Noble Marriage: The Concubine is asking for a divorce again today

Chapter 85: Noisy


Three poor people holding bowls came to the stall, and Jiang Changning used a spoon to scoop porridge for them.

"Thank you, ma'am."

The daughter-in-law next to him shouted, "What Madam? This is Chun."

Jiang Changning glanced at her coldly, and his wife was so scared that she swallowed her words.

"The porridge is a little hot, be careful." Jiang Changning warned gently.

After the three of them left, Jiang Changning glanced at the daughter-in-law and said with a faint smile, "It seems that one being sent to the laundry room and the other being fined half a year's salary is not enough."

The daughter-in-law's face changed drastically, her legs went weak, and she was about to kneel down and beg for mercy, but Xiaochun held her back.

"Cook the porridge well." Jiang Changning said with a smile.

Seeing this, another daughter-in-law said tactfully, "Princess, this side is sheltered from the wind. Please come and sit over here."

Jiang Changning smiled at her, walked over and sat down, and Shufei stuffed the hand warmer into her arms.

In addition to the two royal palaces of Jin and Yu, there were three or four other palaces setting up porridge stalls in Yingjiao Street, including the Xinjian County Duke's Palace and the Anping Marquis's Palace.

The person who came to the Xinjian County Duke's Mansion was the third wife, Fu Lin. She saw Jiang Changning sitting in the corner and walked over, "Princess Jin."

"Third cousin." Jiang Changning stood up.

The smile on Fu Lin's face deepened. Her status was not as high as Jiang Changning's, and she took the initiative to call Jiang Changning cousin, which seemed like she was trying to climb above her station and was flattering.

"Cousin, have you been here for long? It's freezing cold, don't catch a cold." Fu Lin said with concern.

Jiang Changning smiled and said, "I just arrived a while ago. I'm wearing warm clothes and carrying a hand warmer. I'm not cold."

The two were not familiar with each other, so after a few simple polite words, Fu Lin went to the porridge stall in the Xinjian County Mansion to serve porridge to the poor.

Jiang Changning did not just sit there, he also stood up to serve porridge.

There were many poor people coming to the stall, and all of them would take a portion of porridge from each prefecture back home.

The weather is cold and the porridge will not go bad even if it is kept for a few days, so they can eat it for a few days.

The ladies and grandmothers from other mansions also came. Although Jiang Changning was not familiar with them, he greeted them politely.

At this time, another carriage came over, and the sign showed that it was from the Ningxia Palace.

But there is no porridge stall of the Ningxia Prince's Palace here, so how did people from the Ningxia Prince's Palace get here

The carriage of the Ningxia Prince's Mansion stopped in front of the porridge stall of the Yu Prince's Mansion, and Song Yirou got off the carriage.

"Zhao Xifang!" A sharp shout attracted everyone's attention.

Song Yirou rushed towards Zhao Xifang angrily, "Bitch! I'll let you hurt me." She raised her hand to hit Zhao Xifang.

The entourage of Prince Yu's Mansion would never allow her to hurt her own princess.

"Song Yirou, why are you crazy?" Zhao Xifang asked angrily.

"Zhao Xifang, what I hate most is your innocent face. Since you have the ability to do it, you have the ability to admit it!" After Song Yirou woke up from her coma, she wanted to settle with Zhao Xifang.

However, the Ningxia Palace is not the Song Palace, and the Ningxia Princess Dowager is not the Second Mrs. Song. She was locked up in the palace copying books and could not go out.

If it weren't for the porridge distribution on the street on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, she would have been well behaved for more than a month. The Ningxia Queen Mother showed mercy and let her out, but she was still trapped in the palace.

"I didn't do it, why should I admit it?" Zhao Xifang sneered. Even if she did it, she would not admit it.

"Song Yirou, that medicine was bought by your wet nurse. How did it end up being used on you? Use your pig brain to think about it." Zhao Xifang said angrily.

"Do you think that if you say that, I will suspect the wet nurse? The wet nurse would not harm me, it is you who harms me." Song Yirou did not realize the trap in Zhao Xifang's words, and she admitted that the medicine was bought by her wet nurse.

Zhao Xifang raised the corner of her lip, what a brainless idiot.

"Your wet nurse won't harm you, so who would? I'm kindly reminding you, whoever you want to use the medicine on is most likely to harm you." Zhao Xifang looked at Jiang Changning.

Song Yirou's gaze subconsciously followed Zhao Xifang.

Jiang Changning, who was standing aside as a spectator, laughed, "People say that Princess Yu has a clever tongue and is good at speaking. She can turn black into white and dead into alive. Now it seems that it is really so. With just a few words, she threw dirty water on me. But Princess Ningxia and I have no grudges, and Princess Ningxia is not crazy. Would she harm me for no reason? On the contrary, Princess Yu and Princess Ningxia have always been at odds and have many disputes."

"The dispute between Song Yirou and me was just a small one. It was Princess Jin and Song Yirou who had a grudge against each other for love." Zhao Xifang was determined to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the two tigers, and tried her best to pull Jiang Changning into the game.

"Neither of you are good people. Come here, overturn their stalls for me." Song Yirou said angrily.

None of the followers who came with Song Yirou moved.

Song Yirou's maid whispered, "Princess, you'd better stop making trouble and go back to the porridge stall. If the Concubine Dowager knew that you came to cause trouble for the Princess of Jin and the Princess of Yu, she would definitely punish you severely."

"Shut up." Song Yirou glared at her. "I told you to do it, why don't you do it? If you dare not listen to me, I will let my uncle kill you."

"Can the General of Cavalry be so lawless? He can kill anyone he wants? He sounds more powerful than Your Majesty." Jiang Changning's voice was loud enough for everyone around to hear.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Even if Song Yirou was stupid, she knew that if these words got to the emperor's ears, the Song family would be in big trouble.

"It's so impressive for a woman in the inner court to be able to mobilize the court's troops to accompany her. Even the Empress Dowager and the Empress are not qualified. Song Yirou, you are so capable." Zhao Xifang recognized with her sharp eyes that the followers following Song Yirou were soldiers who dared to serve in the army.

Song Yirou's face changed slightly, and she argued, "They are the guards of my Song family."

"Huh!" Zhao Xifang sneered.

"What are you laughing at?" Song Yirou became angry.

"Why are there so many people here? What are they doing?" a voice rang out.

"Make way, make way, all of you make way."

The one who came was Qin Zhaoxi, who led a team of Shangzhi troops and was wearing dark blue riveted cotton armor and a scimitar on his waist.

"This humble servant greets the Princess of Jin, the Princess of Yu, and the Princess of Ningxia." Qin Zhaoxi bowed his hands in greeting. "I wonder if anyone can tell this humble servant what happened?"

Song Yirou was in a trance and didn't hear Qin Zhaoxi's question, so she just didn't bother to answer and remained silent.

Jiang Changning smiled and said, "Princess Ningxia is here to see Princess Yu. Princess Yu should answer this question."

"Princess Jin is really good at shirking responsibilities." Zhao Xifang said.

"If Princess Yu doesn't want to answer, I can do it for you." Jiang Changning said with a smile.

Qin Zhaoxi didn't wait for Zhao Xifang to speak, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Princess Jin."

Only when Jiang Changning spoke could he look at her a few more times with a legitimate reason.

(End of this chapter)