Noble Lady

Chapter 28: military power


She finally understood why someone impeached her father not long after her father returned to Beijing, saying that her father and the Xiongnu had colluded with each other in an attempt to rebel.

Although the memorial to his father's impeachment was insufficient because of insufficient evidence, the emperor did not convict his father, but his father was taken over one hundred thousand soldiers for this reason, in addition to the title of General Zhu Guo.

A father who has no military power and title will only have a flashy title as a duke.

Xie Yunqing still remembers how his father was depressed during that time, and the entire Xie Mansion was shrouded in a shadow. My father confronted the political opponents in the hall, waiting for the opportunity to get down, and squeezing his father out all day, but within a month, his father lost a whole circle.

Xie Yunqing couldn't help making a fist when he thought of this.

She was thinking about something, and suddenly a small stone fell from the top of her head, and the sound of the falling stone was particularly obvious in the open rockery.

Xie Yunqing's brain buzzed and his body froze.

She did not dare to move, for fear of making a sound.

The two also heard the movement and stopped talking.

Xie Yunqing heard the deliberately heavy footsteps gradually approaching, and her heart almost jumped into her throat. Xie Yunqing's back was almost stiff. She was hiding in the corner, hiding her figure by the shadow, and couldn't help gritting her teeth at this time, lest her teeth trembled with fear.

When the sound of footsteps reached his ears, Xie Yunqing was ready to be killed by someone. Suddenly there was a faint cat cry, and then it seemed that the kitten was hitting a stranger with a nervous bow. He raised his back and let out a few low growls.

"Young Master, it's a wild cat."

"Well, no one will break in here if you want to, but you still don't want to talk here anymore."

"Subordinates understand."

Then came the gradual sound of the two people's footsteps. Xie Yunqing couldn't hear any movement before letting go of his hanging heart. She raised her hand and touched her forehead, already sweating from her tension.

Xie Yunqing realized that his legs and feet were weak.

She knew that if those two people found out about herself, she would have nothing to live with.

Yes, she is a person who has died once, and she has long been afraid of life and death, but she is afraid that if she is dead, her relatives will still repeat the tragedy of the previous life. Xie Yunqing was not reconciled.

Xie Yunqing supported the stone wall and was about to leave when he heard footsteps again.

Wouldn't it be those two who are back again

Xie Yunqing's head was blank, his legs and feet could no longer be supported, and he collapsed to the ground all of a sudden.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, Xie Yunqing struggled to support the rockery, thinking of trying to escape with one breath, and heard a girl's crisp voice outside, "Are you inside?"

Xie Yunqing breathed a long sigh of relief before saying: "I am here, just hide and seek with you, you finally found me."

Luo Hui found her heartily, "Okay you, it turns out that you came here hiding, which made me look for it for a while."

Xie Yunqing held Luo Huixin's hand. She didn't want to stay here for a moment. What if the two of them came back again? She hurriedly said: "I accidentally smeared my clothes, so please accompany me to change clothes."

Although Luo Huixin was a little confused, she couldn't see where there was any dirt on Xie Yunqing's body, and she nodded, "Well, it's oozing here, let's go out."

Xie Yunqing changed her dress again and combed her hair, still a little flustered in her heart, and even when she cleans her face, her hands trembled a little.

Xie Yunqing tried his best to calm herself down, telling herself repeatedly, to calm down, and don't mess up your mind just because of this little thing. She drank a cup of tea and finally calmed down.

At this time, it was the time of the lunch break. The rockery has always been a place where no one has set foot. The two people talked in the rockery. Xie Yunqing didn't want to care about what they were looking for for the time being, but Xie Yunqing had to pay more attention to the Xie family.

Xie Yunqing calculated in his heart that there will be at most five days left, that is, it is time for someone to impeach his father in the previous life. Xie Yunqing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was only an endless depth of depth left in his eyes, as cold as a cold river that had been frozen thousands of miles away. Xie Yun cleared his thoughts before he got up and opened the door to go out.

"My grandmother used to say that I procrastinate

Hey, now I found out that you are more procrastinated than me. Look, how long did it take you to change clothes? "Luo Huixin waited outside for a long time, and finally saw Xie Yunqing come out.

Xie Yunqing smiled and said, "This is the case in my daughter's house. I just combed my hair and washed my face, so I delayed for some time and made our county host wait a long time."

The two people walked towards the classroom with their arms in arms. Xie Yunqing saw two young men approaching each other along the corridor.

One person's blue robe, with elegant bamboo leaves embroidered on the cuffs and hem, is the seal.

The other person, dressed in a black long-sleeved gown with a vermilion piping embroidered with auspicious clouds with silver thread and gold thread, his hair tied with a mutton jade crown, the corner of the man’s mouth was grinning. He looked a little cynical as a whole.

It was Xiao Xuan who had met on the night of the Lantern Festival.

Luo Huixin had already walked up and greeted Xiao Xuan: "Cousin, I saw you here?" Luo Huixin's father and Xiao Xuan's father are cousins, and Luo Huixin and Xiao Xuan are cousins, too.

Xiao Xuan flicked Luo Huixin's forehead, "Why? Not happy to see me?"

Luo Hui hurriedly clutched her forehead, and said, "Cousin, you kiss me, it hurts."

Xie Yunqing finally understood why she felt that the voice of the "Young Master" was familiar, because the "Young Master" was the Xiao Xuan in front of her, and she had only heard Xiao Xuan's voice not long ago. It's just that Xiao Xuan's speech is not serious, which is a bit annoying, but when the "Young Master" speaks, his voice is low and slowly and powerful, and Xie Yunqing did not immediately recognize it at that time.

Xiao Xuan Tangtang is a prince, why did he go to the rockery of Donglin Academy to talk to his subordinates? This made Xie Yunqing a little confused.

Xie Yunqing stared straight at Xiao Xuan thinking about the matter, Xiao Xuan's face was smirked, "This girl, we have met twice, every time you keep staring down like this, making Zai Xuan feel embarrassed. "Said, unfolding the folding fan in his hand, covering most of his face, revealing a pair of smiling peach eyes.

(End of this chapter)