Noble Lady

Chapter 14: Harem


Chen Liangbi and Hu Meiren, the biological mother of the fourth prince Xiao Yu, are both show girls in the same class and live in the same place. Later, when Hu Meiren was pregnant with Xiao Yu, she angered the emperor for some reason, and in his anger, the emperor restrained Hu Meiren. Hu Mei was born with Xiao Yu when she had a dystocia, and died after giving birth to Xiao Yu after nine deaths, and the emperor turned a blind eye to this.

The emperor later pointed Xiao Yu, who was just born, to Chen Liangbi, who was still a talent at the time, to raise him, and was promoted to her position. Since then, he has completely left Xiao Yu's son behind.

Probably no one had thought that in the end, it would be Xiao Yu, the most indifferent prince, who had ascended to the throne.

Chen Liangbi noticed that one gaze had been looking at him, feeling a little strange, but when he raised his head, the gaze disappeared.

Xie Yunqing had retracted his sight, listening to the queen's voice.

"Since the Lantern Festival is the Lantern Festival, don't be restrained. You are all regulars in the palace, so I won't say anything in this palace. Just feel free to do it." The queen's voice is not loud, but she is somewhat majestic.

The queen looked at Gu Yunshuang again, "Mrs. **, this time you went to the border to patrol the border with the **, what is unusual about it?"

Gu Yunshuang went out, knelt down, and said respectfully: "If you return to the empress, your concubines will patrol the border with your husband. Everything is well on the border. The morale of the soldiers is high. There is plenty of food and grass. The Yi people in the northwest have not changed. thing."

The queen smiled and nodded, "Thanks for your hard work," Xie Yunqing turned to look to the side, "This is the first daughter of you and your husband. I haven't seen each other for a few months, and they are all grown up as big girls. Come and show them to the palace. ."

Gu Yunshuang felt a little nervous and worried after hearing this.

The daughter will be afraid.

Although she enters the palace from time to time, because of her young age, the nobles in the palace would not pay much attention to her and be more tolerant to her. At this time, Xie Yunqing is already in his cardamom years, and his relatives' age and identity are eye-catching. I don't know if they will attract the attention of these nobles.

** The daughter of the government, no matter which prince she marries, she is a help to that prince.

There was no rule for establishing a prince in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the prince who was more talented would make the prince the prince. If you can get the support of the ** government, then the prince's odds of winning will be even greater.

Gu Yunshuang's heart was complicated.

Xie Yunqing had already left the seat, not flinching a little, he was generous in his gestures, and stretched freely, as if this kind of upright and calm temperament was carved into his bones and merged with her.

She stepped forward without a hassle, and there was no anxiety on her slightly immature face, and there was even a serene smile at the corner of her mouth.

"The courtiers greet the empress dowagers, greet the empress dowagers, and greet all the empresses." Xie Yun said clearly, and his voice was as crisp as pearls.

The queen hasn't spoken yet, and the queen mother nodded with satisfaction, "Mrs. Xie will teach her daughter. Look at this attitude, she deserves to be the concubine's concubine."

"The minister's wife would like to thank the Queen Mother Jinkou for her praise. The little woman is so stubborn that she is really ashamed to be it." Gu Yunshuang said hastily.

The female family members present are all human beings. Seeing the Queen Mother praise Xie Yunqing, they have their own careful thoughts in their hearts.

Xie Yunqing's etiquette and rules can be said that no one can fault half of the mistakes. What is more rare is that he is young, but Xie Yunqing has grown up since childhood.

They all see it.

High-mindedness, proud and complacent, this is the unanimous evaluation of Xie Yunqing by prominent families in Beijing.

Last time I saw her at the birthday banquet of Princess Huayang. Xie Yunqing had a dispute with Princess Huayang's granddaughter. Both of them were arrogant masters, and neither would let anyone else. But at the end of their quarrel, they found that they had similar tempers and became friends.

This time, Xie Yunqing's behavior is much more skilled than before. His eyes were calm and clear, and there seemed to be no fear of this nine-fold palace.

To be praised by the Queen Mother is something that every female family member wakes up from a dream.

Although the queen mother seemed to be kind, but the most critical and demanding, she even gave Xie Yunqing such a high evaluation. Everyone knows that the Queen Mother never speaks on the scene, and all what she just said is from the sincerity.

Then Xie Yunqing must have his own advantages.

Xie Yunqing didn't express any excitement or flattery, and he was calm as if he hadn't heard him. She is a 13-year-old girl, and this character is already very rare.

The queen smiled and asked her: "What do you often do at home?"

Xie Yunqing replied fluently: "If you return to the empress, the courtiers and daughters usually read and learn handwriting with their husbands. The grandmother said that the courtiers are poor and have to work harder than others."

"You are still young, and it's rare to have such an awareness. There are many out-of-print classics here. It's a pity that Aejia is getting older and your eyes are blurred. If you like reading, you can give it to you."

Xie Yunqing kowtows to thank you, out-of-print books are originally rare, not to mention that they are rewarded by the Queen Mother, which can be said to be rare.

(End of this chapter)