Noble Lady

Chapter 105: Unsuccessful, it is forever lost


Xie Zhang was playing against Gu Pingzhang, and when he saw Xiao Xuan coming, neither of them raised their heads.

Xiao Xuan didn't need anyone to greet him either. He sat directly beside the two of them, with their legs crossed, and the servant girl in Gu's house was pouring tea and water for him in a leisurely manner.

At the end of the round, Gu Pingzhang looked at Xiao Xuan with his beard closed, his eyes still bright after the vicissitudes of life.

How could he not see that this kid was not for making friends with his grandson at all.

Forget it, let them take care of the young people's affairs.

Gu Pingzhang got up, patted his clothes, "You young people play, old man I won't stay here."

The old man has been honest and honest throughout his life, and he has been hardworking and self-reliant. Now, although he has reached the age, he is still clever and clear-headed.

Xiao Xuan looked at Gu Pingzhang's white temples, and his heart was filled with intense bitterness.

Xiao Xuan lost his parents since he was a child and was in the heavenly family, making him a little more sensitive than ordinary children. He could tell since he was a child that neither the emperor nor the uncles treated him sincerely.

The ardent concern of the concubines in the harem for him was not because he pityed him for his loss of life, but because they wanted to behave in front of the dowager, so they were favored by the queen dowager.

Except for the emperor's grandmother, only the Gu family treated him sincerely and unreservedly.

He studied with Gu Pingzhang since he was a child, and it was the Gu family imparting his knowledge and telling him the principles of life. Privately, Xiao Xuan had already regarded Gu's family as his relatives.

In my memory, Mr. Gu had always been a stern Confucian, and before he knew it, Xiao Xuan realized that he was also old.

Although the old man is strict and values rules and education, he pays more attention to the influence of precepts and deeds. No matter how naughty and playful Xiao Xuan was when he was a child, the old man never physically punished him. Even if Mr. Gu had a ruler gifted by the Queen Mother.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xuan's eyes were slightly hot.

Then I remembered that what I was planning was too dangerous, and if it didn't succeed, it would be overwhelming.

If the Yu Mansion were to be destroyed as a result, he would be solely responsible for it. The most fearful thing is to involve the Gu family and the Xie family.

The emperor originally planned to enroll his father as the prince, and appointed Gu Pingzhang to assist his father. The emperor naturally had suspicions about Gu Pingzhang when his father had an accident. Although the Xie family has no military power, it has a certain prestige and influence in the court and the opposition. The prestige is high and the voice is scorching. For the Xie family, no matter how low-key and cautious, the emperor cannot be assured of the Xie family.

Once what he was conspiring to fail, the consequences would surely be a human tragedy with blood flowing in rivers and corpses like mountains.

There was a moment of hesitation and uncertainty in Xiao Xuan's eyes.

Xie Zhang and Gu Huaili glanced at each other, not knowing why Xiao Xuan would show such emotions.

However, Xiao Xuan quickly got rid of the strange emotions and played with a few chess pieces in his hands.

He looked as usual, and both Xie Gu couldn't figure it out.

Xiao Xuan suddenly raised his head and said to Xie Zhang: "Your chess skill was taught by Master Yue, and I also learned from Mr. Gu since childhood. Master Yue and Mr. Gu were called Shuangjie when they were young. Why don't we try a game? See whose chess skill is better."

Both Xie and Gu were bright after hearing that, Xie Zhang had few talents, and Master Yue praised him for his talent. Now Xie Zhang's chess skills are very difficult to find an opponent. Hearing what Xiao Xuan said, my heart started to itch.

Gu Huaili had another thought. He was a few years older than Xie Zhang, but he was defeated by Xie Zhang a few years ago. Gu Huaili has also seen Xiao Xuan's chess skills

, I just don't know what kind of scene the two play against each other.

Xiao Xuan couldn't help panicking under the fiery gaze of these two people.

Why are they so hungry

Gu Huaili had already packed up the chess pieces quickly.

Xiao Xuan made a fist with the palm facing down, and then looked at Xie Zhang.

"Odd number."

Xiao Xuan opened his palms, and as expected he held five chess pieces.

Xie Zhang didn't say anything, his face as clear as the wind and moon remained, but a smile ran out of his eyes, and his dark pupils looked bright.

The two of them soon began to fight on top of the chess game.

The two of you come and go, and both take this game very seriously.

Gu Huaili was on one side, watching the two tricks when they landed, while thinking about how to deal with the opponent if they were them.

Xiao Xuan was a little careless at first, even with a lazy smile on the corner of his mouth, until later, he gradually reduced the smile on his face.

He stared at the chessboard intently.

Xie Zhang is worthy of being the most talented offspring of the Xie family, and every son is steady and confident.

Xiao Xuan couldn't help but be encouraged to fight, and seriously put into this game.

The sky gradually darkened, and the three of them still didn't realize it, but the maid was still playing the lantern to bring light to the others.

The three of them were solemn, their eyes fixed on the chessboard.

Mrs. Gu sent to call them that the little boy who used to eat dinner saw this scene, and did not dare to step forward and disturb them, so she had to go back and give a reply.

Everyone smiled kindly.

Gu Youniang sat in Mrs. Gu's arms, clapped her small hands, blinked her big eyes, and said in a soft voice: "If you don't eat, you will be hungry, madam, you will have to eat."

Mrs. Gu clicked on the tip of the little girl’s nose, then looked at the eldest daughter-in-law on one side, “Let’s have dinner, just leave some food for them.”

Mrs. Gu quickly let people pass the food.

After everyone had finished eating, the three of Gu Huaili still didn't come over, and Mrs. Gu sent someone to remind them.

The contest between Xiao Xuan and Xie Zhang continued.

Xie Zhang and Xiao Xuan are about the same age, but their chess styles are completely different.

Each of Xie Zhang's moves was steady and calm, with no fluctuations. Xiao Xuan's chess style was even more elegant and treacherous. He did not move according to common sense, but he was able to equal Xie Zhang's. Come and go, regardless of each other.

Gu Huaili couldn't help but shook his head, secretly sighing that the two of them finally met each other.

Xie Zhang and Xiao Xuan are both rare opponents, and they are all devoted to this game.

There was dew in the evening, and all of them were unaware of it.

Gu Huaili didn't react until the person sent by Mrs. Gu came three times.

I was urged by the elders several times, but it was really not compliant, and a few people got up busy.

Xiao Xuan looked back at the chess game one step at a time, and said to the young man on one side: "Don't move the chessboard, Xiaoye, I have to go back and play with Xie San."

Xie Zhang didn't notice what Xiao Xuan called him, and nodded in agreement.

The two of them have played chess for so long, although they have not yet decided the victory or defeat, they feel that they have finally met their opponents, and they are very happy in their hearts. Suddenly, the two seemed to have reached some resonance, and the relationship suddenly became a lot eager.

Xiao Xuan hooked Xie Zhang's shoulders, "I found out that Xie Si's chess style is similar to yours. You taught her her chess skills, right?"

Xie Si? What the hell is this? It took a moment for Xie Zhang to figure out that the'Xie Si' he said was not his own little sister, right

It’s just, how did Xiao Xuan have the opportunity to be with himself

Your sister plays chess

The friendship that the two had just established seemed to fall apart in an instant.

Xie Zhang shook off Xiao Xuan's arm, his eyes shot at Xiao Xuan like a cold light.

Xiao Xuan didn't understand why Xie Zhang suddenly turned his face, and looked at Xie Zhang in surprise.

Xie Zhang's face was deserted, and his eyes stared at himself with scrutiny and carefulness.

Xiao Xuan was uncomfortable by his look.

Xie Zhang's slender figure, like a bamboo, was shrouded in the moonlight, and he became more and more beautiful and tall.

"You just said that my sister's chess style is similar to mine. When did you play against my sister?"

Xie Zhang stared closely at Xiao Xuan's expression.

Xiao Xuan secretly said "not good", and smeared the soles of his feet, just wanting to run away.

Although Xie Zhang looked gentle and elegant, he came from a family of military generals and his skill was not bad. Before Xiao Xuan had taken a few steps, Xie Zhang had already moved in shape and was stuck in front of Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan hurriedly said with a smile: "She is studying in Donglin Academy. You know that Feng Yan and I have known each other since childhood. We often go to Donglin Academy to look for him. Later, I met your sister by accident. Up."

What he said was half true and half false.

Xie Zhang's face turned dark, and the little girl who he held in the palm of his hand and cared for it was thought of. No wonder this kid often runs to Xie's house, no wonder he is always close to himself.

Xie Zhang snorted and left without looking back.

Gu Huaili glanced at some eyebrows on the side.

Xie Yunqing is not only the jewel in the palm of the Xie family, but also a favorite in the Gu family.

Thinking of Xiao Xuan's idea of hitting his cousin, Gu Huaili felt the same as Xie Zhang. He didn't show Xiao Xuan's face either, so he just lifted his foot and left.

Xie Zhang did not eat dinner, went to bid farewell to the elders, and returned to the ** government.

He directly asked people to find out where the lady was.

Hearing the news that Xie Yunqing was in Weiranju, he went to Weiranju.

Xie Yunqing was sitting under the candlelight and playing with a colander. There was a basket beside him, and inside it was a female celebrity's work.

It's just that the thread on the embroidered stretch is really twisted, and the stitches are uneven, which looks pretty crappy.

Xie Yunqing's dexterous fingers fluttered like butterflies, and soon he had compiled a beautiful heart-wrenching plum blossom pattern.

Kikyo was making the bed, and seeing the embroidered stretch in the basket, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Our girls are all proficient in poetry, books, music, and the six arts of gentlemen, but this level of femininity is really a headache. "

Xie Yunqing can only play collaterals at most, and all other needlework, embroidery, and paper-cutting are not good at all.

Probably God is also fair, given Miss Wushuang's talent, but did not give her the talent of being a female celebrity.

Xie Yunqing also looked at the pattern on the embroidered stretch with distress. It was a puppy embroidered with colorful silk threads, but no one believed that what she wanted to embroider at first was the pattern of unicorn balls.

Forsythia was holding her lips on one side to cheat, "Our girl's craft, unless we marry the royal family in the future, or who should do this wedding dress?"

There is a custom in Beijing that women’s wedding dresses must be sewn stitch by stitch by themselves. Of course, few companies really follow this custom. For most women who get married, the wedding dresses are made by embroidered women, but the red hijab needs to be sewn by the women.

Forsythia and Kikyo seemed to be amused, and they all laughed almost out of breath.

No one noticed that Xie Yunqing clenched Luozi's fingers tightly, but released them soon.

(End of this chapter)