Noble Lady

Chapter 63: Arrive at Xunyang Pass


The long princess walked around the garden for another half circle before going to the pavilion. The maids hurriedly laid cushions on the stone benches, and the girls sat around the stone tables. The maids brought melons and fruits, and a few of them had just eaten tea, so they didn't touch them either.

Prince Heng Shi Zifei peeled a few loquats to the eldest princess, and the eldest princess smiled and said: "This loquat fruit is grown in my house, and it is not sour. I think the taste is very good. You can try it too."

While talking, the princess ate two, and then said: "I invite you to come over, but there is one more thing."

Everyone looked at each other calmly, or Mrs. Wei Guogong smiled and said: "If you have anything to do, just send us a word, just don't know what you need us to do

The eldest princess said: "In fact, it's just a trivial matter. You guys, Huixin girl, have grown up. She is now at the age of marriage. Her parents have disappeared a long time ago, and I will be the master of her lifelong affairs. I am in charge of her. I have been living in the princess mansion for a long time, and I have long been asking about things outside, and I don’t know what young talents there are today. You all listen to all directions. If you have any suitable candidates, please recommend it to me."

Anyone in the room who is not a human spirit immediately started to move in his mind.

Although the eldest princess rarely stepped out of the princess mansion, it did not mean that she did not understand current affairs. How could she not arrange for someone to ask for news for her.

What's more, although Luo Huixin's parents have died, but the uncle is still there, logically, the uncle can also take care of the marriage for her.

If the Luo family’s eldest lady is a bitter and mean, the eldest princess naturally has to think more about Luo Huixin. However, the eldest lady of Luo is notoriously virtuous. Why should the eldest princess be with her eldest daughter-in-law first? After discussing it, there is no reason to talk to outsiders like them anyway.

Prince Heng and his concubine said with a smile: "Auntie, you can be hard for us. Who doesn't know that my sister-in-law is a first-class virtuous person. Even if these people here together are not as smart and capable as her. You leave the ready-made people and don't bother you. , On the contrary, trouble those of us who are not bright in their heads?"

The concubine of the eldest son was very flexible, and the words raised the eldest daughter-in-law of the eldest princess. The eldest princess smiled upon hearing this, "You have always been a good talker, and you can boast about everything."

The eldest princess paused, and said: "Of course it's not just Huixin's marriage alone. Doesn't she have a classmate, a little girl from the Gao family. Her mother wanted to ask me to tell her about marriage. After all, she wanted to use my In name, it is also very glorious when I say it."

After hearing this, several people were silent.

A few days ago, the affairs of the Gao family and the Fang family had been discussed throughout Beijing, and it was impossible for them not to understand. The Gao family itself is the noble honour in Beijing, and with the support of the emperor's favorite concubine Gao Guifei, Miss Gao naturally has no worries about marrying.

There are so many distinguished families in Beijing who are always willing to marry the Gao family for fame and fortune. Besides, the Gao family can completely ask the concubine Gao Gui to give Miss Gao a marriage, and there is no need to sell this favor to the princess.

If it was just because the girls from the two families were classmates, the princess would agree to the Gao family's request. If they really believed this reason, they would really underestimate their IQ.

Gu Yunshuang thought of her own daughter who also went to the Gao family last night. Does this matter have anything to do with her own daughter

Gu Yunshuang under the guise

While drinking tea, he lowered his head and thought in secret.

The eldest princess glanced at Gu Yunshuang, with a little deep meaning in her eyes, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.

"The two girls are both top-notch. I also know that you are usually busy with housework, and they are young and they are not in time. Just pay more attention to them every day." The princess said.

Everyone felt stunned in their hearts, and instantly understood what the princess meant.

The eldest princess did not want to say kisses to the Gao girls, but wanted them to spread the word and let all the family members in Beijing know that the eldest princess was in charge of the Gao girls.

The concubine first said: "Aunt, don't worry, we will take this matter to heart. There are so many outstanding people in the capital, and we can always find someone who can match the Gao family."

The eldest princess nodded in satisfaction, "You are all prudent, and I can rest assured that I leave the matter to you."

When Gu Yunshuang returned home, she sent her maidservant to call Xie Yunqing. As soon as the maid had left the house, Gu Yunshuang felt wrong again, so she called the maid back.

The little maid stood there and waited for a while, until Gu Yunshuang said, "Forget it, it's a rare day off. Let her rest." The little maid gave a gift and went down.

Gu Yunshuang was sitting on the chair, his eyes were dull.

Her own daughter, she knows best. Xie Yunqing was smart when he was young, but he never hid his thoughts. Now that he is older, he has more secrets.

Girls always have their own concerns, so let her go.

Xie Yunqing was writing in the study in her yard. He heard the news of Gu Yunshuang's return. After a while, he did not see Gu Yunshuang send someone to call her over.

Xie Yunqing felt warm in her heart, and her mother would not fail to think of the connection, but she still chose not to ask her. In any case, my mother always trusts her unconditionally.

A few days later, Da Zhou's army finally arrived in the east and joined the army at Xunyang Pass.

The young man sat on the horse, with a straight back, wearing armor, and full of energy. His eyes were piercing. The Duwei Wang on the city wall could not help but sigh when he saw him.

In his early years, he had experienced and practiced under Prince Yu, and he had also seen Prince Yu’s peerless manners. After the death of Prince Yu, Wang Yi sighed that there was no such dazzling and outstanding character in the world.

The little prince looks like his father's skin, but if he talks about strategy and wisdom, he is definitely not as good as his father, and he does not know what the emperor sends such a rich king and grandson to the battlefield.

The prince of Yu took the Huns at the age of fifteen. At the age of seventeen, he conquered Pingxi and opened up territory for the country. At the age of nineteen, he led a 100,000 army to fight against the Guo State, and finally surrendered the Guo State. Therefore, the Guo State paid 20 tributes to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Load.

It can be said that Prince Yu's life, like a flash in the pan, made a lot of contributions for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The city gate had already been opened, and Xiao Xuan had never been here in the future.

The winding towers, mottled brick walls, yellow sand all over the sky, and occasional geese flying in rows.

This is not the prosperous and rich imperial capital, it is a barren land that people in the capital can't even imagine.

Xiao Xuan led a long line into the city, saying that it was a city. In fact, it was the feeling that a wall separated two pieces of heaven and earth. There was no difference between inside and outside the city.

Outside the city is a small village where people from Guoguo and Dazhou live. Although the two countries were at war, the armies of the two countries all agreed not to harm the people of that village.

Furthermore, that village

Zhuang actually only has more than 20 households, and there is no need to deal with them.

Inside the city, there are rows of houses and soldiers from Da Zhou. Because 70,000 horses came again this time, and there were not enough houses to live in, thousands of tents were temporarily set up.

The soldiers who stayed behind at Xunyang Pass took their horses to wash and feed, and settled in the 70,000 troops brought by Xiao Xuan.

Wang Yi personally led Xiao Xuan up to the tower. In front of the captain, Xiao Xuan did not take the prestige of his prince, but was rather humble.

"In the past few days, Guo Guo has attacked Xunyang Pass several times in succession. Our soldiers worked together to fend off the enemy. Although many soldiers have been lost, the Guo ** team failed to return and frustrated their spirit." Wang Yi said, his chest was straightened, and his voice sounded like a bell.

Xiao Xuan tried his best to look into the distance, seeing the yellow sand desert in front of him, and then he could see the shadow of the city wall when he looked forward.

Over there, it is the border of Guo State.

This is the land that my father used to live.

A sense of sorrow filled Xiao Xuan's heart, and then this feeling was replaced by pride.

Since his father was able to defeat Guoguo in the past and made Guoguo afraid of turning over for twenty years, he can now defeat Guoguo like his father, so that Guoguo is scared to heartbreak when he hears Da Zhou's name.

"Order to go down, the whole army is on guard, and the patrol is strengthened." Xiao Xuan said a few words, but with unquestionable majesty.

Wang Yi hurriedly responded.

The soldiers on the border were pursuing the army and were on standby. However, inside the capital, there was still singing and dancing, and there was still peace.

Xie Yunqing leaned over the collapse, flipping through the book. The candlelight in the room gradually dimmed, and Xie Yunqing called for Kikyo to cut the candle wick.

Kikyo took off the lampshade and cut the candle wick with silver scissors. The room was a lot brighter.

"Girl, reading a book at night hurts your eyes, you can stop as soon as possible." Kikyo said while putting the lampshade back on.

Xie Yunqing turned another page, and said without lifting his head: "I don't have time to read in the day, and I have nothing to do at night. Just read a few more pages."

Kikyo went to make the bed again, "Just now, Forsythia and I were still talking about the girl who worked so hard, I'm afraid it's not going to be admitted to the Jinshi."

Xie Yunqing pursed her lips and smiled, "If it weren't for women who couldn't perform the imperial examination, I would really earn you a fame."

Kikyo also smiled and said: "Our girl is smart, but it's a pity that we have a daughter, so we can't display our ambitions."

Kikyo said this is actually a bit arrogant, but Xie Yunqing has never had an episode of this. Xie Yunqing has always been tolerant of people she trusts. Tolerate them to make fun of her, tolerate them to talk and laugh, as long as they don't deceive or betray themselves, Xie Yunqing is willing to give them dignity.

Xie Yunqing put down the scroll in his hand, leaned his head on the pillow, and yawned, "What is aster doing recently? Why haven't I seen her for a long time?"

"It seems that something went wrong in Zixian's house, and I told Grandma Zhao for a few days off."

Xie Yunqing remembered that in his previous life, Aster had also taken a leave of absence during this period, and then came back again, and it was down for several days.

At that time, Xie Yunqing didn't know what was going on in her family. He didn't expect it to be a good thing, so she asked Grandma Zhao to give the aster a dozen silvers and let the aster use it.

Speaking of which, Aster is the big maid in her house, and she earns two taels of silver every month. She gave these twelve taels of silver, which was equivalent to five months' worth of silver for aster.

Xie Yunqing felt that he was not too thin to treat aster, but he didn't know that aster couldn't even look down on it at all.

(End of this chapter)