Noble Marriage: The Concubine is asking for a divorce again today

Chapter 119: Sending My Concubine Away (Second Update)


"The fairy is so kind, I am so grateful for your kindness." King Jin held her in his arms, "I wonder how the fairy is going to enlighten me?"

"I'll pass on the spiritual energy to you through my mouth." Jiang Changning leaned forward and kissed him.

"My little prince is stupid. One breath of fairy energy is not enough. I need more." Prince Jin happily deepened the kiss.

After the couple had talked about morality and Buddhism, Jiang Changning asked Xiulan to take the sign and ordered someone to invite a doctor into the house to treat the injuries of the two beauties.

Beauties were not qualified to have imperial physicians see them, so they could only invite doctors from outside. So the news of the fight between the two concubines in the Prince of Jin's mansion inevitably spread.

In the eyes of some people, Jiang Changning was unable to control the concubines in the mansion and was a cowardly and incompetent person. They completely forgot that Jiang Changning had previously chased a concubine to the farm.

So that day, Gu Zhongjiao found the Ministry of Rites and invited Prince Jin to a restaurant for a drink on the pretext of having something to do.

King Jin accepted the invitation and as soon as he entered the door, he saw that in addition to Gu Zhongjiao, there was also a middle-aged man and a beautiful girl.

"Your humble servant Chen Daochang has seen His Majesty and would like to pay his respects to His Majesty." Chen Daochang was a former fifth-rank doctor in the Ministry of Justice.

His father passed away three years ago, and he stayed at home to observe mourning. Now that the mourning period was over, he had no way to get his job back, so he spent some money and found Gu Zhongjiao for help.

The beautiful girl was his second daughter, Chen Dingding, and she was also the gift he was going to give to King Jin.

It was not difficult for Prince Jin to reinstate a fifth-rank official, but Prince Jin did not want to accept his gift.

"Princess, I don't like the smell of alcohol on my body, so forget about the wine." Prince Jin refused Chen Dingding's offer to pour him a glass of wine, "If you have something to say, just say it."

When Gu Zhongjiao and Chen Daochang heard that Prince Jin used the princess as an excuse, they didn't believe it, but they couldn't expose him.

Chen Daochang gave Chen Dingding a look, asking him to put down the wine jug and stay quietly aside.

He expressed his loyalty to the King of Jin, "Although I am not a great talent, I am also useful and I am willing to serve you, Your Majesty."

There are many people in the capital who want to serve Prince Jin, but Prince Jin's expression remains unchanged.

"Your Highness, by the way, Brother Pinglun also passed the imperial examination. He also rode a horse through the streets in the past. He once served as a county magistrate and solved several major cases." Gu Zhongjiao echoed.

"It turns out that Lord Chen is an expert in criminal investigation." Prince Jin said, twirling his finger.

"I don't deserve it, I just got lucky." Chen Daochang smiled modestly.

Prince Jin asked calmly, "For a criminal investigation expert like you, it should be easy to return to the Ministry of Justice. Why haven't you been reinstated?"

Chen Daochang sighed, "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I have been going around, and just when the Ministry of Personnel was about to issue an official document, I was stopped by the Prince of Wei."

Prince Jin narrowed his eyes slightly. Not many people should know about the feud between him and Duke Wei's Mansion, but he couldn't be sure that the news hadn't leaked out at all.

What if someone finds out and uses Chen Daochang to set a trap for him

"Have you ever offended the Duke of Wei's Mansion?" asked the Prince of Jin.

"Four years ago, I handled a case involving the younger brother of a concubine of the Duke of Wei. That man committed murder and was executed after being questioned. The Duke of Wei blamed me for this."

Chen Daochang looked gloomy. He suspected that his father's affair was related to the Prince of Wei, but he had no evidence, so he could only keep silent.

"Killing someone means paying with one's life. It is really wrong for the prince of Wei to vent his anger on others," commented the Prince of Jin.

"When beating a dog, you have to consider the owner's face. Although that man is a small figure, he is after all someone who works for the Duke of Wei. I didn't give the Duke of Wei face, so it's inevitable that the Duke of Wei will hate me."

King Jin laughed, "Since you know all the intrigues here, why don't you give the Duke of Wei face and let this man go?"

Chen Daochang straightened his body and said righteously: "A gentleman should do what he should do and not do what he should not do. That person killed someone and should pay with his life."

"Gentleman?" King Jin sneered and glanced at Chen Dingding, "What happened today is not what a gentleman does."

"Lord Yongyi is seventy-two years old this year, and he is still in good health." The King of Jin sneered.

"My daughter is only fifteen years old this year. Even if I want to regain my throne, I don't want to let my daughter fall into the fire pit." Chen Daochang stood up and knelt down.

Chen Dingding also knelt down. If she had to be a concubine, she would certainly be willing to be the concubine of the young and promising Prince Jin, who was in a high position of power, rather than the old and decrepit Earl Yongyi.

"I am willing to serve you until my death." Chen Daochang kowtowed three times.

"Your Highness, I am willing to serve you as your slave." Chen Dingding reached out and grabbed Prince Jin's sleeve.

"You and your daughter should get up first." The King of Jin did not completely believe what Chen Daochang said. "I've made a note of this matter. I'll let you go if there's a vacancy later. I'll have someone talk to Earl Yu Yongyi when you get there."

"Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you, Your Highness." Chen Daochang didn't care whether he became an official or not. He really didn't want to send his young daughter to the aging Earl Yongyi as a concubine.

"As for your daughter, there is no shortage of servants in the palace. Take her back and find a good family to marry her off," said the Prince of Jin.

Seeing that Prince Jin was unwilling to accept Chen Dingding, Chen Daochang was fine, but Chen Dingding's eyes revealed deep disappointment.

Being the woman of Prince Jin is what many young girls in Beijing dream of.

At this time, the waiter brought the store’s new signature dish: fish fillets in fragrant fermented rice wine.

The fish fillet in fragrant fermented rice wine has bright color and fragrant aroma.

Chen Daochang introduced with a smile: "Your Highness, other places use other wines to cook the fragrant fermented rice fish fillet, but this restaurant uses authentic fragrant fermented rice koji, Shaoxing aged wine, and sweet-scented osmanthus sauce. The taste is absolutely delicious."

"In that case, we really need to try this dish." Prince Jin said with a smile.

The eunuch who was following nearby and tasting the food stepped forward and picked up some fish fillets to eat.

In the previous dynasty, there was a prince who was poisoned while having a meal in a restaurant. Since then, all royal relatives would have one or two eunuchs or servants who could taste the food with them, just in case.

After tasting it, Prince Jin thought that the fish fillet in fragrant fermented wine tasted really good, and decided to find an opportunity to bring Jiang Changning over to try it.

Seeing this, Chen Dingding recommended another dish to the King of Jin, "Your Highness, please try this abalone in its original shell. I heard it is the chef's specialty."

Abalone is one of the marine delicacies with tender meat.

The abalone cooked in its original shell tastes delicious.

In order to show her erudition, she also recited Su Dongpo's poem: "The chef is good at managing the magnificent hall, sitting in front of the carved table makes it shine, the meat and ganoderma are not counted, the vinegar pen and fish skin are really leaning against the wall."

This poem praises the delicious abalone from the seaside of Lu, and an abalone dish adds glory to the banquet.

After eating abalone, all other delicacies pale in comparison.

"Seafood has a fishy smell, and I don't like to eat it." King Jin refused coldly.

Chen Daochang shook his head slightly at his daughter, asking her not to anger Prince Jin anymore.

Chen Dingding was unwilling to accept it and lowered her head. Why didn't the King of Jin want to accept her? Wasn't she beautiful

After the meal, the King of Jin got on the carriage with his entourage and drove away.

(End of this chapter)