Noble Marriage: The Concubine is asking for a divorce again today

Chapter 22: Intimidation


Mrs. Zhuang smiled and said, "This is Zico, two or three years older than you, and the fourth child in the family."

"My fourth cousin." Xie Baoyin had heard from her grandmother that the brothers on the Zhuang family were all older than her.

The four of them greeted Old Madam Zhuang and then sat down.

Old Mrs. Zhuang asked Xie Zhang, "Are your grandparents in good health?"

"Thanks to my great-uncle and great-grandmother for their concern, my grandparents are in good health," said Xie Zhang.

Old Madam Zhuang asked Lu Pingxu again, "My dear uncle, do you still get up early every morning to practice martial arts?"

Many years ago, she followed Old Master Zhuang to Fengtian and met General Lu, the eldest brother of the Lu family.

Lü Pingxu smiled and said, "Practice every day. It is said that if you don't practice for one day, you will lose your energy for three days."

Old Mrs. Zhuang chatted with a few people about family matters for a while, and then asked Zhuang Jike to take Xie Zhang and Lu Pingxu to the front yard.

In the evening, Jiang Changning and the girls from the Zhuang family came to Old Lady Zhuang's yard.

After talking about their ages, Xie Baoyin is younger than Jiang Changning, but older than Zhuang Qingyan.

Lu Xiujie is the youngest, three months younger than Zhuang Qingmei and just turned thirteen.

When Jiang Changning heard Lu Xiujie's name, his heart skipped a beat.

Zhuang Qingmei did just as Jiang Changning expected. "Sister Ning, I remember you had a maidservant named Xiulan, right? This is against Sister Xiuju's taboo. You should change the maidservant's name."

Jiang Changning chuckled, "Although I knew that Fifth Sister was not interested in studying, I didn't expect that Fifth Sister didn't even know that the "xiu" in "jinxiu" and the "xiu" in "qingxiu" are not the same character."

"Of course I know they are not the same word, but they sound the same when read," said Zhuang Qingmei.

Jiang Changning laughed again, "Fifth sister, when we avoid taboos, we also avoid words with the same characters, not words with the same pronunciation."

Xie Baoyin pulled Lv Xiujue who was hiding behind her, and Lv Xiujue shrank back. Xie Baoyin had no choice but to say, "It's okay if you have the same characters. You don't need to be so particular about it."

They are not the real masters here. If they ask the maid to change her name after just staying for a few days, people will think they are too overbearing.

Xie Baoyin glanced at Zhuang Qingmei. This person who only wanted to create chaos in the world should not be made a close friend.

Lu Xiuju nodded and whispered, "No need to change it."

Seeing Lu Xiujie's timid and cowardly look, Jiang Changning frowned slightly. Is she really the daughter of a military general who has made great military achievements

Given her situation, it would be fine if she was not chosen. If she was chosen, she would be doomed in the palace.

In the evening, after having a late meal and sitting for a while, the girls got up and left.

Wu cleaned up the second courtyard not far from Old Lady Zhuang's courtyard and gave it to Xie Baoyin and Lu Xiujie to live in.

Originally, she thought they wouldn't be able to stay for long, so she wanted to just cram them into the girls' yard.

After being scolded by Old Madam Zhuang, he quickly cleaned up the place and arranged for servants.

The next day, Xie Baoyin learned that the Zhuang family had invited an aunt from the palace to teach the girls in the mansion the etiquette and rules, and she had an idea in her mind.

She went to ask Mrs. Zhuang, "Grandma, you know that Juzi and I went to Beijing to participate in the imperial examinations, but in Fengtian, we can't ask any aunts or maids to teach us. We are completely in the dark."

"Child, don't be anxious. Let me ask Aunt Peng about this matter. As long as she is willing to teach, you and Juzi can go and learn." Old Mrs. Zhuang knew that she couldn't refuse, so she decided to make a good relationship with her.

Aunt Peng helped Jiang Changning by doing a favor, so she had two more people to teach.

Xie Baoyin's etiquette was fine, but Lu Xiujue was a headache for Aunt Peng. "Don't bend your back. Stand up straight."

“Don’t look askance at people.”

"Don't stretch your neck, shrink it."

"Hold on tight, don't rock."

"Stand upright and don't go behind others."

Under Aunt Peng's guidance, Lu Xiujie became much more generous.

Seeing the changes in Lu Xiujie, Xie Baoyin felt that it was right to go to Beijing early and to find Old Lady Zhuang to learn etiquette and rules from Aunt Peng.

"Thank me?" Jiang Changning was puzzled. "Why thank me?"

"Aunt Peng." Xie Baoyin reminded.

Jiang Changning smiled, "Aunt Peng may have come for me, but I have no right to decide what she does. It was Aunt Peng who was willing to teach you, and the person you should thank is Aunt Peng."

"Aunt Peng should be thanked." Xie Baoyin looked at her, "But if it weren't for you, we wouldn't even be able to see Aunt Peng."

Jiang Changning looked at her for a moment and said, "Let's make a deal."

Xie Baoyin nodded, "Okay."

"If you become rich and powerful, don't forget me." They said in unison.

After the chat, Xie Baoyin left and Jiang Changning silently drank the cup of tea.

If Xie Baoyin is willing to abide by this agreement, she will not forget it.

At noon, Jiang Changning finally stopped Zhuang Qingmei, who was smiling happily.

She grabbed Zhuang Qingmei's hand and said, "Come on, Fifth Sister, let's talk."

"What are you talking about?" Zhuang Qingmei was dragged to the corner of the corridor by Jiang Changning.

Fangju and Fucui stopped Zhuang Qingmei's two maids without leaving any trace.

Jiang Changning pressed Zhuang Qingmei against the pillar and said, "Fifth sister, now that your swollen hands have healed, you have forgotten the pain, right?"

"Let me go." Zhuang Qingmei struggled.

Just when Zhuang Qingmei was about to break free, Jiang Changning pulled out the golden Ganoderma lucidum hairpin and pressed it against Zhuang Qingmei's throat.

The slightly cool touch made Zhuang Qingmei shiver. She didn't dare to move anymore. She asked without laughing, "Sister Ning, what are you doing?"

Jiang Changning sneered, "Zhuang Qingmei, I have tolerated you for a long time, but I don't understand. My last name is not Zhuang, and I have no conflict of interest with you. Why do you stare at me all day long?"

"Sister Ning, I was wrong. I will never dare to do it again." Zhuang Qingmei shrank back, putting some distance between herself and the golden hairpin.

"I don't believe you." Jiang Changning didn't intend to let her go so easily.

Zhuang Qingmei felt the golden hairpin pressing down, about to pierce her skin, and hurriedly said, "I swear, I swear, if I continue to be a villain, I will not die a good death, I will be struck by lightning, I will not have a burial place, and my body will not be left."

"You swear, if you dare to mess with me again, you will be alone and helpless, suffering from numerous diseases, and live to be a hundred years old." Jiang Changning's tone was calm, and every word was heart-piercing.

Zhuang Qingmei was stunned. She never knew Jiang Changning could say such vicious words.

"Speak." Jiang Changning exerted force with his hands.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you." Zhuang Qingmei was so scared that she quickly repeated what Jiang Changning said.

"Zhuang Qingmei, remember what you said. You should really know your mistakes. There are gods above your head." Jiang Changning put the golden hairpin back into her bun. "You should take care of yourself."

Jiang Changning let go of Zhuang Qingmei, turned around, called two maids and left.

Zhuang Qingmei looked at Jiang Changning's slender back and took two deep breaths.

For a moment just now, she felt that Jiang Changning really wanted to insert the hairpin into her throat.

Jiang Changning’s eyes are so scary!

After scaring Zhuang Qingmei, Jiang Changning was in a good mood and drank half a bowl of soup at noon.

Fangju saw it and kept it in mind.

Collect it, beauties!

(End of this chapter)