Noble Lady

Chapter 119: Dilemma


When Wang Feihuai was young, he was also a spirited and talented person.

When the Emperor Xian was still there, he was quite valued. The abolition of the Huaiwang organization of imperial examination reforms, uprightness and discipline, and reforms to eliminate fraud, so that the majority of unfamiliar students can participate in the scientific examination together with the scholars of the official family.

It can be said that Wang Feihuai had a high status in the minds of the students at that time.

After today's son ascended the throne, the imperial examination system of the previous dynasty was used. Countless underachievers have been able to serve as officials and display their ambitions.

After so many years, perhaps many people have forgotten the merits of the abolition of the king, but the Confucian scholars will always remember him and still appreciate all the efforts he has made.

Fan Yuan came here to speak out on behalf of the Confucian scholars.

Chu Shaoming admired the scholar's courage and courage very much, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes when he looked at Fan Ran.

However, I remembered the task that the emperor gave him.

Xuan Lisi never distinguishes between good and evil, right or wrong, as long as it is an order from the emperor, Xuan Lisi has to complete it.

Therefore, Chu Shaoming looked upright, "This case is presided over by the king of Yu. The case that your Majesty is particularly concerned about is not something you can say in a few words. This official sees you young, and forgive you this time, you still quickly retreat. Let's go down."

Fan Yuan raised his head to look at Chu Shaoming, without fear on his face.

"Since the students have stepped into the door of Xuan Lisi, they are thinking of fighting for the king of life. Those of us poor students, who do not miss the kindness of the king? If we watch our benefactor go to jail and ignore it, then we What is the use of the books of sages that have been read for so many years

Fan Rou's voice grew louder and louder, and there was no sound in the entire hall. His voice hit everyone's heart like jade.

The few people who were still accusing Feihuai Wang just now were shocked by Fan Zhu's impassioned statement, and they dared not speak.

The face of Wang Feihuai was also moved.

Having been in custody for many years, no one communicated with him, no one could understand him. However, when he was in distress, someone was willing to stand up and speak for him even at the risk of his life. How could he not be moved.

The master with a double beard looked at Fan Ran, then at Chu Shaoming, with a distressed expression. The hand holding the barrel of the pen was shaking more and more, and the ink dropped down on the paper along the tip of the pen, and it smeared quickly.

Chu Shaoming didn't know why, and suddenly wanted to see Xiao Xuan's statement, so he raised his head to look at Xiao Xuan. The latter was still smiling, but it made Chu Shaoming feel that the smile was different from his usual hippie smile, and his eyes showed dignity and contemplation.

Chu Shaoming felt inexplicably stiff at the base of his tongue, and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Xuan noticed that Chu Shaoming was looking at him, so he said to Chu Shaoming, "What this scholar said seems to have some truth. This king has never understood these things, so let the young master Chu decide everything," he said. Spreading his hands, it seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

At this time, Chu Shaoming felt that it was a blessing for Xiao Xuan not to ask anything.

At least there is no need to be in a dilemma like him.

One side is loyal to the emperor, and the other side is my own conscience.

Over the years, Chu Shaoming's hands have been stained with countless blood, and there is no lack of blood from innocent people, but never once has it made it so difficult for him to make a choice as it is now.

Chu Shaoming knew where the dagger in Feihuai Wang’s room came from, and how the servants around Feihuai Wang were tortured and interrogated, and finally confessed to him.

He was ordered by the king to buy poison.

He also knew that these were all instructed by the emperor.

The emperor wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Wang Feihuai, the thorn that grew in the deepest part of the emperor's heart.

Chu Shaoming clenched his fists and slowly loosened them.

Finally, it turned into a light sentence: "Come here, drag this scholar down and forbid him to step into Xuan Lisi."

Fan Bi suddenly raised his head, "Students thought that if Wang Huai was convicted so easily, it would be difficult for the people to settle down."

"Your Majesty has decided on this matter. You, a scholar of Confucianism, should leave quickly, and prepare for Qiuwei to go with peace of mind."

Chu Shaoming was clearly sitting on a high level, looking down at Fan Yuan. However, Fan Yuan's eyes were bright and clear, and Chu Shaoming unexpectedly felt that he and Fan Yuan were looking at the same level.

Two tall guards had already walked up, and they were about to drag Fan Yuan away.

Fan Bi naturally resisted and resisted, unwilling to retreat.

Although he was thin and was restrained by two strong guards, his momentum was not lowered by half.

Fan Bi was flushed with excitement, so he almost yelled at Chu Shaoming.

Wang Feihuai sighed.

"Young man, go back. My bones are broken and I died earlier, just to go underground to serve Emperor Xian. You are still young, if this ruins your career and future, it will be very worthless."

When he said these words, he seemed to have infinite sorrow, and he felt sore and helpless in his chest after speaking.

The world is unpredictable, who would have thought that appearing in front of everyone again would be accused of conspiracy.

Wang Feihuai would not admit to such an unnecessarily serious crime. Even if he was sentenced to the cruel death penalty, even if he died, he still had to retain his decency.

Fan Bi's face turned pale a little bit, and in the end there was no blood at all.

Chu Shaoming handed a color to the two guards, and the two guards approached Fan Yuan a few steps, and then dragged Fan Yuan away.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them approached him, Fan Yuan suddenly stretched out his arms and pushed the two guards. Both of them staggered under their feet and almost fell to the ground.

Fan Bi walked in the direction of Xiao Xuan step by step.

He knelt down with a "plop".

Fan Bi's expression was serious, even with an aura of ruin.

Chu Shaoming was just about to speak, even if he begged Xiao Xuan, it was useless. Although Xiao Xuan was the presiding judge, he was also a sword used by the emperor, and he had no right to call the shots at all.

However, Fan Bi took out a kit from his arms.

The kit was very common, and Fan Yu took out a piece of paper from the kit.

Fan Noor lowered his head and held the piece of paper flat over his head.

"This is a joint book with the students' request to re-examine the case, and it is specially presented to the nobles for reading."

That kind of paper was slightly yellowed, reflecting different writings.

Fan Bi knelt on the ground motionless, like a tough statue.

The trial of Wang Feihuai has spread quickly in Beijing.

Those who have received the favor of the King Feihuai naturally hope that King Feihuai will be safe and sound. The officials who had not dealt with Wang Fei Huai naturally wished that Wang Fei Huai was beheaded.

Xie Yunqing and Miao Niangzi talked with each other.

Pedestrians rushed to and fro on the street, and everyone's face was much more solemn than usual.

When Xie Zhang went to Gu's house in a carriage, he learned that Gu Pingzhang was ill.

Xie Zhang rushed over in a hurry, and the Gu family had already invited


A gray-robed doctor with a goatee took Gu Pingzhang's pulse and fell into thinking.

After a while, the doctor got up and went to the outer room.

Xie Zhang was worried when he saw his grandfather's thin face.

The doctor shook his head, "Elder Ge is worried and sick, and he suffered a blow again before he fell ill. I will prescribe a few prescriptions. Please pay attention to persuade Elder Ge to say a few words. Follow him in everything. Don’t It made him feel too ups and downs."

After the doctor left, Mrs. Gu made a decisive decision and dismissed everyone outside, leaving only the servants Gu Pingzhang who was accustomed to serving on the side.

Xie Zhang took Gu Huaili into the clean garden.

"What happened on earth? My grandfather's body has always been strong, so how could he suddenly fall ill?" Xie Zhang asked anxiously.

Although Gu Pingzhang is old, he has always been in good spirits and healthy, and he doesn't usually suffer from minor illnesses or pains. Suddenly fainting this time, it scared everyone in the Gu family.

Mrs. Gu was afraid that the old lady could not stand the irritation, and ordered everyone not to allow the matter to be brought to the old lady's face.

Therefore, probably only the old lady and a few children in the Gu family did not know that Gu Pingzhang fell.

Gu Pingzhang is the spine of the Gu family. His illness, although the Gu family will not become headless and chaotic, it will make everyone feel a little uneasy.

Gu Huaili said, "You probably don't know yet. Xuan Li Si found out who was behind the assassination of the emperor the other day."

"Who?" Xie Zhang was very curious about this, what kind of murderer was it that shocked his grandfather to the point of collapse.

But seeing Gu Huaili pursing the corners of his lips, he said a few words hoarsely.

"Your Majesty's brother, Feihuai Wang."

"How come..." Xie Zhang couldn't help but look at Gu Huaili in surprise.

Gu Huaili nodded heavily.

When Xiao Chengyou was abolished, Xie Zhang and Gu Huaili were both at school age.

Wang Feihuai was not interested in government affairs, but liked poetry and books very much. He studied with Gu Pingzhang when he was a child, and he had the same father and son with Gu Pingzhang, and he was a close friend with Gu Huaili's father. When he was young, he often interacted with the Gu family.

Both Xie Zhang and Gu Huaili were taught by him when they were young.

To this day, both Xie Zhang and Gu Huaili still remember that the original charge of carrying the king and being degraded was to form a party for personal gain and bring trouble to the court.

But almost everyone knows that Wang Feihuai is a gentleman, who only loves wind, flowers and snow, how can it be involved in the affairs of the court.

When King Huai was deposed, almost no one in the capital dared to stand up and intercede for him.

Because everyone knows that the emperor has made up his mind to rectify the situation.

Since the emperor ascended the throne, the emperor has vigorously removed those who feel threatened to him. Brothers of the emperor, those who were killed were killed, and those who were exiled were exiled. After breaking his hands and counting, there are only two or three princes who are still living comfortably.

At that time, Gu Pingzhang stood up to speak for Wang Feihuai. He is the elder of the court, and he is highly respected. The emperor naturally did not dare to take Gu Pingzhang, but he also rejected Gu Pingzhang's request.

Gu Pingzhang didn't say anything after he went back, just shut himself up in the study.

Gu Huaili and Xie Zhang, who were still children, vaguely understood what the Heavenly Family was ruthless. It was also at that time that the two children knew that there was such a sinister thing in government affairs.

(End of this chapter)