of the city owner said in a sticky voice.

Liang Lidong smiled and said: "This is one of the conditions for them to agree to help. I personally keep my promise. If someone prevents me from keeping my promise, I will not be very happy."

There was already some threatening meaning in these words, but the lady of the city lord seemed to have not heard it, and she still smiled like a spring breeze: "In this case, for the sake of Your Excellency Beta, I will send three assassins to the Assassin's Guild." The iron workshop is ready."

"Thank you." Liang Lidong smiled and left the room with a wave.

The mayor's wife sat back on the chair, and not long after, the bookshelf was gently opened, and Uther came out from inside. He walked to his wife and sat down, sighed, and said, "How about it, is there still no way to seduce Beta?"

The mayor's wife nodded disappointedly: "He seems to be completely uninterested in matters related to men and women. I have made it so obvious that he doesn't respond at all. Maybe this is the reason for the ascetic believer? In addition, he seems to value promises. Other than that, we don't know anything about him, and we can't even find his weakness. A powerful spellcaster has no weaknesses, such a person, we dare not get too close to him."

"Anyway, let's get over the difficulties in front of us first." Uther put his arms around his wife's shoulders: "No matter how powerful Beta is, no matter how scheming or evil-minded, it is not as big a threat to us as the Temple of Life. After the matter of the Temple of Life is over, we will find a way to ask his true wishes. I don't believe that a powerful spellcaster would be willing to spread his teachings in a small village, which is too unreasonable."



Liang Lidong asked the guards of the castle for a horse, and soon returned to the mine on the mountain. Barbara and the black-robed girl were laying the magic pattern again, but because it was the first time for them to lay the magic circle, so progress was not made. very slow. Liang Lidong returned to the mine, and immediately devoted himself to the laying of the magic work. Because the two magical girls had a backbone, the speed was also greatly accelerated. In less than two days, the lines of the magic circle had been completely laid. .

Nothing special happened in the past two days. The City Lord's Mansion and the Killer's Guild have been looking for the Necromancer, but nothing has been found.

Now all the cemeteries near Winterwind City have been sprinkled with coarse salt. It may be because of the activities of the two forces mentioned above. An exception occurs.

But the more this happened, the more Liang Lidong felt a little guilty. This is the so-called calm before the storm. This is also the reason why Liang Lidong rushed to build the magic circle.

There is a large magic circle under the castle of Dongfeng City, but from Liang Lidong's point of view, that magic circle is very 'exquisite', it uses several kinds of magical circle effects and blends them together, there are many effects, it looks very strange at first glance. Powerful, but in fact, it is very easy to break.

After thousands of battles in the game, players have already understood the truth that everything must be able to withstand constant use and maintain a normal state of use. To put it simply, it must be resistant to 'CAO' . Players are very clear that the feat that increases the toughness of a weapon is far more important than the feat that increases the lethality of a weapon. Especially after the fifteenth level, the strength of the players has greatly increased. Any weapon, including the magic blade, if there is no weapon specialization that increases the toughness, it will definitely be damaged in one or two battles.

The same is true for the defensive magic circle. There is no need for such abilities as attack rebound, arrow deflection, etc. For the defensive magic circle, as long as it is sacrificed, it is enough to increase the hardness of the magic shell desperately, and no other redundant functions are needed.

Because things like force are relative, even in the magical world. After the core of the magic circle is manufactured, how much blow it can withstand per unit of time is already a fixed number, but if the core design of the magic circle is too complicated, then under the pressure of a strong blow from the outside world, the operation of the core nodes is easy to make mistakes , and then cause the magic circle to collapse.

The magic circle in Winterwind City is too delicate, and there are several other functions in the defensive magic circle, so Liang Lidong feels unsafe, but he doesn't want to talk about it with the city lord, after all, if he wants to rebuild a magic circle in the castle It's not easy. Firstly, dismantling the original magic core is a very troublesome thing. Secondly, if you want to build a new magic circle, you must consider the terrain, and large buildings like castles will become the biggest obstacle to the design of the magic circle.

The magic circle designed by Liang Lidong at this time is different. It simply increases the defense strength of the magic circle's shell. Although it is only a medium-sized magic circle, if it encounters an attack, this medium-sized magic circle can last longer than the large magic circle in the castle. .

After Liang Lidong checked all the magic lines and made sure that there were no node errors, he calmly activated the core.

The two magical girls next to them held their breath, watching the core of the magic circle buzzing, and then several magic lines connecting the core of the magic circle lit up, and the three walked quickly outside the mine, and saw the sky It is shaded by the pale yellow transparent dome, and next to it is the excited shout of the mine defense army.

It worked! The two magical girls hugged each other and kept jumping for joy. This was the first time for them to participate in the laying of advanced magic skills such as magic circles. Naturally, they were extremely excited when they succeeded.

On the other hand, Liang Lidong is very calm. He has presided over the laying of magic circles in the game no less than a hundred times. He has earned a lot of gold coins with this skill, and he has already become numb.

Although it is said to be a medium-sized magic circle, its coverage area is quite wide, and the mine is originally on the mountain, so the appearance of the magic circle is very eye-catching, and almost everyone in Winterwind City can see it.

The Langman family and the Assassin's Guild are naturally happy to see this happen, but some forces are very unhappy about it.

In the Temple of Life, Mark stared at the light yellow shell of the magic circle from the window. Because of the distance, in his eyes, the magic circle was like a bubble the size of a ripe apple. It was broken, but the stable magic wave came from that direction. He knew that this magic circle was very strong, and it was unbelievably strong.

"Is there anyone in Winterwind City who knows how to design a magic circle?" Mark's face was ugly: "Is it Barbara, the daughter of the city lord, or that unknown..."

Red Priest Beta