Noble Wife Wants No Love

Chapter 72


Countless pairs of eyes were watching from the audience, and the host was booing and urging. In desperation, Xu Xinyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and unlock the phone and open the call log.

This punishment link is actually harmless, because before the show, this game was written in the script, and all guests will participate, but now it has become a punishment link, and some details have been changed. "Borrowing money by phone" has become "calling the person who called recently to borrow money".

Before the last episode, Xu Xinyi took a special look at who was the tenth person on her phone. It was the phone number of Liang Chuan, an artist who had just signed a contract with her studio.

Fat water does not flow to outsiders, calling Liang Chuan on the show is also to let him show his face, why not do it

How do you know, this game link can be changed as soon as it is said.

The host joked on the side: "I'm really curious, who is Xin Yi calling recently."

Han Xiao then glanced over and set his eyes on her mobile phone.

Several other hosts also started talking.

"A broker?"

"I guess it's a certain director or a certain artist," the host exclaimed after finishing speaking, "We won't really dig out something from Xin Yi today, will we?"

"Then hot search preparations, surprise! Artist Xu Xinyi's XX, which has been hidden for many years, surfaced! Hahahahaha."

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Xin Yi, can you tell me who was the person who called recently?"

"One..." Xu Xinyi was really uncomfortable.

Said to be friends, they are husband and wife after all. It can be said that it is the husband, they have not made it public yet.

It seems that nothing is right.

But Xu Xinyi understood that when he didn't know how to say it, it was enough to play haha and pretend to be mysterious.

"Everyone will know later."

"OK, let's wait and see, are you ready?"

Xu Xinyi thought about it seriously. It's 4:30 now, and Yi Yang is still busy with the company's daily affairs. When she called, she was probably busy. When she was busy, she probably wouldn't answer her call. Bye.

So nod.

Jiang Nian beside her asked her in a low voice, "Sister Xin Yi, is it really all right?"


The mobile phone was turned on hands-free, and the sound could be heard by the audience. The moment the beep sounded, the host booed the audience to signal everyone not to speak.

Don't look at Xu Xinyi smiling calmly, but in fact, his palms are full of sweat, and his heart suddenly tugged following the beeping sound of the mobile phone.

All the composure just now was instantly wiped out like a tall building overturning.

She regrets it.

You shouldn't have called Yi Yang when you got off the plane, or you should have called Yi Yang before Anya called her.

If it was Anya, he would know what was going on as soon as he opened his mouth, and he would definitely be able to cooperate with her seamlessly.

The audience was silent, as if everyone was holding their breath, looking at the mobile phone in Xu Xinyi's hand, expecting the call to be connected.

The whole scene can only hear the sound of beeping.

"Don't answer the phone, don't answer the phone..." Xu Xinyi couldn't help thinking silently.

But after thinking about it, what is she afraid of with the phone in her hand? If it's not good, just hang up, not to mention that the show is not a live broadcast, if it's really not possible, discuss with the program team to cut off the content of her call

The phone beeps suddenly.

The phone is connected.

Xu Xinyi's heart was lifted into his throat suddenly, and a male voice came from the phone after a while, with a deep voice line, which aroused imagination.

There was a small exclamation immediately at the scene.


The host booed at the audience, and then suppressed an exclamation.

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"What's going on with you? Why is it so noisy?"

Xu Xinyi hurriedly said, "I'm still outside, so it's a bit noisy."

"Outside? Aren't you recording a show now?"

"It's not time to record the show yet. Are you... busy now?"

Yi Yang looked up at the few people in the office who were waiting to report, and waved to them, signaling them to go out first.

"It's nothing. Are you calling me for something?"

Xu Xinyi glanced at the host, and the host gave her a spoken phrase of 'borrowing money'.

Looking for Yi Yang to borrow money...

That's a really bad excuse.

Xu Xinyi gritted his head and said, "That's right, I'm in a bit of trouble right now, and I want to ask you for a favor, can you lend me..."

"Trouble?" Yi Yang on the other end of the phone was stunned, glanced at Zhao Bin who was walking towards him, and signaled him to stop talking, "What happened? What trouble will you encounter when you go to record the show? What about the people around you? Where is the assistant? Anya didn't go with you? Where are you now?"

A series of questions, Xu Xinyi interrupted several times but failed to interrupt.

The expressions of the hosts were extremely exciting, as if they were excited to discover a new land.

Not to mention the audience on the field, even under the gesture of the host, there was still a lot of movement.

"Xu Xinyi, where are you? Talk!"

"I'm fine, I just want to borrow some money from you to buy something." Xu Xinyi broke the jar and continued to stammer, maybe Yi Yang would say something.

There was silence on the phone.

"You asked me to borrow money?"


"How much to borrow?"

The host made a gesture of one hundred thousand to her.

"... one hundred thousand."

"What do you want for a hundred thousand?"

"Buy something casually, do you want to borrow it?"

Yi Yang is surprised, doesn't Xu Xinyi have his card on him? If you really want to buy something, just swipe his card

borrow money

What tricks are you playing again

"Isn't my card with you? If you want to swipe my card, I still have something to do, so hang up first."

The call stopped abruptly.

Xu Xinyi only had two words in his mind: It's over.

All exposed.

She could almost imagine how the audience would hype it up online after the show was over.

The whole scene screamed everywhere, but several people on the stage kept silent.

Han Xiao frowned. He knew the relationship between Yi Yang and Xu Xinyi, but he used cards to solve everything. In his opinion, Yi Yang did not take on the responsibility of her husband at all.

Several hosts looked embarrassed. After all, Xu Xinyi was still unmarried in the circle. The man on the phone blatantly asked Xu Xinyi to swipe his own card.


A text message came to Xu Xinyi's cell phone.

[Bank of China XX] Completed an online transaction of RMB 1,000,000.00 and a balance of RMB 1,280,460.00 at 16:42 on March 20th in your account ending in 2411.

The host standing beside her accidentally saw the text message, opened his mouth wide, and looked at Xu Xinyi with an exaggerated expression.

"Do you know what text message came to Xu Xinyi's cell phone just now?"

Before the other hosts had time to respond, Xu Xinyi's cell phone rang.

It was Yi Yang who called.


"I just sent you a million transfers, use it first, and then call me if you don't have enough." Before the speaker in the studio had time to turn off, Yi Yang's voice sounded on the phone, "Don't spend the whole night like before. The flowers are over. I still have something to do, so hang up first."

"Wait—" Just a second before Yi Yang hung up the phone, the host said with a smile: "Hello, sir, we are here for the recording of "Happy 100%"."

Yi Yang on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and immediately went through the ins and outs of the whole thing in his mind, "Recording the show?"

"Yes, Xu Xinyi lost in our game just now, and the punishment is to call the person in the address book to borrow money..."

After a brief silence, Yi Yang on the other end of the phone recalled what he said just now, and gave a short laugh. If he guessed right, Xu Xinyi should be very anxious now, right

"So that's how it is."

After all, what he said just now is a statement that exposes the relationship between the two of them.

He doesn't know Xu Xinyi yet? Are you probably scolding yourself now

"I'm Xu Xinyi's friend."


Xu Xinyi was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, friend, she helped me a lot before, and I am very grateful to her, but she has been reluctant to accept my thanks, so I sent her a supplementary card, if necessary, you can swipe my Card, some time ago I asked her to help me buy some gifts for my family, and I spent one million in one night."

The host suddenly realized, "So that's the case, I almost misunderstood."

Xu Xinyi's lips twitched, and he wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he kept them back in his heart.

Yi Yang continued to lie, "You keep the one million, and if you really don't want to take it, you can return it to me. I still have things to do, and we will contact you when we have time."

Xu Xinyi bit her lip and replied in a low voice.

The phone then hung up.

Han Xiao and Jiang Nian frowned slightly, obviously they didn't expect Yi Yang's words.

The moment the phone was hung up, the audience screamed louder and louder, and the entire studio was almost overturned.

"one million!"

"Oh my god, did I hear you right? Xin Yi, you really spent a million dollars in one night?"

"Is it like on TV, you don't look at the price when you buy things? Otherwise, how can you buy a million things in one night?"

Seeing the host lead the topic in this direction, Xu Xinyi followed suit, "Just wrap up the store, for example, everything except that one, and the one million will be spent soon."

The host was amazed, "You are really the most money-spending entertainer I have ever seen."

After changing the subject, the host looked at Jiang Nian.

"Okay, let's continue the show. Xin Yi accepted our punishment just now, and Jiang Nian's is next."

The staff brought up Jiang Nian's mobile phone number.

Jiang Nian didn't panic at all. His latest calls were all work-related, mostly Xu Xinyi and Anya.

A staff member reminded the host, and the host reacted and said with a smile: "I made a mistake just now, I thought I was calling the person who called the most recently, but I read that it was written to call the tenth person in the address book." Borrowing money by phone…”

Xu Xinyi: "..."

"Come on, let's see who is the tenth person in Jiang Nian's phone address book."

There were not many numbers in Jiang Nian's address book. When he opened the address book, the tenth number belonged to Xu Xinyi.

The host glanced at his call records, "The tenth place in Jiang Nian's address book belongs to Xin Yi, so that doesn't count. In this way, I will ask Jiang Nian's fans to pick one, and everyone said, which one to call?"

Everyone in the audience shouted the number, and the host finally chose the seventh.

Jiang Nian paused, looked at the seventh person, and pursed his lips slightly, unwillingly.

"Is Jiang Nian ready?"

Jiang Nian raised his head, moved his thumb, and the phone rang through unexpectedly.

A beep sounded in the studio, and Jiang Nian was startled. When he reacted and wanted to hang up the phone, the other end of the phone was already connected.

"Huh? Looking for me?" The other end of the phone was obviously filled with unbelievable joy, "What's the matter?"

Under the instigation of his supporters, Jiang Nian said slowly, "Can you...can you lend me some money?"

"Borrowing money? What happened? Where are you now? Is there anyone around?"

"I'm fine, I just want to borrow 100,000 yuan from you."

"Are you all right?"

"It's all right."

The other end of the phone didn't ask Jiang Nian what the use of borrowing the 100,000 yuan was, and he answered straight away, "Okay, I'll transfer it to you right away, is there anything else?"

"It's okay, thank you." Jiang Nian was the first to hang up the phone.

The host joked: "It seems that the person Jiang Nian called has a good relationship, and he borrowed 100,000 in one minute."


A message came from Jiang Nian's phone.

[XX Bank of China]Your account with the end number 2190 completed an online transaction of RMB 1,000,000.00 at 17:19 on March 20, with a balance of 1,000,054.00.

The host picked up Jiang Nian's phone and showed everyone the screen of the phone, with an exaggerated expression on his face, and the camera also gave a close-up of the screen.

"one million!"

"One million borrowed in one minute! Am I right?"

"Look at Jiang Nian and Xin Yi, who borrowed one million in minutes. If you call to borrow money, I guess they will hang up in minutes?"

The host who was ridiculed laughed and said: "They will only say 'the number you dialed is not in the service area'."

After speaking, I burst out laughing.

"I'm surprised, they're all human, why are their friends so generous, my friend..." The host looked at the other hosts on stage with disgust.

"How do you know that the person Jiang Nian called is a friend?"

"Okay, let's make a bet, Jiang Nian, it was your friend who called just now? I want to make friends with your friend."

Jiang Nian's expression was not very good.

After all, he never thought that today's call actually went to Jianghuai.

The host booed, "Add me, it doesn't matter whether it's money or not, I just want more friends."

"Just bet, who is afraid of whom? Jiang Nian, who was the one who called just now? Can you tell me? If you can't tell me, just pretend I didn't ask."

Jiang Nian glanced at the absent-minded Xu Xinyi, and after a moment of silence, said, "It's my brother."

There were screams from the audience.

Jiang Nian's phone call, and what he personally admitted, actually shared a lot of pressure on Xu Xinyi.

At least after today, he will share most of the heat for Xu Xinyi.

This is the second half of the recording of the show. One part of the phone call was removed, and then we talked about some interesting things during the filming of "Huangtu". The whole show is coming to an end.

The guests and the host left the stage, and the exiting audience burst into excitement.

"Just now I almost thought that the man Xu Xinyi called was her benefactor."

"I saw the news before, saying that Xu Xinyi has a financial backer who was taken care of. This should be regarded as a backer, right?"

"I said before that Xu Xinyi can gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, and there must be a backer behind him. Who do you think Xu Xinyi is calling?"

"Jiang Nian actually has such a rich brother, the second generation rich? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I'm a rich second generation but working in the entertainment industry under my name? It's so inspiring!"

"This is really a huge explosion of news, no, I have to post a Weibo."

"It's not in vain that I spent a huge amount of money to watch this episode of the show. I was shocked by the melons I ate today."

Several hosts in the backstage lounge apologized to several people for what happened on stage just now.

"I'm really sorry for the show just now. The props team said that there was a problem and they couldn't go on, so they changed the show temporarily," one of the more qualified hosts asked Xu Xinyi, "Xin Yi, what happened just now didn't bring you any problems. Troubled?"

Xu Xinyi shook his head, obviously a little careless, pretending to sit on one side silently, found an excuse to avoid people, and called Yi Yang.

The phone was connected within two rings.

"What's up?"

Xu Xinyi hesitated again and again, and asked him in a low voice: "What happened just now..."

"What's wrong? I didn't speak well? Did you reveal your secrets?"

"No, you said it very well. I just don't understand why you want to lie for me. Do you... don't want to disclose my relationship with you?"

Yi Yang got up and left the desk with his mobile phone in his hand, and looked at the building opposite from the window. The floor facing him was the floor of Xu Xinyi's studio.

He has always known.

"You don't need to explain to me. I know you don't want to make it public yet. Since you don't want to, I respect your decision and won't force you."

Yi Yang's low-pitched words slowly reached Xu Xinyi's ears, every word carried great weight.

Before making the phone call on the show, she imagined a lot of Yi Yang's impatient and perfunctory words. It is even more likely that Yi Yang would not answer her call at all, but everything Yi Yang said later was something she had never imagined.

Xu Xinyi couldn't connect the Yi Yang at this moment with the Yi Yang in the past, as if they had become two people, but she didn't know when they were separated.

"Is the program finished?"

"The recording is over."

"When are you coming back?"

"Plane at nine o'clock."

"I'll wait for you at home."
