Noble Lady

Chapter 44: Song family


When Cheng Yao walked in, the corners of her mouth drooped slightly, and the anger on her face was not hidden.

She walked straight to Xie Yunqing and sat down, and said angrily: "You know, my grandmother asked a matchmaker to inquire about a marriage partner in Beijing, and wanted to talk to my sister about marriage. It's a pity that the matchmaker was reluctant to come, so I finally invited it. Declining, unwilling to run errands for my grandmother."

"You don't know the stubborn temper of my grandmother. She stuffed a large sum of money to the matchmaker, and the matchmaker finally accepted it. Oh, I don't want to think about what my sister's reputation is now, and she won't stop for a while. If she continues to make trouble like this, I don't think I will have much face to stay in the capital anymore."

Xie Yunqing listened silently, "What do the aunt and cousin think?"

"My mother and grandmother had a quarrel before, and now they don't want to say a word when they meet each other. My sister wants to marry to the capital, and has always followed my grandmother's words." Cheng Yao pouted.

This is in line with Cheng Lin's temperament. When she sees the prosperous and wealthy people in Beijing, where is she willing to go back to Bingzhou? Naturally, I want to take root in the capital.

Xie Yunqing smiled softly: "Grandma is the oldest old lady in Beijing. If you want to come to matchmakers and other family wives, you will always give your grandmother three points of face. The eldest cousin will say that she is a good person, and she will be married well. , It is also beneficial to your marriage."

Although Cheng Lin's reputation in the capital is not very good, there will always be some families who are willing to let their men marry Cheng Lin in order to get on the big tree of the Xie family.

It's just as if the old lady doesn't look good enough.

Cheng Yao said lightly, "Who is rare?" Cheng Yao felt more comfortable than Cheng Lin. "Speaking of which, my mother must have grievances with her grandmother. It has been several days, but I still refuse to reconcile with my grandmother."

Xie Yan's temper followed the old lady. The old lady is so stubborn. Where can Xie Yan's temper be better? Although Xie Yan has been in the Xie family for a long time, she is by no means a cautious and kind person.

You know, she has a lot of blood on her hands.

Cheng Tongsheng’s concubine, and countless concubines and concubines who were too late to be born.

The old lady and Xie Yan's mother and daughter have the same problem. They will never recognize their own mistakes and keep pushing their faults on others.

For these two people, neither accept defeat nor take the initiative to take responsibility, so that they can shake hands and make peace, I am afraid it will take some time.

The old lady relied on her identity and would not take the initiative to lower her head to admit her mistakes. Xie Yan had just lost her husband and her personality became more and more eccentric. She believed that everyone should take care of herself. As her biological mother, the old lady was not considerate of her.

Xie Yunqing lightly touched the table top with his fingertips, a slight smile on his lips.

"They are mother and daughter. There is no overnight hatred between mother and daughter. Don't worry, persuade them more, and they will be back to good soon." Xie Yunqing said.

"I hope, since we came to Xie's Mansion, things seem to have been going badly." Cheng Yao said, as if she was holding her breath in her heart, and could not be relieved.

Isn't it going well after coming to Xie's Mansion? Xie Yunqing thought in her heart, if you want to know what causes and results, it is their mother and daughter who have made too many sins. Even if they don't come to Xie's house, their mother and daughter have so much blood on their hands, can they really sit back and relax

If it hadn’t been for the Xie’s family, they would have been accused and complained by the Cheng’s family at the Cheng’s house. I am afraid they would have been more tired than living at the Xie’s house.

To know

It was Xie Yan who caused Cheng Tongsheng to extinct the incense, and refused to adopt it. The old lady of the Cheng family gritted her teeth with hatred. The Cheng family also complained about Xie Yan, not to mention the adopted child that the old lady of the Cheng family originally liked. , Because Xie Yan refused to adopt his child, that family's dislike of Xie Yan was even more unspeakable.

Originally, Cheng Tongsheng was the son of the Cheng family. The inheritance of the family property in the future is bound to be not a small amount. However, Cheng Tongsheng has no heirs and there are many children in the family. Who is not tempted by the family property of Cheng Tongsheng

However, Xie Yan couldn't see her own things fall into the hands of others, and she didn't agree with adopting her life and death. Just because of her move, she almost lost a huge sum of money. Even if everyone would pity her because she lost her husband at such a young age, the pity may have been worn away long ago.

The Cheng family left Xie Yan with disgust and disgust, let alone sympathy.

Xie Yan's consequences are also on her own. And she took the blame for herself, and it also affected her two daughters. Xie Yunqing knew that when he bullied Cheng Tongsheng's general house and killed the concubines and concubines who had not had time to be born, Cheng Lin and Cheng Yao did not help less.

Xie Yan is unwilling to have more women to share Cheng Tongsheng's love, and Cheng Lin and Cheng Yao are naturally unwilling to have more brothers and sisters to take away their father's love. Of course, the more attractive one is the property that Cheng Tongsheng deserves.

Cheng Yao spoke for a while before getting up and going back. Xie Yunqing looked at Cheng Yao's back, his eyes were as cool as water, with a hint of mockery.

I don't know how the old lady of the Cheng family feels when facing two granddaughters who are so young and thoughtful.

A small sedan with a green curtain drove out from the back door of Baihuazhuang. In the sedan chair sat a young woman in a daisy dress, with thin eyebrows and phoenix eyes, a graceful and soft figure, naturally revealing a charming charm.

The woman had ten slender fingers, and her nails were dyed with red Koodan. She played with her fingers with a focused and serious expression, but her eyes did not fall on her fingers.

The woman is the wild goose lady.

She leaned leisurely in the pillow, her palm-sized face looked extraordinarily small in the shadows.

The sedan chair stopped at the Songjiajiao Gate, and Lady Yan Yan got off the sedan chair curledly and Nana ordered the sedan chair to find a place to drink tea, and walked in with the maid and the servants of Song Mansion.

The Song family is the natal family of Xiao Xuan's mother.

It's just that the princess has passed away for many years, and it is estimated that many people have forgotten this layer.

Speaking of which, the Song family is also a prominent family in Beijing, and the marriage between the princess and the prince Yu was decided by the emperor himself. In the eyes of the Emperor Xian, no daughter was worthy of his favorite young son, so he chose the daughter of the Song family after a thousand choices.

The princess is indeed outstanding. Not only is she talented, she has a good personality, gentle but not cowardly, tough but not persistent. It is a pity that she has a deep affection with Prince Yu and his wife, and he followed after the death of Prince Yu.

Although the princess passed away, the Song family still took good care of Xiao Xuan and Xiao Tan brothers and sisters. Every New Year and New Year's Day, I have to send someone to give something to see the brother and sister, and every sibling’s birthday, I have to spend more time preparing gifts to send. Xiao Tan couldn't get out of the palace, but Xiao Xuan had been very close to his uncle's house.

Yan Niangzi and Xiao Xuan passed their messages through the Song family.

She is the owner of Baihuazhuang, and also the informant that Xiao Xuan communicated with the dark guard of the Department of Zhuozi.

Lady Yan took over Baihua Zhuang at the age of thirteen and became an informant at the age of fifteen.

She is safe and thoughtful, and loyal, Xiao

Xuan has always trusted her very much.

Few people in Beijing know that Baihuazhuang is the dowry of the Song family to the princess. Even if she does, she just needs to explain lightly that the little prince is not good at taking care of the shop. Baihuazhuang is taken over by the princess and her family. From time to time, I went to Song's house to report on the recent business situation of Baihuazhuang. Who would dare to question

Lady Yan first went to the old lady of the Song family to greet her. She is now in her sixtieth year. Although she lost her daughter in her middle-aged age, she has been peaceful and has not many gray hairs. She looks gentle and gentle. Magnanimous.

Mrs. Song has long been no matter what, she only devotes herself to vegetarianism, but when Lady Goose comes, she still meets Lady Goose and asks about the current situation of Baihuazhuang.

Lady Yan answered one by one, and Old Lady Song nodded and said slowly: "It's been difficult for you these years, a woman who is alone in all matters related to a huge makeup. If there is not enough manpower, you can pick someone from the Song family. In the past, you can rest assured that if they refuse to listen to you, you can just throw them away."

Mrs. Song has always been such a polite and reasonable person, and Lady Yan joked with a smile: "Old lady, there are enough people under Hundred Flower Makeup. No matter how many, I am sorry to pay them every month."

Mrs. Song also laughed, with a few wrinkles in the corners of her eyes.

Coming out of Mrs. Song's yard, Lady Yan went to Mrs. Song's house.

Lady Goose grew up in front of Mrs. Song's family. Lady Song family taught her to read and write, teach her how to run a store, and teach her interpersonal relationships. It can be said that Lady Goose is half the daughter of Mrs. Song's family. .

In the past, Baihuazhuang was run by the lady of the Song family. Later, the affairs of the Song family became heavy. The lady slowly delegated the authority to her and asked her to take care of all the matters of Baihuazhuang until she was able to get started. Entrust Baihuazhuang completely to her.

It's just that Lady Yan has always stayed simple, and few people know her relationship with the Song family.

Lady Yan is very familiar with the topography of the Song family. She walked through the winding corridors to the lady's yard. The eldest lady is dealing with the Song family. Lady Yan waited quietly in the ear room, and across the wall, she could hear the voice of the lady talking to the housekeeper.

Sitting boringly, Lady Goose simply picked up the embroidered stretch on the side of the basket, and looked up. The embroidered stretch was embroidered with the pattern of a unicorn stepping on a ball. The stitches were fine and the pattern was also vivid. Lady Yan is not happy anymore.

She has been fast in everything since elementary school. The eldest lady has always praised her for her intelligence and enlightenment. Even watching the masters practice martial arts, she can pick up the tasseled gun and dance a few times, but there is one thing that Lady Yan can't handle.

She is not good at female celebrities, so don't even talk about embroidering things since she was a child. Obviously, she and the Miss Song family learned the female red with the most exquisite embroiderer. The ladies all learned well, but she was stupid and couldn't learn it all the time. In the end, he simply didn't want to go to school girl red.

The eldest lady knew that her interest was not here, so she didn't force it.

As soon as Lady Yan put her embroidered stretches down, she heard the sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged woman in an indigo satin skirt came in, surrounded by the maids.

The middle-aged woman was about forty years old, with a silver-plated face and bright eyes. When she came in, she teased: "Why, I want to learn embroidery again?"

It was Miao, the eldest wife of the Song family, Xiao Xuan's great aunt.

(End of this chapter)