Noble Lady

Chapter 114: Doubt and speculation


Xuan Lisi was as solemn and majestic as ever, but he seemed a bit more popular than usual.

When Xiao Xuan hung Li Si upside down, Chu Shaoming personally led his subordinates to greet him at the door.

Chu Shaoming was stiff, without a trace of expression on his face.

Seeing Xiao Xuan, Chu Shaoming saluted him.

Xiao Xuan said indifferently: "Exemption."

His appearance is a bit of royal dignity.

Chu Shaoming led Xiao Xuan into it.

Xiao Xuan didn't say anything along the way.

Xiao Xuan took a seat above the high level, and Chu Shaoming sat down beside Xiao Xuan.

Xuan Lisi's servants offered tea.

Xiao Xuan didn't even look at it, but instead asked impatiently, "In such a hot day, the room is almost suffocating."

Sure enough, it was the delicate little prince.

Chu Shaoming thought with disdain in his heart, and even less looked down upon Xiao Xuan.

Luo Yin hurriedly came over, took out the fan and fanned Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan grabbed the fan, but looked at Chu Shaoming.

"My subordinate's hand hurts. This king doesn't want to see him tired, so I bother Chu Shao Si and play a fan for my king."

Xiao Xuan handed the fan to Chu Shaoming.

Chu Shaoming didn't take it, but looked back at Xiao Xuan coldly.

Xiao Xuan seemed to have always been arrogant and domineering, and was not in the slightest frightened by Chu Shaoming's eyes that were almost freezing to death.

"Shao Si Chu doesn't seem happy to look up? Yes, you dignified Li Si Shao Si, the first one in the future, naturally can't shame to do such a small thing." Xiao Xuan held the handle of the fan in one hand, and held the other hand. The palm of the hand was tapped lightly.

Chu Shaoming's face was still as cold as frost, but a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes.

Xuan Lisi's servant on the side noticed that the atmosphere was extremely cold, and said hurriedly: "It is a blessing that you have cultivated a fan for the prince Yu in a few lifetimes. Let the little prince let the younger one fan for you."

The man just stretched out his hand, but was knocked by Xiao Xuan, and he hurriedly withdrew his hand.

Xiao Xuandao: "When this king named Dao surname, let Young Master Chu come. Does Young Master Chu look down on this king or feel that he has defiled himself?"

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the whole hall fell on Chu Shaoming.

Everyone here knows a lot about the temper of this little prince.

In the entire capital, he is a little devil in the world, there are only things he can't think of, nothing he dare not do.

Chu Shaoming is the young secretary of the Xuanli Division, the next governor of the Xuanli Division. Although Xuan Li Si is an organization directly subordinate to the emperor, no one except emperor can listen to orders. But in front of Xiao Xuan, he still had to show Xiao Xuan face.

Not to mention just letting Chu Shaoming fan him, Xiao Xuan had the empress dowager and the emperor for shelter, even if he stabbed the sky out of a big hole, he still had nothing to do with each other.

Chu Shaoming was watched by so many people, and he knew that Xiao Xuan was attacking him under an excuse, but he didn't know where he caused Xiao Xuan's unhappiness.

Seeing Xiao Xuan's rogue appearance, Chu Shaoming couldn't help but suspect that the emperor had asked such a person to examine the case, and he didn't know why.

Chu Shaoming couldn't hold Xiao Xuan in the end, took the fan from his hand, unfolded the fan, and started fanning against Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan squinted his eyes, and said as if he was enjoying himself: "Yes, that's it, so this king won't feel hot anymore."

Chu Shaoming kept fanning Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuanyin closed his eyes and sighed comfortably. Chu Shaoming felt that he couldn't help but want to cut Xiao Xuan a lot.

Fortunately, Chu Shao

Ming only fanned Xiao Xuan's fan for less than a tea kung fu, and he listened to the news from the outside and was about to bring the Wang Huai to come over.

The room was quiet again, and everyone did not dare to gasp. No one noticed that Xiao Xuan was still smiling unconsciously on the surface, but the fingers gathered in the wide sleeves were suddenly tightened.

Chu Shaoming stuffed the fan into Xiao Xuan's hand and returned to his seat again.

Wang Feihuai was quickly taken in.

This prince, who was once full of spirits, is now in his prime and is already showing signs of aging.

Although his clothes are simple, but his clothes are neat and clean.

A pair of eyes are as clear and calm as before, and it seems that nothing can bring his mood up and down.

Wang Feihuai walked up step by step with handcuffs and toe cuffs.

Although he was brought up as a prisoner, he looked straight ahead from beginning to end, his gaze did not evade at all, he was handsome and unyielding.

Wang Feihuai was startled when he saw Xiao Xuan who was above the higher ranks, and there seemed to be a surprise passing by in his eyes, but this emotion quickly disappeared.

Chu Shaoming, who has always been careful and thoughtful, did not miss his gaze.

Chu Shaoming also knew that Xiao Xuanxiao looked like the late Prince Yu. This Wang Feihuai should have seen Xiao Xuan's appearance and thought of the Prince Yu.

Wang Feihuai stood straight in the middle of the hall, without seeing the desolation that was once imprisoned. His back is still straight, and he just goes there, making people feel that he is still the noble prince.

Xiao Xuan's eyes didn't stop on Wang Feihuai, he lowered his head and looked at the file on the table in front of him.

He didn't seem to have the patience to watch it, and he skipped it in threes and twos.

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and looked at Chu Shaoming: "You have asked Li Si to investigate the case. Even Your Majesty is very relieved, and I believe you. You just need to deal with this matter."

Didn't your majesty say that Xiao Xuan was the presiding judge? This trial hadn't started yet, and Xiao Xuan had already begun to shirk responsibility.

Xiao Xuan didn't know that all of his image was going to be defeated by himself.

In Chu Shaoming's heart, Xiao Xuan was originally a dude with no learning and skill, so he couldn't talk about the problem of image and image.

Wang Feihuai's eyes darkened.

He knew that after Prince Yu died, he still had a son and a daughter. Although he had never gone out for so many years, he had never heard the rumors about Xiao Xuan.

Originally thought it was just another person chewing his tongue, but I didn't expect that when I saw it today, it turned out to be an unreliable child.

It's a pity that the only bloodline of a heavenly talent like Prince Yu is this qualification.

The trial of Wang Huai Wang also caused an uproar in the palace.

Several concubines were drinking tea and talking with the queen, and they couldn't help mentioning this topic.

Rong Bi said: "Who would have thought that the assassination of our Majesty was by the Lord Feihuai. Few people probably remember who the King Feihuai was."

"I still met Wang Feihuai several times in the hidden residence, so many years have passed, and I don't remember what she looked like." Concubine Gao Gui lightly opened her red lips and said casually.

Concubine Xiang Xian looked at Chen Liangbi, "After investigating this matter, it became clear that the fourth prince was also innocent."

Chen Liangbi was originally sitting in an inconspicuous corner, and when someone mentioned his son, he raised his head in a hurry with a fearful look.

De Fei, who has always been low-key, frowned when she saw Liang Bi's appearance.

Although Liangbi used to be an indisputable temperament, she was by no means as timid as she is now. How did she become what she is now

Concubine Xiang Xian and Rong Bi laughed more contentedly when they saw Liang Bi's appearance.

Since being reprimanded by the Queen Mother that day, they have turned their anger to Liang Lai. Once they are free, they can't help but ridicule Liang Lai with a word or two.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Chen Liangbi hurriedly lowered his head and fiddled with the Buddhist beads in his hands.

She has always believed in Buddha, no matter where she is, she always holds a string of Buddhist beads in her hand.

Liangbi said with a dull expression: "The four princes are innocent, why do you need to prove anything?"

Although he was speaking for Xiao Yu, his voice was so faint. If he had not found the instigator behind the scenes, I am afraid that Xiao Yu would continue to bear the unjustified injustice.

Rong Bi looked relieved, "Everyone of us believes that the four princes will not do things that are rebellious and unfilial, but this kind of thing is better to clear the suspicion thoroughly. Otherwise, the four princes will always Bearing the suspicion and speculation of others, it would be too cruel for him."

Concubine De concubine held up the tea cup, but she didn't say a word, she was obviously watching a play.

Concubine Liang didn't speak much, Concubine Gao was self-reliant on her identity and disdain to talk to them, and the lower concubines couldn't talk to them, so only Concubine Xian and Concubine Rong were left talking.

Like Concubine De, the queen just sat quietly aside, just listening to their conversations and not expressing a word of her own opinion.

Concubine Xian pulled the topic back from the four princes, and pretended to ask mysteriously: "You said, this prince is too courageous, he dare to assassinate your majesty. You said, after all these years, he suddenly Why did you come here for this?"

"Well, this is not something we should be concerned about." The queen interrupted Xian Fei in due course, "Don't mention this matter in the harem anymore. It's not early, you all go back to your palace."

The queen said it herself, and the concubines in the harem naturally responded.

Everyone left the Changqiu Palace, but did not go back to their own bedroom, but went to the Royal Garden together, all talking about the matter in a low voice.

Rong Bi pulled Liang Bi without any complaints.

"I said the fourth child is blessed and filial, how could he be framed by others."

Although Rong Bi has a bad family background and has been unable to get promoted for so many years, she is very eloquent, and everyone in the palace can be coaxed to be submissive.

Liang Bi showed a relieved smile upon hearing the words, "That's the Buddha and Bodhisattva blessing the Fourth Prince. I said, I kneel in front of the Buddha statue every day and beg, the Buddha and Bodhisattva will surely let the fourth prince be safe."

Rong Bi is noncommittal.

Xiao Yu's ability to escape this catastrophe was not the credit of Xuan Lisi, so why did he attribute the credit to the Buddha

Could this benefactor be so obsessed with his mind, why is he so paranoid now

However, Liang Bi became like this, and Rong Bi was also happy to see it.

After all, Liang Bi's dull temperament must not be liked by the emperor. The emperor always loves the house and the black, hates the house and the black, and the four princes will naturally fall out of favor.

Thinking of this, Rong Bi became more intimate holding Liang Bi. She has a ghost in her heart, good girl

(End of this chapter)