Noble Lady

Chapter 112: What's wrong?


In a small wine shop in Beijing, Chu Shaoming and two colleagues sat in a corner drinking each other.

Chu Shaoming raised his head and drank the sake in one cup, smacking his tongue.

On his right is a thin young man with a moustache. This man is called Lou Renjie. On Chu Shaoming's left hand, there is a middle-aged man with a square face and a high nose, named Zhuo Qi.

These two were with Chu Shaoming in Xuan Lisi, and the three of them performed their duties, and they were all young lawsuits of Xuan Lisi.

Zhuo Qi chewed on the broad beans, "Look at your heart-wrenching look, but what's wrong with the case that your majesty asked you to investigate?"

Chu Shaoming became more and more aggrieved.

"We have found out the instigator behind the case. We only need to submit that person for interrogation, and everything will be settled. However, your Majesty asked King Yu to hear the case, but instead asked me to accompany the trial."

Both Zhuo Qi and Lou Renjie were very curious.

"I remember, Wang Yu has never been involved in this case, why would your Majesty let him come to preside over this case?"

"This is also what I don't understand. After so many days of hard work and rushing to work, we can close this case. Your Majesty said, we will hand over the trial right of this case to someone else." Chu Shaoming He drank another glass of wine and said, "If it's someone else, it will be the king of Yu."

Lou Renjie also felt it was worthless for Chu Shaoming, "What else can that dull imperial family do besides eating, drinking and having fun? What kind of serious things did King Yu have done over the years? Is this lard blindfolded by your Majesty? It's up to him. The safety and the face of the royal family, why is this matter so hastily handed over to the king of Yu?"

Lou Renjie's voice is relatively rough, but fortunately, this wine shop has a bad voice. At this time, there are no other people except for the shopkeeper and Xiaoer. And the shopkeeper and the shop Xiaoer have been in the ** market for many years, and they have known for a long time what can not be heard, watched, or said, so they all treat it as if they have not heard. The shopkeeper continued to calculate, and the shopkeeper still tidyed up the table with his hands and feet.

Lou Renjie also noticed that his voice was too loud, so he looked around and saw that there was no one in the wine shop before exhaling. Then lowered his voice, "Your Majesty, isn't this bullying?"

Chu Shaoming smiled bitterly, "Who can guess your majesty's mind? I just don't know how good the little prince is."

"Hey," Lou Renjie sighed, "Wang Yu is the empress dowager's favorite grandson. He has been a knight since he was a child, and he knows what he can do with gagging? This matter, it is said to be the king of Yu. At the end of the trial, you still have to bear all the burdens alone."

Zhuo Qi, who has not spoken all the time, said: "I heard that Wang Yu did not lead the soldiers of Great Zhou against the Guo army not long ago, and even defeated Cheng Hui, the victorious general of Guo Guo. Wang Yu was also a student of Gu Ge. , There should be some skills."

"That's because others praised him."

Lou Renjie obviously looked down upon Xiao Xuan. Lou Renjie was born in a poor family, and was admitted to the Jinshi after studying hard and was admitted to Xuanli Division as an official. Although he is no longer that poor student, he still feels inferior to his origin and deeply hates the children of the family.

In his opinion, Xiao Xuan is nothing but an ignorant young man in jinyi, who can have such good fortune only because of his noble background.

"I don't believe him, he can single-handedly challenge Cheng Hui? He dare to personally fight and kill the enemy on the battlefield? It's not that Da Zhou's soldiers were born and died."

Zhuo Qi frowned insignificantly


He always felt that this Lou Renjie was too paranoid, and carried the greatest malice towards anyone.

However, Zhuo Qi did not refute Lou Renjie again.

Zhuo Qi had contact with Prince Yu several times when he was young, and he believed that with Prince Yu's talents, Prince Yu's son would not be far behind.

A few people turned off the topic and hummed a few words. They didn't have any thoughts at all, and they all drank silently.

In the southern part of the suburbs of Beijing, the land is sparsely populated, the earth walls are gray bricks, the ground is full of potholes, and the air is dusty. The desolate and prosperous Imperial Capital is almost one in the sky and the other underground.

Deep in the winding alley, there is an old courtyard with two entrances.

The walls of this yard are tall and strong, and the gate is always locked. No one knows who lives here. Sometimes there are children playing around here. The ball is kicked to the deepest part of the alley, and several children refuse to come in and pick it up.

Although it has entered summer, the yard is still shady and secluded.

The trees are overgrown, the trees are shaded, and the vines are everywhere, making it seem innocent.

Mottled houses, invisible wells, everything seemed so barren and desolate.

However, in such a yard, there lived the former Wang Huai, who was the younger brother of today's son.

When Chu Shaoming led the set to take away King Fei Huai, King Fei Huai was sitting on a cane chair in the courtyard, holding a book in his hand, and was reading the book there.

Wang Feihuai was dressed in a simple gown. The gown was washed white, and the original color could not be seen, but it was still neat and clean. His vamp is also spotless.

There are only a few security guards in the small yard on weekdays, but now there are so many people. Feihuai Wang was not surprised.

Wang Feihuai didn't raise his head, his eyes still fixed on the scroll.

Chu Shaoming looked at this disbanded king, if it weren't for this case, I'm afraid he would never see this prince who has long been forgotten by the world.

"My majesty will take the subordinator Xiao Chengyou back to the capital, please."

Wang Feihuai raised his eyes to look at Chu Shaoming, not at all moved by Chu Shaoming's words.

His temples were white, he was clearly less than forty years old, yet he was so old.

Chu Shaoming realized that he didn't even have the courage to say a word with him in front of such a Feihuai Wang.

It is clear that he is the young master of Xuan Lisi, and the one in front of him is now just a common man. Not to mention, he is also facing the worry of his life being beheaded.

"He endured it for so many years, but now he can't bear it anymore?" Fei Huai Wang sneered.

Chu Shaoming naturally guessed who the "he" in Wang Feihuai's mouth was worthy.

But Wang Feihuai continued to say: "I don't have any threats to him. He still can't let me go. I don't know how this narrow-minded man is so narrow."

Chu Shaoming heard Wang Feihuai's words and felt that there was something wrong, but didn't say much, and directly let his subordinates put the hands of Feihuai in shackles.

"No, I have my own hands and feet, so I'll go with you this time and see what that person will do with me."

Wang Feihuai broke the shackles, his eyes still majestic and peaceful.

Chu Shaoming breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, he was worried that King Feihuai would not cooperate with him, and he would have to do it at that time. Now it happened to save himself a lot of things.

A sedan chair, which was tightly covered, entered the capital in this way.

Uzbek Shan Yuman

He looked at the sedan chair with a strange face, and how could that sedan chair be incompatible with the Emperor Jing of Da Zhou.

The dusty draperies, on such a hot day, the car curtain is still a thick layer of quilt, no matter how strong the wind can blow.

In addition to the horseman who was driving the horse-drawn carriage, there was a man sitting beside the horseman. On both sides and behind the horse-drawn carriage, several men followed closely on horseback, and those men looked extraordinary.

What kind of person does he need to be so careful when traveling

Wu Ji watched the sedan chair go away and withdrew his sight.

A tall man with a beard all around said, "Master, is there something wrong?"

Wu Ji said, "It's nothing, this is their Dazhou business, so we shouldn't intervene, and be careful to catch fire."

"Our majesty's hands and feet are really fast, and only a day later, I took over Wang Feihuai." Xie Yunqing said softly.

Silently asked, "Miss, what's wrong?"

Xie Yunqing smiled, "Nothing wrong, just sigh."

Muyan did not ask any more questions.

Xie Yunqing was inexplicably irritable in her heart, and then thought about how difficult the matter was.

In the previous life, Xiao Xuan was also ordered to interrogate King Feihuai, but in the end King Feihuai could not bear the torture and committed suicide.

This incident was also the thing that Xiao Xuan was most worried about in his previous life.

Xie Yunqing bends his fingers.

Xiao Xuan believed that King Feihuai was innocent, but others didn't believe it, let alone the Emperor Cheng who had already wished King Feihuai died sooner.

Xie Yunqing knew in his heart that Xiao Xuanming knew that it would be difficult to keep Wang Huai safe, but Xiao Xuan in his previous life chose to speak for Wang Huai without hesitation. Not only because Wang Feihuai was his elder, but because Xiao Xuan always believed that he could not give up or sacrifice innocent people just because he achieved his goals.

Xie Yunqingming knew that he couldn't have any selfishness if he wanted to achieve a career, but he decided to choose Xiao Xuan.

There is probably only one reason.

Xiao Xuan possessed the most important things that no one in the royal family had.

That is love.

Chengdi, Xiao Zhuo, Xiao Yu, etc., the people in the royal family that Xie Yunqing had contacted in her previous life were cold and affectionate. Only Xiao Xuan, he is so vivid. Even if he is ambitious, he always has his own bottom line and will never do anything that crosses that bottom line.

If Xiao Xuan loses this belief, he will probably become indistinguishable from those of Xiao Yu.

At that time, Xie Yunqing would not choose to cooperate with Xiao Xuan.

Xie Yunqing was thinking about the matter, and Kikyo came to pass a message, saying that Gu Yunshuang was here.

Mother seldom comes to Wei Ranju in person.

Xie Yunqing was a little surprised in her heart.

Busily went out to welcome her mother in, and asked Forsythia to prepare tea and cakes.

Gu Yunshuang brought in with Sister Rong.

Sister Rong and Xie Yunqing are the most familiar with each other, and they directly find a place to sit down and tease Xiao Xuanzi.

Xie Yunqing smiled and looked at Gu Yunshuang, "Aniang, if you have anything important, just send someone over, why bother to go there?"

Gu Yunshuang felt a little flustered when he thought of what Pei said to him.

Unable to stay in his yard, he simply came to talk to Xie Yunqing.

"Why, I have to have something important to find you, so I can't come over and take a look if I miss you?" Gu Yunshuang joked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)