Noble Marriage: The Concubine is asking for a divorce again today

Chapter 28: Character


When Wang Lingzhi returned from bathing, it was already the beginning of the night. She knocked on the door loudly, "Open the door, open the door."

Jiang Changning sighed when he was woken up. Why was he assigned to the same room with such a person

"Ouch." Chen Yi accidentally fell off the bed.

"Miss Chen, are you okay?" Fang Youting got out of bed.

"I'm fine, Miss Fang, please go open the door quickly and don't let her shout. She will wake up the people around us." Chen Yi said with a bitter face.

"Who wants to die? Why is he screaming here in the middle of the night?" someone shouted.

The partitions between the rooms were not very good, and Wang Lingzhi's voice was very loud.

"The people in the next room have been woken up." Jiang Changning said calmly.

"Miss Jiang was also woken up." Fang Youting said.

"It's so loud that even the dead would be woken up by her." Jiang Changning pulled the thin quilt.

Fang Youting went over to open the door, and Wang Lingzhi complained unhappily, "Why are you opening the door so slowly?"

"Keep your voice down, everyone is asleep." No matter how good-tempered Fang Youting was, she was made angry by Wang Lingzhi.

Wang Lingzhi saw that only Jiang Changning was lying on the bed. Chen Yi had a stern face and looked at her coldly. She also knew that she had offended everyone. She muttered something in her mouth, took off her outer clothes and got on the bed.

"Miss Chen, go to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow." Fang Youting smiled at Chen Yi.

"Miss Fang, good night." Chen Yi blew out the light and lay down carefully.

In the darkness, Jiang Changning opened his eyes, turned sideways and looked at Wang Lingzhi.

On the first day of entering the palace, even if you are not reserved, you should not show your true colors.

Could it be that he wants to establish a true character

Jiang Changning sneered, fearing that he would end up losing the rice instead of trying to steal the chicken.

After breakfast the next day, Aunt Fei showed up with a few palace maids and eunuchs, confirming Jiang Changning's guess.

"Who was shouting last night?" Aunt Fei asked in a deep voice.

The beauties in the West Palace all focused their eyes on Jiang Changning and the other three.

There was a hint of worry in Zhuang Qingchan's eyes.

Jiang Changning and the other two all distanced themselves from Wang Lingzhi at the same time.

It's not that they are disloyal, they just don't know each other well, and they are tired of Wang Lingzhi. There is no need to cover up for her, and it can't be covered up anyway.

I just don’t know how Aunt Fei will deal with Wang Lingzhi

Aunt Fei walked up to Wang Lingzhi and asked, "Were you the one shouting and yelling yesterday?"

"I wanted to go back to my room to sleep. They closed the door and I was asking them to open it." Wang Lingzhi looked as if she was not at fault.

Jiang Changning and the other two remained silent. Aunt Fei must have investigated everything clearly, so there was no need for them to say more.

"You just returned to your room at the beginning of the night, and you still think you are right?" Aunt Fei sneered, "There is no need for people who don't follow the rules of the palace to stay in the palace. Take her away."

Several eunuchs came forward to arrest the man. Wang Lingzhi was held up before she realized what was happening and shouted, "It's not like that, it's not like that."

Jiang Changning had a glimmer of sarcasm in his eyes as he lowered his eyelids. If it's not like this, how could it be like that

In the palace, it is too naive to show your true nature.

Even if you reach the level of the empress dowager, you still have to pretend, let alone a young lady who has just entered the palace.

Even if you really want to create a true character, you shouldn't do it like this.

"Shut her mouth and don't let her disturb the nobleman." Aunt Fei ordered.

Wang Lingzhi was dragged out by the eunuchs like a dead dog, which shocked all the concubines.

Some of the timid ones even started to cry, feeling a bit like the grief of the rabbit's death.

After only one day, the sixty concubines became fifty-nine, which made the concubines tremble with fear.

Aunt Fei also said: "This is the result of not following the rules. Girls, please take this as a warning."

The girls felt sympathetic and studied the rules of the day very carefully, even speaking in voices eight octaves lower.

At noon, it was time to rest. Concubine Song sent a palace maid to summon Song Yirou to Chengxi Palace to have lunch with her.

"She is not the imperial concubine, so what is there to be proud of?" one of the concubines said sourly.

No one agreed with her, and no one dared to agree with her.

After returning to the room, the three girls remained silent for a long time.

"I didn't expect that Miss Wang would be sent out of the palace like this." Fang Youting sighed.

Chen Yi blurted out, "If she was really sent out of the palace, she would still be..."

Realizing she had said something wrong, she immediately shut up.

Although she didn't say all her words, Fang Youting already understood and her face turned pale instantly.

Jiang Changning glanced at Chen Yi. How could a concubine's daughter know so much about the affairs in the palace

Is Madam Chen really the kind person who is so kind as to raise her concubines' sons and daughters as if they were her own

I haven't investigated and I don't understand, so just take it as it is.

Over the next few days, the three of them went out together and got along quite well.

In fact, Jiang Changning could see that these two people were ambitious and wanted to get close to Song Yirou and Zhao Xifang.

But these two people each have their own small circle, and they can't rely on them.

Of course, not everyone is as harmonious as them, but fortunately, they are just minor frictions that have not been exposed.

When learning the rules, Aunt Fei scolded him a few times but did not let the eunuch drag the man out.

As a result, some people relax and reveal their true nature.

During the break in etiquette learning that afternoon, Jiang Changning and the other two sat in the small hall drinking tea, and from time to time they could hear the clear laughter of a woman outside.

Suddenly a sharp voice asked: "Do you want to kill someone?"

"Something happened." Chen Yi said in a low voice.

Fang Youting said calmly: "Playing around can easily lead to accidents."

"It's so loud, aren't they afraid of disturbing Aunt Fei?" Chen Yi sighed.

"It won't make any trouble." Jiang Changning said with a faint smile.

Sure enough, the noise outside gradually died down, and after a while, people came in, but two of them didn't look very good.

One is Zheng Yujiao who lives in the last room of the East Palace, and the other is Gan Hongying who lives in the first room of the West Palace.

Zheng Yujiao is the granddaughter of Zheng Taibao, and Gan Hongying is the youngest daughter of the Minister of Justice.

Just like Song Yirou and Zhao Xifang, these two are also a pair of rivalrous enemies.

Three "Dang Dang Dang" sounds are heard, and the break time is up.

The concubines gathered in the main hall. Aunt Fei stood in front with a gloomy face. "In the "Instructions for Women", there are four lines about women. Miss Zheng Yujiao, what are women's virtues, women's words, women's appearance, and women's achievements?"

Zheng Yujiao's face became even uglier and she pursed her lips.

Seeing that she remained silent, Aunt Fei snorted coldly, "Miss Gan Hongying, you go ahead and speak."

"Yes, aunt." Gan Hongying said cheerfully, "Being quiet and chaste... not fond of joking... and serving guests is called the work of a woman."

"Miss Gan knows it very well, so you should copy "Instructions for Women" ten times, and Miss Zheng should copy it a hundred times, and give it to me tomorrow morning." Aunt Fei said coldly.

"I want one too..." Gan Hongying changed her tone under Aunt Fei's gaze, "Yes, Aunt Fei."

At this time, a palace maid came in.

The concubines didn't recognize her, but Aunt Fei recognized her as Manluo, the palace maid beside Concubine Lu.

Manluo must have come here on the orders of Lu Zhaoyi, but what was she here for

(End of this chapter)